It may not be out of place to mention that there are
at present (1886) close on a hundred pastoral farms unlet in Scotland—in
addition to those in the owners' occupation—representing an acreage of
about 52,076, a fact mainly attributable to the long-continued
agricultural depression.
The primary consideration in the practical
application of lime or drainage to land is the nature of the soil and
climate and the plants the former produces. Another point to be kept in
view— and if not known to be ascertained by practical experiment in each
individual case—is the effects of the various agents employed for the
improvement, on the different plants existing. It may be desirable, or
in fact necessary, if possible, to retain certain varieties of grass and
exterminate others. But how, it may be asked, is this to be
accomplished? We do not profess to be able to give a direct answer to
the query, but it is now pretty well known that lime when applied to
certain soils has the effect of wearing out coarse varieties and
promoting finer qualities of grass—a fact to which I can not only
testify from personal experience, but which is borne out by the
information I have gleaned from practical sheep farmers in all parts of
The process of improving hill pasture, however, is so
materially affected by local circumstances that a general recommendation
as to the simplest and most effective course to pursue for its extension
would be utterly impracticable. Difficulties arise peculiar to each
individual case, and it is therefore incumbent upon farmers respectively
to consider for themselves how these can best be overcome. But in all
instances, and under all circumstances, experiments are synonymous in
the one respect at least, that their results in a great measure depend
upon the determination and wisdom of the initiatory steps—steps which
must take their key-note from practical experience. By the initiatory
steps I mean the first efforts in the direction of improving pasture
land on a large scale ; but before attempting this farmers should have
some knowledge of the effects of such agents as they mean to apply by
having previously applied them to similar soils and grasses. Experiments
in this way may be the means of preventing a waste of money ; while, on
the other hand, their results might suggest other means than those
intended to be used better calculated to effect the desired improvement.
It would be going beyond our limits, and needlessly
occupying valuable space, to dilate upon the comparative merits and
demerits of the numerous varieties of grass to be met with on hill
pastures, farther than is necessary in showing the more important plants
that may benefit or suffer from the systems commonly adopted for the
improvement of hill land—that has been already fully discussed by
Professor Wallace in the 16th volume of the Society's Transactions.
In dealing with the subject proper of this treatise,
we propose to consider it under the following heads :—(1) Draining; (2)
Surface Liming; (3) Heather Burning; (4) Shelter; (5) Fencing; (6)
Mole-Catching; (7) Bracken-Cutting; (8) Spring Irrigation; (9) General
Remarks; (10) Appendix.
Draining.—In improving hill pasture on certain
soils, draining, if the land be wet, is essential to the successful
achievement of the object in view. There are soils — notably very wet
land—which would lose instead of gain vitality from draining on any
principle. For example, the effect of draining upon loose, mossy soil,
where the surface is green, cannot be overestimated; but in the case of
solid peat moss overrun with heather (Erica vulgaris), deer hair
(Scriptus cæpitosus), draw-moss (early
moss), or cotton-grass (Eriophorum vaginatum), and stool-bent
(Agrostis stolonifera), the results invariably prove adverse in the
extreme. During the bleak and " hungry*" months of spring, these
grasses—known in some parts of the north of Scotland as "month" or draw
moss—constitute the principal food of hill stocks. Sheep can subsist on
such soils, when, at this early season, they would starve on others, and
it is therefore unwise in most cases to endanger the vitality of its
produce by draining the land. As the season advances, this soil becomes
dry, and the pasture consequently parched and unpalatable ; but as it
deteriorates, other portions of the hill-range improve, and the sheep,
if left to look out for themselves, readily discover this. They rarely
need to be transferred to other portions of the pasture, provided there
is a supply of fresh grass to induce them to "make shift" for
themselves. In short, except with the view of removing stagnant water,
advantage can seldom, if ever, be derived from draining solid moss land.
Soil composed purely of stiff clay, with a sloping
surface, covered by the coarser grasses and " bents," may be susceptible
of amelioration from widely separated drains; but it is also liable to
be injured by too close draining. Where such soil rests on a subsoil of
stiff, retentive clay, and is flat on the surface, draining is
indispensable. "This land," says an intelligent writer, "improves by
close draining; the sprett diminishes, and in some situations, where the
soil can be thoroughly dried, it disappears altogether, its place being
occupied by a thick covering of fine grass mixed with white clover (Trifolium
repens), and affording pasturage of the best description." These
remarks we fully indorse. Another variety of soil that invariably
benefits inestimably from close drainage is loose, loamy land, which is
usually productive of rush and sedge (Carex),—food that is
invaluable in spring in eking out the scanty subsistence of highland
flocks. Other compositions of soil in certain situations may also be
drained with advantage, but the foregoing form the principal soils
underlying hill pastures.
Even those soils which, as a rule, require close
draining are very liable to be overdrained; each farmer has to be guided
by his own judgment in estimating the extent to which this system of
improvement should be carried out. Overdraining has its attendant evils,
not only as regards the deterioration of the pasture, but also the
health of the sheep.
The same observant writer from whom I have already
quoted, says:—"In laying down general principles for the drainage of a
sheep farm a serious error might be committed, if special reference was
not had both to the extent and quality of the dry, steep land that may
be upon it. Where there is a large proportion of dry hard ground,
whether covered with heather or green lea land overrun with moss and
coarse grass, and upon which the growth is late in spring, the wet land
should never be so thoroughly dried as upon farms where there is either
a wider extent of deep and damp soil, or where the lea land is good and
sharp, the plants finer, and the growth comparatively early." The truth
of this statement cannot be doubted. The elevation of a farm, its
exposure, and 'the nature of the climate, are important points to be
kept in view. Farms situated, for example, in western districts of
Scotland, from the rainy character of the climate, require a more
efficient drainage than those in naturally drier parts of the country.
Three systems of draining have been adopted, hut one of them is
comparatively new. Less than half a century ago the prevailing method
was to lay the drains almost straight across the land. At a more recent
period a system of laying them right up and down the hill was
introduced; while at a still later time farmers struck them out exactly
between the two extremes. This later method is, as a rule, the most
serviceable; still it was long in becoming a general practice. Even yet
the old systems of draining exist to some extent, although they have
been largely superseded by the newer methods on the more important
farms. In the old drains stones were used, and are so still to some
extent, but are being largely replaced by tiles, which are found to
answer the purpose more efficiently, and to involve less labour and
expense in maintenance. Tiles were first introduced into extensive use
in Peeblesshire, and have been growing in public favour for the past
twenty-eight or thirty years. An objectionable feature in tile-draining
in Scotland, however, has been the use of too small pipes. When
under-sized, tiles are apt to become stopped, and to require frequent
cleaning. They should never be less than 2½
inches for tributary drains, and 4 inches for "leaders." By procuring
large tiles at the outset, a considerable subsequent expenditure may be
obviated, and a more satisfactory and durable drainage secured. The size
of surface drains, like their distance apart, has to be regulated by the
nature of the soil, the elevation, and the character of the surface of
the farm. A common size for shallow drains on stiff clay land is 20 to
22 inches wide at the top, 8 inches at the bottom, and from 16 to 18
inches deep. But where the soil is mossy, drains are cut 3 to 4 inches
deeper, and some 6 inches wider at the top, than drains on stiff clay
and tilly land. On the latter the distance between the drains varies
from 30 to 50 feet, and in some cases more. The cost of cutting drains
depends to a large extent on the character of the land. The ordinary
cost of cutting surface drains ranges from 1d. to 2d. on soft ground;
but where picking is necessary, the expense runs as high as from 2d. to
4d. per rood of 18 feet. Tile drains are much more expensive, the depth
in this case varying from 2½ to 3 feet. Open
and close drains are both used on almost every holding, but the latter
is undoubtedly the preferable system; and it would doubtless be more
universally adopted if landlords gave their tenants more liberal help
and encouragement,—advancing cash, as we have already suggested, on
interest. Open drains require frequent cleaning out—generally every six
or eight years —and thus involve a considerable outlay.
Finally, it is proved beyond doubt that by a
judicious process of draining, hill pasture might be substantially
improved. Draining has already done good work in Scotland, especially
over the southern counties. Its beneficial effects are not only shown by
the luxuriant herbage with which it displaces coarse innutritious
grasses, but also in the general health and constitution of the sheep.
In this respect draining is known to have a marked influence especially
in diminishing rot, to the prevalence of which wet land is
unquestionably conducive.
Surface Liming.—A large proportion of the
permanent pasture before it can be advantageously limed must necessarily
be drained. Applying lime to wet land is an error into which farmers are
liable to fall. If the soil is of a boggy nature, draining is the first
step to be taken towards improvement. A very large extent of pasture has
been limed within the past thirty years over the southern counties of
Scotland, notably the counties of Lanark, Dumfries, Selkirk, Peebles,
Ayr, and Roxburgh, with, it may be said, profitable results. Lime has a
wonderful effect when properly applied to light lea land, except where
land has been cropped, as well as to all soils that are naturally dry.
It tends to exterminate ,moss and noxious weeds, and it brings into
action the dormant surface of the soil, and thus encourages the growth
of nutritious grasses. By a process of liming, instances could be
mentioned of hill pasture having been raised 10s. per acre in value.
The duration of lime in the soil is unequalled by
that of any other manurial ingredient. Farm-yard and certain classes of
artificial manures—when applied after the land has been dressed with
lime—have more immediate action when thoroughly incorporated with the
soil, but neither of them—not even bone manure—are so lasting in their
effects. I have seen on several farms, strips of pasture limed 20, 25,
and 30 years previously, much greener and richer than adjacent patches
that had not been top-dressed in this way, and I have come to the
conclusion that judiciously applied lime is the most effectual
top-dressing hill pasture can receive. Its expense is, however, a very
great hindrance to its universal use. On farms situated near to
railway-stations or in proximity to limekilns, no more beneficial
stimulant can be employed in the improvement of pasture lands; but where
there is a high carriage to pay in addition to the cost of the lime, it
is too expensive to use extensively. As to the cost of liming it would
be difficult—indeed impossible—to estimate the average outlay per acre,
inclusive of expenses connected with its application, but it may be
mentioned that the present value of lime at the kiln varies from 7s. to
10s. per ton. The average allowance per imperial acre is as nearly as
possible 5 tons.
Diverse opinions exist as to the best system of
applying lime to the soil. Many farmers, in fact the majority, empty it
in small uniform heaps here and there over the soil and then spread it
as equally as possible; while others gather it into
large heaps, containing perhaps as much as 16 to 18 tons, before
spreading it. The latter plan is supposed to
enable farmers to spread the lime more uniformly than it is possible to
do through the small-heap system, while it is alleged in favour of the
We heaps that the lime "falls" more thoroughly than when in small heaps.
In some cases farmers economise the expenditure in lime by mixing it
with good rich soil subjecting it to the action of the air, and applying
it in the shape of compost. This however, involves an enormous amount of
labour, and the expense of doing the work is almost equal to the saving
of lime.
Lime gives still another advantage when applied to
soil. It has been conclusively proved by some of our most intelligent
and observant flockowners to exercise a beneficial influence on the
health of stock. At one time "pining" was very common in several of the
counties already mentioned. Since so much of the pasture has been
improved through the agency of lime, however the loss from this disease
has been greatly diminished. This is doubtless due to the fact that more
succulent grass is available on almost every farm than was the case at
one time, and that it is thus more digestible than the coarse, hard,
unpalatable grasses which have been destroyed by liming.
Heather-Burning.—It is the belief of many
practical sheep-farmers that no law connected with the agriculture of
Scotland is more defective than that regulating the burning of heather.
It is indisputable that certain portions of hill pasture might be more
efficiently improved by the use of a lucifer match than by the most
expensive process of manuring or draining, but for the restrictions as
to the legal time for heather-burning. Under present regulations a
tenant farmer is only allowed to burn heather to the 11th of April, and
it must be perfectly evident to all that heather is not in a proper
condition, after a severe wet and protracted winter, for burning so
early. There is a clause in the parliamentary Act that enables a tenant,
provided he gets the consent of his landlord, and pays one shilling to
the sheriff of the county for registration of such consent, to burn on
to the 25th of April but this is a very unsatisfactory system. [It
would be useless to expect that heather burned much later than 11th
April would be of much value as food that year, but the time might be
extended a couple of weeks with impunity and advantage.] The
impression that rank heather is essential for
the protection of game has been found to be incorrect It is prevalent in
many quarters, but it is now generally allowed that short and young
heather is more conducive to their healthful propagation.
Grouse nests are seldom to be found amongst very rank
old heather, and it is universally known that after the young birds are
hatched, they invariably go for food to the newly-burned moors, and
where they can bask themselves in sunshine.
The great objection to the prohibitory regulations as
to burning from a flockmaster's point of view is, that they prevent the
consumption of old heather when it is desirable to destroy it. For
grazing purposes, as well as for grouse, heather and "deer hair" should
be burned periodically. That young heather is essential to the
well-being of sheep and game cannot be doubted. After it becomes old and
largely developed into woody fibre, it is not only inedible, but
deleterious to the land on which it grows. The latter becomes barren,
and after its covering is burned, it is less productive than if the
heather had been earlier consumed. It is not advisable, however, to keep
heather too much down in low-lying parts where sheep are accustomed to
be kept during the severest days of winter, because rank heather or whin—(whin-growing
is resorted to in not a few cases for this purpose)—enables the animals
to break the surface of the snow more easily in search of food, or have
it broken for them by means of harrows or drags.
Shelter.—It is an important matter, especially on
exposed pastures, to provide adequate shelter for sheep. In this respect
there is great room for improvement. On many farms little or no
attention has been directed to this matter. It is an old but true
saying, that " shelter is half meat for sheep," and this being so, the
importance of protecting the weather-beaten flocks from the severity of
winter storms cannot be overestimated. The more advanced farmers have
erected stone dykes or "stells" on various parts of their farms, while
on the farms belts have been planted. The "stells" are usually round in
form, built of stone, and unroofed. The idea of planting clumps of trees
here and there over the pasture is favourably entertained in some
quarters, though opposed in others, and will probably be more generally
appreciated in the future. The plantations are usually grown on dry
heathery ground adjoining pasture, rough and suitable for wintering
sheep, such as moss, bent, spretts, or rough heather.
Fencing.—Unless sheep have absolute freedom,
which is indispensable for their healthy and muscular development, there
is little hope of farming with profit; and to secure this, nothing is
more necessary than the enclosing of pasture. It is not many years since
the fencing of hill pastures was adopted to any extent, and it is still
very imperfectly carried out. The better class of farms are, as a rule,
pretty substantially enclosed, but the majority in Scotland are neither
enclosed, subdivided, nor laid off so completely as could be desired.
The first thing to procure in the direction of fencing is a complete
enclosure of the holding from all surrounding pastures and farms; then
it would be well, in order to carry on sheep-breeding successfully, to
subdivide the pastures into parks for convenience during the rutting,
lamb-weaning, and fattening seasons. [In
suggesting this, however, we would impress upon farmers the importance
of seeing that the subdivision does not deprive their stock of variety
of food or shelter. Where there is the remotest likelihood of such a
result, we should tender them the advice that Punch offered to
those about to marry—don't.] As a rule, wire constitutes the
principal fence, but several of the important farms in the south of
Scotland are to a large extent fenced with dykes. The expense of fencing
is, doubtless, very considerable, but, from its effect upon the sheep,
it soon compensates the farmer for the expense thereby incurred.
Moreover, it prevents animals from straying away from the flock. And
what is of still greater importance, it resists the invasion of strayed
sheep from other flocks, and may thus be the means of preventing an
attack of contagious skin disease or "foot-rot," from which much injury
invariably flows. Where there is an abundance of stones at hand,
dyke-fencing is, if anything, preferable to wire-fencing for more
reasons than one. For one thing, it is less liable to suffer from heavy
snowstorms or frost than wire, while, as a matter of course, it affords
more shelter to sheep. Dyke-fencing is specially commendable on exposed
ground, and if it cannot be raised to a sufficient height conveniently,
a wire or two could, and in innumerable instances are, run along the top
of it in order to prevent the sheep from leaping over.
Mole-Catching.—To many this operation may seem
trivial in the improvement of hill pasture, but such is by no means the
case. Moles are generally very destructive on pastures extensively
intersected with open drains, and a considerable expense is annually
involved in keeping them down. They do not work in all soils, but are
plentiful, as a rule, in good land in want of draining. And they even
work havoc occasionally to close drains by displacing the tiles, except
where these are pretty deep. Unless moles are destroyed, where numerous,
it is needless to expect that "sheep-drains" will dry the land
sufficiently. Water from them is diverted in all directions through
mole-holes, besides, the gentleman in velvet often does mischief in
breaking down the sides of drains, and thus interrupting the flow of
Bracken-Cutting.—Many sheep farms are overrun
with bracken, which does nothing more or less than encumber the ground.
As food, bracken is valueless, except as silage, [Bracken
has this year been tried as silage, in which form it is well relished by
cattle.] while the benefit derived from
its use as bedding for stock, for which it is generally used, is not
equivalent to the loss of pasture caused by its extensive growth. This
being so, and in view of the fact that the same land cannot produce both
grass and bracken simultaneously, because the latter checks the growth
of the former, it is desirable to exterminate bracken, if possible, or
at least to keep it in check. How to wear it out effectually has not yet
transpired, but various methods of keeping it down are tried. Some
farmers destroy the plants when young by the application of
link-harrows, while others, the majority, cut them with scythes about
the end of July, and remove them to the farm steading or sheep cot,
where they are used in the manner already mentioned. Others believe that
cutting in spring for two or three successive seasons destroys bracken;
but on a large scale, and on uneven ground, the expense is prohibitory.
Spring Irrigation.—On hill pastures abounding
with springs, or what is proverbially termed "well-eyes," good work is
done by irrigation; that is, by diverting or spreading these springs,
where practicable, over hard and barren ground in their vicinity, and
thus promoting a supply of fresh nutritive grasses. Such overflow water
has a wonderful influence in fertilising sterile ground, and this system
might, we think, be more widely adopted. Of course, it is not
practicable on every farm on which these springs are found, but it is
necessary in most cases to have them removed or drained by some means.
Where they exist there is invariably a good supply of fresh vegetation,
which sheep are naturally fond of, and in going into them many animals
have been drowned, as the depth of such springs is very deceptive.
Conduits should be cut sufficiently deep to drain away the water as it
rises, unless in cases where some advantage may be derived from
retaining a certain volume, with a view to insure a more uniform supply
of water for irrigation purposes. These springs have long been
considered conducive to rot in sheep when numerous and undrained, and it
has also been found that irrigated pasture, though good as hay, is not
always safe grazing for sheep.
General Remarks.—So much has already been written
regarding the various systems of improving hill pasture, that there is
little remaining to be said here. But there are still one or two points
which we may appropriately allude to. One of these is the grazing of
cattle on hill pasture with a view to keeping down the excessive growth
of "sprat" and other inferior plants. There are several farmers in
Scotland whose experience has led them to attach considerable importance
to this mixed system of grazing. I am aware of one instance at least, in
which an enlightened Perthshire agriculturist, who has been in the habit
for more than a quarter of a century of turning cattle on to rough hill
pasture in the end of May or beginning of June with good results. The
sheep grazed after cattle were not only healthier, hut a larger number
of them could consequently be kept. Instances of the successful grazing
of cattle on hill pasture early in summer are also available in various
other parts of the country, but many, if not indeed the majority, of
south country farmers disapprove of this practice. But great diversity
of opinion exists on this point.
There have been loud complaints in recent years about
the deterioration of hill pasture, which has been attributed to various
causes. It is difficult, indeed impossible, to speak with any degree of
certainty as to the real cause, but it is evident to all concerned that
bad seasons have had a hurtful influence on pastures. Cold wet summer
seasons, in the absence of sufficient sunshine, are blamed for the
supposed deterioration, and we believe justly enough. All kinds of crops
suffer from such adverse meteorological circumstances, and we are
therefore inclined to homologate an intelligent Inverness-shire farmer's
opinion, who writes:—"I attribute the deterioration of pasture chiefly
to a succession of cold wet summers;" and adds, "heavy rainfalls have a
strong tendency to encourage the growth of fog in green pasture. Take,
for instance, a farm of arable land in the west of Scotland, which,
though it is laid out with clovers and ryegrass, or other grasses, in a
year or two the clover will disappear, and only the grasses indigenous
to the soil and climate will remain, along with a thick sward of fog. A
farm laid out in this manner in Badenoch, or in almost any inland or
east coast district, will retain the clover and other fine grasses for
years, and it is only when grass becomes very old that fog appears." It
was long a common impression among sheep farmers in the north of
Scotland that the most effective course of improving hill pasture,
without breaking it up, was to pasture the sheep on rich arable grass
for the greater part of the day, and turn them away to hill ground
during night, as if the animals, like so many mechanical machines, could
be controlled to retain and deposit their excrement as farmers desired.
This course, however, cannot be regarded as either efficacious or
economical; and though at one time common, is now practically obsolete.
The unanimous opinion of all concerned in hill
pasture is obviously in favour of draining, liming, heather-burning, and
fencing, as the four great essentials to its improvement without
breaking it up; and that these, combined with shelter for sheep, form
the only means by which any substantial improvement in that direction
can be effected. That is certainly the inference to be drawn from the
whole tenor of my treatise ; and seeing that such operations are
conducive not merely to the success of individual flockowners, but to
the welfare of the
nation at large, it is very desirable that
improvements of this nature should be—as they are in many, though not in
all cases—achieved at the joint expense of landlord and tenant. There is
as yet need for an extension of operations in this respect, and much
additional good work would doubtless be accomplished if landlords
advanced sufficient means to their tenants at moderate interest. An
influential Mid-Lothian farmer, writing in reference to this point,
says:—"The expense of such permanent improvements should not be borne by
the tenant, but performed by the landlord at a fair rate of interest,
and the landlord should be empowered to burden his estate with the
expense of liming in the same way as he can at present legitimately do
with the expense of draining."
The system of feeding sheep with artificial food,
such as cake, is adopted on several important farms, and pastures are
vastly improved in this way. Of the success of such a course we have a
good illustration in the skilfully managed farm of Corshope,
Mid-Lothian, tenanted by Mr George Riddell. Some fifteen years ago Mr
Riddell abandoned cropping, and commenced to lay down his farm in grass.
Since then he has extended the acreage of permanent pasture to close on
800 acres. In breaking new land, lime was liberally applied, which was
followed by 7 cwt. to 10 cwt. per acre of bones sown along with turnips.
The turnip crop was consumed on the field by sheep, along with a
considerable quantity of cake, and then after being thoroughly prepared
the land was sown with grass, on which cake has been eaten every year.
Land that had been cropped before Mr Riddell entered the farm was limed
after being laid down to permanent pasture, with good results. Mr
Riddell also applied dung to pasture, and tried top-dressing on a small
scale, but he does not think top-dressing with artificial manure
profitable. The effects of his liberal treatment are not only durable,
but most salutary in bringing up grass of a richer kind than is to be
found on almost any other farm. Writing to us on the subject, Mr Riddell
concludes thus:—"I have no hesitation in saying that the result is far
superior to any top-dressing I have seen on the surface of hill pasture,
but the expense is far too heavy for a tenant farmer, and should not be
borne by a tenant alone."
Supplementary to what I have written from several
years' personal experience and information gleaned from reliable
sources, I give below the results of practical experiments and systems
of improving pasture adopted on some of the more important farms in
On the extensive pastoral farm of Overshiels,
Mid-Lothian, the process of improving hill pasture has been going on for
many years. The Messrs Archibald have been liberal and judicious in the
management of their pasture. They recommend the application of lime to
hill land, at the rate of from 4 to 6 tons per acre. The practice on
Overshiels in applying lime has been different from that on many other
farms. The lime before being spread is put into large heaps on the
ground, each of which is calculated to lime three acres. The Messrs
Archibald object to lime being emptied into small heaps in the belief
that it cannot be equally spread. Nor does lime "fall" so thoroughly as
it does when there is a large quantity of it in one heap. Some twenty
years ago the top-dressing used by the late Mr Archibald
consisted of a compost of earth and lime, but the process of mixing
them, though simple, involved an enormous labour. A piece of land was
first ploughed, and the lime then distributed over it, and worked into
the ploughing by horse labour, after which the compost was carted over
the adjoining pasture. With the view of testing the effects of
top-dressing in this manner, a strip of land was kept in its natural
conditions between parts that were limed. The improvement in the colour
and quality of the pasture from the influence of lime became very
apparent. The sheep took better to the limed than the unlimed pasture,
which was decidedly the most productive. The Messrs Archibald recommend
the use of larger tiles in draining than have hitherto been laid on the
majority of farms. The distance apart has to be regulated by
circumstances, but they consider 10 yards a good serviceable distance.
The depth of such drains should not be less than 3 feet.
The farm of Glenbuck, Lanarkshire, which carries one
of the finest sheep stocks in Scotland, has been vastly improved through
liming and draining by its enterprising owner and occupier, Mr Charles
Howatson. The greater part of it has been intersected with tile drains,
most of them 18 feet apart, and others 36 feet. Between each of those,
36 feet apart, a shallow tile drain is sunk, and is found to do good
work. The size of the tiles used is 2½ inches,
and the open drains, of which there are a great many, are 20 inches wide
at the top, 18 inches deep, and 9 inches wide at the bottom. The cost of
laying the drains 18 feet apart, and at the ordinary depth, was about £9
per acre. Mr Howatson recommends in cutting open drains that all stones
or tree roots which may impede the spade should be extracted, and that
the earth taken out be removed 3 feet off the side of the drain. Lime
has been applied to the pasture at various times, costing, as a rule,
50s. per acre. By this system of top-dressing, the character of the
pasture has been materially enriched and improved, and parts of it,
which were limed some thirty years ago, are still green and vigorous,
while the adjoining land that got no lime is perfectly bleak and
sterile. With a view to compare the results of an experiment in breaking
up hill pasture, in trying to improve it, with the liming and draining
of it without breaking it up, Mr Howatson trenched 2½
acres, gave it 2 tons of bone manure, and sowed it down with grasses and
clover, but it is not likely to prove successful. It cost nearly £17 per
acre. Mr Howatson finds that ploughing, before top-dressing hill
pasture, is no advantage whatever, while it incurs a considerable
expense. The Glenbuck pastures are well fenced, chiefly with dykes,
surmounted by a couple of wires.
On the farm of Listonshiels, tenanted by Mr Thomas
Aitken, some 80 acres of wet, boggy land were drained at a cost of £7
per acre,—the drains on the wetter parts being 12 feet apart, and on the
drier ground about 18 feet. This being done, about 30 tons of farm-yard
manure were applied to the parts overrun with fog, while the less foggy
portions got only about 20 tons per acre. This mode of top-dressing has
given satisfactory results, though it is obvious, as Mr Aitken observes,
that its effects are not so durable as those of lime. For a certain
length of time, however, it answered as well. The dung was carted out
and carefully spread in the months of October and November, and was thus
exposed to the frosts of winter, which broke it down. This system of
top-dresssing was preferred to liming, in consequence of its comparative
cheapness. In the higher districts of the country, such as that in which
Listonshiels is situated, cropping is not extensively carried on, and
hence farm-yard manure is of less value than it is where arable farming
prevails. On this account it is less expensive than lime, which costs
about 18s. per ton before it is spread on the ground. The highest lying
land has been drained with "sheep-drains" 4 yards apart, and running
direct down the hill. Generally these open drains require to be cleaned
once every six years. They are cut 14 inches wide at the
top, and gradually get narrower towards the bottom, which is
usually about 8 inches wide, the depth of the drain being about a foot.
Mr Aitken tried an experiment on about 14 acres of hard, heathery land,
some 1400 feet above sea-level. On it he enclosed 60 wethers with
sheep-nets, and gave them about 1 lb. of corn and cake each per day.
This made a great improvement on the pasture, but the sheep did not
thrive, and he stopped it. The impression on the pasture was observable
for a year or two, but it has now almost entirely disappeared.
Mr Moffat, Gateside, Sanquhar, Dumfriesshire, secured
a more abundant supply of pasture for his sheep by draining and
straightening water-courses to prevent the flooding of low-lying flat
land, which he considers are the first steps to be taken in improving
hill land. Next in importance to the above, says Mr Moffat, and what
should never be omitted, is the enclosing of the whole farm. The
improvement of hill pasture has received far too little attention in the
past. Liming, if there is a kiln on the ground, or within easy distance,
has a very beneficial effect; but if there is a heavy railway carriage
to pay for lime, and a long cartage besides, Mr Moffat, speaking from
experience, discourages its use. He tried, by way of experiment on a
portion of his farm, 1 ton of half-inch bones in lieu of lime, which,
however, proved a failure. Their influence upon the pasture could only
be traced for a year or two, and, moreover, the sheep did not seem more
fond of the pasture so stimulated than of that which got no treatment.
Draining, fencing, and burning heather and withered grass, Mr Moffatt
considers the most effectual means that can be adopted for the
improvement of purely hill pasture.
Mr Milligan, Hayfield, Thornhill, has improved his
pasture chiefly by surface-draining. Of these he has cut over 80,000
roods. The land drained consists of strong loams, such as clay, growing
sprat or rush, and black-topped land intersected with gravel beds. The
drains range from 8 to 10 yards apart, and are not less than 20 inches
deep. The price of cutting the drains on the land where no picking was
required, in order to have them at a uniform depth, ranged from 1d. to
1½d. per rood; but where picking was required,
the rood of 6 yards cost from 2d. to 4d. Mr Milligan has limed pastures
both in Dumfries and Inverness shires with advantage, but does not
recommend this process of top-dressing unless tenants are prepared to
extend it over a considerable breadth of their farms.
The system of improving hill pasture adopted on the
farm of Skelfhill, Hawick, by Mr Grieve, was as follows:—About 5 tons of
gas lime was allowed per acre, costing about 6s. per ton at the railway
station. Where the land was overrun with fog, the lime has done valuable
work in converting this unpalatable sward into grass of much finer
Mr Whyte, Hatton of Eassie, Meigle, finds properly
laid surface drains to act powerfully in improving pasture,—making it
richer, more tender, and capable of carrying a larger stock of sheep. He
has occasionally made a durable impression on it, where practicable, by
a process of irrigation. The hills in his locality abound with springs,
and where these could be diverted on to hard sterile ground by means of
small drains, they invariably had a very beneficial effect upon the
pasture. Mr Whyte does not abide by a regular width in cutting drains.
The distance apart varies from 8 to 20 yards, being regulated by the
nature of the land. They are cut broader and deeper where the ground is
soft than where it is hard; the width varies from 18 to 24 inches at the
On West Loch, Eddleston, Peeblesshire, tenanted by Mr
P. Melrose, about 300 acres of hill pasture were improved by
tile-draining wet and boggy places, and liming at the rate of 15 bolls
per acre. Of these, some 150 acres were broken up and put under a
rotation of crops, consisting of one crop of oats, one of turnips, all
of which were consumed on the land by sheep, and the land was then sown
down with rape. The other 150 acres were not broken up, and appear to be
greatly benefited by the lime, though the fog is still there. It wears a
healthier tint than the pasture that was not limed. Several hundred
acres have been drained with surface drains, which Mr Melrose accredits
with having wrought an improvement in the health of the sheep He is more
in favour of tile drains where the ground has a good declivity, but good
deep surface drains are observed to suit better where the land is level,
and interspersed with "ochre" or red water.
Mr Samuel Davidson, manager for Lord Tweedmouth,
Guisachan, says he has heard of some farmers in Inverness-shire who have
top-dressed hill pasture with lime with very poor results. He considers
draining and heather-burning the more effective agents in the
improvement of hill pasture, without breaking it up, and recommends the
following system, should partial breaking up be resorted to:—First,
drain the land thoroughly with surface drains, then, if practicable,
harrow the surface well with pointed iron harrows; top-dress with
compost of lime, bone meal, and good soil, followed by a mixture of
permanent grasses, which require to be carefully and properly rolled in.
Mr Gordon of Arabella, Ross-shire, has improved his
hill pasture chiefly by surface draining, fencing, burning, liming,
boning, and feeding with cake, &c. Very little land has been broken up.
Another Mid-Lothian farm, on which the improvement of
hill pasture has been extensively carried out in recent years, is that
of Hatton Mains, Wilkieston, occupied by Mr George R Glen-dinning. The
plan adopted by Mr Glendinning, like that of some of his neighburing
farmers, is simple, and involves comparatively little expense. In the
first place, where the land, which was principally old, rigged off with
big furrows, ranging from 6 to 9 and 10 yards apart, was drained with a
4 feet deep drain in every alternate furrow, this making the drains from
12 to 18 yards apart. By this the land had been sufficiently dried,
excepting about a yard or so at each side of the furrows that have no
drains in them. To have drained every furrow, Mr Glendinning considers,
would have ruined the land with expense, finding that it will not pay to
drain such land—worth originally from 4s. to 6s. an acre—if a charge of
6½ per cent. has to be paid on the drainage
outlay, 4 per cent. is the highest interest that should be charged on
such land. About a year after draining he limed the ground with from 5
to 6 tons of limeshells per acre, keeping the lime out of the undrained
furrows which were still too wet. Draining, including tiles, cost from
£5 to £6 per imperial acre, besides the cartage of tiles performed by
the tenant free of cost. The lime cost 10s. at the kiln, and with the
expense of carting it 5 miles and applying it to the land, it involved a
total outlay of about 15s. per ton, bringing the cost of liming up to
from £3, 15s. to £4, 10s. per acre, according to the nature of the
ground. Mossy ground required less liming than stronger land. Mr
Glendinning recommends that no smaller tiles should be used than 2½-inch
pipes, while in most cases 3-inch tiles should be used for ordinary
drains, and probably from 5 to 6-inch tiles for main leaders. Where the
land was naturally dry, and did not require draining, Mr Glendinning
applied lime with equally good effect as to land that had been drained.
He has improved from 200 to 300 acres of his farm, and calculated that
the return for his outlay is not so much in the way of his being able to
keep more stock, as in the consequent improvement in the quality and
value of his sheep. He indulges the belief that the annual monetary
returns for produce of his flock sold are now from 10 to 20 per cent.
greater than they would have been with the land in its natural state. On
the whole, the effects of the improvements carried out on Hatton Mains
are simply marvellous, and are likely to prove of a permanent character.
Mr Stewart, Chapelpark, Kingussie, gives his opinion
of top-dressing with lime as the only reliable means known of improving
hill pasture. Liming is so expensive, however, that it does not pay a
tenant to use it extensively, except with a very long lease. A
top-dressing with bones might do as much good as lime for a short time,
but lime is more lasting in its effects. Referring to moorland and
heather, Mr Stewart considers no means of improvement more salutary than
draining and heather-burning; the latter, he thinks, is greatly
neglected, especially in the Highlands, causing a considerable loss to
both shooting and grazing tenants.