By William Watt, 27 North Albert Street, Aberdeen.
[Premium—Five Sovereigns.]
The movements of the west coast herring are to all
appearance erratic, and they are certainly puzzling. A few broad facts
are well known—for instance, that in many of the sea-lochs enormous
shoals are met with at times, while at other times scarcely a fish is to
be found. So it has been in the past as far back as the history of the
herring fishery goes; so it will doubtless be in the future. Similar
fluctuations are observed in the Norwegian fiords, which are the
counterpart, on a great scale, of our sea-lochs; and different theories
of these fluctuations have found favour among Scandinavian naturalists,
without, however, any demonstrable solution of the problem being arrived
at. In this short paper nothing in the way of far-fetched theory about
"sun-spots" or "aurora" shall be attempted. Such facts as are available,
and the plain inferences to be drawn from them, shall alone engage our
When herrings are abundant in a narrow arm of the sea
the fisherman's task is easy. He is less annoyed by rough weather than
in the open ocean, and whether he works with the drift-net or the
seine-trawl his labours meet with an abundant reward. Occasionally it
happens that almost compact masses are so crowded together that numbers
can readily be lifted out of the water, or a portion of the shoal is
driven ashore and left stranded by the receding tide. Such prodigious
abundance is indeed comparatively rare, but the quantities caught within
a limited area are often extremely large. Thus, in Loch Hourn, a very
heavy fishing began in the latter half of August 1882, which continued
all through the autumn and on till the close of the year. The loch is
some 14 miles long, and from 2 to 3 miles wide; and within this area 780
boats were engaged, while eighty larger vessels were occupied in curing
on board, and ten steamers found employment in carrying the fish from
the loch to the market. [Fishery Board Report for 1882, p. xxviii.] Such
abundance has been experienced again and again in Loch Hourn and others
of our " fiords," but it alternates with periods of indifferent fishing
or of entire failure.
It was formerly supposed that herrings regularly
migrated hither and thither through vast oceanic areas. This hypothesis
is now generally discarded, and movements of more moderate compass are
held to be all that are indicated by known facts or reasonable
probabilities. There is pretty distinct evidence of the existence of two
races of herrings on the west coast of Scotland—one that approaches the
land from the neighbouring ocean at the spring fishing season, and one
that remains close to the shore all the year round. These two races are
not specifically distinct. It happens, however, in general, though not
with absolute regularity, that fish are found in considerable abundance
off the Butt of Lewis early in the season, while they are scarce in the
Minch, and that as the season advances the Minch becomes more crowded;
and a similar order of things is observed, but with less regularity, at
the other extremity of Long Island. There is occasionally a most
prolific fishery off Barra Head, but operations there are much
interfered with by the swell of the Atlantic, and for this reason ground
to the leeward of the outer islands is preferred. But when it can be
successfully prosecuted at the White Bank, about a dozen miles off
Bernera, good catches are obtained there earlier than between the Barra
Isles and Skye. There is likewise, apparently, an annual influx of
herrings by the Mull of Cantire into Kil-brennan Sound. These
generalisations are somewhat crude, and it is desirable that they should
be more fully verified, but on the whole they seem to be borne out by
the experience and observation of those practically concerned in the
fishery. Then there is the second race, whose habitat is permanently in
the lochs or near the shore. The permanency may be only relative. It is
well known, however, that there is a certain persistency in the
characteristics as to size and quality of the herrings of particular
places. Loch Fyne has a celebrity all its own for the excellence of its
fish as well as their size. The Loch Hourn herring is small, but also of
high repute as to quality. In some of the lochs the conditions seem to
be more favourable to growth than in others. Thus Loch Nevis herrings
are appreciably larger than those of Loch Hourn, though the distance
between the two lochs is inconsiderable. In Loch Broom the size is
small, while in the waters to the east of Skye the fish are of fair
dimensions. Very large herrings are obtained at Barra and on the western
side of Long Island, where the fishing is carried on only to a small
extent. In the Minch, on the other hand, though it is a great
rendezvous, the prevailing type is of moderate size. So in the Firth of
Clyde the herrings are in general comparatively small, and not at all up
to the standard of Loch Fyne.
These differences, such as they are, are manifestly
connected with differences of environment—that is to say, of food. The
point may be illustrated by analogy. Common trout are scarce and small
in the pure clear water of pebbly hill streams, but when we descend to
grassy plains, and to rivers receiving the drainage of much cultivated
land, the diminutive starveling trout of the hills are represented by
plump, well-developed fish. Experiments with young
herrings in confinement show that food conditions, even excluding
absolute scarcity, exercise a most potent influence on growth. The
differences in the size of the herrings of different localities are
inconsistent with the theory of great and regular migrations, so far as
the fish of those localities are concerned. The local herrings are not
found at the surface of the water all the year round, but we must not
therefore conclude that they have gone away to some distant part of the
ocean. It is possible, nay probable, that they have only descended to a
greater depth. Many of the sea-lochs are very deep—deeper by far than
the German Ocean near the eastern side of Scotland.
Herrings appear at the surface of the water in vast
shoals in the spring, when the water is full of the floating eggs and
larvae of fishes and invertebrates. On this food they gorge themselves,
and rapidly become fat, so that by the month of May they are in the "mattie"
condition. In summer and the early part of autumn there are innumerable
myriads of minute Crustacea and other forms of microscopic life at the
surface of the water, so that its colour is often quite changed by them.
The West Coast is probably indebted for some portion of its extreme
abundance of embryonic and larval existence in spring to the influence
of the south-westerly winds and the oceanic current beating up against
it. The fat herring or mattie fishery is confined to the West Coast, and
in the North Sea the shoals are not nearly so soon attracted from their
winter quarters in the depths.
In the food problem we have the chief explanation of
the migrations of the herring. During the winter months the surface of
the sea (though it is instinct with life in spring and summer) is
comparatively untenanted. If we ply the towing-net we shall find that it
comes up comparatively void at certain times, while in the same places
at other times it is filled with the evidences of a teeming fauna.
Unfortunately, however, this mode of explaining the movements of the
herring carries us only a very little way, and then leaves us confronted
with a large number of fresh problems, each more difficult to all
appearance than that with which we started. By resolving the laws which
determine the movements of the herring into a question mainly of food,
we only raise the question of the conditions regulating the food supply;
and if the present state of knowledge as to the herring's mode of life
is imperfect, incomparably more imperfect is the state of knowledge with
regard to the natural history of the numerous minute animals that enter
into its bill of fare from day to day. We know very well, by the
practical test of the towing-net, that the supply of living organisms at
the surface of the sea is extremely variable in quantity according to
the seasons. We know also that, when the surface is comparatively
vacant, an abundance of living things is sometimes to be found by the
same instrument when it is applied a few fathoms down. The great
majority of inhabitants of the ocean are free-swimming creatures, to be
found at different depths or altitudes according to circumstances. Rough
weather appears to cause the entire surface fauna to descend some
distance for refuge. There are also seasonal changes and
diurnal oscillations, which appear to be of great importance in
relation to the present subject.
As regards the seasonal changes in the surface
fauna, we can point only to the general fact that certain species are
prominently visible at certain periods of the year, and are quite
invisible at others, for in this country there has not yet been such
systematic and exact research carried on by numerous observers daily all
through the year, aided by suitable boats or steam vessels, appliances,
and mechanical power, as is necessary in order to arrive at anything
like a creditable knowledge of this domain of nature. Researches of the
right kind have been carried on for several years at the Naples
Zoological Station, and on a very limited scale at some of the seaside
laboratories that are now being established in Europe, while much good
work has been done in America. The importance of this work in relation
to the herring fisheries cannot be over-estimated; for until it has been
carried out in earnest, and on a sufficient scale, we shall continue to
be working in the dark, when perseverance and a moderate outlay by
Government would give us invaluable light. The fact is familiar enough
that large patches of the sea around these islands are occasionally seen
quite alive with Entomostraca and other minute organisms with or without
the phenomenon of phosphorescence. A similar appearance is seen in the
southern hemisphere, and known as the "Pasture of the Whales," and has
been described by Darwin and others. In the more northerly Scandinavian
fiords enormous masses of a small crustacean called Thysomopoda
inermis make their appearance every spring, and are the occasion of
a great whale fishery. Similar creatures are the main staple of the
herring's food. At Naples the exact investigation of the seasonal
changes in the surface fauna has led to some important discoveries. Dr
Carl Chun, in a monograph on "Ctenophora" issued among the reports of
that station, records how this order of Actinozoa are abundant in
spring, disappear almost entirely in summer, and return again in autumn.
Where they go to in summer is not left in mystery, for Dr Chun has
caught them deep in the water during the period of their absence from
the surface. Why they retire to the deep water is not clearly explained,
but for one thing they appear to feed on microscopic crustacea—such
as are the main staple of herring food—which are in the deeps at the
same time. Some very valuable observations bearing on these vertical
migrations of the small invertebrates that are so supremely important in
the economy of fish life, have been made at some of the great
fresh-water lakes of Europe within the last few years. These
observations, which have yielded very similar results in different
places, and in the hands of different observers, are so far confirmatory
of those carried out at the Bay of Naples. One of the investigators who
has been working at this subject (Dr Weissmann) found during his
researches in the Lake of Constance clear evidence of an annual
periodicity manifested in the free-swimming crustacean forms, his
conclusion being that they disappear altogether at certain seasons
(different for different species), when they are represented only by
eggs. [Nature, xvii. 92.]
The diurnal oscillations are not less
distinctly marked than the seasonal. Many species swim close to the
surface at night and descend into deeper water on the return of day, the
whole fauna generally keeping together in these diurnal movements. Dr
Weissmann ascertained that the mass of small crustaceans descended to a
depth of about 25 fathoms; and M. Forel found, exceptionally, in the
Lake of Geneva, that one species was to be met with at twice or thrice
that depth. The ascent and descent are slowly accomplished, the migrants
appearing first, and lingering longest, in regions shaded from the sun.
M. Forel, in discussing this question, to the elucidation of which he is
one of the first contributors, points to the evident analogies between
the lacustrine and the marine "pelagic" fauna, maintaining that though
the scale is different, the general laws are the same.
[Nature, ibid.]
There is, indeed, no doubt about the broad fact that the crustaceans
come to the surface in the evening, and descend some distance at
sunrise. The herring shoals do likewise. It is at night that the
Scotch seas are intersected by hundreds of miles of netting suspended
from the surface; when daybreak returns the crustaceans and the herrings
disappear together, and the nets are withdrawn.
The importance of these facts in relation to the
local and general movements of the herring is not as yet sufficiently
appreciated. A Swedish writer, M. Widegren, writing a few years ago on
the management of the Baltic fishery, observed that during the winter
the herring lives in the deep water, outside the coasts where it has its
spawning places, but that it moves about in winter as in summer, and may
be caught under the ice at depths of from 5 to 25 fathoms, and not in
outside waters only, but also in bays and inlets. The food of the
herring, M. Widegren goes on to say, consists of small crustaceans
almost invisible to the naked eye, which are found in large quantities
both in shallow and deep water. [U.S.
Commission Report for 1878, pp. 127, 128.] By towing in the sea
water with a net made of fine gauze, large numbers of these little
animals may be caught. They are more or less plentiful at different
times, under different conditions of weather, and at different depths.
This may possibly explain to some extent the fact that the herrings are
not always found at one and the same depth. In summer these small
crustaceans are found nearer the surface, and the herrings at this time
likewise go nearer the surface."* Such was the point to which the
question was carried some years ago ; and the tendency of all recent
researches has been to connect the migrations of herrings more and more
with the supply of herring-food, though not. excluding the spawning
function as a factor in the case. And it is becoming increasingly
probable that the scientific investigation of the problem requires to be
directed to vertical fully as much as to horizontal
movements of the shoals. The fisheries in the sea-lochs of the west
coast diminish towards vanishing point as autumn changes into winter.
Yet herrings are known to be in these lochs all the year round. The
shoals only descend into those lower altitudes of the deep water which
from a biological point of view are still unexplored.
Nevertheless, it is well known that great masses of
herrings do assemble at the surface of the outer sea on the west as on
the east coast; and also that particular lochs are from time to time
almost completely deserted. It is, therefore, necessary to deal with
changes of locality as well as of altitude in the water, as an important
part of the general problem. Many fanciful theories have been started in
order to account for these changes of locality. We need not, however, go
far afield in quest of theories, nor is there any reason why we should
attribute to a shoal of herrings such a high order of intellectual
powers as would be implied in a deliberate resolve to migrate to a
particular area many leagues away. All far-fetched theories about
herring movements are utterly worthless, and we need consider only the
operation of visible and tangible causes. There need be no hesitation in
fixing upon food as the principal cause of the horizontal as well
as of the vertical migrations. A second and probably powerful cause,
especially as regards the sea-lochs and other narrow waters, is to be
found in the presence in great force of the herring's enemies. A
third and more doubtful cause, upon which, however, much stress has been
laid, is the spawning function.
At the spawning period herrings, like other fishes,
consume very little food, for which reason large and dense shoals are
able to subsist without much reference to the quantity of food to be
found about the spawning place. After spawning, however, the shoals
immediately break up, so that "shotten" fish are not to be found in
anything like the dense masses in which "fulls" are often met with. The
calls of hunger are now dominant; and as the maximum spawning period is
towards the end of summer, there is no longer the plethora of food at or
near the surface that there was earlier in the season. It seems,
therefore, to be a necessity of their existence that the herrings should
spread themselves over a large area of sea, so as to mitigate
competition in the pursuit of food. A very moderate day's journey
multiplied by a large number of days will cover a wide expanse of
ground. Herring fry are to be found sometimes in great masses near the
land, and large numbers of them are sometimes cast ashore in storms; but
as these fry get beyond the whitebait stage, and into that stage in
which they are apt to be mistaken for sprats, they require more food,
and have to go farther afield in search of it. This leads them out into
the open sea. Herrings of the same class—fry, sprat-herring, mat-ties, "fulls,"
and "spents"—are respectively gregarious, numbers of each class being
found together in shoals or "schools." In autumn and winter, when the
Copepod crustaceans and the larvae of fishes and invertebrates
inhabiting the water at or near the surface are comparatively scarce,
the movement of the herrings must, on the whole, be away from the coast.
They have to roam far and wide in search of food. The coast-line is a
rigid barrier, but those minor shoals (for by this time the shoals all
tend to subdivide and become minor) which put out to sea find no barrier
in their way. The direction in which they go is probably very much a
fortuitous matter, but some will go outward at first, and more and more
will follow as they are repulsed by the coast. Far out at sea there is a
numerous pelagic fauna. In spring this fauna is increased by immense
accessions of larvae, which in calm weather keep well to the surface,
though roughness sends them a little lower down. At the surface they are
acted upon by the prevailing winds, or rather by the currents to which
these winds give rise, and chiefly by the great northeasterly current
known as the Gulf Stream. On the western side of Scotland this would
tend to accumulate herring food in the direction of the land, and thus
we have a probable explanation of how it comes to pass that the matties
are found to journey prevailingly landward. This food brought them to
the condition of matties or fat herring, and all the time it has been
leading them on the whole towards the fishermen. Apart from the
influence of this current, and of temporary cross-currents caused by
temporary winds, the surface fauna of the spring and early summer has
its greatest profusion near the land. Flat fishes, which do not descend
to the Atlantic abysses, flourish in the shallow plateau extending out a
hundred miles or so beyond the Hebrides. Their ova float high in the
water while the process of incubation is going on, and the young remain
for a time near the surface. In the vicinity of land also the
oscillatoriae, or minute vegetable organisms that are the food of the
"herring food," abound. Larvae of the molluscs, of the higher
crustaceans, and of numerous other invertebrates, as well as of fishes,
are all most plentiful in their season—that season being spring and
early summer—within a moderate distance of the land. Thus we have a
reasonable and probable explanation, of the general landward movement of
the matties, just as the comparative scarcity of food at another period
of the year serves to explain why a large proportion of the herrings
leave the shore waters.
All the herrings of the shore waters, however, do not
leave them. There is sustenance for a certain proportion, hence the
outward migration is far from being a migration en masse. Numbers
of herrings, as has been said, often remain in the lochs all the year
round. In this connection we must consider briefly the influence of
enemies upon the movements of the herring. The shoals are haunted
wherever they go by a motley gang of voracious foes. Whales, porpoises,
and sharks, insatiable cod and gluttonous mackerel, carry on a
remorseless and never-ending warfare with the gregarious and defenceless
herring. The lochs and other inshore waters sometimes harbour great
packs of dogfish and considerable shoals of mackerel. Seals have a keen
eye for herring, and clouds of sea-birds hover above the spring shoals,
and find the struggle for existence easy for the time. In the lochs,
where space is restricted, the havoc committed by such depredators as
dogfish and mackerel must be much greater than where there is more
sea-room. The herrings, in confined waters, are never far from the whole
force of their foes, and these foes may so multiply as to destroy the
balance of nature. Loch Fyne, for instance, has sometimes a great
abundance of mackerel, and this fact alone goes far to account for the
occasional unsatisfactoriness of the herring fishery in that loch. Very
many herrings are destroyed from day to day by their enemies, and a
shoal pursued by mackerel or dogfish may be driven out of the loch on
what may be called an involuntary migration. I am not aware that there
is positive evidence of herrings having been thus driven away, but they
may have been; and it is certain that when they are long in any
circumscribed locality they come to be very much harassed by the
gathering multitude of their enemies, so that migration to some quieter
locality, or to the open sea, if not actually forced upon them, becomes
a highly expedient step, and even a necessity, if extermination is to be
Of spawning as a cause of migration, the only
evidence is the fact that, so far as is known, the spawn is deposited
upon hard shingly or shelly ground at a moderate depth, and often where
there is vegetation. The best known spawning place is the Ballantrae
Bank, where immense quantities of spawn are deposited towards the end of
winter. That this and other banks are frequented with much regularity
certainly points to a migratory movement on the part of the herrings;
but so imperfect is the state of information (except as to a few
localities) on the question of where they do and where they do not
spawn, that no certain conclusion can be formed as to the extent or even
the real nature of the migration. So far as is known, the depositation
always takes place in comparatively shallow water, and it certainly
takes place at or very near the bottom. The surface-swimming habits of
the herring would lead us to expect that its spawning ground would be at
no great depth; and as the eggs of most fishes and other animals of the
sea-floor float in the water, while those of herrings adhere to the
ground, it is probable that the shallowness of the water where the
herring has its nativity is of importance in relation to the vivifying
influence of the sun's rays. For, as is well known, light as well as
heat has a great influence on organic life, and there is no
well-authenticated instance of herring spawn having been brought up from
depths beyond the reach of sunlight.
The migrations of the herring, then, must be regarded
as connected with and governed by natural causes, of which the chief is
food. The peculiar geographical contour of the tract of sea and land at
the western side of Scotland, coupled with the food conditions of which
some description has been attempted, in some degree accounts for certain
of the phenomena of the so-called migration. It explains how it comes to
pass that herrings are extremely abundant at outlying points, such as
the Butt of Lewis and Barra Head, and in narrow channels like Kilbrennan
Sound. The entrance of a large shoal into a particular loch is probably
not susceptible of any practical explanation. Nobody can predict the
exact movements of a herd of wild animals roaming at large in search of
food. Very much depends upon mere accident. The pursuit of food,
however, appears to bring the herring shoals shoreward, and doubtless
sometimes leads them into lochs and fiords. When a large shoal is
enclosed in a limited area it must make a great demand upon the food
resources of that area, and sooner or later the exhaustion of this food
supply may come so near that the shoal can no longer be sustained. Short
of absolute dearth, we find the considerable differences in the size and
condition of herrings of different lochs, already adverted to. The
essential facts explaining the problem to which the preceding pages are
devoted are to all appearance not very numerous; yet an exhaustive view
of them involves a more comprehensive acquaintance with the
life-histories of many living things, and with the physical and
biological conditions characteristic of the waters that lave our shores
than science yet possesses; nor is it at all likely that well-organised
marine laboratories will cease in our time to have a superabundance of
vitally important problems to explore and elucidate. |