Below are the extracts from the log books
from 1879 to 1925. Please make allowances for typographical errors,
including some dates, and spelling mistakes. It's not clear who authored
or typed these notes.
Hope you enjoy! Thanks to Blair for
converting the photocopies to a file.
September, 1979.
The duties of this school were commenced this day.
Smith, Robert B., Certificated teacher.
Dickie, Mary, Certificated teacher.
Maccallum, Hugh, Certificated teacher.
Christie, Mary, pupil teacher of the third year.
Harkness, Helen, stipendiary monitor.
The number of scholars enrolled was 328; and the entire day was occupied
in testing and classifying the children.
Memorandum of instructions anent Corporal punishment issued to the
Assistants that "until further notice corporal punishment is not to be
employed for lateness, errors in dictation, blots in copy-books, and
similar faults; and other delinquencies, which may merit that mode of
correction, are not to be visited therewith unless with the Cognizance
of the Headmaster.
General sickness among children but particularly hooping cough,
scarlet-fever, chicken-pox, and diphtheria, keep down the attendance
very markedly.
In the Senior Department, a Lecture was given to-day by the Headmaster
"On Meteors", in view of the expected "showers" of the middle and end of
the current month. The first death in connection with the school took
place to-day - Mary Dobbie - of typhus.
School year ended to-day, being eight months after its opening.
900 children have been enrolled - though on account of epidemics and the
youthfulness of the pupils in the infant department, the highest
attendance gained during the session has been only 720.
The instruction has been as liberal as possible but always fairly in the
lines of the standard requirements. Not a tithe of the scholars has
formerly enjoyed the advantage of Government inspection, and great
difficulty has been experienced in working up the Arithmetic and
Dictation Subjects.
Government Inspector's Report.
Mixed School. "This large school has only recently been opened, and
thoroughly satisfactory results cannot yet be expected. The most
noticeable feature is the excellence of the School Buildings. I have
nowhere seen schools superior in point of simplicity, comfort, beauty,
and suitability for good organization to those erected by Govan School
Board; and of the Govan Schools this seems to me to be the best. The
children have been drawn from a great variety of uninspected schools,
and the schedules reveal a number of weak points to which special
attention is drawn........My Lords have consented to pay the Grant
conditionally due on the present occasion, being unwilling further to
delay the case. It must be on the distinct understanding that by so
doing any decision which may be arrived at hereafter is not to be in any
degree prejudiced by the present payment."
At the close of the work to-day, about 80 of the senior scholars with
the Teachers visited the Gas & Electric Exhibition in Burnbank Hall,
The play-shed on the West side of the school fell to-day at 12.35. Two
children were killed and two others so severely hurt that they died
within an hour of the accident. Eleven others were more or less injured
in the accident. The scholars of the Junior and Infant departments were
at the time out for the lunch hour, and those of the Junior and Senior
departments were just in the act of being dismissed when the accident
took place. The School was not reassembled in the Afternoon.
Opened School this morning at the usual hour. Told the children the
results of the accident of the preceding day, and enquired from them any
instances they knew of injured onesthat were not known to me.
After a few appropriate words, and devotional exercises the children
were dismissed to reassemble on Friday.
A Musical Entertainment and Exhibition of Drawings, Paintings, Fancy
Needlework, etc., by scholars of the Ex.VI Classes took place.
Promenade in Junior Class Room from 7 till 8 o'clock. Three walls of the
room were covered with the paintings, and etc., and these and the
specimens of Needlework which were spread upon tables in the centre of
the room were greatly admired.
Music, consisting of concerted pieces, solos, and pianoforte pieces,
intermingled with a few readings, from 8 till 9.30 in the Juvenile
The attendance of the friends of the scholars was so great that many
could not find admission.
Absent this afternoon, having to go to Edinburgh as witness on behalf
of the Board in the Court of Session Case, resulting from the accident
on the 20th March last year.
Absent all day to-day, being again required in Edinburgh in above case.
Miss Dickie also at Edinburgh.
Lessons in Cookery commenced this morning. All the Girls from Standard
IV upwards included. The Junior room quite full.
The Pupil Teachers are receiving from Mr. Maccallum in all the subjacts
from 9 till 10 o'clock daily. Miss Dickie is taking charge of their
religious instruction, and of the sewing. Mr. Watson is charged with the
instruction of the two monitors.
The Headmaster is engaged from 9 till 9-30 giving special instruction to
three Boys who are ahead of all the others in Latin, Greek, French and
Mathematics. From 9.30 till 10 he takes the religious instruction of the
VI-Ex. classes. All the classes are now fairly filled up and instruction
is being carried forward with exemplary zeal and success in all.
The Entertainment given by the scholars of the Ex-VI classes at
Christmas, after paying expenses, has yielded £7_7/-_ for the Poor
Children's Dinner Fund of the Board. This is in addition to a very large
contribution of cast-off clothing gifted by the children of this school.
School closed for the Summer Vacation to-day. Several members of the
Board and the Provost and Bailie Donald of East Pollokshields also being
The Commissioners of the Burgh having given two medals and six book
prizes, in honour of the coming if age of Sir John Maxwell Stirling
Maxwell, these prizes were presented to-day along with the Board's
prizes for passes in var-ious subjects.... The usual certificates were
also given for passing in the various Standards.
Valedictory words were spoken by the Chairman, Provost Marshall, Provost
Hamilton and Bailie Donald. A number of friends of the children were
present on the occasion.
Have had to-day the second excursion with the Geological Class, visiting
to-day the Bishopbriggs Quarries. The previous excursion was to the
Quarries at Giffnock.
It has been arranged by the Board that this School will not go out for
the Summer Vacation., this year, till the 28th June, and that the School
will re-assemble on the 3rd September.
A propos of the fine weather the Boys and Girls are receiving, twice a
week, physical Exercises to music in the Girls' playground.
An Exhibition of Drill(musical and military) and Physical "Exercises
took place on Saturday, when the children of the whole school took part.
500 scholars were on the Floor, Mr. Jolly, H.M.I.S., and several members
of the School Board were present and about 1,000 spectators. Mr. Jolly
and others made congratulatory and other remarks.
Annual Report.
The upper department was conducted with the same superior tone......the
fourth standard deserved special praise, all
the greater considering that over a hundred had been under one
master........The drill under the janitor, who takes
a most active part in this and other matters, continues to maintain its
high character.......The lower panes of the
Infant Room should be obscured to prevent distraction of attention; as
formerly reported all the standards should be provided with desks, and
the first standard with copybooks. Some of the rooms have again been
much over-crowded, the first standard room especially so, 77 pupils
being crushed into the space for 48. The average attendance in any one
room ought not to be allowed during any portion of the year to exceed
the number for which accommodation has been provided(Art. 8(c) of the
Code and footnote), otherwise next year's grant may be seriously
The Boys of St.V and VI went to-day between 3 and 4 o'clock for their
first lesson in swimming in the Pond connected with the Strathbungo
School, and are hereafter to go weekly on Tuesdays at the same hour.
The Girls are to attend the Swimming Pond on Fridays from 3 till 4.
Miss Bannerman, who is to be married at an early date, took leave of the
Staff to-day. Meantime the work can go on without a Mistress in her
place, as the attendance has already been much affected by the usual
Summer Exodus from the City.
The School was closed to-day, being the Diamond Jubilee of the Queen. In
connection with this event the scholars to the number of 543 were
present, on Saturday, at a Fete, given by the Corporation of Glasgow.
Half holiday given to-day in honour of the Royal Visit to the City -
H.R.H. Duke and Duchess of York.
The Corporation's Jubilee Medals were to-day given to the children who
had been present at the Fete on June 22nd.
The introduction of a "progress book" for each class has been made.
Meantime the entries are to be monthly, and the examinations by the
Headmaster are to be made on the basis of these monthly professions. The
first of these for the month of April, shows a good field of work gone
The usual quarterly examination of Religious Instruction has been held.
Mr. Jack, the Member of the Board appointed to visit having heard all
the classes taught by the respective Teachers.
The prevalence of what is almost an epidemic of measles keeps the
attendance abnormally low, especially as it is combined with numerous
cases of Scarlet Fever and hooping cough.
The news of the Relief of Ladysmith having reached the school before
Noon, the children received a half-holiday in honour of the event.
(Saturday) The highest class accompanied by their teacher and myself
made a visit to the Site of the Roman Wall and traced its course from
Croy to Dullatur,. a distance of about two miles.
The Scholars of the highest class spent part of the Afternoon
botanizing near Nitshill, in the grounds around the Gorbals Water-works.
All the work is going on very satisfactorily. The children are doing
some samples of work for the Glasgow International Exhibition 1901.
The Small pox scare is still militating against the attendance.
This has been a holiday in connection with the opening of the Glasgow
International Exhibition.
The permission of the Department has been received to close the school
on the occasion of the visit of the King and Queen to Glasgow on
Thursday; the closing on that day "bringing the number of openings for
the year below the required 400.
It has been arranged to take the Children to the Park on Saturday next -
Children's Day - when they are to be treated by the Corporation of
Annual Report.
"The condition of the School has not materially changed since last year;
the Headmaster's supervision is faithful and kindly, and there is
evidence of earnest, and, in several directions, creditably successful
effort on the part of the staff......."
Met the staff this afternoon in reference to membership of the E.I.S.
Have made a second application for Sewing material for next Session, but
it has not yet been supplied.
Mr. Black, second master, has taken about twenty of the pupils to
Bothwell and Hamilton this afternoon on a Nature Study excursion.
The upper class of the school had permission to attend the matinee
performance in the Theatre Royal of "The. Merchant of Venice" and this
opportunity was well taken advantage of.
Have sent in to the "News" £5-11/- as a contribution from the school
towards the "Sick Children's Hospital" building fund.
School was closed on the 24th inst. in honour of the visit of Prince and
Princess of Wales to Glasgow.
The Board have agreed to reduce the fees for pianoforte tuition from
15/- to 12/6 per quarter as from September next.
Directed the attention of the Master of Works to the danger from fire
from the furnace being situated under the stairways.
Miss Wells, a lady teacher, from Chicago U.S.A., visited School on
Wednesday 9th inst.
Have spent a considerable time in making out returns in connection with
attendances lost through infectious diseases. Making two continous
attendances to-day in order that children may have a skating half
Received a notice from the police to warn staff that thefts are being
committed from private rooms in schools.
Parcels of cast off clothing and boots have been collected on behoof of
the Board for distribution amongst destitute children.
The school will be closed to-morrow on the occasion of the burial of
King Edward VII.
Received this week a communication from the Board regarding skating
half-holidays - restricting these to two during the winter, and that
intimation, when such takes place, be sent to the Board Office.
Circular received from the Board notifying that Jewish children from
November to the middle of February, are to be allowed to leave school at
3p.m. such circular, however, does not affect this school meantime,
there being no children of that faith here.
Inconvenienced somewhat this week by plumbers installing a new system of
gas lighting.
In consequence of a notification from Mr. Dalrymple, Manager of the
Corporation cars, the Headmaster went round the various classes, and
warned the boys against swinging at the back of cars.
On accounts of complaints from the lady teachers about the withdrawal of
fires from the private rooms, Mr. Preston the Master of Works, sent the
following letter to the Janitor for his future guidance;-
Dear Sir,
You will please leave the fires in the teachers' rooms set ready for
lighting so that the teachers can light them if required. No definite
date is laid down by the Board for putting off the fires in teachers'
rooms as this is a matter which depends entirely on the weather......
A circular received from A.W.Myles, Town Clerk of Glasgow, asking a
conference of Headmasters in Municipal Buildings this afternoon to make
arrangements for all scholars outside the Infant department having a
day in the Exhibition, as a Coronation treat.
At the Conference mentioned in the preceding page, the allocation of the
day set apart for visiting the Exhibition was notified - this school's
being Wednesday, 14th June.
Gave out Coronation Medals to-day(Friday).
15-9-1911 .
Notified by police that window-breaking by schoolboys on strike was
prevalent in the neighbourhood, but so far this school is entirely free
from discontent.
20-10-1911 .
A begging circular from the Benevolent Committee of the E.I.S. received
to-day and sent round the staff, but so far without any tangible result.
Filled up and forwarded Forms for the Sc. Education Dept. in connection
with the Superannuation Scheme.
On Monday the results of the Christmas Competition in Writing, promoted
by the makers of "H.P." Sauce, were received showing that this school
for the third time in succession had taken the premier place - securing
the Gold Medal, 2 prizes of 10/6 each, 2 of 5/- each, and one of 2/6.
Intimated to Teachers and Pupils that a circular letter had been
received from the National Vigilance Association of Scotland, warning
against the danger of speaking to strangers on the street.
The results of Collins' Writing Competition were received this week,
shewing this school to have gained 7 prizes of the total value of £1-6/-
as against 11 prizes.,,- value -
£1-14-6 last year.
Notified the pupils that they were to be in attendance here on 8th
proximo, at 9.30 a.m. and to march to the enclosure in Eglinton Street,
to view the King's procession.
A return, for Police purposes, of parents of German, Austrian and
Hungarian nationality made out and forwarded per the Board Office.
Intimation received from the Board Office that Mr. Ritchie, Physical
Instructor, has been called up for military duty. Further instructed by
the 'Board that Boy Scouts be allowed off for short for special duties
in connection with the present emergency, but in all cases the consent
of the parents must be obtained.
Visited by some of the old boys of the school, presently home on
This morning the school did not begin till 9.45, to give the pupils an
opportunity of seeing the 2nd Battalion of H.L.I, on the march back to
Notified of the death of a boy in Ruchill Hospital, from Cerebro-Spinal
Fever. The other pupils in his class are forwarding a marble tablet to
be placed on his grave.
The upper classes of girls have this week started knitting sox for
A letter was received this week from Lady Stirling-Maxwell, thanking the
Senior girls for their efforts on behalf of the soldiers.
On Monday this school forwarded 64 pairs of socks to the Scottish Branch
of the British Red Cross Society.
Notified to the lady members of the staff that a meeting would be held
to-night in the Bellahouston Academy to form a work-party to make up
clothing for necessitous pupils attending the Board schools.
Made out and forwarded to the Board Office the names of teachers willing
to give their services for evening clerical work to the Minister of
A letter was received this week from the Manager of the Tramway cars,
complaining about boys jumping on the cars and asking for the
co-operation of teachers in putting a stop to the practice.
A circular letter received from the Board Office asking teachers to give
special attention to the teaching of "Thrift A further letter received
asking Headmasters to start Savings Banks in all schools.
Notified that a change in cleaning and scrubbing of the school will come
into operation as from 10th Jan. - the new scale of wages being:-
Full time cleaners 11/- per week
Half " " 6/6 " "
Scrubbers 3/- " day.
Notified the scholars about changed caused this week-end by the
introduction of the"Daylight Savings Bill".
On Monday afurther consignment of 23 pairs of socks, 230 face-cloths,
14bandages and 6 pillow-cases, were forwarded through Mrs. Pickering to
the Scottish Women's Hospital for foreign service.
A War Savings Association was started here on Monday and as a "War
Saving Week" had been recommended by the Government, it was kept open
all week, with the result that the sum of £15-17-6 has been collected.
After this date it will be open only on Tuesdays from 9 to 9.30 a.m.
Two appeals, one from Mr. Dalrymple for help for our soldiers and
sailors, and another from Mr. Pullen, the Glasgow postmaster for old ra
zors for men on active service. The latter met with a fair response.
Notified from the Office that the Supplementary Class was to be
transferred to Strathbungo as soon as arrangements could be carried
out.. The Headmaster called at Strathbungo and arranged with Mr.
Campbell that the class would be transferred as from Monday first, 5th
A circular was also received from the Board asking the teachers to
impress upon their scholars the necessity of economising in all kinds
of food.
It has been reported today that a second ex-pupil of this school has
been successful in gaining the V.C. Waiting confirmation of the report.
The school made two continuous attendances on Tuesday,
to give the scholars an opportunity of seeing H.M.George V.
A movement has been started to promote a testimonial from) scholars and
teachers to Company Sergeant-Major Skinner,D.C.M, an old scholar of this
school, on"the occasion of his gaining the v.C.
On 1st October, Sergeant Major Skinner, an ex-pupil of this school, was
presented witha gold wristlet watch, and a gold mounted Malacca cane, on
the occasion of his winning the Victoria Cross. In honour of the same,
the school made two continuous attendances on the following day.
In fulfilment of a promise that when the War Savings amounted to £1000
the school made two continuous attendances today, to give the children a
half holiday.
By request of H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, on the occasion of his first
visit to Glasgow, to-morrow(Friday) has been proclaimed a holiday for
all the schools in the Glasgow area.
Notified this week that John Skinner, V.C., D.C.M. and Croix de Guerre,
an old pupil of this school, had been killed in action in France.
On Thursday the Classes got away at 3.30 to view the aeroplane display
at George Square.
A special effort was put forth this week in connection with the War
Savings. Glasgow endeavouring to raise Two and a half million pounds to
purchase a super-dreadnought.
A return was also made out for the Ministry of Pood, giving the number
of children between the ages of 6 and 10, who are are to receive in
future a full Meat Ration.
Notified by the Board that a half holiday has been granted to the School
as a recognition of the War Savings now exceeding £2000.
The attendance of scholars is slightly better this week, but many pupils
are still Absent through the influenza epidemic.
The attendance has been again marred and the work interrupted by the
cessation of hostilities in France and Belgium. On Monday two continuous
attendances were marked and on Tuesday a holiday was proclaimed by the
School Board,
Forwarded to Bellahouston Hospital 8 suits of pyjamas, 6 handkerchiefs
and 60 face-cloths, and also sent to the Scottish Women's Hospital, 202
Hope Street, 50 pairs socks, 5 mufflers and 30 pillow-slips.
On Thursday closed a little earlier to give pupils an opportunity of
seeing Sir Douglas Haig.
A circular fetter was received from Mr. Macleod ststing that, until
further notice, all communications to the New Education Authority, were
to be sent to the old address.
The War Savings after being in abeyance since the summer holidays, was
restarted last week, and now totals £3309-16-6. Wrote the Clerk to the
Education Authority asking permission of that body to erect a War
Memorial to the old scholars who fell in the War.
Instructed the Staff today as to procedure in connection with the King's
proclamation regarding the anniversary if the Armistice.
A return made to the E.A.O. giving size of janitor's foot for clogs.
Notified by the Authority about a Cinema Display in the Picture House,
Sauchiehall St. in reference to its utility as an Educational medium.
Note to the Clerk of the Authority protesting against the proposal to
change the name of Albert Road Academy to Pollokshields High School,, as
bearing too close a similarity to Pollokshields Pub. School.
On Wednesday evening the War -Memorial was unveiled and
dedicated by the Rev. John Calderwood,M.A. of Greenock, a
former pupil of this school.
Miss Margt. A.Young, Infant Mistress left this school today, to take up
duty on reopening at Townhead Public School. To mark her forty two
years' service here she was the recipient of handsome gifts from
scholars and teachers.
School closed today in honour of the wedding of Princess Mary.
Received word today that Miss Eliz. F.Ryrie aho has been on the School
Staff since 2-2-14 has been selected to exchange situations for a year
with Miss Gertrude Carnochan, Court St. School, St.Catherine's, Ontario.
Organised an appeal for Cast Off Clothing and had a splen-did response.
A large quantity was sent to William St. Day Industrial School, and also
to Calton Public School.
Hampered at intervals and in arrangement for organised games by presence
of workmen in playgrounds. Old latrines and urinals are dismantled and a
temporary erection in girls' playground only.
Playground arrangements again hampered by the presence of workman
demolishing offices in the Girls' playground. Girls and boys must both
use the boys' offices.
Received word from the Education Authority to-day that after the Summer
Holidays this school is to become the Primary Department of Albert Road
The school met for the last time to-day.