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Albert Road Academy
Page 10

Did you know that Albert Road Academy produced not one, but two swimming champions in the same year?

Junior Champions of Scotland (Swimming) 1932

George Anderson - Willis Logan

School captains and prefects 1932-33

back row: H. Barrowman, S. Smith, G. Anderson, W. Murray, I. McLennan, M. Bell, The Rector.front row: M. Robertson, E. Smith, C. Dickie, J. Hay, M. MacAleese. (note: young gents wore plus fours)

now, a couple of real oldies....

The Staff - 1893

"Our Headmasters" 1882 - 1932

Note of Interest

According to an article in the Jubilee magazine, under the heading "Friends of the School",
one Major Cassells..... "made the school a hobby of his. The school museum and library benefited from his gifts. In February 1902, he presented the handsome telescope that is fitted up in the school observatory, making ARA probably unique amongst Scottish schools in this possession".

Melville Street School - 1952

photo courtesy Bill Smart
Included in photo: George Smart, Angus MacKinnon, Morag Downie, Isabel MacGibbon, Deana Henderson, John King, Jeanette Webster, Joan Wilson, Margaret McArthur, Maureen Lipton, Allan Dobson, Allan Ramsay.

Mosspark School - 1947

photo courtesy Norrie Henderson
left to right, front row: Martin Steven, Norrie Henderson, Frankie Swan, Eddie Hamilton, Billy Wylie, Dewar Brown. second row: Norma Robinson, Aileen Simpson, Morag Allen, Sally McVey, Ishbel Robertson, Isamay Robb,
Anne Campbell, Eleanor Stephenson, Isobel Warren. third row: Andrew Hopkin, David Williamson, Andrew Forbes, Janet Hutton, Ann Grocock, Margaret
Livingstone, Sheila ?, Margaret Marr. back row: Andrew Mclellan, Duncan Ferguson, Alastair Gilchrist, Hugh Brown, Billy Duncan, Tommy
Young, John Murdoch, Robert ?.

Rugby team - 1925-26
Included in pic is Leonard Bell, back row, third from left. Any further names welcomed

Rugby team, Old Boys, 1931-32
Leonard Bell, seated, front row left. Any further names welcomed.

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