By William Watt, 27 North Albert Street, Aberdeen.
[Premium—Five Sovereigns.]
The problem of how old oyster fisheries may be
maintained and extended, and new oyster fisheries established, has long
engaged the attention of naturalists and of men practically interested
in fishery economics, but it cannot as yet be said to have been
completely solved, and probably no solution of it will ever be found
equally applicable in all the varying conditions of climate, soil, and
surroundings in which oysters are found. In one or another of its forms
oyster-culture has been practised from a remote antiquity. As
exemplified in
the English
fisheries, from time immemorial, it has consisted in procuring young
"brood" from beds in the open sea, or wherever it could be obtained, and
laying it down upon certain well-known "fattening grounds," chiefly
situated at the mouths of the Thames and Medway, of which those of
Whitstable are the most widely celebrated. With reference to our present
subject, it may be stated that these fattening grounds are situated in
almost all cases in the estuary of a river or in a natural harbour, and
with few exceptions they are held by individuals or corporations as
private property. These oyster farms, as they may be called, have been
subject to fluctuations and vicissitudes quite as serious, to say the
least, as those that have affected agriculture and other industries.
Where oyster beds have been common property, their usual fate has been
destruction by over-dredging, the fishermen acting upon the principle
that it is for their interest to obtain as many oysters as possible
while they are to be found, and to leave the future to take care of
itself. Where the beds are private property, the ruinous competition and
scramble that have put an end to so many public oyster grounds are
avoided, and self-interest is not altogether neglectful of thoughts of
the morrow.
The oyster fisheries of the United Kingdom were
included within the scope of the comprehensive inquiry into the sea
fisheries generally, carried out about twenty years ago by a Royal
Commission, consisting of Messrs Caird, Huxley, and Shaw-Lefevre. These
Commissioners, as a result of their inquiry, recommended, as the only
useful legislation applicable to oysters, that facilities should be
given for the acquisition by individuals of portions of the sea-floor
favourably situated for purposes of oyster-culture. And oyster-culture
they defined, in accordance with old English practice, as the collection
of "brood" or young, and its preservation by due skill and care, as a
source of supply. This was the only remedy which these eminent
Commissioners could suggest for the scarcity of which many of the
witnesses examined before them made complaint; and beyond what might be
needed, in order to give effect to this object, they were of opinion
that no regulations or restrictions were likely to have any beneficial
effect upon the supply of oysters for the markets. And such, it may be
fairly allowed, was the best judgment that could be formed at the time.
The main point is the appropriation of portions of the sea for oyster
cultivation by individuals; and whether the oyster beds are natural or
artificial, experience proves the absolute necessity of their having the
protection of private property, if they are to be cultivated to profit,
or even if they are to continue in existence. The principle of private
property is the foundation of oyster-culture; and if this principle has
not always been sufficient, in our Scottish waters or elsewhere, to
preserve the beds from depletion, it has been because adequate knowledge
has been wanting, or exceptional agencies of destruction have come into
play, such as severe frost or the ice-water of rivers.
In discussing the best means of developing the oyster
fisheries of Scotland, I do not profess to have discovered any royal
road by which what has hitherto been a precarious enterprise can be made
unfailingly certain and profitable. Experience in Scotland is very
limited in regard to this mollusc, its existence in marketable quantity
in Scottish waters being confined to a very few localities, chiefly in
the Firth of Forth. In England the oyster industry is carried on at
various points from Suffolk round by the Channel to the Welsh coast.
There is considerable difference of practice at different places, and
many of the cultivators are by no means communicative as to their
One canon of practice that is well established is,
that it is very unwise to lay out much money on breeding or
fattening-grounds unless they have previously been proved by actual
experiment to be suited to their purpose. If the grounds are already
occupied by oysters, there is a presumption that well-considered
expenditure may be undertaken with advantage; but if they are at present
barren, there is a prima facie presumption that some of the
requisite conditions are absent; and it is desirable, in the first
instance, to verify conclusions as to suitability, based on general
considerations, by tentative experiments to ascertain the behaviour of
oysters at the proposed seat of their cultivation. Not only soil, but
temperature, salinity, currents, and all the elements bearing on food,
have to be taken into account, as well as the effect of storms, and, in
estuarine waters, of floods and freshets. Both in England and in
America, nourishing beds are occasionally all but destroyed by spring
floods, caused by sudden thaws and the breaking-up of great
masses of ice. This is a contingency which cannot
absolutely be guarded against, though risk from it may be mitigated by a
judicious choice of locality, and by having the oysters placed in water
not too shallow prior to the season of icy floods.
Hitherto rearing and "fattening" has been a far less
dubious enterprise than breeding, but recent discoveries point to a
possible change in this respect. For a considerable number of years
salmon have in this and other countries been systematically "hatched"
from ova, artificially fecundated; and as method and manipulation have
improved, it has been found that most of the fishes of commerce—both sea
and fresh-water—can in like manner be multiplied at the will and under
the control of man. Obviously a great step in advance would be made if
oyster-culture could be so widened in scope as to include artificial
propagation. The reproductive power of the oyster is very great. It is
estimated that the larvae sent forth by a single parent oyster at a
single breeding period reach in number a million or more. If this
enormous reproductive power could be fully utilised there would be no
scarcity, but, on the contrary, a too abundant supply. But only a very
small proportion of the young oysters come to maturity, or become
"fixed" where they can live. The difficulty is not in obtaining oyster
larvae, but in the fixation of the spat. The larvae swim about in
the water for a brief period of not very many days, the exact number
being undetermined and perhaps variable. At the termination of its
free-swimming career the young oyster settles down to the bottom of the
water, there to pass the rest of its life. It alights, probably on the
first solid object that comes in its path, generally the sea-floor.
Should it have the good fortune to fall on a suitable object, its chief
risk is that of being devoured by some other animal. In the vast
majority of cases, however, the larvae are swept away by currents to be
lost on unsuitable soil— choked or buried perhaps by sand or mud. To
intercept these larvae or spat by means of faggots or branches of
trees, tiles, or prepared wooden collectors, or even stones, or to lay
down a culch or top-dressing of clean empty shells, where they
are expected to fall, are familiar operations of oyster-culture. By
these contrivances a certain proportion of the young oysters are, when
other circumstances are favourable, preserved; but probably a far larger
proportion are carried away by currents to stock new or replenish old
banks, or perish, as the case may be. Uniformity of method does not
prevail among British cultivators, but there has been an all but
complete identity of experience among them in one respect. They have
generally been unable to maintain their fisheries in a prosperous
condition by means of natural increase. Spat either has not been
produced, or it has perished from cold, or at least failed to adhere to
the collectors prepared for its reception. The best localities for
reproduction are situated in the English Channel, chiefly about the Isle
of Wight; and the reason of their superiority, it seems pretty clear, is
that the temperature is higher there at the breeding season than in the
North Sea. A temperature approaching 70° is favourable to the fixation
of spat, and while this is higher than the normal range of the waters of
the Channel in early summer—the spatting time—it is still farther above
the temperature of the Thames estuary and the east coast of these
islands. The Channel receives a branch of the warm Gulf Stream, and
responds more quickly than the colder North Sea to the warming rays of
the summer sun. I have learned—though information of the kind is not an
abundant commodity—that at some at least of the Channel oyster farms
there have been exceptionally good falls of spat during the last two
seasons, and that on the east coast it has also been better than the
average. A very good spatting season in the Thames is quite phenomenal,
and 1859 continues to stand out as the year of proverbial excellence in
regard to the supply of young oysters. In the warmer waters of France
considerable vicissitudes of fortune attend the oyster breeder's
industry; but there such a thing as absolute failure is hardly known,
whereas in these more northern latitudes it is by no means of rare
occurrence. Still we have the important fact to remember that the oyster
is indigenous all round these islands where localities that suit its
habits are to be found; and the oyster industry has of late years
undergone a great development in the estuary of the Scheldt, while it
holds its ground in the cool waters of the Schleswig-Holstein
coast—showing that the temperatures prevailing in these latitudes are
not fatal to reproduction and development on a moderate scale, though it
may perhaps be impossible to get the plethoric swarms of young that are
successfully collected farther south in favourable seasons.
It is of great importance that the culch or
collectors should be perfectly clean, and not covered with vegetable
matter of any sort; in other words, they should not be put down until
the reproductive season is close at hand. Wooden and even tile
collectors should be covered over with a coating of hydraulic lime, or
asphalt and sand, before being put down; and a culch of old shells, if
previously used, should be bleached in the sun before being put down a
second time, so that any kind of organic matter that may adhere to them
may be rendered incapable of life and growth when they are put back into
the water.
Another point connected with the reproductive process
has likewise an all-important practical significance. The nature of that
process has not been adequately explained as yet; but according to
eminent physiologists, such as M. Davaine, Professor Huxley, and
Professor Hoek of Leyden, it is clearly established that the same
individual oyster (O. edulis) is alternately male and female, the
milt being secreted in abundance after the ova are extruded, and ova in
like abundance after the extrusion of the milt; but at any particular
breeding time each oyster, as regards reproductive efficiency, is either
exclusively male or exclusively female. As the ova in this species of
oyster undergo incubation between the gill-plates and between the folds
of the mantle, it is obvious that they must be fertilised there, and if
the physiologists are right the fertilisation must take place from
without. This can occur only in one way. When the milt is fully matured
it must be shed into the sea as in the case of fishes, and must reach
adjacent oysters and come into contact with the slimy mucus in which the
ova are imbedded. This must occur some little time before the female is
unburdened of her brood, and manifestly there must be a great deal of
waste, while an incredible number of spermatozoa must reach the ovaries
if anything like full effect is to be given to the reproductive power of
the female. And in proportion as the oysters on a bank are distant from
each other are the chances of fertilisation lessened. A few oysters, in
close proximity to each other, might soon, in favourable circumstances,
replenish a whole bank, but when the dredge has done its worst and only
a few stragglers remain, the work of destruction is complete, and
another is added to the long list of exhausted beds. If the industry is
to thrive, careful attention must, therefore, be given to the conditions
governing the reproductive process, and especially to the most essential
condition that a sufficient breeding stock should be left gregariously
crowded together in accordance with the plan of nature. In France this
has been recognised for a considerable number of years, and the
Government insists on reserving a portion of the natural beds
exclusively for breeding purposes, only allowing a little dredging in
order to clean the ground and clear away enemies at intervals. From
these natural banks the larvae spread all over the neighbouring waters,
and myriads fix on the collectors laid down on private grounds for their
reception. Of late years there has been, as already said, a great
revival of the Dutch oyster fishery of the Scheldt—due exclusively to
the abundant collection of spat on particular parts of the Yerseke bed.
This revival at first caused some surprise, and nobody knew very well
how to account for it. Various parts of the bank were dredged for the
purpose of ascertaining the source of the spat, but only with negative
results. At last some one thought of the fringe of 500 metres from the
dykes by which the country is protected from the inroads of the sea.
Within this fringe dredging is prohibited, and is besides rendered
almost impracticable by the presence of large stones. Divers were sent
down to explore the ground, with the result that almost everywhere the
stone-works which jut out from the dykes were found to be covered with
oysters that had never been disturbed. These natural beds were
undoubtedly the explanation of the great abundance of spat in regions
some little distance off, but found by actual experiment to be connected
with them by currents. It may be added that the portion of the Scheldt
in which these beds are situated has been cut off by a railway
embankment from all direct connection with the freshwater stream, and is
to all intents and purposes a sheltered bay or creek filled with the
waters of the sea.
An analogous order of things is observed at some of
the principal seats of oyster cultivation in the east and south of
England. The Blackwater, in Essex, is a wide estuary or arm of the sea,
and though many of its oyster-grounds are public and frequented by large
numbers of dredgers, they nevertheless maintain their productiveness.
The reason is that they are every year replenished by spat brought down
by currents from the well-stored private grounds in the upper creeks and
reaches of the estuary. These private layings are stocked with young
oysters from the public grounds lower down; and thus a mutually
beneficial reciprocity exists, and the industry is successfully carried
on from year to year. In the same district, a similar condition of
mutual dependence is observed on the Roach River, the upper portion
being carefully stocked as an oyster farm, while lower down much of the
bed is, before the breeding season, strewn over with culch for the
reception of spat. And off Whitstable the public grounds undoubtedly
benefit by the well-stocked fattening grounds of the bay; but as the
water is here an open expanse, unconfined by banks, very much of the
spat is dissipated and lost, while experience also proves that the best
fattening places are not the best breeding places. The best brood
oysters are the produce of natural banks, though artificial layings also
yield satisfactory supplies in average seasons, and in localities
favourable to collection.
These facts, and were it necessary they might be
multiplied., tell us somewhat of the conditions that must be observed if
a large oyster-industry is to be developed in Scotland. With regard to
breeding, the best practical measure that can be adopted, is to conserve
with jealous vigilance every existing natural bank. It is very difficult
to create a good breeding place, but not quite so difficult to utilise
to its utmost a breed-jug place already in existence. This utilisation
is to be effected by restricting, or altogether preventing, the removal
of breeding stock, by clearing away occasionally the whelks, starfishes,
boring-sponges, and other "enemies" by which the banks are apt to be
infested, and by adopting measures for the collection of as much as
possible of the spat. The work of "cleaning" is done by means of the
dredge. Collection of spat must be preceded by experiments or
observations to ascertain, as far as possible, where the spat is likely
to fall; and except in waters more or less hemmed in by land, there is
not, it must be confessed, much hope of succeeding with this branch of
the business.
In American and Portuguese oysters (O. virginiana,
O. angulata) the process of embryonic development is effected not
within the shells of the parent, but, as in the case of most fishes, in
the water of the surrounding sea. The ova are cast into the water, and
are there fertilised, and there the larvae come forth as free-swimming
creatures. With these oysters some progress has been made towards
establishing artificial propagation corresponding to the fundamental
operation of fish-culture, as now extensively practised in Europe and
America. The pioneer in this art was Dr W. K. Brooks of Baltimore,
director of the Chesapeake Zoological Laboratory, and chairman of the
Maryland Oyster Commission; and other early labourers in the same field
have been Professor Pice and Mr Ryder in America, and M.
Bouchon-Brandely in France. Dr Brooks's experiments in 1879 were
witnessed by Lieut. Winslow, of the United States Navy, who, being
stationed next year at Cadiz, repeated them with the Portuguese oyster,
which he found to be likewise capable of artificial propagation.
Stimulated also by Dr Brooks's experiments, M. Bouchon-Brandely has for
some years been carrying on an important series of researches with the
Portuguese oyster, and has succeeded in raising a large number of young
from artificially fecundated ova through all the early stages, as is
fully detailed in his Reports to the French Government, which have been
translated and issued by the Board of Trade in this country. The
practicability of raising Portuguese and American oysters—which indeed
are one species—from artificially fertilised eggs, is therefore clearly
established. It is true that these oysters differ not a little from the
Ostrea edulis, and are in by no means so high repute; still they
have a good commercial value, and their cultivation artificially from
the earliest stage is an important step in advance. As regards the
common oyster, which is incubated within the shells, the difficulty is
not in obtaining larvae, but in getting the spat to adhere to the
collectors or culch. In confined waters, food conditions and want of
aeration are difficulties as well as temperature ; and whatever
reasonable hopes there may be that these difficulties will sooner or
later be overcome, we must for the present rely upon the old methods,
and look forward with hope to the progress of experiment and research
into the conditions of oyster life. The requisite aeration of confined
water can be provided by mechanical means ; but food conditions are more
unmanageable, because, for one thing, they are less perfectly known.
They are no doubt affected by aeration, and probably also by
temperature. The temperature of a sea water tank of moderate dimensions
can of course be raised by artificial means, but the art of cultivating
the microscopic organisms, upon which the oyster feeds and fattens and
its larvae are sustained, has still to be learned. Old oysters are
sometimes supplied with a sprinkling of oatmeal, and appear to benefit
by imbibing particles of this food, but we have still to learn how to
provide the natural food of the larvae, or whether any substitute is
available. These speculations, however, pertain to the scientific branch
of the subject. The life history of the oyster is still known only in
part, and we are but on the threshold of the art of propagating this
mollusc through the intervention of human contrivance. Within certain
narrow limits we can assist nature. We can also refrain from thwarting
nature by dredging away the parent stock, instead of leaving sufficient
breeding places intact.
As a practical means of developing the oyster
fisheries of Scotland, we must, I think, look first to an extension of
the system of granting leases of oyster grounds for short terms, on
condition of a certain amount of money being annually expended on their
cultivation. The proceedings to this end, though they might with
advantage be further simplified, have been facilitated by the Sea
Fishery Act for 1885. Having found a promising locality, and obtained a
lease from the Secretary for Scotland, on the recommendation of the
Fishery Board, the grantee would set about preparing the ground, putting
up a rough fence, perhaps, to mark it off and afford some protection, or
at least surrounding it with a few stout posts to which brushwood or
hurdling might be attached, at the proper season, for the collection of
spat. If the nature of the ground permitted, or rendered it desirable,
sloping ridges might be formed so as to give the allotment more or less
of an undulating surface, as is done on many of the American oyster
layings of Chesapeake Bay; and it should also be strewn over with a
layer of old shells, or if these cannot be procured the smaller debris
from a stone quarry would be a fairly good substitute. At sundry places
on the Adriatic it is customary to drive branches of oak into the bed of
the sea round oyster grounds, in 1½ fathom of
water, every spring; and in the autumn these branches, which meanwhile
have become laden with young oysters, are transferred with their burden
into deeper water. There the branches are sunk, and the oysters left to
develop and mature—safe alike from the heat of summer and the frosts of
winter. At other Adriatic stations the branches, instead of being
staked, are simply laid down in the water. This, it may be added, is
substantially the method of oyster-culture pursued at Lake Fusaro on the
Gulf of Taranto, since the old Roman days—the breeding oysters being
placed on heaps of stone with wooden stakes or piles planted around
them. It is to an examination of this method by M. Coste that the modern
development of the French oyster industry is in great measure due. On M.
Coste's recommendation, the Fusaro system was introduced at different
points on the Bay of Biscay, and its adoption soon became general. About
the same time, however, the system of artificial parcs and
claires had its inception. The parcs are simply portions of
the foreshore walled round roughly with stones, and having a clay
foundation, which retains water, are strewn with a covering of stones or
shells. These pares are covered by the sea at every tide, and
much labour is expended in keeping them in good order, and in clearing
away intruding marine animals. They are used as stores and breeding
places, and at the breeding season, collectors—generally tiles— are laid
down in them. The claires are similar ponds, but, beyond the
range of the ordinary ebb and flow of the tide, though reached by the
high water of spring tides. They are used for fattening and "greening"
oysters, the comparative stagnation of the water being favourable, as
would seem, to the growth of the microscopic organisms by which these
processes are effected. Much, however, depends on the character of the
soil; British "natives" are not the sickly produce of stale ponds.
The sensitiveness of the oyster to frost renders the
French system unsuitable to Scotch conditions, and the model for
Scotland is rather the old Italian system. But with a view to commercial
results, attention will naturally be directed to rearing fully as much
as to breeding. Supplies of brood, ready for "planting out," can be
procured at Auray or Arcachon, at a price that need not be regarded as
prohibitive. To some people it may sound like rank heresy, but I must
also mention the American oyster as deserving of notice. Large numbers
of the kind known as "East Rivers," which are those most in repute in
this country, are imported every year at the young stage, and "planted
out" in the Conway, the Menai Strait, and, I understand, certain places
in the south of England. The American oyster trade seems to prosper in
this country; at all events, the Transatlantic bivalve is gaining for
itself every year a more and more important place in the English market.
The most noteworthy trait in its character is, that while it grows and
thrives in British waters, it does not reproduce itself; and thus the
grounds as they are cleared have always to be replenished by new
importations of young from America, Whether "natives," or Americans, or
Portuguese are dealt with, the beds where they are to winter must be
protected by having always a few feet of water over them. Four feet is a
sufficient minimum in sheltered localities, but where the beds are more
or less in the current of a river, a greater depth than this is
necessary. To attempt to raise oysters on a sandy beach would be no less
absurd than to attempt wheat growing among the moving sands of the
Sahara. Soft mud is equally to be avoided. A somewhat firm alluvial or
clayey soil, with a certain admixture of calcareous matter in some form,
is a general description applicable to very many oyster beds; and there
must be a good deal of organic matter on the ground or in its
neighbourhood. Rocky localities, though not always unsuitable to oyster
growth, are undesirable on account of the difficulty of dealing with
them. To enlarge and improve existing beds, I repeat, is a far more
certain way of attaining success than to attempt to establish new ones.
The usual method of taking up oysters is by the use of the dredge, but
in America the "tongs" is employed, and in moderately shallow water it
is preferable for ridged grounds, as causing less disturbance.
These are the main points bearing on the development
of the Scottish oyster fisheries. The scale of the present essay does
not allow them to be adequately discussed, but the outline that has been
given may not be altogether without utility. I have not attempted any
specific account of actual or potential oyster localities in Scotland,
because anything like a comprehensive report of that kind must be
preceded by local inquiries of a somewhat extensive nature. On this head
it may be said generally, however, that there are a great many arms of
the sea running into Scotland and its islands in which promising spots
are to be found. The Firth of Forth contains extensive dredging grounds.
The Tay, notwithstanding its sand and silt, is not without comparatively
pure and hopeful localities. There are some oysters in the Cromarty
Firth. The "voes" of Shetland, the sounds of Orkney, and the Loch of
Stenness offer advantages to the ostri-culturist which will probably
some day be turned to account; and in some of the sea lochs of the West
Highlands and Hebrides, where the oyster is indigenous, a sufficiency
might be grown to supply extensive markets. Even in Scotland, therefore,
oyster culture is not without great possibilities. The demand for
oysters is far greater than the supply, and were the business properly
developed in the various seats of actual or possible production, it
should be highly remunerative, even after a concession has been made to
the consumer in the matter of price. At present the industry, except in
the Firth of Forth, is almost entirely undeveloped. Occasional desultory
experiments in oyster cultivation have been made in Scottish waters, but
they have not come to much. Experiments are not needed to show that the
common oyster thrives in these waters, and the common oyster will
probably always remain the prime favourite in the markets. The
experiments to be desiderated are not biological but economic, and from
the teachings of experience elsewhere, and the fact that the oyster is
indigenous in Scotland, it can hardly be doubted that the first who
choose their ground with judgment, and lay out their capital to good
purpose, will reap an abundant harvest, and virtually add one more to
the list of Scottish industries. The east coast, except in the
estuaries, is for the most part impracticable, but a great deal might be
done on the west coast and among the islands. There the climate is mild
and suitable, while nowhere are well-sheltered places more abundant. The
establishment of an oyster industry, moreover, would be of public and
national importance, as a means of employing labour in regions where
remunerative employments are by no means numerous. The first step is to
simplify and cheapen the process preliminary to the granting of
concessions of ground, and the rest must be left to the energy,
sagacity, and knowledge of capitalists prepared to embark their
resources in the enterprise, and to the industry of the workers prepared
to co-operate with them in turning the forces of nature to account in a
new way for the production of wealth. |