Winter feeding hill sheep was introduced early in the
century, and as the practice gradually became known, so did severe
winter losses gradually pass away. Since that time many systems have
been adopted, all of which have been tried and approved or disapproved
of. This is not to be wondered at, since so great a variety of
circumstances bear on the result; and although all or any of the systems
may have proved a failure, it is more than likely they had not been
soundly applied, as there is convincing proof that where any system
reasonably adapted for a particular farm has been practically carried
out, good results have been obtained. There are four systems we could
adopt in winter feeding hill sheep, viz.—
(1) Hay, (2) Turnips, (3) Artificial
Food, and (4) Ensilage.
To these we can add the alternative of wintering from
home. When feeding is resorted to, one or other of these methods has to
be adopted. We will, therefore, consider the conditions under which each
practice can be most successfully applied.
Hay.—Feeding hay is the oldest of these
practices, and the one most generally adopted. Every one admits hay to
be the most natural food we can supply to hill sheep, and it is
invariably chosen in preference to any other. With plenty of hay no
farmer need fear winter losses, and the expenses need not be
unreasonable. There are, however, varieties of hay. Clover and ryegrass
hay are not so well relished by hill sheep as the natural product of
hill bogs and meadows, and no hay seems to give better results than that
made from amongst their feet. Hay made upon arable land is doubtless of
a higher feeding quality, and a less quantity ought to suffice; yet,
even then, the after effect that invariably follows in the track of
every kind of food, and which always appears sooner or later during the
year, is more apparent than when natural hay has been given. This proves
hill hay to be the most suitable for hill sheep, but as it is not always
possible to secure it, there is sometimes no alternative but to use the
other. Feeding with hay is practised wherever a supply can be had, and
the quantity procurable determines the method of feeding. The practice
of "haying" every winter, mild or severe, can only be adopted where
sufficient is to be had —and these places are very rare—still, we are
aware of a few who adopt this plan. It takes an enormous. quantity of
hay where one or two thousand sheep are fed, and although we could not
question the result as regards making good sheep, we believe the cost
must surely exceed the profit. As an instance, however, of the result of
this system, we may mention that on the farm of Girnwood, in Upper
Teviotdale, Mr Scott cut more lambs this year (1885) than last. No other
farmer in the district could say the same, and we must remember the
latter was an exceptionally good year, and the former a very bad one.
It is only on very high grazings where feeding every
winter is absolutely necessary, and in these cases the general plan is
to remove the sheep. But between the highest and medium lying lands, we
have another class of farms, where no hay can be grown, and in mild
winters the sheep manage to do fairly well without any extra food. The
custom, however, in these cases is a very hazardous one. No hay is
provided, and when a storm comes on, the sheep are simply starved to as
low a point as is considered safe, when they are removed to grass in the
lowlands. It is impossible to tell how long a storm may last, or how
soon it may break up, and it sometimes happens that the sheep are
removed only a few days when they have to return. Such, however, is an
agreeable mistake. It is in fickle weather, with a daily appearance of a
thaw, when hopes are entertained day after day of a change, that often
the most serious harm occurs.
The sheep are all the time suffering, and the owner
knows it, but it is beyond his ken to know what to do for the best.
Consequently, very often the flock is reduced to a condition from which
it cannot recover before another year or perhaps a longer period. It is
very natural to delay removing the sheep as long as there is hope of a
change, but many have over and over again regretted this course. Those
in such positions should always have wintering in view, and be prepared
to move whenever occasion requires, and not put off till the time comes,
when the delay and difficulty in obtaining grass in a suitable locality
may cause very serious loss.
Wherever hay can be grown—and that implies the
greater part of Scotland—the practice of feeding during storms only is
extensively pursued. All, however, are not agreed as to what extent the
sheep may be allowed to suffer before commencing to feed. The amount of
hay on hand has to be considered, as well as the expense of feeding
probably several thousand sheep for an uncertain period. Before any one
commences to feed he has many points to consider. He has to place the
extra cost of feeding against the probable loss from starvation, and
loss of condition in the flock generally; and as he cannot tell how long
a storm may last, or the ultimate expense, he is placed in a position
requiring great practical knowledge both of the weather' and the
condition of his sheep, otherwise he cannot figure when or when not to
feed. By storms we mean the length of time the snow remains 6n the
ground, or as long as what the shepherds call "stormed." In Scotland
they vary from a few days to several months. On an average, a storm may
be said to last about three weeks. As a rule, too, they come gradually.
One coating of snow after another gradually getting deeper and deeper,
until the grass is fairly out of the reach of the sheep, when they are
said to be "stormed." Now, where the difficulty in management occurs is
in the peculiarity of storms. One farm may be completely sealed, or only
a part of it, while the neighbouring ground may be open, and the grass
still partially accessible from the snow being blown by the wind. Then
again, besides the varying depth of the snow, a good deal depends on the
accompanying weather—whether the days be calm or windy, thawing or
freezing. In calm quiet weather the sheep will work with astonishing
perseverance in very deep snow, and manage to pick sufficient to sustain
them; but when the days are cold, with a piercing wind or swirling
drift, then a less depth will storm them. There is also a difference in
a wet snow or a dry one; and a partial thaw followed by a hard frost is
the worst of all. When the snow is covered with a coat of ice, the sheep
are unable to break through it, and thus with only a very light snow the
ground may be effectually stormed. Dry snows are dangerous as being
liable to drift, but in quiet weather a dry snow is very deep before it
does much harm. These are a few of the phases of a storm. They do not by
any means embrace all the variations to be encountered, but they will
serve to show that before we could point out when feeding is actually
necessary, we would require a real case. Amongst stockmen themselves,
various opinions prevail under similar circumstances. In a case where
one would feed, another would not, and each would produce good reasons
for so doing. When a storm passes away in a short time, most farmers
would regret having fed, as the sheep being used to a different kind of
food do not take so readily again to their pastures. They keep hanging
about the places where they have been foddered, and do not go in search
of food with the same energy as those that have never been fed. Those
that have never got any hay do not look for it, and a bit touch of
hunger seems to give them a keener sense of their duty in caring for
themselves, and so it happens that feeding sometimes does harm. But as
we never know how long a storm may last, it is best to feed as soon as
necessary; and when sheep have once been fed, the feeding should be
continued until they prefer not to come for it. Let all changes of
feeding be done gradually, even should the weather be fresh, and the
flock will soon take to their usual fare and go on well.
The elements we cannot control, and have to take them
as they come, but success or failure in wintering hill flocks greatly
depends on the methods we adopt in providing the food and in giving it.
In summer, hay should be made and stacked at the best sheltered places
on the farm, where a "stell" is already provided, and where there is
likely to be a portion of rough ground available during a storm. Too
many sheep should not be fed together at one place, as it is more
difficult to give every one their share when the "cuts" are big. Small
lots are also easier to move to the bare ground adjacent, and the more
divisions there are, the more food will be within their reach. In
feeding hay a very common practice is to scatter it in handfuls on the
top of the snow, and the sheep will eat it up wonderfully clean. This
plan, however, is wasteful in windy weather. Some have hecks for putting
the hay in, which is about the best way of feeding it, only these are
rather expensive. Others again have bag-nets of cord stretched from two
stakes, but lately wire-netting has been used with good success. A
double fence of wire netting, set closely together and attached to
stakes, makes a cheap and handy heck, and one easily removed and not
liable to summer waste. The sheep need never at any time get all the hay
they will eat—just as much as keeps them hearty, and according to the
amount of grass they can pick besides. Care should also be taken when
feeding to see that all get a share. Some are very backward, and prefer
to stand aside, while the greedy ones eat it all up ; but plenty of room
at the heck, and a few handfuls put down for those on the outside, will
generally put all of them straight. They should get their hay as early
in the morning as possible, and then the shepherd takes them out to any
bare ground he can rind, where they will pick what grass they can reach.
It may be necessary for the shepherd to stay by them the whole day, as
if left to themselves the sheep are apt to get discouraged from getting
amongst deep snow, or the day may be rough and they would rather seek a
shelter. In the evening they should have another foddering of hay, but
it is always best to give them the biggest share in the morning. A
careful man, who is really interested in his work, can do many little
acts for the good of his sheep during a storm, and on these the welfare
of the flock greatly depends.
Turnips.—Turnips as a winter food for breeding
hill sheep are not approved of. In the first place sheep have to be
accustomed to turnips for some time before they will eat them readily,
and this during a storm does not answer, as the flocks are in too weak a
condition to go through the process of learning; and secondly, when
turnips are used they cause the sheep to fail in their mouths sooner
than the usual time for drafting hill ewes, which in itself is
sufficient to class turnips as an unsuitable food for this purpose. But
although turnips are not approved of for ewes, they are at the same time
extensively used as a winter food for wedder flocks—wedder hirsels being
generally on the highest ground on the farm, and in high districts,
where, owing to bleak springs, a ewe flock would not succeed. For one or
two months in the year they would most likely require extra feeding any
way, so that it suits very well to take them to turnips during that
time. As wedders are drafted at an earlier age than ewes, the tooth
question does not affect them. Then while the turnips are a good
substitute for pasture, and bring the wedders through a critical period,
they are also a great help in improving them in size and strength, which
is very desirable when they are brought out to market. In all parts
where wedder flocks are kept and winter feeding is necessary, turnips
seem to be the food preferred in almost every instance; and on half-hill
farms, where other systems of management are pursued, they also form the
chief winter resource. Full turnips are of course not given to sheep
that are again to go to the hill—they are only given as a supplement to
hay or grass, getting a run on to turnips a few hours daily.
Artificial Food.—Artificial food for hill sheep
in severe winters is still an unsettled point among hill farmers, and
on which very conflicting opinions exist. It has at
any rate been well tried, and while some say good results have been
obtained by it, others again give quite a contrary experience. Several
of these have already been given on the subject, but undoubtedly that of
Professor Wallace, as published last year, is the most favourable
account of the practice on record. The Professor concludes, "that better
results are obtained by giving concentrated and bulky food together than
either separately." We all agree to that, but, when sheep are stormed,
and are not able to get the bulky food, how will concentrated food stand
alone? Very frequently the ground is so deeply covered with snow that
not a bite of grass or heather can be had, when the sheep might as well
be in a bare field, where we will also suppose not a single blade of
grass exists. Now, such an occurrence is not uncommon, and may be
experienced any winter. In such a case, without hay, would corn alone be
a suitable food? No; it is impossible to prevent ruin by feeding store
animals of any kind for a length of time solely on concentrated food;
and as it frequently happens that the amount of pasture available on a
hill during a storm is equally the same as in the bare field, how can
any one under these conditions prove corn to be a profitable food? To
have sheep confined either in a bare field, or on a hill where natural
food was for the time almost inaccessible, it may be possible to avert
present losses by artificial feeding, but at the same time it could not
be done without permanent injury to their constitutions. In extreme
weather, when grass or hay is unattainable, artificial food would be
condemned. Let us therefore consider it in a moderate aspect.
Fortunately, our winters are generally of a milder
character, with vegetation not altogether lost in oblivion, so that the
sheep can still obtain more or less natural food. They may be able to
secure only a portion of the amount necessary for their existence,
however; and the question is, Can we by artificial means successfully
make up the deficiency? This is the disputed point, and one which
seriously concerns every hill farmer. In cold, bleak springs many would
gladly provide artificial food for their flocks, were they convinced it
would be profitable to do so. But throughout Scotland there are very few
flockmasters who believe in it. All the same, we welcome any methods
that can be shown to be an improvement on the old; and although we may
not agree with them, they deserve our attention. In the report already
mentioned, we are given an account of the winter management pursued at
Twiglees, and the results are shown to be highly satisfactory. We have
now to notice how these were accomplished. Firstly, the experiment was
made upon sheep all thoroughly healthy, and not upon a draft of the
leanest drawn from the flock; secondly, the winters are described as
being about the average in severity. The experiment was made, in fact,
not so much to test the value of com in any particular storm, as to
estimate whether, at a season of the year when vegetation is generally
very dead, the sheep could be profitably assisted through a usually
trying period. The conditions in this case are altogether different from
the one previously mentioned. Here, there was never at any time an
entire absence of bulky material which the sheep could always make use
of along with the corn. Another important point to observe is, that the
sheep which were earliest fed and not reduced too much in condition did
best, and those in lower condition and fed for a shorter period did not
do so well. To this experience we could add similar testimony from a few
others, but there are none of them so definite, or, strictly speaking,
purely hill farmers. They have all a good share of arable land to fall
back upon which might not be considered so genuine a trial. However, we
are acquainted with several farmers who have successfully used
artificial food in severe winters, and although arable land was
available had it been required, their experience was entirely distinct
and confined to regular hill stock.
Others who have
tested artificial feeding on purely hill farms speak differently, and as
an example, we give the experience of Mr E. C. Boothby, late tenant of
Hyndhope, Selkirkshire, who says:—"My object was to try if by artificial
means I could make my farm carry more sheep than ordinarily. I took a
cut of 12 score ewes and hoggs, and to these I added 3 score more which
I bought. By this means I hoped to improve the 12 score, and what the 3
extra score produced I hoped would pay for the bought-in food. About the
middle of February 1880, I began to give ¼ lb. of bruised Indian corn,
which towards lambing time was increased to ½ lb., and when the grass
came, this allowance was gradually decreased and finally stopped. The
sheep and lambs all throve well, but were no better than others on the
farm which got nothing. The summer being very dry the land got droughted,
and sheep were rather hungered, and consequently fell off in condition.
I was told this was the result of feeding with corn, but I thought it
was owing to the drought. Next year I treated them the same way,
putting, however, a little salt among the corn, and was congratulating
myself that, whatever the rest of the sheep on the farm did, these ones
would bring up their lambs and do well. After lambing time they were not
only the worst sheep I had, but the death-rate was very heavy,
especially among the hoggs, many of which died full of water. On the
other hand, those fed with hay did fairly well. If the natural grass on
our hills could be improved, feeding I am sure would pay; as it is,
however, it is not strong enough to keep the sheep thriving after
receiving corn." On a half-hill and arable farm our own experience
agrees with this result. The turnip crop was occasionally so light that
the portion intended for the hill sheep in spring could not be spared,
and as a substitute for these we frequently tried corn or cake. One of
these winters we fed 300 Cheviot ewes, with a mixture of cotton cake and
oats, from the New Year till the later part of April. There was nothing
unusual in the season. The winter and spring were about an average, and
the grass was well come before the feeding was discontinued. The amount
of food given was ½lb. at starting, and increased to 1 lb. per sheep
daily. It was also gradually reduced as the weather became milder in
spring. The following summer was an exceedingly favourable one for hill
sheep, yet the small flock we had brought so well through the winter did
not seem to know it. From beginning to end they never perceptibly
improved in condition, scarcely grew any wool, would hardly clip, and
their lambs were the worst we ever weaned from that ground. These sheep
never fully recovered from the effects of that feeding, and as long as
they remained on the farm did badly. On other occasions, owing to barren
springs, we fed on corn with no better results, and the longer the sheep
were fed the worse they seemed to do the following summer. The
description of land may have had something to do with the after bad
effects, as the farm referred to is of a light mixed soil, with little
or no solid feeding ground, and possibly the corn was a deal richer
feeding than the hill could afterwards maintain. In the letters
following it will be seen that corn for hill sheep is not in favour
among the majority of farmers.
Ensilage.—This is the coming winter food for hill
sheep. It has not as yet been extensively tested, but any trials that
have been made have given great satisfaction. It has been well tried
with lowland sheep, and all who have succeeded in making a good sample
speak highly of its merits. In the hope that hill farmers who are not
fully acquainted with the properties of ensilage will probably be
induced to give it fuller attention, we deduce the following points
regarding it from the replies received from all parts of the country by
the Ensilage Commission instituted by the Agricultural Department of the
Privy Council:—
1. That the preservation of green crops by the
ensilage process is a valuable auxiliary to farm practice, affording
safety to the whole crop produced, and a means of utilising substances
almost valueless or otherwise waste.
2. That silos may be constructed either above or
partly below the ground level, a few, and some of the best being
altogether below ground.
3. The stacking process received very attenuated
evidence, but its desirability was evident, and the present season will
afford ample evidence as to the economy of making ensilage without a
silo, a £25 prize being offered by the Royal Agricultural Society of
4. That any kind of green fodder may be ensiled, and
for most crops chaffing is recommended, but in the case of meadow hay
much excellent ensilage has been made from unchaffed grass.
5. A great number of devices have been adopted to
give the supposed necessary pressure. That the necessary amount of
weighting and pressure is undecided, good results being reached from 7
lbs. to 70 lbs. and upwards.
6. The moot point of extra costs in carting green
forage as against dry hay, and, per contra, the costs saved
through not having to make hay, gave varied opinions, but the balance of
testimony is that making ensilage is less costly than making hay, even
in ordinary weather.
7. That at any time after two months from the filling
the siloed crops are available for feeding, and will remain good for
over a year.
8. That ensilage for cows in milk and ewes in lamb is
superior to most other winter provender, and that it may yet be used as
a valuable health agent, as well as a food for stock.
In Scotland silos and ensilage are yet in their
infancy, the first having been opened on 17th February 1883. Since that
time, however, they have rapidly increased, and now number 161. Mr W. M.
Oliver, Howpasley, Hawick, was one of the first hill farmers in Scotland
to erect a silo; and to prove that good silage can be made even among
the hills, it may be mentioned that Mr Oliver took first prize from
among 115 entries, for the best sample of natural unchaffed grass, at
the Smithfield Club Show, December 1884. This gentleman has kindly given
us his experience with silage, which is of much interest, and is as
follows:—"In preparing silage I cut as much grass in the morning as I
expect to be able to put in that day, and immediately draw it into rows
with the horse rake. I then begin to lead it, using carts with sheep
frames. It is laden from the rows with grapes, with a boy or girl in the
cart to tramp it; then led to the top of the silo and tipped, when one
man forks it in, while two others spread it equally in layers over the
surface of the silo, and as each layer is finished, the spreaders give
it a good tramp over. I press with dead weights, and part of pressure is
put on each night after filling. I prefer to put the grass in damp. The
only sheep that I have wintered on silage were 16 tup hoggs last winter,
when I gave it to them, instead of roots and hay, with the same amount
of Indian corn as I had been in the habit of giving them in former
years. They certainly never were better brought out, if ever so well. It
was given them in a rack like hay, as much as they liked to eat. The
cost was about 8s. 6d. per ton, calculating 45 cubic feet to the ton. I
have no doubt that it would be very good for hill sheep, and I do not
think there would be any difficulty in learning them to eat it in hard
Sir James T. Stewart Richardson, Pitfour Castle, who
has been taking great interest in the subject, has also favoured us with
his views on ensilage. He says:—"Last year I proved silage made in a
built silo, under my own mode of pressure, to be a complete success,
without the least waste; and I am now trying the same pressure in a
stack, and have every hope that the slight waste at the outside will not
be so great, and therefore will more than compensate for not having the
expense of building a silo. I am of opinion that silage feeding during a
storm is very advantageous, and silo-stacks, such as I am trying this
season for home use, could easily be made in portions convenient for
feeding hill sheep. Silage feeding for ewes I believe to be very good,
although some people say it should not be carried on too close to the
Mr R. Everard Jones, Glenmoidart, Argyllshire, says:—
"The importance of ensilage to the Highland farmers cannot be
overestimated. Subjected as we are to so much rain, it is at all times a
difficult matter to secure our hay, and frequently the hay we are
enabled to make is so black and inferior in quality, that it is hardly
of any value for feeding purposes. This year I have turned an old
building into a silo, which I have lately opened, and I find my silage
is in splendid condition, notwithstanding that the bulk of the grass was
cut and carted in pouring rain—the last five cart-loads which were cut
out at the side of the loch, being completely under water, compelling
the men who cut it to remove their shoes and stockings, whilst the water
streamed out of the carts that carried the grass to the silo. All the
people about here have been shaking their heads over the amount of good
hay I have, as they thought, wasted in the silo, but now I expect even
the crofters will be trying it next year."
In the schedule of questions sent out by the Ensilage
Commission, there was no particular mention of ensilage as a food for
sheep, yet several of the replies contained the following remarks, which
are very noteworthy, from Scotch farmers:—
W. Aiton, Sandford Lodge, Peterhead.—"Ensilage given
to lambing ewes, who did fairly well on it, but cannot say better than
on good hay."
G. Bain, Oldmill Farm, Aberdeen.—"A good nourishing
food for breeding ewes."
A. Creighton, Fortree, Ellon.—"A flock of Cheviot
ewes, fed for six weeks on ensilage, did remarkably well."
R. E. Findlay, Barnhill, Dumbarton.—"Lambs of some
blackfaced ewes, which got ensilage in April 1884, throve very well."
M. C. Yorstoun, Irvine House, Canonbie.—"For ewes
silage is an excellent and economical food."
T. Barr, Harburn, West Calder.—"Fed silage to lambing
ewes, with excellent results."
G. Mackay, Corriegour, Inverness.—"150 sheep fed on
ensilage throve well."
From repeated trials of our own with ensilage in
America, we have no hesitation in saying its value for hill sheep only
requires to be known to become generally adopted. In Minnesota
considerable numbers of sheep are kept, and during five months in the
year they require hand-feeding. There the snow gets from 2 to 3 feet
deep every winter, which completely covers up all vegetation. In summer
the sheep are grazed on prairie land, which were any Scotchman to walk
over unaware of being in America, he could tell no difference from the
grass under his feet from that which composes the grassy hill lands in
the south of Scotland. I was often struck with the similarity, not only
in the grasses, but in the weeds and wild flowers. With a difference in
the temperature there, the conditions are otherwise very similar to hill
farming at home, when we have at all a severe winter. While there we
tested ensilage against hay and hay and corn, with a flock of native
sheep. The result was, that in the spring, when we quit feeding, the
sheep fed on ensilage alone were superior to those on hay, and quite
equal to those that, in addition to hay, got about ½lb. of Indian corn
daily. They were all grazed together on the same prairie, and I took
particular notice of their summer condition. They all did very well, but
at shearing time the ensilage-fed sheep had the fattest lambs, and those
that had corn the worst. The silage was prepared from meadow grass every
way alike to what a natural meadow produces here, and it cost much about
the same to prepare as hay—and hay is very easily made there. Against
all this evidence we cannot produce one single unfavourable report, and
for further testimony we have only to refer to the inquiry made and
published last year by the Highland and Agricultural Society. It is at
least quite clear that hill farmers, who are so much dependent on a
short time in summer for securing their crop of hay, can by means of
ensilage provide a supply of winter food every way equal to the best
hay, regardless of either rain or drought.
Wintering from home, as an alternative to hand
feeding, is a system widely adopted throughout Scotland. It is one,
however, which is but reluctantly resorted to. But on high farms, where
it is impossible to secure hay, no other method can be pursued when
artificial food is not approved of. In the Highlands, the practice of
wintering the hoggs away is about the only method adopted. They are
taken from the hills in the later part of October, and sent to the
arable farms in the Lowlands. Cattle graziers have no difficulty in
disposing of their winter grass to sheep farmers, who prefer such
wintering to either turnips or corn. In severe weather the ewe hoggs are
not allowed anything but hay in addition to the grass, and the wedders
generally get turnips. Grass alone for hoggs costs from 4s. to 6s. per
head, according to the quality of the wintering. Turnips cost from £4 to
£8 per acre, or they are sometimes taken by the week at from 4d. to 6d.
per head. Years ago, sheep farming in the Highlands was greatly
stimulated by turnip-hogging or wintering away; but while this remains a
necessity, it has become so serious an expense as to be one of the
greatest obstacles to the letting of sheep farms. In the south, where
the system partially prevails, the hoggs are removed about 1st November,
somewhat later than is done in the north. The winter grazings in the
south are principally found in dairy districts, and cost about 6s. per
sheep. Removing the hoggs considerably lightens the winter stock on the
farm, which is no small advantage. In some cases the gimmers and a few
of the leanest of the ewes are also sent to low ground about New Year
time, and brought back along with the hoggs about the 1st of April. But
not a few flockmasters, rather than pay extra wintering for gimmers, do
not have them in lamb. They have their first lamb at three years, and by
that time are strong and do better afterwards. In some districts many
are also compelled to remove their hoggs on account of braxy,
independently of the weather. Ewes are only taken to wintering in severe
storms when no other food has been provided. Wintering hoggs on low
grounds is a heavy item, and together with the ordinary rent often makes
the expense more than it is worth. Indeed, since prices for wool and
store sheep have become so low, it has almost reduced the value of poor
hill lands to nothing at all. There never was a time of greater need for
some cheap method of wintering than at present, and although neither
feeding with hay, corn, nor ensilage can be done at a less cost than the
prices paid for winter grazing, we believe there is great room to modify
this expense, by a judicious combination of the home pasture with one or
other of the systems of feeding discussed.
Methods adopted in various Districts.—We have
great pleasure in producing the various practices of winter management
pursued throughout Scotland, kindly supplied by many well-known leading
farmers. Where opinions differ, we should not forget that the
surrounding circumstances might very possibly supply the reason.
Commencing at the Cheviot Hills, we will go gradually north; and
although many districts are necessarily left out, the farms mentioned
are a fair sample of the whole.
Northumberland—By Jacob Robson, Byrness.—"In
Reed-water, Cheviots are the principal stock, although blackfaces have
increased in numbers lately. We have a freestone land, clay subsoil,
also part limestone land. The pastures are benty, but some of the hills
have very good grass on them. There is also a good deal of heather and
ling in some parts. Hoggs round here are all wintered at home, except
the very worst, which are taken to lower grazings. In a bad winter I
have seen mine put on to seeds in March at from 6d. to Is. per week.
Sickness amongst hoggs during the autumn and early winter carries off
great numbers in this district. Some farmers try a change of pasture,
but it is hard to tell what to do to prevent it, as hoggs have often got
lean by shifting them off their own ground to other hill pasture. I do
not approve of feeding hay to hill sheep every winter, as sheep do not
go over the ground properly after being accustomed to receive it. I
never feed as long as the sheep can do without, but there is a great
difference of farms for sheep doing well after hay. Where there is
heather there is not so much risk in giving it as when there is only
white bent land. I have never tried hill sheep with cake or corn, and do
not consider either likely to give good results. I have seen ewes that
got corn in lambing time do well then, yet they would hardly clip at all
at the regular clipping time. On land where there is pining I find
turnips a good change for wedders. After a bad winter or spring it is a
great deal better to take grass for lean ewes than give them either
turnips or corn, although I would rather give the former than the latter
if grass was not easily got. I have not tried ensilage, as I think it
would take too long to accustom the sheep to the taste of it.
Stells are considered of great advantage in our district, and if well
placed and plenty of them, you can keep sheep in smaller numbers during
a storm, and thus they can get better to the different blown parts."
Roxburghshire—By George Douglas, Hindhope.—"The
soil in this district is generally of a gravelly nature, unless high up,
then it gets more mossy and mixed with heather. On the dry hills the
grass is fine and sweet. We keep our ewes till five years old, and do
not take lambs off them until they are three, as the gimmers cannot
bring lambs owing to the ground being stormy. The wedders are sold at
two and three years. We always try to winter our ewe hoggs at home—not
amongst the ewes, but by themselves—and as soon as we get a good
covering of snow learn them to hay. The wedder hoggs mostly go to
turnips, costing from 3d. to 5d. a week, according to the crop. My
experience is the less hay given the better, although in severe springs,
such as last, on bare fine land, hay certainly does good given every
day. I have tried feeding hill sheep with a mixture of cake, corn, and
locust beans, but the sheep summered badly afterwards. I do not approve
of turnips to any extent, but to few lean ewes they are the best thing
that can be given, as sheep thrive better after turnips than corn. In
stormy winters stells are of great advantage to hill sheep, and prevent
them from being blown away in a drifty night."
Dumfriesshire—By A. H. Borthwick, Hopsrig.—"My
system of wintering hill sheep is to have hay, as much as I think will
be required, or as much as I can make, put up on the most suitable and
sheltered feeding grounds during autumn. Care must be used not to select
a spot likely to blow up with snow. I feed the sheep during storms with
this when they can be got to eat it, but many sheep will rather starve
than eat the best hay, so that on the whole a genial open spring is the
best help for a hard winter."
Galloway—By James Brydon, jun., Holm of
Dalquhairn.— "Owing to the bad seasons we have had for the last ten
years, many different plans have been tried in wintering hill stock. The
general system in this district is to winter the hoggs away, mostly in
Ayrshire, from the 1st of November to 1st April, and on some of the
highest places the gimmers and a few lean sheep are taken down the
country about the New Year, and sent back before lambing time. A few of
my neighbours have been in the habit of giving all their ewes Indian
corn, some of these bad springs, just laid down on the bare spots on the
hill, and they seem to take to it very readily. Our plan has always been
to winter our hoggs at home, unless in some of these bad seasons when
one is forced to keep all the ewe lambs we winter away. But we always
find that the hoggs wintered at home make the hardiest and best doing
sheep, and the cost of wintering away is a great addition to the already
too big rents. In the month of January we have a look through the flock,
and bring in any lean ewe or hogg, and give them bog hay and the run of
the fields. When each herd can look after his own it generally suits
best. In the time of a storm we give all the sheep hay, and find they do
best on bog hay—in fact, what is made among their feet seems to suit
them best. When it can be had, every herd should have a year's hay
beforehand. Sheep should always be foddered twice a day in a
storm—before the sun is up and before sunset. Turnips or corn for hill
stocks do not answer a good end. Any that get them should be sent off
next back end, as they are certain to get lean the following spring; in
fact, before the New Year they will show leanness should they be kept
on, and would require the same feeding again or they die. Corn is our
last resort, and any that get it are never kept on. It is a great
advantage to have plenty of good stells in the proper places on a high
farm, and one or two small parks enclosed with stone dikes 4 or 5 acres
in each for hay, and a keb-house at them on each hirsel, is a great help
to pull things through in a bad season. A good careful herd is also one
of the best helps, and one that has been a good number of years at the
same place."
Dumfriesshire—By James Moffat, Gateside.—"We have
a mossy soil in this district, growing deer-hair, bent, spret, and draw
moss. The hoggs are principally sent to lower grazings in winter—to the
dairy farms in Ayrshire, where wintering costs from 6s. and 8s. per
head. I do not approve of turnips for hill sheep, as they cause them to
lose their teeth very soon. I think cake or corn does not give
satisfactory results, and tends to make the sheep soft. I would only
feed during a storm, and then, I prefer hay. On land where there is no
draw moss, I find the sheep very much benefited by getting hay every day
through February and March. I have not tried ensilage, but I think silos
at different parts of a hill quite practicable, if placed where the
material for filling them would not be too far to cart. Stells are of
great use. In stormy weather they are absolutely necessary, particularly
on land where there are long straight hill faces, with no small heights
and hollows for shelter."
Lanarkshire—By J. W. Hamilton, Woolfords.—"The
soil in this district is mostly deep damp land, and grows very good
pasture, consisting of heather, bent, draw moss, and green land. We have
only blackfaced sheep in this quarter. A number of the hoggs are
wintered at home, the others are sent to wintering, which is to be had
in the lower parts of the county. From 10th October to 10th April is
what is understood by the term wintering, and cost from 6s. to 8s. per
head. Some people prefer the best grass for wintering, but I object to
this. I think hoggs should be wintered in conformity to the hill they
are to go on. I would on no account use cake or corn for the general
stock. When I see a lean ewe I take her near the steading, and recruit
her with cake or corn, but I do not winter her again. I do not approve
of turnips either. Corn, cake, and turnips are all good for sheep, but
not to be afterwards returned to the hill. I have not tried ensilage,
but I would prefer hay, as I think a dry bite better than a damp one for
sheep that are getting so much moist damp grass. Hay is never used in
this district except in snowstorms, and my experience is that when
feeding is resorted to it requires to be kept up. I may say I have tried
hay to a greater extent than any person within 12 miles of here. I put
the hay in hecks, so that the sheep should get it dry. I expected them
all to get a little, but always a few lazy greedy ewes just lived on the
hay, and the rest did not get their share. A little dry hay, if it could
be properly divided, is a first-class thing for hill sheep. Stells are
of great advantage on level plain-lying land, and I have erected a few
on my farm. Natural shelter, however, is to be preferred. A very
important thing in wintering hill sheep is to see they come in contact
with many different kinds of grasses every day. Some hills are mixed so
that the sheep cannot go wrong, others are not, and the sheep should be
turned round as well as possible."
Mid-Lothian—By James Archibald, Overshiels.—"We
have a dry light soil, with moss land on hill tops, sloping to the
burns. The hoggs are wintered at home. I do not approve of turnips for
hill sheep, and would only feed hay during a storm. I have tried cake
and corn in barren springs when there was no vegetation, and such
feeding will bring ewes and lambs through when bog hay would be
ineffectual. Care should be taken to turn the sheep regularly away from
the troughs, and the feeding should be continued until the grass comes.
It is apt, however, to have a bad effect upon the sheep in the following
season. In very severe winters removing the leanest sheep to grass on
low ground in a good climate, frequently produces better results than
any feeding on the hills."
Perthshire—By Col. Stirling, Kippendavie.—"The
soil in this neighbourhood is light and sandy, with a rather retentive
subsoil. It is generally well adapted for growing grass. There is not
much heather on the Ochil Hills, which are considered very healthy for
sheep. The hoggs are mostly sent to low grazings in winter, found in the
Carse of Stirling and Kippen, Alloa district, and in through Fife and
lower Strathearn. Wintering cost from 4s. to 6s. per hogg. I think hill
sheep should be fed only during a storm. If hay be given care must be
taken when the snow disappears not to allow the sheep to feed too freely
on grass, as it is apt to bring on fatal scouring. Corn could be given,
but on a large grazing this plan is scarcely workable, and would prefer
turnips instead. I consider ensilage a very good substitute for hay.
Every hill farm should have a few silos erected in sheltered places.
Stells are a great benefit, especially to blackfaced sheep."
Aberdeenshire—By P. M. Turnbull, Smithston.—"The
hoggs are always wintered away. They leave the hills in October and
return in March or early April, and are generally wintered on arable
land, but a run of rough pasture along with it is most desirable. Large
numbers of hoggs are wintered in the Buchan district of this county, but
the whole county may be said to afford winter grazing for hoggs at a
cost of 4s. or 5s. per head.
I do not approve of feeding hill sheep every winter.
Giving hay to them unless when absolutely necessary is bad management,
as the sheep depend on it, and will not look for their natural food. Of
course, in deep snow, when nothing else is available, it must be done;
and it is wisdom for every hill farmer to provide for such a
contingency. Cake or corn may be used with much advantage in the spring
for ewes. Frequently a number of them are very lean and short of milk.
These should be drawn out and given an allowance of box food. I do not
approve of turnips, for the same reasons given as to feeding hay, and
because they have a tendency to make them go in the mouths. The great
drawback hill farmers suffer from in this district is the want of
shelter. Most of the grazings are high and exposed, and any means of
providing shelter at a cheap rate would greatly benefit. Stells and
belts of wood are greatly needed."
Argyllshire—By W. E. Oliver, Benbuy.—"The only
method that I adopt to bring hill sheep through a severe winter, is to
cut and win as much hay on the hill as possible, and have it put into
winter ricks in the most sheltered parts of the hill, where it can be
given to the sheep during a snowstorm. I salt the hay as the ricks are
built. There are, however, many farms in Argyllshire where hay cannot be
got, and the sheep are allowed to subsist on what they can gather for
themselves from under the snow. Many farmers send their hoggs in winter
to the south and east country, and also to some of the islands on the
west coast, to save them from dying of braxy, which lightens the stock
on the farm."
Inverness-shire—By Walter Archibald, Manager,
Garthbeg.— "Regarding the custom of bringing hill sheep through severe
winters in Inverness-shire, I may say the management is quite different
from the methods in the south, as the summer ground here is unfit for
sheep during the winter season. When lambing is finished the hoggs,
wedders, and eild sheep are sent to the high ground, and the shepherd
stays with them in a bothy or hut as long as the sheep are up. After
clipping—about the beginning of July—the ewes also are kept well up off
the low ground, so as to have it clean for the lambs to go on after
weaning—about the 12th of August or so. Then the ewes are taken to the
high ground, and kept along with the hoggs and wethers, until about the
20th of September, when the cast ewes are drawn out, and given a
fortnight on the low ground before sending to market. In the later part
of September or beginning of October all the stock are brought in from
the high ground. The hoggs are then sent away to wintering, which
begins, according to the district, from September to the end of October.
Besides hoggs the dinmonts and gimmers are also occasionally wintered
away, but not so many of the latter as the former. Aberdeen, Moray,
Nairn, and Banffshires, and the lower districts of Inverness are the
principal wintering grounds in the north, and the cost is from 6s. to
8s. per head, according to the location. But the price we are in the
habit of paying on one of the best arable farms at Beauly is 3d. per
head per week, for pasture alone—having to pay sometimes for hay over
and above. The prices for turnips vary from £5 to £7 per acre, or from
4d. to 6d. per week. I do not approve of turnips for ewe hoggs, as they
make them lose their teeth too soon, but the wethers are stronger by
getting a few from January to April along with rough pasture. The sheep
are taken home about the 1st of April, but it is a month too soon. My
experience is that in nine years out of ten the ground they have to go
on is still covered with snow, and it does not answer well to mix them
with the ewes. As to feeding hill sheep generally, I do not approve of
it; and as long as it is possible for them to do without it, hand
feeding should be avoided. It is a good plan to go over the flock in
October, and draw out the leanest ewes, and give them a month on the low
ground before the rest come in from the summer ground. The sheep should
be kept on the high ground as long as possible, or as long as they are
taking no hurt. Then, instead of running to feed at the first appearance
of snow, the shepherd should guide them over the best places where they
will find some roughness to work, and if the weather is so cold that the
sheep will not stay out by themselves, he will stay with them during the
middle of the day till they fill themselves. When feeding has to be
done, I think it better to take the sheep off their own ground, as after
having been fed one season, they will remember the place, and on the
first sight of snow will hang around it instead of trying the ground, as
they would otherwise do. It is often very difficult for farmers to get
hay up to the hills for their sheep, and I am thinking of learning our
ewe hoggs to the use of corn boxes. By teaching them to eat cut hay and
corn from boxes we can then use artificial food to more satisfaction.
When hill sheep do not know what boxes are, and are generally in such
low condition before feeding is put in force, it is almost impossible to
get them to eat anything but hay. I think no one should take a hill farm
that has not got a low country farm, or is not prepared with grass to
take the leanest of the ewes to in spring, as not only will there be a
lower death-rate, but the number of lambs will be increased by about
one-half. If the sheep are healthy they will most likely take home a
lamb, and the advantage to those at home will also be considerable.
Another bad plan in a high district is to take gimmer lambs. There
should only be a percentage of them put to the ram, or sufficient to
bring what lambs we want to lift for putting to ewes that may have a
lamb die. It is the springs not the winters that tell so heavily on
sheep in Inverness-shire. We can keep them till February well enough
most winters, but after that comes the trouble. I think it is penny wise
and pound foolish to see sheep dying when they could be saved by taking
grass for them. All through winter a man should be on the edge of his
foot, but particularly in March, should he be on the look-out for the
leanest and remove them to better keep; that is the way to bring them
well through any winter. Stocking heavier in summer than you can keep in
winter is also to be avoided. If you can only winter 1500 and summer
3000, then I say keep only 1500. It may pay to take summering for
wintering more, but not wintering for summering."
Caithness.—By William Laing, Skail.—"As a general
rule, it is neither good nor expedient that hill sheep should be hand
fed, unless it is absolutely necessary, as they do not take to the hill
feeding afterwards. But in severe winters, such as 1878-79-80 and 81, if
they had not got artificial feeding, they would have died, and in a good
many cases there was an extremely heavy death, even with the feeding
they got, which in this county and Sutherlandshire was principally
clover hay taken from the arable land in Caithness, and in some places
from Ross-shire by train. Previous to 1878-79 the hill farmers in the
north had made no provision for feeding their sheep in a snowstorm, as
the winters for nearly twenty years were very open and free from any
lengthened storm. And at best it is a very difficult matter to have
provisions prepared for a stock of three or four thousand sheep for the
matter of a week, not to speak of a couple of months. I consider,
however, that hill farmers should have provision for a fortnight or
three weeks at least. Meadow hay is the very best feed for hill stock
they can get; the next is clover hay, which of course is largely used
here, being more plentiful; but the great difficulty is in bringing it
to the stock when every road is blocked with snow, in which case they
have to bring the sheep to the most accessible place. ¼ lb. to ½lb. of
oats is a splendid feed for them also, but great complaints are made
that they do not thrive so well afterwards. Another feed for those who
have it is to give oat sheaves, as a general rule, spread out on the
snow, and which the sheep will pick up quite cleanly. But for all the
expense, 1½-inch-wire netting on strong stakes is the most economical in
every way, not only for the sheep in getting well at their food, but it
saves any of the hay from being trampled on and so destroyed. Twenty
yards of wire-netting will easily accommodate 100 sheep. Common
sheep-netting is also used, but a good deal more hay is destroyed in
that way. As a general rule, all the worst sheep are regularly drawn out
from the flock every winter, and taken down to the low country, where
they get a pick of grass, and where possible a few turnips if they are
plentiful, and if a snowstorm comes on they get clover hay and some
oats; but the latter must be given very sparingly at first, and
gradually increased as the sheep improve in condition. As far as my own
opinion goes, I have no hesitation in saying that in very stormy winters
the best food for taking through hill stock is to give meadow hay if
attainable, or clover hay, with a little oats in boxes as the safest and
cheapest. No doubt, linseed cake would also do well enough instead of
oats, but would make the sheep much softer, and at the same time in a
good many cases be more difficult to get and more expensive. I would
recommend hill farmers to be in some measure prepared for a storm in
winter, by having hay and oats available, and wire-netting for the hay
and boxes for the corn. With these on hand they could more than save the
extra expense, not only, in keeping their sheep alive, but having their
stock in much better condition. The extra feeding no doubt makes hill
sheep too soft for their pasture afterwards, but it is better to have
the sheep alive than lose them altogether. Apart from feeding
altogether, I consider that with the high prices for wool from 1864 to
1874, a good many hill farmers went in for big soft sheep which would
grow a lot of wool, and did not consider that the climate did not suit
them, and when the wet summers and stormy winters came they succumbed
altogether. Those who stuck to the old hardy breed did not suffer nearly
so much, as they will stand a far longer storm, even without artificial
feeding, than these soft ones do with it; this is in reference to the
Cheviot breed."
These letters speak for themselves. They are the
honest opinions of a select and highly intelligent body of the hill
farmers of Scotland. There is no prejudice or biassed judgment shown as
regards any of the methods, and they have merely been given to tell the
customs of the district and their own experience in bringing hill flocks
through severe winters. There is a difference of opinion on some of the
points, yet in all there is a wonderful agreement. The whole of the
evidence as regards feeding might be summed up thus:—
1. That hill sheep should not be fed until it becomes
absolutely necessary, and that it will not pay to do so otherwise.
2. That under certain conditions cake or corn may be
advisable, but as a rule should be avoided.
3. That turnips may be given with advantage to wether
sheep, but are not recommended for ewes.
4. That hay is the best food for hill sheep, but that
grass may still further be used with good effect in the shape of
5. That on high farms removing the sheep to low
ground is expensive, but as yet the cheapest method known.
6. That stells are a great advantage to hill sheep,
and that by proper management heavy losses through severe winters may be
To carry out any of the systems advised, it will
appear that a certain amount of preparation is necessary. Before hay can
be food it has first to be grown, and about the only satisfactory way of
accomplishing that is by enclosures or meadows. No hill farm can be said
to be prepared for winter until it can show a certain acreage of
enclosed land, and any farm destitute of such is worth just so much
less. Every well-rigged hill farm ought to have three or four parks of
as many acres for every hirsel. Besides growing hay, the meadows are
available for many purposes. In the early part of the year they are of
great use in a late spring, in providing an early bite to the leanest of
the flock or for ewes that bring twins in lambing time. Then, after the
grass has come on the hills, the parks can be cleared of their stock,
and a crop of hay taken. In winter they are again useful in sheltering
any sheep that require extra care, or where any special stock can be
kept by themselves. In high districts natural grass is scarcely fit to
cut every year, and in these cases more enclosures are necessary, when
they can be cut and grazed alternate years—a practice which suits very
well, as a field or two is always required for grazing tups or other
stock. Fencing off the best parts of a hill no doubt tells against the
remainder of the grazing, but when the plough is not brought into use
the produce in hay from these fields is of far greater value in severe
winters to the flock than if they were in pasture. Of course, different
means could be used in order to improve the meadows, but where the dung
that could be made on the farm was insufficient, lime or artificial
manures might be well employed. Also by irrigation many hill enclosures
could be cheaply brought into good order for growing hay. It seldom
happens that much hay is required every winter, but a store of it should
always be on hand, as occasions may arise when more than one year's crop
will be wanted.
Besides the usual small enclosures, the practice of
running a ring fence around the low-lying ground is now adopted on
several hill farms. It gives the shepherd better control over his winter
ground, and it seems to us that, in the Highlands, where so much herding
at the different seasons is necessary, a fence of this kind would be a
great advantage. In the spring it would reserve the best grass for the
leanest of the flock, and again in the later part of summer the sheep
could be shut out from the low ground, which would compel them to stick
to the high ground while the weather was still mild, and saving the
winter portion until it was needed. Then in winter the enclosed ground
would also be useful in confining any sheep more in need of assistance
than others, and might probably be made still better by being again
divided. It is only on certain lands where this scheme would suit, as
the run of the sheep would have to be considered, but there are some
farms where such a fence or fences would be a decided winter help.
Shelter for hill sheep is greatly needed, and
although most farmers consider stells of great advantage, it is true,
that these are generally in a very dilapidated condition. The ruins of
many are to be seen on almost every hill farm, but good serviceable
stells are for some reason or other getting scarce. Many of the old ones
were no doubt erected at inconvenient places, and found to be of little
use; but whether a cycle of good winters, or the expense of keeping them
in repair, has contributed most to their neglect we cannot exactly say.
Probably it was both; and when we are again visited by some of the
old-fashioned kind of storms they may be renewed once more. Natural
shelter is the best housing for hill sheep. We cannot alter the
conformation of the hills, but it is possible to stay the sweeping blast
with woods. It is the only power we have, and much as some proprietors
have done in planting, there yet remain boundless hills with not a tree
in sight. Anything in the shape of housing or shedding for hill sheep in
winter is of course impracticable further than the keb-house in lambing
Hill draining is another of the means that may be
applied in improving the condition of the flocks. Land that has a
considerable portion of draw moss, although of a damp nature, does not
require draining, as that valuable early spring plant will only flourish
under these conditions. It is where an excess of water is found that
harm is done, and while draining may often do a great deal of good,
there is a limit beyond which it may do much harm. Both farmers and
shepherds should understand the nature of the grasses on their farms far
better than they do. They could then tell at once what required draining
and what did not, as well as know at sight how to herd the sheep,
instead of requiring years of painful experience to make the discovery.