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Albert Road Academy
Page 13

Circa 1954 - Sports Day at Pollokshaws Playing Fields

back row: Betty Dimeo, Monica Weir, Ann Craig, Allison Anderson, Freda Gilmour.Margaret Donohue.middle row: Anne Taylor, Esther McNichol, Sandra Crawford, Moira  Strang front row: Hazel Bain, Betty Draper.

Sports Day 1961- 62

Teachers: Mr MacDonald, latin, and Mr. McKay, Science, (aka Big Boris and Wee Wab). Students: Back row, left to right, Christine Ross, Janice Macdonald, Dorothy  MacFadyen, Pamela Lillis. Front row, Heather Mennie, Helen Docherty, Sandra Watson

6th Form - 1924-5

back row, L to R: George Murray, William Linn, William Hughes, Albert Salamon, John Lockie, John Habbick. middle row: Mr. Hill (mathematics), Mr. Elliot (French), McFarlane, Glass, Margaret Brown, Sarah Margolis, Edith Dow, Elsie Campbell (rector's daughter), Mr. Campbell (science),Andrew Campbell (rector).
front row: James(?) Strachan, Lionel Gardiner, Winnie McCallum, McGlashan, Pollock, McLaughlin, Tom Steele, William Cupples.


back row, second from left: John Habbick
front row, L to R: Archibald Gray, ? ,Billy Hughes, W. Weir, J. Strang

above two photos courtesy Alistair Hughes

Hannah Frank - Sculptor
left: Night Forms - 1932 right: Hannah, in 2000, with her last sculpture, "Standing Figure".

photos courtesy Fiona Frank
What a delight to discover yet another distinguished former pupil, in the person of Hannah Frank. Hannah is a well renowned artist and sculptor whose work is respected and critically acclaimed. An exhibition of Hannah's work will be touring the UK over the next four years and will finish in Glasgow in 2008, the year of Hannah Frank's centenary. Hannah resides at Westacres Care Home in Newton Mearns where some of her sculptures and drawings are on show. Visit her site, "Hannah Frank - A Glasgow Artist" at this link: 
and discover, or rediscover, the wonderful talent of this amazing artist.

note: Hannah Frank passed away a few months after reaching her 100th birthday

Young People's Musical Association 1945

included in photo: Howard Shaw, Nan Gunn, Malcolm McDougall, Alastair Moss, Tom McMillan, Billy McIntosh, Hugh Sanderson, Ian Harris, Rena Howik, Jean Carnduff, Edna Gardner, Ann Carnduff, Eileen Shaw, James Stevenson, Pat Paterson, Batty Wallach, D. Stephen, G. Brockway.

photo courtesy Norrie Henderson
This should bring back a few memories to many of you. These trams are on view at the Transport Museum in Glasgow.

Melville Street, 1950s

photo courtesy Roddy Ritchie
Ed: While I would normally crop such distractions as the shops in the background, I found the view quite compelling.

Included in photo: Roderick Ritchie, Robbie Faulds, Alistair Crawford, Paul Sowerby, Elizabeth McKinlay, Iain Purdie, Jacqueline Latta, Jim Shearer, Sheila Shea, Andrew McKinlay, Roy Wallace, Miss Patterson.

Lambhill Street Primary School - 1940

back row, 5th from left, Billy Hepburn front row, centre, Sadie Pollock

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