State of Agriculture prior to 1858.
Although the subject proper of this treatise is
limited to a period of twenty-five years, it may be interesting to
glance briefly at the state of the agriculture of these counties a
century ago. This will bring the rapid progress of recent years more
forcibly under the reader's view. A hundred years ago, farming in Moray
and Nairn was of little moment compared with that of the Lothians and
south of Scotland generally. The counties were far behind in everything
pertaining to agriculture, and had been so from the era of the
Reformation. In the end of the eighteenth century the same kind of
cereal and root crops were cultivated as those of the present day, but
in much smaller quantities. Except among the poorer tenants, whose
cropping was unavoidably restricted to oats, large quantities of flax
were raised annually. Oats and barley were reckoned the staple produce.
Over the upper districts of each farm about two-tenths were usually in
oats, one-tenth in barley, two-tenths in peas, turnip, and potatoes, and
three-tenths in grass. In the lower districts about three-tenths of each
farm were sown in oats, one-tenth in wheat, one-tenth in barley,
two-tenths in turnip, peas, beans, and potatoes, and three-tenths in
grass. The following will give an idea of the general course of
management on the larger farms:—Oats were sown after barley, grass, or
wheat, from the 1st of March to the end of April, at the rate of
four-fifths of an English quarter to the acre. The yield was on an
average about four quarters of grain to the acre, and from each quarter
about 9 stones of meal avoirdupois weight were obtained. In the higher
districts, where the climate was severe, and the soil stiff and wet,
varieties of small black hairy oats were cultivated, but were of
comparatively little value, and were given up soon after the beginning
of the present century. When intended for the growth of barley, the
land received three successive ploughings, and manure if this
crop had not been preceded by a green crop to which manure had been
applied the previous year. Manure was invariably applied to wheat, which
was, as a rule, sown on clean or fallow land. Three bushels seeded an
acre, and from 5 to 6 quarters were the quantities returned. The seed
was generally steeped before being sown. For the cultivation of turnips
the ground was well pulverised by three or four ploughings and
harrowings. A liberal supply of dung was given, and the seed was sown in
drills as now. The turnips were mostly consumed by cows and young
cattle, there being no systematic plan of cattle feeding. Potatoes,
which had been introduced to this country about 1728, were not
cultivated in these counties till about the middle of last century. They
did not even then become a general farm crop.
At the corresponding period of last century, potatoes
were said to have been cultivated sparingly. They were scarcely ever
used as food for cattle. The seeds were planted 3 or 4 feet distant from
each other, and the medium yield per acre was about 800 stones
avoirdupois weight. The kidney-shaped potato was most cultivated for the
table. The sowing of grass seeds was not introduced so early as the
potato. The land in the higher districts was not capable of producing
clover in great abundance until lime or marl was applied to it, and
turnip and sown grass have been about the same time in existence over
these counties. Clover was sown in quantities varying from 12 lbs. to 16
lbs. per acre, along with barley and oats, but seldom with wheat, and
was generally consumed in pasture. On the larger and better farms the
plough was kept going with a pair of horses or oxen and a man, but on
the smaller and more insignificant holdings as many as six and eight
oxen were used in each plough. Cattle and horses were then of a very
indifferent description. The best cows were worth only from £5 to £12
each. Except on farms adjoining hill pasture, few sheep were to be seen
in the country. Neither wool nor mutton were of much importance. Away up
among the hills, where whole glens of arable land are hemmed in with
heath-clad hills, the blackfaced breed was pretty extensively reared,
and each animal was valued at 12s. or 14s.
The leases granted to tenants were as a rule of
nineteen years' duration. The rents were paid partly in money and partly
in grain. The office houses were generally built by the tenant, who
received compensation for them at his exit to the extent of two years'
rents. They were as a rule substantially built of stone and lime, and
thatched with straw or other material.
It would appear that the tillers of the soil were not
then sensible of the great advantages to be derived from having their
fields enclosed. About 1782, Moray and Nairn, like other northern
counties, were, it may be said, open from end to end. It is stated that
after the various crops were ingathered, the whole range of country was
put under the head of "Common Good," and all the respective flocks of
sheep and herds of cattle depastured together wherever they might choose
to wander. Comparatively little food was stored for winter use, and
cattle were generally in very thin and weak condition by the return of
the grazing season.
Till near the opening of the present century, farming
implements were of the rudest and most primitive description. The old
clumsy timber plough was in vogue among the poorer classes till the end
of the eighteenth century. It was made wholly of timber, except the
coulter and sock, exclusive of which the average price of the plough was
4s. or 5s. The better class of farmers had ploughs of the
newest design, which were neatly made, and cost about 2 guineas. Carts
were of the most approved construction, costing from £8 to £10 each, and
were generally drawn by one horse, but in exceptional cases by two. The
"flail" was used on every holding, as threshing mills were not then
About the middle of last century, the average price
of grain was something like 12s, per boll, and the yearly wages of
ploughmen ranged from £2 to £3. The most lucrative branches of farming
were the raising of corn and the rearing of cattle. For the latter,
however, there was little outlet when they were fattened. Swine were
seldom reared by the farmer, although pork was greatly in demand in this
part of the country.
Among the inhabitants of these counties, during the
greater part of the eighteenth century, kail, nettle, and mugwort were
favourite dishes when stirred up amongst oatmeal soup. Oatmeal, bran,
and sowans, when slightly fermented together, formed a regular article
of food in the north of Scotland. The traditional Christmas luxury was
sour cakes with aromatic seeds, which it was considered formed one of
the most palatable and delicate repasts that could be got.
Up to the first of the present century, pasturage was
more extensively pursued than tillage. Shortly after the advent of the
nineteenth century, however, a much more enterprising system of farming
was adopted, and the agriculture of these counties was rapidly brought
into a state which compared favourably with that of the Lothians. It is
but just to say that Moray and Nairn, in so far as the cultivation of
the soil is concerned, have been keeping pace with, if not surpassing,
the improvement in the most active of the other parts of Scotland. Sixty
years ago the soil received more attention than the breeding and rearing
of live stock. The cattle then reared in this part of the country were
of an inferior description, but the horses in possession of the better
class of north country farmers were equalled by few even in the south of
Scotland. They were strong horses, of good blood and superior action.
The common breed of cattle was black, with long horns and of great
variety of size. One of the most successful of the present race of
farmers in Morayshire informs us that, some fifty or sixty years ago,
the ordinary commercial cattle when rising three years of age, sold at
from £3, 10s. to £4, 10s., and on one occasion
three or four fat animals brought about £12 each, which was considered a
very remarkable price. The same animals would now bring at least £27
After 1830, much attention was given to the breeding
and rearing of cattle, and few counties have achieved greater success in
this direction. Shorthorns were early introduced, bulls of this valuable
breed having been mated very freely with cows of the native race. At
first the shorthorn crosses were unpopular, but by the force of merit
they soon rose in favour. Polled Aberdeenshire cattle were to be met
with in some parishes. Farmers' societies, viz., the Morayshire Farmers'
Club and Nairnshire Farmers' Society, have long been in existence in
these counties, and unquestionably gave great encouragement to
agricultural advancement, especially to the improvement of live stock.
Sheep were plentiful among the hills, but not in the lowlands.
Blackfaces were the principal breed. Swine were driven about and
fattened along with cattle. Artificial manures, in the form of crushed
bones, were applied to the land in quantities varying from 15 to 20
bushels per imperial acre when preparing for a crop of turnip. Many
people adopted a more economical mode of manuring, by dibbling and
putting the bones into small holes before the seed was inserted. It is
asserted, that equally as heavy crops of roots were raised by this as if
thrice the quantity of manure had been sown broadcast. The land under
wheat, barley, oats, and potatoes increased every year very materially
up to a few years ago. Lime, as a fertiliser, was liberally used, from
120 to 140 bushels having been given to each acre of light land, and
about 200 bushels to the imperial acre of strong soil. Generally
speaking, the five-shift rotation was pursued on the majority of
holdings, while some farmers worked on the six-shift course. Draining
was very extensively executed, and in most cases with stones and
brushwood. The average rental of land varied from £1, 4s. to £2 per
Scotch acre. The best haugh land was rented at from £1, 12s. to £2, 8s.
per imperial acre.
The rate of wages for farm servants, who as a rule
lived in the farmers' kitchens, was for men, from £9 to £10 per annum,
and for women from £4 to £5, exclusive of board. Male labourers engaged
by the day got from 9s. to 9s. 6d. per week, and females from 3s. to 4s.
per week. Threshing mills have been used on the larger farms for a
number of years, The harrows were made of wood, with iron teeth, and in
fact on some holdings these have not been long out of use. As the
century advanced, agriculture became more important, and claimed greater
attention than it received prior to 1828. In 1842 the area of Moray
included 536,600 acres; of these 120,000 were under cultivation, and the
remainder under wood, or pasturage, or heath.
The Progress of the past Twenty-Five Years.
The area of land reclaimed since 1857 has not been
great. This, however, is not assignable to any lack of spirit or
enterprise on the part of either landlord or tenants, but to the fact
that the active agriculture which existed between 1830 and 1850 had left
little room for improvement. The reclamation of land during the previous
twenty years had been very extensive. The many intersected and unseemly
patches of waste land which were to be met with in these counties some
thirty or forty years ago, have mostly all been brought under the
plough, while in inland districts farmers have been extending their
holdings very considerably. The most noteworthy improvements executed
since 1857 have been in the way of squaring up farms, forming drains,
fencing, renovating farm steadings, and building farmers' dwelling
houses and servants' cottages. Perhaps few counties are better supplied
with good farm buildings than Moray and Nairn. In this way the
improvement has been very considerable both to landlord and tenant. In
cases where farm steadings were erected, the tenant had generally to
provide material for building; and in many instances he also built the
steading, the proprietor compensating him by what is called payment for
"meliorations " at the expiry of his lease. It is now more frequently
the case, however, that the landlord erects the houses and the tenant
pays 5 per cent. of interest along with his rent.
Some twenty-five or thirty years ago, farms were very
irregularly laid off and cropped, but they are now much more
systematically and skilfully wrought.
That the improvement in fertilising the soil within
the past twenty-five years has been great, is an unquestionable fact.
The principal agencies for the development of the farming resources in
this way have been the judicious and liberal application of artificial
manure, the systematic and enlightened management of farms, and the
wisdom and care exercised by the tenants in maintaining the richness of
the soil. There has been a very marked improvement in cattle in these
counties within the past twenty-five years. Careful and judicious
crossing on the part of the breeder has greatly increased the symmetry
and beauty as well as the size and usefulness of stock. Notwithstanding
the serious losses sustained in some districts in 1876, in consequence
of the cattle disease, the breeding and rearing of cattle has been kept
going successfully since then, and the effects of the disease are now
almost invisible. However, many people maintain that the disease laid
the foundation of the present agricultural depression in this part of
the country. Sheep farming cannot be said to hold a more important
position in Morayshire, than it did thirty years ago ; but in parts of
Nairnshire where the soil is of less value, sheep farming is receiving
more attention. The price of wool for the past few years has been rather
fluctuating, and on the whole the tendency has been downward.
The rapid development of the resources of: the soil
has naturally led to a corresponding advancement in the improvement of
agricultural implements. These counties have made marked progress in
this respect. Ploughs have been remodelled, chain or link harrows have
been introduced, and are now pretty extensively used. Double-furrow
ploughs have been successfully wrought on several of the larger farms in
both counties, while steam cultivation has been pursued to some extent.
In order to show the position which these counties
occupy among other counties in Scotland, in respect of the agricultural
improvements executed during the past twenty-five years, I subjoin in
tabular form a comparison of the extent of cultivated area and the
number of cattle and sheep between the years of 1854 and 1880, thus:—

The decrease in the first column, in whatever county
it occurs, is accounted for by the inclusion in 1880 of tracts under
permanent pasture, which in 1854 were classed as heath or mountain land.
Coming within the period of twenty-five years, over
which the report is meant to extend, we find it necessary to explain
that the Highland Society, in drawing up the agricultural returns in
1857, excluded all holdings under £10 of rent, and therefore we are
unable to indicate the accurate increase in the acreage under rotation
of crop since that year. The following table, however, shows the
increase since 1870:—

The percentage of arable area in Morayshire under
cultivation in 1870 was 29.5, and in 1880, 30.9. In 1870 the percentage
in Nairnshire was 17.8, and in 1880, 19.2. Since 1870, it will be
observed, the arable area under cultivation has been increasing at the
rate of about 434 acres per year in Morayshire, and about 174 acres in
The following tables show the valuation of both
counties since 1866-67, according to the valuation roll:—

The many and extensive agricultural improvements
effected in Moray and Nairn during the past twenty-five years would be
insufficiently indicated in a generalised report. We therefore deem it
necessary to give, as succinctly as possible, the following notes which
we collected in a recent pedestrian tour throughout both counties:—.
Details of Improvements and the different Systems of
Commencing our tour at the most eastern point of
Morayshire, we find ourselves in the parish of Speymouth, which has an
area of fully 6352 acres. Its rental in 1866-67 was £6204, 3s., and in
1882-83, £6581, 15s. The villages of Garmouth and Kingston occupy the
north-eastern corner of the parish, while the larger proportion of it is
under cultivation. There is a good deal of wood and natural pasture. The
land along the bank of the Spey, from Graigellachie to the sea, consists
of rich alluvium and sandy loam, resting on a subsoil of gravel. The
rent runs from 10s. to £2, 10s., and is an average of about 26s. per
acre. The farm of Newton is pleasantly situated about a mile from
Garmouth and near the river Spey. Its extent is 250 acres, of which 20
acres consist of rough pasture. The rental in 1866-67 was £185, 12s.,
and now it is £250. Under the regulations of the Duke of Richmond and
Gordon's estate, the tenant of Newton has adopted the best system of
farm management. He believes in the six-shift rotation, viz., oats and
wheat, turnip, barley, and three years' grass. On land adapted for the
rearing of both cattle and sheep, no other course could be more
profitable. The six shift keeps down expenses both in labour and manure,
and gives power to keep a good stock in summer, specially of sheep,
which have paid all along in this part of the country. The seven-course
shift would shorten farmers of turnips, which never fail to yield well
on this farm and locality. As a rule, good crops of all kinds are
obtained in this district. In preparing land for turnip, the tenant
ploughs his stubbles in autumn from 8 to 10 inches deep, thus giving it
full benefit of the winter frosts ; and if the month of February is
suitable, he cross ploughs it, and is always careful to avoid working it
in a wet or raw state. He finds it most beneficial to let the land,
after cleaning, rest for a fortnight before drilling it, which insures a
braird, and suits better in every way than opening up the soil in too
fresh condition. The tenant disapproves of light manures, and says "they
exhaust both the land and the pocket." He principally uses bone manure.
For the potato crop the land is prepared similarly to that for turnips,
and from 12 to 16 loads of manure, direct from the farm-yard, per acre,
is spread in the bottom of the drills. The tenant does not approve of
sowing artificial manure in the bottom of the drills for potatoes.
Cattle on Newton are chiefly crosses with a few polled animals. About
half the wintering stock is bred on the farm, and the other half bought
in. Not later than September, 20 two-year-old stots and queys are housed
and fed on turnips and straw, and when within two months of selling off
some grain and cake are given, increasing the latter until the animals
are disposed of. At the new year the queys weigh about 5 cwt., and the
stots are usually sold off in April, when they weigh from 6½
to 7 cwt. From 7 to 8 scores of Cheviot ewes, bought in in the
fall of the year, are kept, and a crop of lambs taken, which are sold
off at weaning time, when the ewes are fattened, and as soon as they are
disposed of another lot of ewes is bought in. This pays remarkably well.
Besides supplying the sheep of the farm with turnips, Mr Annand lets
from 12 to 15 acres every year at from £6 to £7, 10s. per acre. About 80
acres of land are allotted to a pair of horses, One-sixth of the farm is
annually under turnips, of which two-thirds is Swedish, two-sixths under
grain crops, the half of which is barley, and the other half wheat and
oats. In a good season wheat is the most renumerative cereal.
In moving westwards there is much fine scenery to
attract the eye. Clumps of wood are to be seen on every hand. Emerging
out of the Speymouth parish, we enter into that of Urquhart, where there
is also a considerable breadth of good land, but it is lightish in some
parts. The climate is early and warm. The average rental varies from
17s. to 19s. per acre. Near to the village of Urquhart lies the
well-managed farm of Innesmill, tenanted by Mr John Brown. The area of
this farm is 105 acres, and is wholy arable. There is a deal of light
land on it. Contrary to the general rule in this district, Mr Brown
works the six-shift course, and finds it to be the most profitable
system. The average yield of all kinds of grain generally is about 4½
quarters per acre, but it is usually over 5 quarters on Mr Brown's farm.
In preparing the land for turnips, Mr Brown ploughs heavy in autumn,
ploughs again in April, and grubs if the land requires it. He does not
approve of much grubbing. About 15 loads of farm-yard manure are given
per acre, along with 10 bushels crushed bones and 3 cwt. light manure.
The general rate of manuring in the district is not so high. Mr Brown
grows only a small extent of potatoes, and after preparing the land the
same as for turnips, gives about 10 loads of dung and 3 cwt. of light
manure per acre. Since the present tenant entered the farm in 1865, he
has drained and limed a good deal, and enhanced the value of the farm
considerably. He keeps cross bred cows and a shorthorn bull, breeds
about two-thirds of his stock, buys in the other portion in the end of
the year, and ties up his feeding cattle about the end of September. He
sells his queys when six quarters old, each weighing 5 cwt. The stots
are kept until they are two years old, when they generally weigh about 6½
cwt. Turnips and straw constitute the principal aliment, and a little
corn and cake are allowed to the feeding stock before sending them away.
Mr Brown finds that home-bred animals thrive best. There are very few
flocks of sheep kept in this district. Generally, as on this farm, a
pair of horses work about 60 acres. The rate of wages has advanced fully
30 per cent. on Innesmill. There is a rise of rent since 1857 in some
cases, but not universally, throughout the parish. Mr Brown suggests at
least one change in the present system of farming, which he thinks would
be beneficial, and that is freedom of cropping. He grows two-thirds of
the turnip break in swedes, and one-third in yellow turnips. Barley is
generally the best paying crop, bat it will not pay to sow barley crops
in rapid succession, because they soften the soil too much. The extent
of this parish is about 13,660 acres, and the valuation of it was £7843,
19s. in 1866-67, the increase since then being £8052, 14s.
In the districts to the east of Elgin, the Earl of
Fife is the principal proprietor. His residence is Innes House, in the
parish of Urquhart, which nestles beautifully among trees, and is
surrounded by fine pleasure grounds. The extent of Lord Fife's property
here is 41,759 acres 1 rood 30 poles, of which 20,577 acres 1 rood 36
poles are arable, 12,081 acres 1 rood 7 poles pasture, 7729 acres 1 rood
24 poles wood, and 1371 acres 33 poles consisting of rivers, burns,
canals, ditches, peat mosses, hillocks of bent, sea beach, roads, &c. In
1866-67 the valuation was £18,383, 12s., and now £19,758, 3s. There is
great variety of soil throughout the estate. It consists of rich clay
loam, sandy loam, light sandy soil, moorish gravelly soil, and pan. The
climate is, as we have previously stated, favourable in the highest
degree. Farms range from 20 to 400 acres in extent, and crofts from 2 to
12 acres in size. On most farms, steadings and farm houses are very
good, many having been erected within the past twenty-five years. All of
the recently erected houses, except those of a few small crofts, have
been built of stones and lime, and are slated. The buildings on these
crofts in not a few cases consist of what is called "andinharlie," or,
properly speaking, stones, clay, and straw thatch. This sort of
buildings lasts for generations when the roofs are kept tight, and are
usually very comfortable.
Servants' cottages have increased greatly since 1850,
and especially in recent years. The roads over the estate are good.
During the past twenty-five years a considerable breadth of land has
been reclaimed by trenching and ploughing with horses and steam.
The value of the land before reclamation was about
1s., and now it is worth from 7s. to 15s. per acre.
The newly reclaimed land has already yielded profit,
and is expected to be still more valuable in the course of a few years.
Extensive improvements have been effected in the way of draining,
squaring up farms, and planting, mostly fir and larch, the latter being
generally used where woods have been cut down.
The duration of lease is nineteen years, with entry
at Whitsunday term, to which we shall subsequently allude. Tenants get
every encouragement possible in executing improvements on their farms.
Allowances of money are agreed upon at entry, which, according to the
regulations, has to be refunded at the end of the lease.
The extremes in the rental of this property are 7s.
and £3 per acre. Rents are all paid in money, but some thirty years ago,
grain payments were quite common. The five-shift is the prevailing
rotation, not only on these estates, but over the counties generally.
The sort of cattle kept by the farmers on Lord Fife's
property is chiefly cross bred, with a sprinkling of pure bred shorthorn
and polled animals. Much more attention is bestowed on the breeding and
rearing of stock than twenty-five years ago, and during the interval
between 1857 and 1882 a striking improvement had been effected in the
various breeds.
Cattle feeding is now one of the chief, if indeed,
not literally the principal source of the farmer's income. The greater
proportion of the commercial cattle on the estate are bought in, and
these along with home-bred stock are partly fed in half-roofed courts,
and partly in stalls. Feeding generally commences about the 1st of
October. There are very few holdings on this estate that could come
under the head of sheep farms, but large flocks of crosses between
Leicester tups and Cheviot ewes are bought in and fattened during
winter, These, as well as a few blackfaced sheep, are kept steadily on
farms attached to hillsides, where the pasture consists of heather and
natural grasses. The great body of crofters make a living by working on
their own crofts, and occasionally by day labour to neighbouring
farmers. They hold yearly leases as a rule, but in some cases, when
circumstances permit, longer leases are held.
Resuming our westward journey, we reach the farm of
Upper Meft, which is 230 acres, all arable, in extent; rented at £291,
15s.; is well laid off; well supplied with convenient houses, and
tenanted by Mr Cruickshank, who has improved the condition of his farm
materially since 1857. He works it on the five-course shift, and the
average yield of wheat is from 3 to 4 quarters, barley 5 quarters, and
oats from 4 to 5 quarters.
The beautifully situated and well-managed farm of
View field tenanted by Mr Anderson, extends to 282 acres,—279 acres
arable and 3 acres in pasture. It is rented at £305, or from 21s. to
22s. per acre. The soil consists of loam, black soil, and moss, and is
pretty well sheltered. The estate regulations insist on the five-course
shift being pursued, but Mr Anderson would prefer to work at least part
of his farm under the six-shift system, which he is convinced would be
instrumental in preventing "finger-and-toe" and "canker," which
frequently destroy the turnip crop.
The average yield of wheat ranges from 3 to 5
quarters, and weighs 64 lbs.,—in 1880 it weighed 66 lbs.; Norfolk
barley, which he finds to yield better than chevalier, from 4 quarters
to 5½ quarters, weighs about 56 lbs.; and oats
from 5 to 6 quarters per acre, weighing 42½
lbs. and in exceptional cases 44 lbs. per bushel. Mr Anderson has no
anxiety to hold down the manure bill. He gives land intended for cereal
crops about 20 loads of dung in the autumn, and that which does not
receive this gets from 1 cwt. to 2½ cwt. of
artificial manure. He tried an experiment in the manuring of land for
Swedish turnips a few years ago, which clearly showed that over much
stimulants are as bad as too little. He gave from 2 cwt. up to 10 cwt.
of the best turnip manure to the acre, and found that the turnips grown
with 5 cwt. were equally as good, both in quantity and quality, as those
grown with 10 cwt. of the same manure. Potatoes receive similar
treatment to turnips. From 10 to 12 cwt. are planted per acre, and a
yield of from 5 to 7 tons is generally obtained. Mr Anderson fenced all
the farm when he entered, as well as drained a great deal. His farm
steading and dwelling house are very good. He feeds from 20 to 30 cross
bred cattle every year, and breeds from 10 to 12. He finds it most
profitable not to follow any strict rule, but to dispose of or purchase
cattle in any condition when a good bargain can be made. The tenant ties
up his feeding stock about the 1st of October, and gives them a full
supply of turnips and straw, with from 3 lbs. to 4 lbs. of cake each per
day when within three weeks of selling off. The cake is generally given
them in the middle of the day. Rock salt is laid in the stalls before
the cattle. The usual weight of the animals when fat is from 5 to 8 cwt.
Sheep are not kept steadily on this farm, but the grass is let in the
end of the year along with as many turnips as can be spared. From £7 to
£10 is obtained for an acre of Swedish turnips. There is an excellent
stock of horses on View field, being all Clydesdales, and several of
them pedigreed and prize winners. They have improved greatly within the
past twenty-five years. From 70 to 80 acres are allotted to a pair. The
tenant breeds at least one foal every year. Very little hay is grown on
this farm, only what supplies it with seed for next crop. The average
yield is about 130 stones (22 lbs. per stone) per acre. Wheat pays best
in a good year.
Almost in the immediate neighbourhood of the farm of
View-field is the model farm of Stonewells. Mr Petrie, the tenant, has
been a very exemplary agriculturist for many years, and is very careful
and judicious in his system of farming. His farm is one of the largest
and best managed in the parish. Its extent is 204 arable acres, for
which the tenant pays £196, 3s. annual rental. The land is similar to
that on the farm of Viewfield. Mr Petrie applies chiefly light manures
to his turnips. Potatoes are grown after grass that has been top-dressed
heavily with farm-yard manure before being ploughed, and about 6 cwt. of
potato manure is given when the potatoes are being planted. Mr Petrie
entered his farm in 1864, and has since then executed considerable
improvements in building, draining, fencing, &c, at a cost of £400. The
proprietor pays £200 at the expiry of the lease, for improvements made
to that extent on buildings. The cattle consist of shorthorns and
crosses, about the half of which are bought in every year, and the
others bred on the farm. They are taken in off the grass on the 1st of
October, and are usually ready for the April market of the following
year, and being two years old weigh about 7 cwt. They are partly fed
loose in courts, and partly tied up. It would be an advantage if courts
were more closely covered over for feeding cattle. Turnips and straw
constitute the feeding aliment. With a few exceptions, the cows are
allowed to suckle their calves. These calves get sliced turnips in the
autumn along with from ½lb. to 1lb. of oilcake
each per day, which is continued throughout the winter and spring, until
they are put to grass.
The cost of labour since Mr Petrie became tenant of
this farm has increased at least 35 per cent, In accordance with the
regulation of the estate, the tenant works under the five-shift course,
but he thinks that the land would be much improved to lie in grass for a
few years. He sows about half the turnip land in swedes, and would sow
even more of this variety, but some parts of the farm are not well
adapted for its production. Barley and wheat are the principal cereal
crop. Mr Petrie does not cultivate oats extensively. Barley as a rule is
the most remunerative crop, but sometimes in a dry season barley and
oats are burnt up, when wheat, which sends its roots deeper into the
ground, withstands the effects of drought. The quantities of seed sown
per acre runs thus,—wheat 4 bushels, barley 3¼
bushels, and oats 4 bushels. The yield and weight are various, but are
about the same as those on Mr Anderson's farm. Hay is always a light
crop on this farm. Mr Petrie puts nearly all his court manure upon grass
lands, applying it in the autumn after the first grass has been eaten,
or early in the following spring. The land to be sown with barley is
twice "break furrowed" and then ploughed. Mr Petrie is a very liberal
farmer, as may be inferred from the fact that he expends on an average
£200 per year for manures, besides the outlay incurred for cake, which
is no inconsiderable amount. He has a good stock of strong agricultural
A few miles north-west of Stonewells is the farm of
Inch-broom. The present tenant, Mr Buxton, has improved its value
considerably since he entered it some ten or twelve years ago.
It is now in excellent condition, both as regards the
cultivation of the land and the convenience and superiority of the farm
houses. The holding extends to 420 acres arable, and about 650 acres of
links and rough pasture. The present rental of the arable land is £500,
and of pasture £80, being about £180 in advance of the rent paid in
1857. The average rental in the lower part of the parish is about 25s.
per acre. The soil consists chiefly of sand and clayey loam. On this
farm the seven-course shift is adopted, viz., two grasses, oats and
barley, potatoes, wheat, turnip, and barley sown with grass seeds. Wheat
yields on an average 4 quarters per acre, and weighs 62 lbs.; barley 4½
quarters, and weighs from 56 lbs. to 57 lbs. per bushel; oats 5
quarters, and weighs on an average 43 lbs. per bushel. Barley is grown
partly after grass and turnip, and when on two years' old grass a little
artificial or farm-yard manure is applied immediately before the seed is
sown, in order to insure a good braird. Mr Ruxton, until a few years
ago, gave a good deal of artificial manure to all the cereal crops, but
he finds it of more value to the following crops, when given to potatoes
or turnips instead of cereals. Oats are generally grown after lea,
wheat, and potatoes. A good proportion of the land for the corn crops is
turned by a steam plough in autumn, and is allowed to lie in this
condition till spring, when it is ploughed with a common plough and
grubbed and harrowed. Besides dividing the farm-yard manure between the
turnips and potatoes, Mr Ruxton gives them artificial manure to the
extent of 8 cwt. per acre. He habitually grows wheat after potatoes,
because he finds that they prepare the land better for it than turnips
do. His shifts contain about 60 acres in each. From 40 to 50 acres of
one shift is grown in potatoes, and the rest of it in beans and
sometimes turnips. About 12 cwt. of potato seed is planted in an acre,
from which about 5 tons are yielded. The yield of turnips average from
15 to 20 tons per acre. The farm has been wholly fenced, partly drained,
and houses built, at the tenant's expense, to the extent of £700, during
the past ten years. Cross cattle, from shorthorn bull and cross cow,
constitute Mr Buxton's herd. From 20 to 25 calves are bred every year,
in addition to which the tenant buys in as many off the grass as
completes his feeding stock, which is usually about 40 two-year-olds.
The cattle are mostly fed on turnips and straw. Last year, when potatoes
were cheap, they were fed partly on them. To feeding animals from 3 lbs.
to 4 lbs. of cake per day is allowed, and about 2 lbs. to each yearling.
The money expended in cake usually exceeds £100 per year. Two-year-old
cattle when fat weigh about 7 cwt. each. Mr Ruxton lets his pasture for
sheep during winter. His horses are of the superior Clydesdale breed,
and have improved immensely in recent years. Mr Ruxton has very much
improved his farm steading since 1870. It is now one of the best and
most convenient buildings in the parish, and is always well kept. The
interior arrangements are most complete, and ample accommodation is
afforded for his stock. In the breeding of cattle Mr Ruxton is careful
and judicious. Only one calf is allowed to each cow until she is over
three years of age, when she fosters two every year. The average number
of cattle on the farm during the year is about 100. The ordinary stock
of horses consist of six pairs, and a few foals are annually reared.
The parish of St Andrews extends to a total area of
9359.544 acres, and is rich both as regards the fertility of the soil
and loveliness of the scenery. There is a great quantity of wood growing
in it, and it contains some of the finest farms in the county. Its
valuation in 1866-67 was £6471, 16s., as compared with £7810, 17s. now.
The farm of Pitairlie lies in the lower end of the district, and is 234
acres arable, and from 15 to 20 acres of river banks and pasture in
extent. The rental of this farm is 30s. per acre, but the average in the
district would vary from 20s. to 25s. The soil is principally clay, and
black and sandy loam. Mr Petrie adopts the five-course shift. The
average return of barley in ordinary years is about 5 quarters per acre,
weighing from 55 lbs. to 56 lbs. per bushel. Wheat yields 4½
quarters per acre, and weighs fully 62 lbs.; and oats about 5 quarters,
weighing from 43 lbs. to 44 lbs. Barley and wheat are grown mostly after
turnips, being invariably manured, while oats are raised from lea
without any stimulants.
In the upper division of this parish there is great
irregularity in the size of farms, but taking them all in all they are
smaller than in the lower half. In passing through this district we find
that there is great variety of soil, it being poor, cold, and wet in
some spots, resting on the hard "pan," which is so objectionable but so
common in the blackballs district. The climate is uncongenial. The
five-course shift prevails. The various crops yield on an average
thus,—turnips from 10 to. 15 tons per acre, potatoes 3 to 5 tons, barley
about 4 quarters, oats 5 quarters. The latter is most extensively grown.
Wheat is not cultivated to any great extent. All the farm-yard manure is
bestowed on the root crop, along with about 60s. worth of artificial
manure per acre.
In the same parish, and in the vicinity of Elgin, are
the farms of Tyockside and Stonecrosshill,—150 arable acres and 17 awes
pasture in extent. Mr Calder, the tenant, is a very careful and liberal
farmer, and has improved the value of his holding greatly since 1857.
Land for turnips is allowed from 20 to 25 loads of farm-yard dung and
from .4 to 5 cwt. artificial manure per acre. Land for potatoes is
prepared in the same manner, and 20 loads of farm-yard manure is
allowed per acre, along with from 3 to 4 cwts. of artificial stimulants.
Crops yield variously,—barley and oats from 4 to 5 quarters per acre,
the former weighing from 57 to 59 lbs. and the latter from 45 to 47 lbs.
per bushel. The soil is light, and climate mild and early. The rotation
is the five-shift system. The proprietor erected an excellent farm house
a few years ago. As to the breed of cattle, Mr Calder has no particular
class, but breeds from 16 to 20 annually, and sells them off when one
year old, with the exception of a few which he feeds during winter. The
feeding material consists of turnips, straw, draff, bruised corn, and
oilcake. When fat the cattle usually weigh from 5 to 7 cwt. Being in
proximity to Elgin, Mr Calder keeps a dairy, and supplies a good
proportion of the inhabitants of the burgh with milk.
Passing onwards, the next parish we enter is that of
Drainie, which is 7254.206 acres in extent. Its valuation in 1866-67 was
£10,424, 5s., which when contrasted with that of 1882-83, shows an
increase of £2013, 4s. The greater part of this parish lies low, and the
soil is of a mixed and variable character. Generally, however, it is a
lightish loam, pretty sandy in some parts, and dark loam in others.
There are considerable knolls of wood to be seen at different points.
The largest landed proprietor in Drainie is Sir William Gordon Cumming,
Bart. The estate of Captain James Brander Dunbar Brander of Pitgaveny,
which is about 3000 acres in extent, of which there are about 2000 acres
arable land, 800 acres rabbit links, and about 200 acres wood. According
to the valuation roll, the land property was worth £1952, 3s. in
1866-67, and in 1882-83, £2155, 13s. About two-thirds of the arable land
on this estate consists of fine black loam like garden soil, and about
one-third light sandy loam. The largest farm on the estate is Coulard-bank,
which is 498 acres in extent, including links, and the smallest 60
acres. In all, there are eleven farms on the property, besides 100 acres
let in parks at Lossiemouth. A good many steadings and houses have been
built during the past twenty-five or thirty years. At present there are
only the houses of one farm out of repair, and arrangements are being
made for their renovation. Feucing is done by the tenant, and is chiefly
composed of wire. The loch of Spynie has been drained since 1855, adding
some 40 or 50 acres to the arable land, which before were an unsightly
marsh, and worth very little. The land being light, is worth only about
10s. per acre now. It has not paid the interest of the money expended in
reclamation, but it greatly benefits the drainage of the neighbouring
farms. Captain Dunbar says "he has neither lost nor gained much by the
drainage of the loch." Over this property nineteen years lease holds
sway. Rents are payable at Candlemas or Lammas. In building steadings
the tenants drive stones and provide material.
About six acres of land near the manse of Drainie is
rented at £12, being the best land on the property. Captain Dunbar's
best farm contains 255 arable acres, which is let at £450, or about £1,
15s. per acre. Rents have not risen much since 1857, but there is a
yearly increase taken from the feu-duties at Branderburgh. The
five-course shift is pursued on most farms, but so long as a tenant
farms liberally the proprietor would not restrict him to a specific
rotation. There are no regular sheep farms on the estate, but about 200
sheep are kept on Coulardbank. Sheep are wintered on several farms, for
which the flockmasters pay from 2d. to 3d. per head per week. No wood
has been planted since 1855. Captain Dunbar farms from 70 to 80 acres
himself, for which he keeps one pair of horses.
The farms of Sunbank and Wester Oakenhead, which are
farmed as one, is the third largest holding on the Pitgaveny estate. The
extent of arable land is 250 acres and about 100 pasture. The rental is
£411, 3s. The five-course shift is pursued, and a crop of potatoes is
taken after one year's grass, being manured heavily with dung and
artificial manure. The nature of the soil and climate is favourable. The
yield of grain has been falling off in recent years, which the late Mr
Rae attributed to bad seasons and overfeeding of land with artificial
manure. In preparing and manuring land for turnips and potatoes, court
manure is distributed as far as possible, and then artificial stimulants
are applied. Great improvements have taken place since 1857 in the way
of draining and fencing, mostly done by the late tenant.
The second largest farm on Captain Dunbar's property
is Kinneddar, tenanted by Mr Adam. It is about 500 acres in extent, and
is all arable. The total rental is £450. The prevailing soil on the farm
is a lightish black loam of a porous nature, and resting on a gravelly
subsoil. Mr Adam works about 230 acres on the seven-course system, viz.,
two grasses, and oats, potatoes, barley, turnips, and barley again. The
remainder is worked under the five-course shift, viz., two grasses, oats
or sometimes potatoes, turnips, and barley. The average yield of the
various crops is about 4 quarters barley, 5 quarters oats, 6 tons
potatoes, and from 16 to 20 tons of turnips per acre. Land for the root
crop is tilled in the ordinary way, and about 20 loads of dung and 4
cwts. of bone meal given per acre. Potatoes are manured the same as
turnips, but the dung is ploughed down in the autumn, and artificial
stimulants applied when the potatoes are being planted. Being near
Lossiemouth, where extensive fisheries are carried on, Mr Adam gives his
land intended for turnips a liberal top-dressing with fish garbage,
which is ploughed down in autumn, and not put into drills as is usually
the case. The whole of the farm steading, which was destroyed by fire
fully a year ago, has been rebuilt —the proprietor allowing about half
the cost, and valuation for the other half at the end of the lease. Mr
Adam drained the greater proportion of his farm since 1855. The
proprietor afforded pipes for three large open ditches, which have been
filled in, and about 30 acres have been reclaimed, for which the tenant
gets nothing. The tenant has also erected a steam threshing mill, for
which he gets valuation at expiry of lease. The farm stock of cattle
consists of crosses and shorthorns, of which about 20 are annually bred
and about 40 fed. The feeding stock are tied up in October, and sold off
about April or May. Turnips and straw constitute the staple article of
food, and about the 1st of February from 2 to 3 lbs. of linseed cake or
bruised oats and rye are allowed each animal per day. The average weight
when fat is about 6½ cwt. As long as good
Irish calves can be got from £5 to £6 when about six months old, Mr Adam
thinks it more profitable to buy in than to breed cattle. He keeps a
number of cows, and supplies the inhabitants of Lossiemouth and
Branderburgh with milk. About 300 half-bred lambs are bought in in
August, and kept on grass and stubble fields till December, when they
are netted on turnips, and get ½ lb. of
linseed cake or corn from the 1st of March down to the 1st of May, when
they are sold off. Mr Adam has a good deal of the Clydesdale blood in
his stud, and the horses are strong, heavy, and well adapted for to work
at the rate of 80 acres per pair. Married servant men are most plentiful
where cottages can be got, but these are far too few. Wages have
advanced about 30 per cent. since 1857. Two-thirds of the shift are
devoted to the growth of swedes and one-third to yellow turnips. On
one-fifth of the land under the five-shift system Mr Adam grows oats and
one-fifth barley, and in the seven-course shift he grows one-seventh
oats and two-sevenths barley. He does not grow wheat, but cultivates a
little rye occasionally.
Another large and similarly conducted farm is
Muirtown, tenanted by Mr John Calder. It is all arable, extends to 270
acres, and is rented at £331. The whole of the farm is wrought under the
five-course shift. The average yield of barley is about 5 quarters per
acre, weighing from 56 to 58 lbs. per bushel, and oats 6 quarters per
acre, weighing from 42 to 44 lbs. per bushel. Wheat, which is not
extensively grown on this farm, weighs from 63 to 64 lbs. per bushel.
The soil is mostly of a sandy nature, and well adapted for the
cultivation of roots, especially potatoes. In cleaning the land for the
root crop, Mr Calder "break furrows" twice as early in the autumn as
possible, after which it receives a thorough grubbing and harrowing. At
the time of sowing turnips, from 20 to 22 loads of dung, along with from
5 to 6 cwt. of artificial manure, is given per acre. The potatoes, which
are grown generally after lea, get from 7 to 8 cwt. of artificial
manure. The houses on this farm are all in good repair. Mr Calder breeds
a few calves every year, but only keeps cows sufficient to supply milk
for the farm. He feeds from 40 to 50 cattle every winter on cut turnips
and straw, and sells them in February and March, when they as a rule
weigh from 5 to 7 cwt. He also feeds a few sheep every year, and kills
them in the months of March and April. They are fed on turnips and
straw. As regards horses, there are few farms in the county on which a
better stock can be seen. Mr Calder is a careful breeder, and an
excellent judge. His horses work from 70 to 80 acres a pair. Wages are
about the same now as those current in 1860, but they were considerably
higher a few years ago. From 54 to 55 acres are sown with turnips, one
half swedes and the other half yellow; about 55 acres barley, and 45
acres oats. Barley is the most renumerative crop.
Perhaps on no other holding in the parish of Drainie
has the condition and value of land been more enhanced than on the farm
of Ardivot during the past twelve years. Since the present tenant, Mr
George Tod, entered the farm some eleven years ago, he has increased its
value considerably over £100. Besides this, Mr Tod has since erected
over 15 miles of fencing, and built a farm steading and cottages to the
amount of £1400. The same number of acres on the farm return double the
quantity of grain and roots yielded prior to 1870. Mr Tod says, "to get
land kept up to a high state of cultivation, is a matter of no little
importance, and can only be done by compensation, and rooting out those
tenants who abuse land, and they are not few. It will not pay any farmer
to reduce his land too much, and in order to avoid this let phosphates
be applied instead of bones." Mr Tod has reclaimed about 130 acres of
the Loch of Spynie, which he partially drained, the proprietor supplying
the tiles. It was formerly worth about 5s. per acre, and now it has
risen to 25s. or 30s. per acre. He also drained nearly every field on
the farm, and filled up a big ditch some 130 chains in length, the
proprietor supplying the tiles. The farm is stocked with very superior
cattle and horses, and Mr Tod never fails to adopt the proper means for
their improvement. We now find ourselves in the parish of Duffus, which
is extremely level and low-lying. Its total area is 9865.270 acres; in
1866-67 its valuation was £12,005, 12s., and in 1882-83, £13,999, 17s.
This district has been immensely improved during the past twenty-five
years, which has to be ascribed as much to the enthusiasm of the
tenantry as to the enterprise of the landlords. Sir Archibald Dunbar,
Barb., of Northfield, is the principal proprietor. His estate in round
numbers is 2400 acres in extent, of which about 100 acres are under
wood. The rental in 1855 was £2995, 9s. 5½d.,
and in 1880, £3421, 18s. 6cl. The land on this estate is chiefly
alluvial, but about 250 acres consist of adhesive clay. The size of
farms is generally about 130 acres, excepting a few small crofts near
the village of Duffus, Some of these crofts have been held by the same
families for three generations without lease. Almost all the houses on
the estate have been slated and repaired since 1855, and many others
built from the foundation. Fenciug, which is chiefly wire, has been
erected by the tenants, for which they get value before leaving. About
80 acres of the Loch of Spynie have been reclaimed since it was drained,
and the land is of an alluvial description, resting on a sandy bottom.
The proprietor puts up most of the farm buildings; but in some cases
tenants erect cottages, and are paid for them at the end of the lease.
Most of the improvements are done by the proprietor. On this estate 50s.
per acre is the highest rental, 10s. the lowest, and about 31s, the
average. Rents are collected in June and December. None are paid in
kind. The increase in the rental of this parish is greatly swallowed up
by the increase of public burdens. The taxes and public burdens in 1855
amounted to £556, 18s. 1½d., and in 1880 to
£655, 19s. 6d., showing an increase of £99, 1s. 4½d.
The estate is well provided with accommodation for the servants.
Cottages have recently been built on five farms. Servants are mostly
single. Tenants are not strictly bound down to any shift, but the
six-shift is followed on all the farms except one. Cattle are
principally cross bred, bought in autumn and sold soon after Christmas.
There are about a dozen crofts held mostly by tradesmen. About 30 acres
have been planted with fir trees since 1855. Sir Archibald Dunbar holds
about 50 acres of laud in his own hands, adjoining Duffus House, and it
is sown out in permanent pasture for sheep.
One of Sir Archibald Dunbar's largest farms is
Waterton, occupied by Mr James Young, and is 200 arable acres in extent.
In 1866-67 the rental was £300, and now it is £347. Mr Young is a very
exemplary farmer, being well acquainted with his profession, both
practically and scientifically. He manages other three farms along with
his own, viz., Burnside, 280 acres; Covesea, fully 300 acres; and
Waterymains, adjoining the farm of Waterton, 230 arable acres. About 140
acres of Burnside are sheep pasture, which is hemmed in on one side by
the sea. Both Waterymains and Covesea are on the Gordons-town estate,
and consist chiefly of light arenaceous soil. The soil on the farms of
Waterton and Waterymains is mostly adhesive clay, interspersed with rich
alluvial and loam. In the district generally the rental averages from
30s. to 35s. per acre. Confining ourselves to the farm of Waterton, we
may state that Mr Young pursues the six-shift course, viz., two crops
oats and wheat, turnips, barley, and two years grass. Wheat, barley, and
oats yield pretty equally, from 4 to 5½
quarters each per acre. A great proportion of the Duffus estate is
notable for its crops of hay. On Waterton the average return per acre
varies from 200 to 250 stones. Mr Young prepares for the root crop in
the ordinary way, and manures land for turnips in spring with a mixture
of superphosphates and crushed bones to the extent of from 6 to 8 cwt.
per acre. Autumn wheat gets a liberal supply of farmyard manure, and
barley is heavily top-dressed with dung in the spring. This produces a
fine crop of grass and hay. Potatoes are grown only to the extent
required for farm use, and are treated similarly to turnips. Very heavy
crops of turnips are grown in this district. The condition of the farm
of Waterton, as well as that of neighbouring holdings, has been vastly
improved since 1857. Draining, fencing, and squaring up the fields have
since then entailed great labour and outlay. A. little previous to 1850
and in 1868, the whole of the land on the farm of Waterton was dressed
with lime and an admixture of earth at the rate of from 7 to 8 quarters
per acre, The farm steading is in excellent repair, having been built
about fifteen years ago, and is large and convenient. There are two
commodious cattle courts, which are always in use, and which are highly
advantageous to the feeding of cattle. The landlord afforded money for
the building, and the tenant paid 5 per cent. along with his rent. The
cattle are all purchased, and only as many cows are kept as supply milk
for home use. Most of the feeding cattle are fed in open courts. They
are put on to turnips and straw at the end of September, and some of
them are sold off between Martinmas and the New Year,
at a weight of from 6 to 7 cwt. each. The further advanced stock
in feedng are usually finished off with a little cake. Mr Young has long
been an eminent breeder of horses. A pair of horses work only from 50 to
60 acres on this tenacious soil. On Sir Archibald's property farm
servants are mostly married. Through the courtesy of Mr Young and the
accuracy of his cash book, we are enabled to give a statement as to the
total cost of labour at various periods since 1857, on the farm of
Waterton. It is as follows:—in 1857, about £75; 1860, £78; 1865, £82 ;
1870 £95; 1875, £142, 10s.: 1880, £129. 15s.; and in 1881, £126. Casual
labour for hoe and harvest for the past twenty-five years varied from
£30 to £40 a year. This indicates pretty clearly the rise of wages since
1857. Mr Young erected farm servants' cottages, for which he is paid by
proprietor at the end of the lease. The fallowing of land was abandoned
some thirty years ago in this district, when
turnips became an established article of food for cattle. Swedes are
grown to the extent of two-thirds of the shift, yellow turnips one-third
; wheat about 33 acres, barley 33 acres, and oats 33 acres. Wheat, as a
rule, pays better than barley or oats. Mr Young, contrary to most of the
other farmers in the district, thrashes the bulk of his cereals with a
horse mill in wet weather, when the land is unworkable, which keep down
expenses that are necessarily involved when portable mills are brought
into requisition. The majority of farmers in Duffus thrash out their
barley in the fall of the year with portable mills, especially on the
drier soils.
A little further westwards are the farms of Surradale,
184 acres in extent, and £500 rental, and Orchardfield, 127 acres, and
£240 rental, occupied by Mr James Adam. The farm of Thornhill, 195
acres, and £210, 10s. rental, in the parish of Elgin, was also in
possession of Mr Adam. The former two are wrought as one farm, and all
the three consist of purely arable land. The Duffus rental runs from
25s. to 35s. and the Thornhill district from 5s. to 25s. per acre. The
farms in Duffus contain clay and black loamy soil, and on Thornhill the
soil is light and sandy. The Surradale farm yields about 6 quarters of
cereals per acre, and Thornhill barely 4 quarters, The quality of the
grain on both farms is invariably superior, and weighs over the standard
weight. In preparing land for the turnip crop Mr Adam ploughs it in
autumn to the depth of 10 inches, and cross ploughs it in spring, and
cleans out the weeds thoroughly. He gives it about 25 loads of farm-yard
manure and 6 cwt. artificial manure per acre in spring. The land for
potatoes is prepared in the same way, and receives about 6 cwt. of
manure, consisting of bones, superphosphates, and sulphate of ammonia,
per acre, which is sown broadcast on the drills immediately before
planting. Great improvements have been accomplished on Surradale by the
proprietor during the past twenty-five years. Mr Adam built an addition
to the dwelling-house in Thornhill, repaired the farm steading, improved
roads and water-courses, and fenced the farm partly with stone dykes and
wire entirely at his own expense. Very few cattle are bred on either of
these farms, but about 300 are fed every winter. These are chiefly
polled and cross cattle, which are housed for feeding about October, fed
on turnips and straw with 2 lbs. cake and 2 lbs. oats per day, and are
sold off as they fatten. The farm horses have improved greatly since
1857, and a pair works at the rate of 80 acres. The farm servants are
mostly single, and get from £20 to £25 yearly, with the usual
allowances. Wages have risen fully 25 per cent. during the past twenty
years. There is sufficient cottage accommodation at Surradale, but not
at Thornhill. Rents have advanced 30 to 35 per cent. since 1857, and are
at present too high.
The parish of Spynie stretches almost due east and
west between the parishes of Drainie, Duffus, and Elgin, and has an area
of 5971.512 acres. About a mile from the east end of the parish it is
intersected by a high ridge of moor, covered with fir wood on the north
side, and a flourishing oak wood on the south. On either side of this
ridge, as in the eastern half of the parish, there is a deal of fine
soil, varying from the richest loam and clay to the most sterile sand.
The value and general configuration of the parish have been very much
improved since 1850. There has been no noteworthy change in the system
of farming, but the soil has been greatly enriched by skilful
management. The principal landed proprietor in this parish is Lord Fife,
and generally the five-course shift is the system of rotation adopted.
The farm of Myreside is one of the largest and best managed farms in the
parish, and our notes with reference to it will suffice for giving an
indication of the system pursued on the north-east side of the parish of
Elgin, as well as for the parish of Spynie. Mr Russell, the tenant, is
one of the most successful farmers in Morayshire. His knowledge of the
chemistry of agriculture affords him a special prerogative in his
profession, which, unfortunately, few agriculturists can boast of. In
nourishing exhausted land he has-been very successful, and his farm is
now raised to a high state of fertility. Its total extent is 360 acres,
of which 5 acres are rough pasture. The average rental of the district
is from 25s. to 26s. per acre. The soil on this farm ranges from almost
pure sand to good loam. The climate is dry and warm. Mr Russell farms
under the five-shift rotation, viz., two years grass, white crop,
turnips and barley sown out with grass seed; potatoes are substituted
for part of the turnip break, or part of the white crop after lea,
according to the soil. Irrespective of exceptional years, the average
yield of crops on Myreside is, barley 5 quarters per acre, weighing
about 56 lbs. per bushel; oats from 4 to 5 quarters, weighing about 43
lbs. per bushel; and rye from 3 to 3½ quarters
per acre, weighing about 60 lbs. per bushel. The return of barley in
1881 did not exceed 3 quarters per acre, and was exceptionally light. Mr
Russell has not grown wheat for four or five years, the average yield
having fallen to 3 quarters on the best land on the farm. Turnips
(yellow) yield about 15 tons, and swedes about 18 tons per acre.
Potatoes return on an average 5 tons per acre. The land is ploughed with
a strong furrow in autumn, allowed to lie under the action of frost in
this condition until spring, when it is cleaned in good time, and left
to consolidate and gather moisture for some time before drilling. About
18 loads of dung are given per acre along with from 4 to 6 cwt. of
artificial manure, which is composed of dissolved bones and
superphosphates. To light land, when farm-yard manure runs short, Mr
Russell gives 5 cwt. of crushed bones to an acre. From 8 to 10 acres of
potatoes are grown every year. They are sometimes laid down with stable
manure alone, sometimes with sulphate of ammonia and potash, and
occasionally with bones. The latter is not considered good for potatoes.
Since 1855,, about 80 acres of land have been improved, 50 acres of
which were drained lately at the tenant's expense. The proprietor paid a
proportion of the expenses of draining some 15 or 20 acres. Several
miles of dyke, new dwelling-house, and an addition to farm steading have
been built by the proprietor, for which 5 per cent. interest is payable
by the tenant, who supplied building materials. Eight or ten calves are
bred yearly, and from 20 to 30 head of three-year-old cattle fed during
the winter. They are partly tied up, and partly fed in half-covered
courts. The first consignment of fat stock is usually turned out about
Christmas, weighing fully 5 cwt. each.. Cattle feeding in folds are
sometimes kept on yellow turnips for three weeks, then Swedish, with a
little corn and cake, until about April, when they weigh from 6½
to 7 cwt. Some years there is more profit in buying in than breeding. Mr
Russell bought about 100 half-bred lambs and wintered them up to a. few
years ago; but although they left a little profit, he has relinquished
sheep feeding, and now sells his spare roots. His horses are all good,
and work at the rate of 80 acres a pair. Under the heading of labour, we
give Mr Russell's statement as to the increase in the rate of wages.
Since 1857 rents have risen about 20 per cent. Mr Russell grows about
one-third of his turnip land in swedes, two-thirds in yellow turnips,
one-fifth barley, and one-fifth oats, Rye is grown on 10 or 15 acres of
the poorest soil.
The parish of Elgin is inland, contains 19,258.329
acres, and is very irregular in its shape. Its valuation in 1866-67 was.
£10,238, 9s., and now it is £11,351, 4s. The nature of the soil is
extremely variable, and the climate is generally dry and early. Elgin is
situated in the eastern corner of the parish, is 71½
miles from Aberdeen, 178 from Edinburgh; latitude 57°' 39' N., longitude
3° 22' W. To the south-west of the parish, there is much of the soil
fertile loam, and the scenery is magnificent. Five miles south-west of
Elgin are the lichenclad ruins of Pluscarden Abbey, which was founded by
Alexander II., and belonged to the Cistercian
order of monks. It may be said that this parish is nearly all under
cultivation. The most extensive proprietor is Lord Fife. The properties
of the Earl of Moray, Lord Seafield, and the Hon. James Ogilvie Grant of
Mayne, all meet in the parish. Having already indicated pretty fully the
customs and general management of farms on the Fife estates, we shall
proceed to the western district, which is the property of the Earl of
Moray, where there are many extensive and skilfully wrought holdings. We
will not stop at this stage to describe the Earl of Moray's estate, but
will do so when we reach a more central point. Here we are in a
beautifully cultivated valley along the western side of the river Lossie,
and shall explain the courses of husbandry pursued. The fine and
carefully managed farm of Linkwood, in the neighbourhood of Elgin, has
an area of 486 acres, is rented at £500, and occupied by Mr Eric
Wester Manbeen is the largest farm in the district,
if not indeed in the parish, and is held by Mr James E. Colvin. Its
extent is 540 arable acres, and is rented at about 28s. 6d. per acre.
This, however, is above the average rental of the district, which runs
from 20s. to 25s, per acre. The soil is mostly sandy loam, and being
almost on a level with the river Lossie, is inclined to be cold and
damp. Though the climate is naturally warm, vegetation is generally a
week later than in the neighbouring parish of Alves. The greater part of
the farm is worked under a six-course shift, but a part of the best land
is laboured in the five-shift rotation. Under the latter system a crop
of hay, which yields about 130 stones per acre, is taken, and the grass
is depastured the second year. After three-year old grass, which occurs
in the six-shift course, about 15 acres of potatoes are raised. The
tenant finds it most profitable to grow turnips after potatoes, which
saves an amount of labour in cleaning the land. A crop of barley is then
taken, which is sown along with grass seeds. Wheat yields on an average
4 quarters, and weighs 62 lbs. ; barley 4½
quarters, and weighs 55 lbs.; and oats 5 quarters, and weighs 43 lbs. A
quantity of tares or vetches is grown every year, and given to cattle
and horses in harvest. In the district generally, as well as on this
farm, laud when dirty is break furrowed as soon as the foregoing crop is
secured in the autumn, and is left in this condition during the winter.
This keeps weeds near the surface, and therefore facilitates the
cleaning of the ground in spring. Mr Colvin approves of sowing his
manure broadcast, as it lies nearer the root of the plants than when
sown in the drill. A proportion of the farm-yard manure is given to land
for wheat in the autumn. About 70 acres of land for turnips receives
from 18 to 20 loads of dung, and before drilling a mixture of manure of
½ cwt. Peruvian guano, 3 cwt. dissolved bones,
1 cwt. superphosphates, and 1½ cwt. bone
meal,—in all 7 cwt. is sown per acre broadcast. Fifteen acres of light
outlying land never gets dung, but a mixture of artificial manure given
instead, consisting of 1 cwt. kainit, 4 cwt. dissolved bones, 2 cwt.
bone meal, and 1½ cwt. superphosphates. A
covering of farm-yard manure is spread over lea intended for a potato
crop in the autumn, and it is then ploughed light. Besides dung, a
mixture of 1 cwt. muriate of potash and 2 cwt. dissolved bones is given
per acre before planting. The steading of the farm is perhaps second to
none in the county, both in respect of size and grandeur, and was
designed by Mr William Brown, factor for the Earl of Moray. Its covers
fully an acre of ground, and is built in a most useful and convenient
form. It has extensive accommodation, is well apportioned, and was built
a few years ago by the proprietor. The tenant provided the building
material. At his own expense he erected upwards of three miles of
substantial wire fencing. From 30 to 40 cross cattle are reared every
year, and 100 fed. Those reared on the farm are sold off when 20 months
old. They usually weigh about 6½ cwt. each.
Turnips and straw form the staple diet until within a few months of the
time for disposing, when they receive an allowance of corn and cake. The
horses on the farm are strong and good, and about 90 acres are allotted
to a pair. Servants are mostly married, cottages being abundant. The
ordinary wages for farm servants range from £16 to £30, with 2 loads
potatoes, 6 bolls meal, and a supply of milk and coals. They have
increased fully 35 per cent., and rents about 15 per cent. since 1857.
Under the present circumstances, rents are too high. The acreage under
the respective crops are swedes 50, yellow turnips 45, barley 100, and
wheat 50. Barley is the most remunerative cereal. Mr Colvin also
occupies the farm of Burn of Rothes, which is 240 arable acres, and has
attached to it from 8000 to 10,000 acres of hill pasture. It carries a
breeding flock of Cheviot ewes, generally numbering about 1800, and also
a flock of the blackfaced breed. A Leicester tup is allowed to mix with
the latter about the 15th November, and with the former about 20th
November. The Cheviot wether lambs are disposed of at the Inverness
sheep fair, and the greyfaced lambs are sold off later in the season.
The farm of Easter Manbeen, occupied by Mr Scott, has
a total area of 200 acres, and is all arable. The soil on it is mostly
light, and both the five and six shifts are adopted.
Another hour's walk, and we reach the parish of
Birnie, which stretches along the foot of the subordinate chain of
primitive mountain land which divides the upper half of the county from
the "Laigh of Moray." It is 6828.267 acres in extent, had a total rental
of £1964, 2s. in 1866-67, and is now £2913, 3s. The real rent of the
parish in 1791 was £375 sterling, and in 1835 £1200. A considerable
breadth of the extent of the parish consists of hill and moorland, but
there are also extensive tracts of highly cultivated soil. The principal
object of interest in this parish is the church, which lies near the
centre of it, and which is extremely old. No data can be found to
indicate when it was built, but it is said to be the original seat of
the Bishopric of Moray. The strata or underlying rocks in the parish of
Birnie consist of gneiss and Old Tied Sandstone. The soil varies from
light gravel, through the richest alluvium to retentive clay, and moss
in the upper districts. There is such a depth of sandy matter
intervening between the strata and the soil, that the rocks do not
influence it to any great extent. The principal farm we have yet reached
is that of Shankhouse, tenanted by Mr Alexander Grant, and which extends
to about 130 acres arable, and 50 acres natural pasture. Mr Grant
manages another important holding. The rental per acre in this parish
averages from 7s. 6d. to 35s. per acre. The five-course shift is
pursued, and crops yield fairly well in good seasons. The land is
cleaned in the spring for turnips, and manured in the drills with 20
loads of dung and from 4 to 6 cwt. of artificial manure. For potatoes
the land is dunged and ploughed down early in winter, and from 3 to 5
cwt. of potato manure is also added with the seed. Mr Grant drained a
considerable extent, subsoiled and fenced a great deal, and the
proprietor built all the necessary buildings, and charged 5 per cent.
interest, exclusive of the cartage of building material. The steading
and farm houses are now in excellent repair. Few cattle are reared. From
25 to 30 cattle are fed in byres and courts. They are tied up in
September, when feeding begins with soft varieties of turnips,
accompanied by a little bruised oats, then yellow turnips, followed by
swedes. Mr Grant allows from 70 to 90 lbs. of turnips to each animal per
day, with 1 lb. cake and corn. As they fatten, their supply of turnips
is curtailed to 50 lbs. or thereby per day, and artificial stuffs
increased to a corresponding extent. In years such as last year, when
potatoes are cheap, cattle are fed partly on them. Mr Grant buys in from
70 to 100 cast ewes in the end of the year, to eat up the remainder of
the grass, and he feeds them off with turnips and corn. The farm horses
are generally good and active. They as well as cattle have greatly
improved within the last twenty-five years. Servants' wages had advanced
between 1855 and 1878 by about 70 per cent., but have since then
decreased about 15 or 20 per cent. Rents rose from 25 to 40 per cent. up
to 1878, on an average. They are too high on the majority of farms.
The farm of Shogle extends to 158 acres arable and 40
pasture, is rented at £121, 7s., and is situated near the centre of the
parish of Birnie. The soil on this farm and the surrounding districts
varies from good sharp soil to cold damp land, in some cases much in
want of draining. The average rental per acre is about 16s. Under the
five-shift rotation, which is prevalent in the district, oats yield from
4 to 6 quarters per acre, weighing from 41 to 43 lbs. per bushel; barley
5 to 6 quarters, weighing from 53 to 56 lbs.; rye from 3 to 4 quarters,
weighing from 58 to 60 lbs.; turnips from 15 to 20 tons per acre, and
potatoes from 4 to 5 tons. About 20 loads of dung with 3 cwt. bone dust,
3 cwt. superphosphates, and 1½ cwt.
"challenge" manure, is the customary allowance in the shape of manure
for turnips. For potatoes, the dung is ploughed down in autumn, and from
4 to 5 cwt. of potato manure is added when planting. The proprietor
built a nice commodious steading, and the tenant—Mr
Cruickshank—reclaimed about 10 acres of land during the past twenty-five
A little further inland is the farm of Blairnhall,
which contains 117 acres arable and 100 acres pasture, and is tenanted
by Mr Grant, a very careful farmer. The soil is dry, and would not pay
the labour if wrought in the five course-shift. Sometimes Mr Grant
leaves it in grass for three, four, and five years, then takes a crop of
turnips off the worst land, which is succeeded by a crop of barley or
rye sown with grass seeds. In medium soil Mr Grant ploughs early, grubs
well in spring before sowing, which he usually begins about the 1st of
May, taking a crop of barley, then turnips, which is followed by barley
again sown with grass seeds. His system on the good land is somewhat
different. He takes first a crop of oats, then barley, giving about 3
cwt. manure per acre, which is followed by turnips, and with another
crop of barley runs it into grass. Oats yield from 3½
to 5 quarters per acre, weighing from 42 to 45 lbs. per bushel; barley
from 4 to 5 quarters, weighing from 54 to 58 lbs. per bushel. Mr Grant
gives about 20 loads of clung per acre to land for turnips, along with a
mixture of crushed bones, bone dust, and superphosphate, to the amount
of 6 cwt. For potatoes he gives dung and about 4 cwt. potato manure per
acre. He keeps a flock of Cheviot ewes and a Leicester tup.
In resuming our tour westward, we enter the parish of
Alves, which is one of the most notable in the county for its
agricultural industry. There are several landed proprietors in this
parish, but the most extensive are the Earl of Moray and Lord Fife. The
extent of Alves is 9424.686 acres, and in 1866-67 rented £7811, 13s, and
in 1882-83, £9084, 18s. It is for a considerable distance washed by the
sea on the north side, and. the nature of the soil is a free deep
productive loam, intersected by pendicles of moss and sand. The farm of
Inchstelly, tenanted by Mr Leitch, gives strong evidence of the skilful
way in which farming is carried on in the parish. Inchstelly contains
270 arable acres, and is rented at about 35s. per acre. The soil
consists of sandy loam, and the climate is favourable. The five and six
course shifts are pursued. Barley is the most profitable cereal, and
yields on an average from 4 to 5 quarters per acre, weighing about 56
lbs., and oats from about 6 quarters, weighing about 42 lbs. Not much
wheat is grown, but the average weight of it is about 62 lbs. Mr Leitch
ploughs land for turnips deep in autumn, and lets it lie in this state
till spring, when he cross ploughs, harrows, and grubs it, and harrows
it again before sowing. Mr Leitch gives the land about 10 cwt. of bone
dust and phosphates per acre, but no farm-yard manure, which is put on
the ground after the turnips are lifted, for the following crop of
barley. He has always a good crop of turnips. Potatoes are grown in
quantities sufficient to meet home requirements, and they are manured in
the same way as turnips, except that they are allowed a little farm-yard
manure. The tenant has trenched and reclaimed some 80 acres of hill
land, and carted away thousands of loads of stones from it. He breeds
all his feeding stock of cattle except a very few. They are tied up in
early autumn when from 18 to 20 months old, and if worth £18 a head,
then he has no difficulty in adding at the rate of £1 a head per month
to their value until they are properly fed. They get tares to begin
with, when they are newly put in for feeding, then early turnips and
straw, with 1 lb. cake each and a little meal. Heifers weigh from 5 to 6
cwt., and stots from 6 to 7½ cwt. when kept to
Whitsunday. Mr Leitch thinks farmers should breed more cattle than they
do. Each cow fosters two calves. His horses are strong useful animals,
about the best in the county, and were bred by himself. He has always a
few entire horses, from which he is careful to select the best animals
for breeding purposes. Horses have improved greatly during the past
twenty-five years, but there is still need for improvement. From 80 to
90 acres are allotted to a pair. Wages have advanced nearly a half since
1855. Cottages are abundant on the Earl of Moray's estate. The rental of
this farm has risen £95 since 1850. The general rise throughout the
parish would run from 15 to 20 per cent. Mr Leitch grows about 53 acres
of turnips, of which two-thirds are Swedish and the rest yellow and
early turnips; about 53 acres of barley, 53 acres of oats, from 8 to 10
acres of tares, and from 10 to 15 acres of hay occasionally, which
yields from 120 to 150 stones (22 lbs. per stone) per acre.
The estate of Ardgye, the property of Mr Robert
Mackessack, covers about 4000 acres, of which about 3000 are arable, 400
under wood, and the rest links. Mr Mackessack is one of the most liberal
landlords in the country, which is evidenced by the fact, that when he
came into possession of the estate he bought up all the buildings
belonging to the tenantry, and has since erected all the necessary
buildings without charging interest. As a matter of course, he obtains a
slight increase of rent after erecting houses and fences. The soil
consists of a black and light sandy loam, and is very friable and
productive. The farms on the estate range in size from 10 to 400 acres,
and are all well provided with houses. These are, with a few exceptions,
built of stone and lime, and roofed with slates. Most of them have been
erected during the past twenty-five years. Nearly all the farms on the
property have also been fenced and subdivided with wire within that
period. There have also been a good many miles of stone dykes built, as
well as a considerable stretch of hedging planted since 1857. Roads in
the parish of Alves are at present uniformly good, and are carefully
kept. Partly by the agency of steam and horse ploughs, the proprietor
has during the last three years reclaimed about 300 acres of land, which
in its former state was worth only about 1s. per acre, and will soon be
worth 20s. per acre. The cost of reclamation is estimated at from £3 to
£5 per acre. Mr Mackessack has expended a great deal, and in fact
expends a large sum annually, in draining, for which he charges nothing
from the tenants. The average rental over the estate is about 30s., and
the extremes 40s. and 20s. per acre. The rents are collected at
Candlemas and Whitsunday. Servants are in the majority married, which is
mainly due to the good supply of cottage accommodation. Generally
speaking, the five-shift rotation is the one adopted, but there is no
specific stipulation in the lease whereby tenants could be prohibited
from deviating from this course. The regulations merely state that the
tenant shall be entitled to labour the arable land of the farm during
the currency of the lease as he may consider proper, as long as he goes
by the rules of good husbandry, providing that he cleans the land well
and labours it under the five-shift system during the last three years
of his lease. There are a good many tenants on the estate who hold their
farms on leases of fifteen years, but nineteen years is the prevailing
duration. Cross bred cattle, from shorthorn bull and polled cows, are
the predominating breed of cattle, which along with a number of
bought-in stock are fed on turnips and straw, which is supplemented with
about 3 lbs. of cake per head per day. The only sheep farm on the estate
is that of Rosevalley, occupied by the proprietor, on which about 1000
half-bred lambs, bought in the month of August, are fed. The usual
allowance of extraneous feeding material is about 1 lb. of cake per head
per day, There are only a few small crofts on the estate, and are held
mostly by tradesmen on short leases. During the past fifteen years about
400 acres of partly Scotch fir and larch wood have been planted, which
are making rapid progress. Mr Mackessack well knows the exigencies of
tenants by being a large farmer himself, as well as a proprietor.
He farms from 1500 to 1600 acres of land, and is presently preparing
three farms, with buildings, fencing, and drainage, to be ready for
letting next season.
Mr Walter Adam, tenant of the farm of Sweethillock,
Alves, is also a successful and very enterprising farmer. He farms
extensively both in this county and in Banffshire. The farm of
Sweethillock extends to 190 acres, of which 3 acres are pasture and the
rest arable. It is rented at £180. He works under the six-shift
rotation, taking two successive white crops on good land. Wheat used to
yield about 5 quarters per acre, but in recent years only 3 quarters ;
barley about 5 quarters, and weighs about 56 lbs. per bushel. Oats are
grown on the worst land, and yield from 4 to 5 quarters per acre. For
turnips Mr Adam ploughs in autumn, again in winter, and a third time if
the season be good. He gives the land 16 cubic yards of dung, along with
5 cwt. of bone dust and 1½ cwt. superphosphate
manure per acre. He grows only about two acres of potatoes, which are
similarly treated to turnips. The tenant built a dwelling-house and an
excellent steading, as well as stone dykes, without any assistance from
the proprietor. He has improved the farm immensely since 1857. Few
cattle are bred, but a good many are fattened, and weigh from 5 to 6
cwt, when sold. Sheep are bought in in the end of the year to eat up the
grass, and are fed off on corn and cake. Mr Adam has an excellent stud
of horses, but he says there is great need for good stallions to travel
the county. His horses work at the rate of 70 acres a pair. Servants'
wages have about doubled since 1855. Cottages are scarce, and
proprietors should provide these for tenants. Rents have advanced about
one-fifth over the county generally, since 1850. The system of farming
has changed greatly in this district. With efficient drainage, liberal
manuring and liming, the land will now raise double the quantity of
grain that it would have done twenty-five years ago.
In the western side of the parish is situated the
extensive and excellent farms of Earnside and East Grange, which are
occupied by Mr James Mackessack, and which combined make a total of 730
acres of arable land, and are rented at nearly £1000 a year. East Grange
is in the parish of Kinloss, but is very convenient to work along with
the other farm. The western side of the parish of Alves contains much
fine soil, and the rental runs from £1 to £2 per acre. These farms
consist chiefly of black loam, and are wrought under the five-shift
All kinds of crops yield a little above the standard,
and more particularly in weight. Land for turnips is ploughed down and
prepared in the ordinary way, and from 20 to 25 tons of dung and from 6
to 10 cwts. of artificial manure, chiefly composed of bone meal,
superphosphates, with a little Peruvian guano, are allowed per acre.
This kind of artificial ingredients is found to stimulate the growth of
grass, and give a vigorous start to turnip plants. Mr Mackessack sows
about 4 lbs. of Swedish seed per acre, and about 2 lbs. of yellow seed.
He has seldom any trouble in getting a good strong braird. To sow
Swedish plants thick helps to ward off the "fly." In manuring land for
potatoes, Mr Mackessack gives a liberal supply of both farm-yard and
artificial manures, and plants potatoes at the rate of from 14 to 18
cwt. per acre. About 10 acres are grown, and if the seed is big a ton is
required to plant an acre. He takes a crop of turnips after potatoes.
The tenant has drained a considerable extent of land over and over again
since 1857. On some parts of Earnside he cannot get drains cut deeper
than 18 inches, but they are generally about 4 feet deep. About £30 a
year is required to keep them in repair. Within the past twenty-five
years Mr Mackessack has greatly enhanced the value of his land. He put
on clay and sandy matter at the rate of from 60 to 300 loads per acre on
about 40 acres of moss soil. On some parts he spread it over to the
depth of 6 inches. To the superiority of Mr Mackessack's black polled
herd we shall afterwards advert. Here some reference to his skilful
management in his commercial herd may not be out of place. A few years
ago Mr Mackessack made a feeding experiment by selecting 24 cattle as
nearly one size and age as possible, put 12 of them into one court and
12 of them into another. Besides their every day supply of turnips and
straw, he began giving 1 lb. of cake each to those in one fold, and
gradually increased it to 2 lbs. and 3 lbs. each per day; while those in
the other fold received 1 lb. of oats and bran with a little chaff
mixed, from the same day as those fed on. cake, and gradually increased
to 2 and 3 lbs. per head. In the month of April Mr Mackessack got some
of his neighbouring farmers, who are competent to judge pretty
accurately, to give their opinion as to the difference in the valuation
of the two lots. The lot which were fed on oats, bran, and chaff was
worth more than the other lot, at any rate by £2 per head. Mr Mackessack
gives all his feeding stock at least 1 lb. of cake per day. He has
usually about 200 cattle in his possession—that is, 100 on each farm. He
deals pretty extensively in commercial stock, and he estimates his
yearly "turn oyer" to be from £7000 to £8000 in the cattle trade. East
Grange is by far the best farm for feeding purposes, and usually most
cattle are fed there. They are generally from 6 to 8 cwt, in weight
before he sells them. He has excellent steadings on both farms, being
commodious and very substantial, His stock of horses will compare
favourably with those of almost any other farm in the county. They are
strong, young, and active. Nearly all of them are prize winners, and
during the past six years they have gained many valuable cups and
medals, He keeps from 300 to 400 sheep during the winter, and fattens
them and sells them off before April. Twenty-five years ago, Mr
Mackessack paid seven guineas to his grieve in the half year, and now he
pays about twice that sum. First and second horsemen had from £4 to £5,
and women from £2 to £3 per half-year. Wages have increased a half since
1857. Rents since then have advanced 20 per cent., and are now too high.
Swedes are grown on two-thirds of the shift, yellow turnips on
one-third; one shift partly in oats and wheat, and one shift barley.
The estate of the Earl of Moray extends to about
22,000 acres in Morayshire and 300 acres in Nairnshire. Of these, there
are from 6000 to 7000 acres under wood and about 6000 acres under
pasture. The rental in 1866-67 was about £8868, and is now £10,000. Few
proprietors are more generous and enterprising in giving facilities to
their tenantry for the promotion of agricultural industry, or for
getting the full benefit of the resources of the soil. He has given all
possible encouragement for the advancement and improvement of
agriculture in all its branches. Mr Brown, factor on the estate,
designed the new cottages and farm steadings, not forgetting to mention
that it was he who planned the magnificent farm steading of Wester
Manbeen, which covers, as already stated, about an acre of land, and
which is unexampled alike for its suitability for the farm and its great
convenience, in these two counties. The varieties of soil throughout the
estate are light, friable, upon gravelly subsoil, clay, loam, some moss,
and sandy and gravelly soils. The holdings over the estate are irregular
in size, ranging from 70 to nearly 600 acres. The farm houses are, as a
rule, in excellent repair. During the past twenty-five years, a large
number of excellent cottages, farm steadings, and dwelling houses have
been erected, and many repaired. Nearly all the wire fencing is
performed by the tenants. A considerable mileage of dykes have been
built by the proprietor, which are usually about 4 feet 9 inches in
height. The principal fences consist of wire. Both public and private
roads within the estate are in good order. There has been a considerable
extent of land reclaimed since 1857, and the greater part of the
improvements in this way have been effected by the tenants ; chiefly
small patches in squaring up fields and completing shifts. These
reclamations have generally been profitable to both landlord and tenant.
The soil over the property being generally light, comparatively few
drains are required, and these have been executed by the proprietor and
tenant. With the customary conditions of exit and entry—entry at
Whitsunday—the duration of lease is nineteen years. Crofters hold their
land from year to year. The building operations are wholly done by the
proprietor, and additions to houses are mostly made at the beginning of
the lease. Courts for feeding cattle are built with close roofs, those
for store or young stock being about three-fourths covered. On most
farms there are two courts. The extremes in the rental are about 10s.
and £2, 5s. Rents are all paid in money at Candlemas and Lammas after
reaping the crop. The majority of the farm servants on the estate are
single, but they are being well provided with neat superior cottages,
and married men are becoming more numerous every year. The favourite
breed of cattle among the Earl of Moray's tenantry is cross, but there
are a few pure bred animals on several farms. For feeding purposes lots
of cattle are bought in, and in fact the majority of the feeding stock
in the lower districts are purchased from the south and more inland
parts, where the breeding of cattle constitutes a more important branch
of the farming husbandry. The first fat cattle are usually marketable
about Christmas, and herds continue to be reduced until the end of
spring, by which time the feeding stock is cleared out. In many cases
the cattle receive, some weeks before sending off, from 2 to 4 lbs. of
cake per day. The prevailing system of rotation is the five-shift
course, but a few farms are worked on the six-shift course, as it is
found to mitigate the loss by finger-and-toe amongst turnips. There are
two sheep farms on the estate, viz., Braemoray and Broadshaw, where the
pasture is a mixture of grass and heather. On these farms the blackfaced
breed of sheep are kept. Crofters number about twelve, whose crofts vary
in size from 4 to 8 and 10 acres. They are mostly day labourers. About
100 acres of wood have been planted on the estate since 1857. Mr Brown,
factor for the Earl of Moray, is tenant of the farm of Earlsmill.
The estates of Westfield and Hythehill, the property
of Mr Hugh M'Lean, consists of 562 arable acres, 15 acres borders of
roads, and 68 acres of wood, or in all, 649 acres. The total rental in
1862 was £1208, 10s., and is now £1140. The nature of the soil on these
estates varies from sandy loam to clayey loam, and what is known as
Moray clay. The size of the farms on the property is 259, 121, and 184
acres respectively. On all these farms steadings have been rebuilt,
since 1862, at the sole expense of the owner. The estate is well
provided with hedge and wire fences. Both public and private roads are
in good order. There have been no reclamations effected over the
property during the past twenty-five years, but the estate has been
drained by the owner since 1862. Like on most other estates, the
duration of lease is nineteen years, with entry at Whitsunday on the
usual conditions. Building and fencing is executed by the landlord, and
maintained by the tenant. Half the cost of maintaining drains, cleaning
ditches, painting wood, and fire insurance, is paid by the landlord, and
the other half by the tenant. The average rental per acre throughout the
property is about 40s. Rents are paid in money at Candlemas and Lammas.
In regard to farm servants, grieves, cattlemen, shepherds, and foremen
are mostly married, while the younger horsemen are single. Three
cottages were erected prior to 1862, while eight have been built since
then. The five-shift course has been pursued over the estate for many
years. More cattle are purchased by the tenantry than are bred, and the
prevailing breeds are crosses and black polled cattle. They are chiefly
bought when three-quarters old and sold as two-year-olds. They are
partly fed in stalls and partly loose in courts. A good deal of cake is
used by some farmers. A flock of half-bred sheep were kept on the estate
till recently, but none are now kept. There are no crofts on the
property. The home farm is about 250 acres in extent.
In our progress westwards, we next come to the
estates of Kinloss and Seapark, the property of Mrs Phoebe Dunbar
Dunbar, on which stands the time-honoured ruins' of Kinloss Abbey, both
in the parish of Kinloss. The former of these is about 103 acres or
thereby in extent. Mrs Dunbar has also a lease of the farm of Whiteinch,
adjoining the Seapark estate, for which she pays a rent of £132 to Mr
Munro Ferguson of Novar and Muirton. Seapark consists of policies round
the mansion house, extending to about 12 acres. Mrs Dunbar Dunbar and
her husband Mr Edward Dunbar Dunbar are, jointly, owners of the estate
of Glen Rothes, in the parish of Rothes, extending to 2500 acres. Great
improvements have been made on both Kinloss and Glen Rothes estates
during the past fifteen years, in erecting new buildings, and in
fencing, draining, reclaiming, and planting. On the Glen Rothes estate,
in particular, the farm buildings are almost all new, and have been
built in the most modern and approved styles. The farm of Pitcraigie, on
this property, has been subdivided with stone dykes and wire fencing,
and in doing so it was found necessary to make a considerable length of
good roads. In the construction of these about £350 were spent. About
2200 yards of dykes have been carefully built, with a nice taper towards
the top, and are firmly coped and pointed with lime. On this farm 15
acres of land have been thoroughly drained. The drains were laid with
pipes at the depth of 3 feet 6 inches. Above these pipes a slight
covering of earth was first put on, followed by a covering of
about one foot deep of 3-inch broken metal, and then
the final covering of soil, the object in putting the layer of broken
metal being to facilitate the absorption of surface water. This is done
only where the land is stiff and retentive. The drains were cut 6 yards
apart. About 8000 yards of fencing, 4 feet high, and with six wires,—
the lower three being No. 7 and the upper three No. 6 wire,—have also
been erected on the farm of Pitcraigie, and it is now securely fenced.
The duration of lease is nineteen years, with entry at Whitsunday, on
conditions similar to those of the Earl of Seafield's estates. It may be
mentioned, that with regard to building during the currency of the
lease, the tenants pay 5 per cent. of interest. A flock of 300 Cheviots
is kept upon the farm of Pitcraigie, and the ewes are crossed with a
Leicester tup, the lambs being usually sold for delivery at 12th August,
when they bring from 24s. to 30s. each. A few years ago a very excellent
sheep cot, with lambing sheds, wool store, and shepherds house attached,
was built. This is one of the most useful and convenient buildings on
the estate. Over this property the six-course shift is pursued, with
three grasses. On the farms of Pitcraigie and Barluack, both of which
are occupied by Mr and Mrs Dunbar, cattle have been coming more into
favour for the past four years. On the former, about ten calves are
annually reared from cross bred cows and black polled bull; and on the
latter holding, which is 140 acres in extent, about 20 animals are
annually fed, and ten yearlings are kept in open courts. Mrs Dunbar
Dunbar only bought the farm of Barluack about three years ago, from the
Earl of Seafield, and since then 26 acres of it have been drained, and
about 2900 yards of wire fencing erected. It is presently in the course
of being limed, at the rate of 8 bolls per acre. On the Glen Rothes
estate about 100 acres of land have been planted with fir during the
past twenty years. Mr H. M. S. Mackay, Elgin, has been factor on these
estates for about five years, and during that time many of the
improvements mentioned have been carried out by his directions.
To the south of the Kinloss estate, lies that of
Burgie, the property of the trustees of the late Mr Robert Tulloch (for
which Mr H. M. S. Mackay, Elgin, is factor). It is wholly in the parish
of Rafford, and is 2600 imperial acres in extent. Of these, 1290 acres
are arable, 800 pasture, and 510 under wood. The total valuation of the
estate in 1866-67 was £1166, 5s., and in 1881, £1445. Part of the land
is a sandy loam on an open subsoil, and part consists of a sharp
gravelly and cold retentive soil resting on a stratum of clay. The farms
vary in extent from 40 to 410 arable acres. On the larger holdings the
farm houses are in excellent order, while those on the smaller farms are
in tenant-able condition. The roads are uniformly good, and suitable for
the traffic. By trench ploughing during the last twenty-five years,
about 100 acres of pasture and moor land, which was worth originally 1s.
per acre, on the hill of Burgie, have been reclaimed, and are now worth
from 8s. to 12s. 6d. per acre. About 80 acres also reclaimed on the
Burgie Lodge farm, and of these about four-fifths have been ploughed and
one-fifth trenched. The cost of reclamation is estimated at from £5 to
£20 per acre, which was paid by the tenant. An enterprising tenant
improved about 40 acres on Burgie Hill, and for £50 sublet his holding,
for which he only paid £20. The other improvements effected, apart from
reclamation of land, have been chiefly in squaring up farms and
repairing drains. The duration of lease, as on most other estates, is
nineteen years, with entry at Whitsunday to houses, grass, and fallow,
and at the separation of the crop of that year from the ground to the
land under crop. The terms of removal, as regards the garden and green
crop, fix the 1st of May as the day of exit. If buildings be executed by
the tenants at their own expense, they are kept in repair by the
trustees, by way of recompensating these tenants for the labour and
expense incurred in erecting the houses. For instance, in the year 1866,
three leases expired, and the tenants had claims for meliorations for
improvements effected during the currency of their leases, which instead
of being paid to the tenants, the proprietors relet the farms to the
same tenants at such rents as to wipe off all their claims. In the case
of a large farm, the lease of which expired in 1868, when the tenant had
a claim for about £1400, the same course of remuneration was adopted.
The average rent over the estate is 21s. per acre ; the lowest 7s., and
the highest 36s. Rents are paid partly at Candlemas and Lammas, after
the ingathering of the crop, and partly at Whitsunday and Martinmas.
Cottages are numerous, and a good many of the farms servants are
married. On light and loamy soils the farms are divided as nearly as
possible into five and six shifts of equal size, at the beginning of the
lease, and the tenant then follows out a regular system by either of
these courses. The rules are these—"The five-shift shall consist of,
first year, green crop; second year, white or com crop laid down with
grass; third, hay to be cut once only and then pastured; fourth, second
year's grass; and fifth, white or corn crop." The six-shift system is
the same as that of the five-shift, except that there are three years'
grass instead of two. The cattle on the Burgie Lodge farm, tenanted by
Mr R. J. Mackay, are pure bred shorthorns, but generally throughout the
estate a cross breed of cattle between a black polled bull and cross
cows prevail. Most of the cattle fed are sold fat, when two and a half
years' old. Mr Mackay's pure bred herd of shorthorns originally sprung
from the Spynie and Inchbroom stocks, and with judicious purchases, when
a chance of obtaining good blood occurred, he gradually improved his
stock, and was in possession of a very superior herd before it was
disposed on 18th October 1882. One of his best and most remunerative
purchases was that of cattle which were obtained from the far-famed
Peepy herd in England, where he also secured from other famous sources
other animals of considerable merit. There are no sheep farms on the
estate, and there are only two crofters, one of whom is a labourer and
the other an old residenter. At least 100 acres of pasture and moor have
been planted since 1850.
Resuming our westward journey, we enter the parish of
Forres, which has a total area of 5963.370 acres. The rental in 1866-67
was £5831, 18s., and in 1881-82, £7840, 7s, The parish is triangular in
form, and contains great diversity of soil. In the lower half rich
highly cultivated alluvium abounds, and is superincumbent on a rich
gravelly subsoil. About the centre of the parish there is a good deal of
sandy soil, while in the upper district it varies from poor sand to
light loam. It is as a whole highly productive when well managed. Mr
Fraser occupies two farms—Netherton and Greeshop, in this parish, and
Woodside, in the parish of Kinloss. The former extends to 220 acres
arable, with a few acres pasture. The soil is of a clayey nature resting
on a subsoil of gravel. It is a fair depth on about 140 acres, and on
the remainder, which stands on a distinctly lower level, is very
shallow. The six-shift course is pursued on the best land, but the poor
land is worked separately. The farm of Greeshop covers an area of 115
arable acres. The soil on it is alluvial, and about four-fifths of it
fair in depth. It is wrought on the same system as Netherton, except
that potatoes follow grass, and then wheat. The two farms may, for the
sake of brevity, be described together. Land is kept four years in
grass, then turnips, and next oats sown out with grass seeds. When the
season is not too dry, good crops of both oats and turnips are obtained.
On good land, two grasses are taken, followed by wheat, which is laid
down with a mixture of manure from the burgh of Forres and farm-yard
manure. Land for potatoes is dunged before ploughing in autumn, and when
planting, guano, muriate of potash, and dissolved bones to the value of
70s, are given per acre, which is sown broadcast on the drills. The next
crop is turnips, and by the liberal treatment which the land has
received with the two previous crops, 4 cwt. per acre dissolved bones,
along with farm-yard manure, produce a full crop. Barley sown with grass
seeds finishes the rotation. Mr Fraser has renewed his lease of Greeshop,
and no particular rotation has been specified. Both farms were wrought
with a pair fewer horses previous to the potato culture, but since then
three pairs are required on Netherton and two pairs on Greeshop. Nearly
all the grass on the poor land is eaten by sheep, and the turnips all
consumed on the farm. Mr Fraser rears no cattle, but buys his stock when
yearlings, and sells them off when fat, weighing from 5 to 7 cwt. On
Gree-shop the only stock of cattle is about 30 dairy cows. They consume
grass, turnips, and other food during the winter, to the value of about
60s. each. They are principally Ayrshire and cross bred cows, bought in
newly calved and sold off fat. They are fattened partly in courts and
partly in stalls. Byre feeding is generally preferred to that of court.
Cattle are seldom fed off without something additional to turnips and
straw. Some grain and a good deal cake are used, but two or three months
of extraneous feeding is found to be long enough to pay, and if it is
used beyond this period the allowance must be reduced. The farm is in
the immediate vicinity of Forres, and the milk is called for.
Rents in the western part of the county vary from
20s. to 60s. per imperial acre, and the average stands between 30s. and
40s. Every acre of first-class land costs the tenant about 50s. Rents
have been gradually creeping up, and they are now from 25 to 30 per
cent. higher than they were twenty five-years ago. This district has,
perhaps owing to its low rainfall and open subsoil, suffered less from
the past wet seasons than the rest of the country, but notwithstanding,
farming has not been paying. The district is pretty equally divided
between the five and six shifts' rotation. Though the rotations in the
western part of the county are prescribed in the lease, deviations
occur, but are generally overlooked. There was one case, however, in the
neighbourhood of Netherton, where a tenant had to leave his farm for
miscropping. The average returns of the various crops on these farms,
and of the district generally, are barley and oats about 5 quarters per
acre, wheat 4 quarters. Barley in exceptional cases yields as much as 7
quarters, and wheat 6 quarters per acre. Turnips yield from 15 to 20
tons per acre; potatoes about 5 tons, though 7, 8, and 10 tons are not
unknown. Less wheat has been grown in late years than formerly. Barley
is often substituted for wheat after lea. It does not, however,
suit well, being more liable to lodge after grass than after
green crop; besides, barley twice in one shift does not suit. A good
many potatoes have been grown in recent years, but the price has been so
low for the past two seasons that the acreage is very likely to be
greatly reduced. Potatoes will barely pay the producer at 50s. per ton.
Three conditions are essential to the successful cultivation of potatoes
on a large scale, and these are—first, an abundant supply of dung within
a reasonable distance; secondly.
a good command of labour; and thirdly, proximity to a
railway station. A number of half-bred and greyfaced lambs are usually
bought in in the end of the year, and fed off during the following
spring and summer. Those intended to be fattened for market in spring
require to be well kept, and receive a liberal allowance of cake and
corn each per day. The Clydesdale is the favourite breed of horses. They
have improved much during the past twenty-five years, and there is at
present a good class of horses in the district. Seventy acres is the
ordinary allotment to a pair of horses, but this is regulated by the
system of cropping and size of the farm. Farm servants are mostly
single, but there is a great want of labourers' cottages. Wages have
fallen to the extent of about £5 per year for the past few years. When
the present depression set in, they stood about 33 per cent. higher than
they did twenty years ago.
The farm of Woodside, 118 acres in extent, in the
parish of Kinross, is also in the possession of Mr Fraser. The soil on
it is various, and altogether of secondary quality, including stiff
clay, moss, and vegetable mould, all resting on sand which crops up here
and there. It is wrought under the six-shift rotation, viz., three
grasses, oats, turnips, and barley. The turnip crop gets all the dung
made on the farm, along with about 4 cwt. dissolved bones per acre,
which is all the extraneous manure used on the farm. Owing to the three
years' grass, very fair crops are raised. Part of the turnips and all
the grass is consumed by sheep, and only one pair of horses are kept.
Perhaps the largest farm and one of the most
skilfully managed in this parish is that of Balnaferry, occupied by Mr
John Mackessack. It contains 500 arable and 100 acres pasture, for which
the actual rent is £762. The extremes in the rental for ordinary soil in
this part of the parish is £1 and £3. Some cowfeeders in Forres pay as
high as £5 and £6 per acre. The greater part of the soil on Balnaferry
is kindly black loam with gravelly subsoil. The five-course shift is
pursued by the majority of farmers, but the six-course system is also
followed. On the best land wheat yields about 5 quarters, barley 6
quarters, and oats 6 quarters per acre. In a good year wheat weighs 65
lbs., barley 56 lbs., oats from 42 to 44 lbs. per bushel. It is chiefly
chevalier barley that is grown in Morayshire. After going through the
ordinary course of preparation of land for roots, Mr Mackessack gives
from 20 to 25 loads dung, with 3 to 4 cwt. bone meal, 1 cwt. Peruvian
guano, and 1 cwt. superphosphate per acre. Potatoes are planted in the
end of March, and manured the same as turnips. During the past
twenty-five or twenty-six years Mr Mackessack has reclaimed about 200
acres of land from whins and heather, and now he pays more than double
the former rent. The proprietor gave a small allowance for about
one-half of this extent. In addition, Mr Mackessack built several cattle
courts, and put up a deal of fencing, without any assistance from the
proprietor. He breeds few cattle, but feeds about 100 principally in
folds. They are fed chiefly on turnips and straw, with 2 lbs. of cake
each per day, and before selling off the cake is increased to 4 lbs.
with sometimes a little meal. They usually weigh from 5 to 8 cwt. when
fat. From 300 to 600 cross-bred sheep are reared from the Cheviots and
Leicesters. The lambs are fed on turnips and hay, with about
½ lb. each of cake per day. Part of
them are kept till the grass season arrives, when they are fed on grass
and cake. There is a good stock of horses on the farm, and these are
calculated to work from 60 to 100 acres a pair. Wages have advanced
fully a third since 1857. Cottages are not abundant. Rents have risen
about 20 or 25 per cent. during the past twenty-five years.
Towards the upper end of this parish there are not a
few well-managed farms. The farm of Mundole is about 200 acres in
extent, of which 20 acres are pasture. The rental in this district
ranges from 20s. to 50s., and in exceptional cases 60s. per acre.
Three-fourths of Mundole is black mould and sand, on gravelly subsoil.
The six-course shift is pursued, viz., two grasses, wheat, oats,
turnips, and then barley sown out with grass. Wheat when sown from 1st
to loth October yields well, and so also do oats, but not barley. After
preparing land for turnips in the usual way, Mr Anderson, tenant, allows
from 15 to 20 loads of dung and 4 cwt. superphosphates, and 2 cwt. small
bones per acre, over the whole turnip field. Potatoes get court-manure
as far as it will distribute, and when it falls short 5 cwt. of kainit
is given per acre, along with 3 cwt. small bones. Mr Anderson has
reclaimed about 15 acres since Whitsunday 1876, when he entered upon the
management of the farm. He also built the greater part of the farm
steading, repaired the dwelling house, made new stackyard, elected dykes
and wire fencing, which involved an expenditure of over £600. From 15 to
20 cross bred and polled cattle are reared every year and about 30
fattened. They are tied up for feeding about the 1st of October, and are
fed on turnips, straw, cake, and sometimes a little corn. When fat they
usually weigh about 6 cwt., and bring from £20 to £24 each. Five years
ago, Mr Anderson sold one-year-old cattle, for which he received £16 and
£17 a head, but last year for similar animals he got only £13 each. Mr
Anderson has a fair stud of farm horses, which work at the rate of 60
acres a pair. He thrashes all his crop with them except barley, and
drives about 200 loads of dung from Forres every spring. He breeds two
foals every year. The only noteworthy changes in the system of farming
since 1857, are that more potatoes are now planted, and less wheat and
more barley sown. The only desirable-change, says Mr Anderson, is "three
years' grass pastured on most of the land at least once in a lease, and
to labour the different qualities of soil on a farm, when practicable,
on a rotation suitable to each if allowed to do so." He grows about 30
acres of turnips, the half of which is Swedish and the other half
yellow, except on lightish soil, when he grows two-thirds yellow and
only one-third Swedish, and about 30 acres respectively of oats, barley,
and wheat annually.
The parish of Dallas, having a total area of
23,024.823 acres ranks fourth in Morayshire, and showed a rental of
£4873, 15s. in 1866-67 and now reaches a valuation of £5493, 4s. There
is a great extent of fine friable soil in this parish, and it is
presently in a high state of cultivation. It is beautifully diversified
with rising grounds and level straths of great fertility The climate is
as a rule slightly cold, but nevertheless luxuriant crops are generally
obtained. One of the largest holdings in the parish is Mains of Edinvail,
which is 270 acres arable and 55 pasture in extent. The tenant holds two
farms. The rental in the district generally ranges from £1 to £1, 10s.
per acre. The soil varies from black loam to gravel. The tenant adopts
the seven-course shift, viz., two crops oats after lea, turnips and
potatoes, and barley followed by three years' grass. On the other farm
the six-course is pursued, viz., two crops oats, turnips and potatoes,
and barleys followed by two grasses. Crops vary in their yielding
according to the season. In 1880 the lea crop averaged 5½
quarters per acre, weighed 42 lbs.; barley 4 quarters per acre, weighed
55 lbs.; and potatoes 4½ tons per acre. In
1881 the yield per acre was at least 1 quarter less than that of 1880,
and the grain was about 3 lbs. lighter per bushel. The general system of
cleaning land in this parish is much the same as we have already
described. The land is ploughed 8 inches deep in autumn, and it is also
ploughed, grubbed, and harrowed repeatedly in spring. It receives as
manure 24 loads of dung and 5½ cwt. dissolved
bones per acre. For potatoes the land gets a similar quantity of dung
and 5 cwt. dissolved bones. Since the present tenant of Mains of
Edinvail entered in 1870, he has effected great improvements in clearing
away foundations of old houses, and cultivating the land. The proprietor
built a large proportion of the dykes on the farm, and trenched 6 acres
of reclaimable land. Sixteen cows are kept on the farm, which foster 24
calves every year. Fourteen cattle are tied up for feeding purposes in
October, are fed on cut swedes, potatoes, bruised corn and oilcake, and
are sold away mostly in March, weighing from 5 to 6 cwt, each. The
horses are good, and 67 acres are allotted to a pair. Servants are
mostly single. Men get from £8 to £12, women from £3 to £5, boys from £3
to £5 per half year, exclusive of board. Oats are the most remunerative
We have now reached the western side of the county of
Moray, where the combined parishes of Dyke and Moy, which were united in
1618, forms the connecting link between Moray and Nairn, and which
stretches for a considerable distance on both sides of the dividing
line. Before going on to notice the system of farming pursued in this
parish, we may mention the principal objects of historical interest.
Darnaway Castle, which is said to have been built by Thomas, Earl of
Moray, is a magnificent oblong building of great antiquity, and is
notable for an ancient hall of extraordinary dimensions, forming the
back wing of the castle, which is the summer residence of the present
Earl of Moray. The hall measures 100 feet long, 40 feet wide, and about
90 feet high. Brodie Castle, the residence of Brodie of Brodie, is built
in an old English castellated style, and is also notable for its
antiquity. It is only a few miles west of Forres, and is surrounded by
clumps of trees and lovely pleasure grounds. Perhaps the most
interesting object is Macbeth's Hillock, or the "blasted heath," It is
said to have been the scene of Macbeth's meeting with the three weird
sisters of Forres, while he and Banquo journeyed from the Western
Islands to meet King Duncan at Forres.
The extent of the parish is 15,463*911 imperial
acres, and rental £7728, 8s. in 1866-67; its present valuation is £8944,
15s. The largest estate within the parish is that of Brodie of Brodie.
There are also a few less extensive properties. On Mrs Ann Chadwick or
Grant's property, Earnhill is the largest and one of the most skilfully
worked farms. It extends to 280 acres arable, and about 120 acres
pasture. The rental of the farm was £542 in 1866-67, and the present
rent is £630. Mr Richard Harris, the present tenant, has occupied this
farm for about thirty years, and is a distinguished agriculturist. The
land of the farm consists of good loam and light sandy soil. Mr Harris
breeds a few cattle, but feeds a good many more than he rears. He also
breeds a small flock of Leicester sheep, and buys in sheep to feed. The
course of husbandry pursued on the farm is the six-course shift, viz.,
two grasses, followed by two corn crops, a green crop, and then barley
sown with grass seeds. This system prevails on good lands. Mr Harris
grows a few mangolds occasionally, and uses a great deal of artificial
feeding material both for cattle and sheep. The cost of labour has risen
greatly during the past twenty-five years, but it has fallen
considerably since 1878. A ploughman gets from £15 to £16, with a house
and rations, in the half year. For turnip hoeing, haymaking, and
harvesting, there is difficulty in procuring casual labourers. Mr Harris
thinks that improvements might be divided into two classes—firstly,
fences, buildings, drains ; and secondly, manures. With regard to
houses, fences, and drains, Mr Harris thinks it highly desirable that
the landlords should provide them all, so as to free the tenant's
capital for the working of the land. He put in a lot of drains some
twenty-five years ago, at the depth of 4 feet, which are still working
well. The custom, in event of a tenant leaving on this estate is that
the outgoing tenant is paid for the waygoing crop, and when leaving at
Whitsunday is paid for the labour in preparing the land for the turnips.
As far as manuring is concerned, he gets a crop wherever he has manured.
The average rent of wheat-growing land is about £2 per acre. Mr Harris
grows wheat every year, which weighs from 62 lbs. to 66 lbs. in
good years. Day labourers get about 3s. per day, and from 18s. to 25s.
is spent in labouring each acre. First horsemen get about £30 a year in
money and £8, 10s. in kind, Mr Harris's total amount of poors rates is
£16, 14s. 8d., of which the landlord pays the half: he pays £7, 5s. for
education rate, and £9, 16s. 11d. for road taxation.
The farm of Wester Moy, tenanted by Mr William
Mac-Donald, is very carefully and judiciously managed. Mr Mac-Donald can
boast of one of the most compact farm steadings and of one of the best
kept holdings in the north of Scotland. The farm is all arable, and is
135 acres in extent. The rental is at present £306. The rental of the
district runs from 32s. to 35s. per acre. The soil is good, and the
climate favourable. Mr MacDonald adopts the six-shift rotation. The
average yield of wheat is 5 quarters per acre, weighing 63 lbs. per
bushel; barley 5 quarters 4 bushels, weighing 56 lbs.; oats 6 quarters
per acre, weighing 43 lbs. After preparing land for roots in the usual
way, drills are opened 26 inches wide with a double plough. From 3 to 4
lbs. of seed is given per acre, and in singling plants are left from 10
to 11 inches apart. The manure applied is 20 loads of dung, 1½
cwt. of bone meal, 2 cwt. Peruvian guano, and 4½
cwt. of best dissolved bones per acre. The estimated cost of laying down
an acre of turnips is £7. Finger-and-toe sometimes proves ruinous to
turnips, and especially on soil lying on a clay bottom. Mr MacDonald has
greatly improved the drainage of his farm during the past twenty-five
years. He has levelled many open ditches, for which he used pipes from 6
to 9 inches in diameter. In the ordinary drains, pipes from 3 to 4
inches in diameter were used. During the past twenty-five years the
proprietor laid out from £900 to £1000 in extending and improving the
dwelling house, and about £300 in erecting a double cottage for two
married servants. Mr MacDonald has improved the farm steading very much
on his own account, mostly in the way of providing accommodation for a
steam threshing mill. He breeds from 6 to 8 calves every year, and feeds
from 22 to 24 cattle in covered courts. They are taken in for feeding in
the middle of October, and sold fat, weighing from 8 to 9 cwt. and
sometimes more, during spring months. Yellow turnips and straw, with
2½ lbs. of linseed cake per animal,
constitute the staple food for the first few weeks. In course of time
swedes are given, and an increased allowance of cake, say 3 to 3½
lbs. each, per day. The tenant finds that polled cattle fatten more
equally than when mixed with horned animals, because they are more
settled, and agree better about their food. His Clydesdale horses are
extremely good, strong, and active. He has three men boarded in the
kitchen, who get from £12 to £16 in the half year. Wages have more than
doubled since 1857. Mr MacDonald says—"I see more potatoes grown and
more low priced phosphates used than formerly, which I have no doubt is
one reason why the land is not producing so much good grain and strong
stiff straw as it used to do. If we could afford to pasture our grass
land for three years, and use more bones and bone meal, we would
doubtless manage to restore the grain-producing properties of the soil."
Twenty-one acres swedes and 5 acres yellow turnips, 25 acres wheat, 25
acres barley, 21 acres oats, 2 acres potatoes, and 2 acres tares, are
the usual proportions of the various crops grown.
The farm of Feddan is 200 imperial acres in extent of
arable land, and 178 acres of wood and pasture. The soil is generally
light, with a gravelly bottom and an occasional patch of pan. The
tenant, Mr Brown, is bound to the five-shift rotation. Barley, which is
the most remunerative cereal, yields from 4 to 5½
quarters. Oats return a similar quantity. Mr Brown ploughs land
for turnips 9 inches deep in autumn, if the subsoil will allow it, which
he leaves unharrowed till spring. After it is harrowed in spring he
leaves it at least ten clays. This he considers of great importance,
because the more the surface is exposed he finds that it absorbs the
ammonia better with which the atmosphere is charged. Drills are formed
28 inches wide for swedes and 27 for yellow turnips. Fifteen cubic yards
of well-made farm-yard manure is spread in the drill, to which is added
2 cwt. dissolved bones, 2 cwt. superphosphate, and 1 cwt. Peruvian guano
per acre for swedes and yellow turnips, 2 cwt. dissolved bones and 2
cwt. superphosphates per acre is the general allowance. Should the dung
run short, an additional supply of from 6 to 8 bushels of ground bones
are given. About half the root crop is eaten off by sheep. The
artificial manure is sown broadcast, a man sowing five drills at once,
which allows it to lie nearer the young plants, and consequently come
quicker into action than when it is deposited in the bottom of the
drill. From 5 to 6 acres of potatoes are laid down with from 10 to 15
loads of dung, 2 cwt. dissolved bones, and 2½
cwt. of muriate of potash. Mr Brown has erected about 2200 yards of wire
fencing at his own expense since 1864, and also some sheds, for which
the landlord afforded wood. The cattle consist of shorthorns and
crosses, of which some six or eight are annually reared. Feeding stock
are tied up about the end of October, and are finished off with a little
bruised corn and cake about February, when they weigh from 6 to 7 cwt.
Mr Brown used to keep 150 Cheviot ewes to breed from, but they required
more grass than was available for them, and on that account they were
disposed of. He now keeps half-bred greyfaced hoggs instead. Horses are
of the Clydesdale breed, and are hardy, useful animals, working from 70
to 75 acres a pair on level ground. Wages for servants run from £9 to
£13, with 33 stones of meal, and twopence worth of milk per day, in the
half year. In 1855 wages were about £3, 10s. under the current fees.
Where there have been no improvements effected, rents have risen about
20 per cent., but where extensive improvements have been made, they have
increased about 50 per cent. Mr Brown says—"That all capable or managing
tenants should have freedom of cropping at least till within two or
three years of the expiry of their leases."
The Upper Division of Morayshire.
In continuing our tour, we now leave what is known as
the "Laigh of Moray," and emerge into the upper division of the county.
We do not intend to go so minutely into the general customs and farm
management of the upper districts. The farming systems are not so
various as in the lower half, and through the courtesy of the leading
proprietors and tenants we are enabled to draw up a pretty full general
notice, which will doubtless suffice to indicate the different systems
pursued. The upper half may be said to extend to an area of 156,201.655
acres, but a considerable proportion of this is heath or mountain land.
The first parish on our journeying in a south-eastward direction is
Edinkillie, which extends to 32,904.569 acres, and reaches a total
valuation of £6121, 10s. There is a great deal of wood, and most of the
parish is fertile, sharp soil, varying from loam to gravel, and is
generally well sheltered. Among the most important agricultural holdings
is that of Mr James Sinclair, Newton of Darnaway, which extends to 200
acres. The soil in this district is fairly good, and the average rental
varies from 25s. to 28s. per acre. The five-course shift is chiefly
pursued, viz., two grasses, oats, turnips, and barley. On this farm oats
yield about 5 quarters, barley 4 quarters per acre, but generally in the
district barley yields from 5 to 5½ quarters.
Land is tilled for roots in the common way, and about 20 loads of dung
and from 8 to 10 cwt. of superphosphates and dissolved bones are given
per acre. Potatoes are manured much in the same way. Since 1871 the
proprietor, the Earl of Moray, has laid out £300 on draining and about
£500 on buildings. Mr Sinclair feeds about 14 cattle every year, tying
up in October, and selling off when two years old in April. The last
three months, in addition to straw and turnips, feeding cattle get from
1 to 1½ lb. oilcake each per day. Fifty
breeding ewes and a Cheviot tup are kept on the farm, are summered in a
park 25 arable acres in extent, and get turnips in winter. These ewes
are bought in in October for about 28s. each, and sold along with their
lambs at £3. Mr Sinclair has three active pairs of Clydesdale horses,
which work about 70 acres a pair. The first horseman has £14, second man
£12, third man £8 to £9 per half year. Girls have about £6. Wages have
nearly doubled since 1855.
The Earl of Seafield's estates are among the largest
in the north of Scotland. They extend to about 149,500 acres, of which
about 40,500 are arable and about 109,000 permanent pasture, including
wood and ground reserved for plantation. In 1808 the acreage of
cultivated land in the Strathspey estate was 13,000 acres. Properly
speaking, the estates in the upper districts of Moray, Banff, and
Inverness extend to 124,500 acres, and the estates in the "Laigh of
Moray" cover a total area of about 25,000 acres, and consist chiefly of
valuable arable land, interspersed with old and young timber. On the
latter, since 1864, the proprietor expended on improvements about
£39,500, irrespective of expenditure in planting wood. Of that sum,
£22,500 has been laid out upon buildings, £5800 upon payment to tenants
for improvements made by them, about £3660 upon drainage, £2100 upon
fencing, £1150 upon roads, £2730 upon church buildings and schools, £660
upon embankments, and over £500 in various other improvements. Of the
Seafield estates in the "Laigh of Moray,"
10,000 acres are arable, above 10,000 acres pasture, and about 5000
under wood. The annual rental of it is £10,500, exclusive of shootings,
which realise about £1100. The rental in 1855 was £7000. The size of
farms on the estate range from 1651 acres downwards. Buildings on the
estate are all superior, many of them having been recently built. One of
the finest steadings in the country is that of Linkwood, which cost
nearly £2000; and another commodious new steading is that of Dandaleith,
which cost £1800. The estate all over is pretty substantially fenced,
chiefly with wire, and upwards of £2000 has been expended in fencing
since 1864. Since the present factor Mr Smith came to the Strathspey
property, nineteen years ago, nearly every farm building has been
remodelled, many miles of dykes have been erected, and roads
constructed. The duration of lease is nineteen years, with entry at
Whitsunday, and after-hand rent. During the past twenty-five years many
servants' cottages have been built. Over the whole estate the
five-course shift is pursued. Mr Smith became factor for the "Laigh of
Moray" estates in 1872, and since then he has made manifest his great
enthusiasm and enterprise both in improvement of land and houses. The
leases fell out in 1867. The best land is rented at about 24s. per acre.
Many crofters pay only about 10s. per acre. While the tenants are
encouraged to make improvements, the landlord expends about £6000
annually in improving the estate. The work of reclamation has progressed
satisfactorily under the present leases, over 1000 acres of new land
having been put under crop.
The farm of Ballintomb is one of the principal
holdings in the upper division of the county, and extends to about 300
acres, of which 50 acres are in pasture. In the parish of Cromdale the
rental varies from 17s. to 20s. per acre. The soil is generally light,
but of a fairly friable and kindly nature. The climate is not suitable
for the successful cultivation of barley, but oats yield remarkably
well, considering the elevation of the land. About 700 feet above the
sea level, oats weigh from 40 to 43 lbs. per bushel in average seasons.
The customary way of preparing and cleaning land for turnips in this
district is adopted on Ballintomb, viz., ploughing stubbles in the end
of the year, grubbing and cleaning in spring. The manure is put into
drills at the rate of from 30 to 40 loads of farm-yard manure, with from
4 to 6 cwt. artificial manure, chiefly bones, per acre, Potatoes are
similarly treated as regards the manuring of the land. In this district
the proprietor has done a great deal in building, fencing, and draining
during the past twenty-five years. Farmers should breed cattle more
extensively in this district than they do, although they habitually
breed more than they feed. We shall refer subsequently to Mr Mann's
famous black polled herd. About 400 lambs are wintered on the farm of
Ballintomb, being bought in in August and sold in spring. The farm
horses in the district, as well as on this holding, are generally good.
About 80 acres are allotted to a pair. Servants are mostly single, and
get from £8 to £14 per half year. Freedom of cropping is urgently
desired by the majority of tenants in this parish. Some farmers are of
opinion that the six or seven course shift could be more advantageously
wrought in the upper districts than the five-shift system.
The following has been sent us by one of the leading
tenants in Strathspey, which gives a very comprehensive, though brief,
description of the farming systems pursued in the upper districts :—
"The average rental of the upper division of the
county, or more particularly that portion of it lying to the east of the
Spey, may be stated at from 18s. to 20s. per imperial acre, and almost
every description of soil is found in it. The haugh lands, lying along
the river banks, are generally fine alluvial mould, with here and there
a tendency to gravel, while higher up it gradually gets stiffer, colder,
and poorer, until the hillfoot farms are reached; they are found to
consist very largely of reclaimed moss. By far the greater proportion of
the land is farmed in the ordinary five-shift rotation, viz., two years
grass, then oats, next turnips and potatoes, followed by barley or oats
with grass seeds. About a twentieth of the whole area of the upper
districts is worked on the six-shift system, viz., two white crops taken
after lea, instead of one, as in the five-shift course. This is found to
answer well on strong stiff clay soils, and the second or 'yaval' crop,
which invariably gets a little artificial manure, is, in many cases,
better than the first crop. The first year's grass is generally divided
between pasturing and hay, probably near a half of each; while pasturing
altogether the first year, and haying the second, is almost unknown.
From 34 to 36 bushels an acre is about the average yield of grain over
the upper districts, though of course in many instances the return is
very much larger. In exceptional cases in favourable years, as much as 9
quarters, or 72 bushels an acre, have been yielded. Within the past ten
or twelve years the use of portable steam mill thrashing has been
largely taken advantage of, while now the old portable engine is being
entirely supplanted by the traction. Stubble ploughing, or the first
stage of preparing the land for turnips, is engaged in immediately after
harvest, and farmers generally have the first ploughing finished by
Christmas, after which time lea ploughing is proceeded with. The second
ploughing, or 'steering,' as it is called, is
begun immediately after the grain crops are laid down. If the ground is
clean, the double harrowing is sufficient to prepare the turnip break
for drilling, but in many cases it requires also grubbing once or even
twice, with additional harrowing, a fine mould being a great advantage
and assistance towards securing a vigorous braird of the young-plants.
As much of the land as can be got ready by Whitsunday term (26th May) is
generally sown in swedes, which after that date are generally considered
too late. Yellow turnips are sown between Whitsunday and the last week
of June. Most farmers now, however, have turnip sowing finished before
that time except in unfavourable years, such as last year (1881), when,
owing to the ravages of 'fly.' and other causes, second and even third
sowing had to be resorted to. About 20 yards of dung and from 4 to 6
cwt. of artificial manure is considered a good allowance per imperial
acre for turnips, the kinds of manure being of course varied in
accordance with the different nature of soils. Potatoes in the upper
districts are not grown to any great extent, in many cases not more than
are required for family use. Polled cattle are getting every year
deservedly more into favour, as they are better suited to the climate
than the more tender shorthorns. Crosses, however, still largely
predominate, and the majority of young stock are generally kept on by
the breeder till they attain the age of from twenty to twenty-four
months. Feeding cattle are generally tied up immediately after harvest,
and are usually ready to be turned out fat about Christmas. Many good
feeders there certainly are in the county, as the prize lists of all the
fat shows annually testify, and never more so than this year (1881),
when the champion of Smithfield was bred and sent from Morayshire; but
this is a department of agriculture which is not nearly so well attended
to as it ought to be. The breed of horses in some districts could be
considerably improved with advantage to farmers, as they are not as a
rule equal in quality to that of cattle. Very few really good entire
horses come so far north, and they are seldom up to the standard of
excellence which the Clydesdale breed is known to possess. Cottage
accommodation for servants is still very deficient, though great
improvements in this direction are being usually made. The wages of farm
servants may be said to have doubled within the last thirty years,
though at present they are 10 to 15 per cent. lower than they were three
or four years ago. The number of acres allotted to each ploughman and
pair of horses varies greatly with the different kinds of farms. On
steep farms of strong land, 60 to 70 acres is all that a pair can work ;
while on a level easily wrought farm, they can overtake about 90 acres.
Interest of buildings and drainage contribute largely to increase rents,
and in many cases a good deal of improvement in this way is still
required and will doubtless be soon effected.
The scenery in Strathspey is magnificent, and the
arable land on either side of the river Spey rises with gentle aclivity,
and stretches for a considerable distance up the sides of the hills. It
is a great resort of pleasure seekers during the summer and autumn, when
crops are wearing their richest tint of beauty, and the woods clothed in
their most gorgeous foliage. Nowhere could one better enjoy the charms
of mountain scenery or the bracing atmosphere of a harvest morning.
The Ballindalloch estate lies principally in
Banffshire, but about 10,000 acres extend into the county of Moray.
Roughly speaking, 2000 acres of these are arable, while there are about
7000 acres of hill pasture and 1000 acres of wood. The valuation of the
Morayshire estates in 1866-67 was £2267, 7s., and now it is £2685, 2s.
10d. The land under cultivation is generally good loam resting on
gravelly subsoil. The size of farms varies from 20 to 200 acres arable.
A great many of the tenants have, in addition to arable ground, grazing
privileges on common hill. The farm houses are principally slated stone
buildings, and many new ones have been erected since 1857. A large
extent of wire fencing has been constructed during the past twenty-five
years. Roads over the estate are very good and well kept. About 200
acres of land have been reclaimed within the past twenty-five years and
are now good arable ground. It was trenched chiefly with the spade 14
inches deep. Before reclamation, the ground was rough pasture, full of
boulders, worth about 3s. 6d. per acre, and is now worth from 20s. to
25s. The total cost of reclamation, including drainage and trenching,
amounted to from £20 to £25 per acre,—prospects of remuneration about 5
per cent. The land reclaimed on the lower lying grounds has been
profitable to the landlord, but not on the poorer soil on the hill
sides. The duration of lease is nineteen years, the tenant entering at
Whitsunday to houses, old pasture, sown grasses, and break for green
crop, and at the cutting of the crop to the land under grain crops. Many
tenants take over from outgoing tenants, at valuation made by mutually
chosen arbiters, first year's grass, grain crops, and thrashing mill,
&c. When the proprietor advances money not specially stipulated for in
the lease for improvements, the tenant pays 6 per cent. for drainage and
5 per cent. for building. In cases of building, the proprietor usually
provides wood and slates free of cost, and the tenants pay all the other
expenses, without having any claim for meliorations. Generally speaking,
most of the buildings are erected by the landlord at the commencement of
new leases, without interest, the tenants performing the carriage of all
material free. The average rental per acre on the estate is 20s. and the
extreme 30s. Rents are paid at Martinmas and Whitsunday. Servants on
this property are partly married and single, and the best servants
belong to the former class, as they remain in their respective places
for a number of years, when well supplied with good cottage
accommodation. The estate is fairly well provided with cottages. The
system of rotation is arranged according to the estate regulations.
The cattle on the Ballindalloch estates are generally
either pure bred Aberdeenshire cattle, or a cross breed from black
polled bulls and shorthorn or cross cows, and are all reared on the
farms. Sir George Macpherson Grant is the owner of perhaps the finest
polled herd in the kingdom, and to it we shall hereafter refer. There
are no sheep farms on the Morayshire property. There are a few crofters
on the estate, who mostly work as tradesmen and farm labourers, and who
generally hold their crofts from year to year without a lease. Several
hundred acres of wood have been planted since 1857. Sir George farms
extensively himself. During the past twenty-five years not only has the
Morayshire property been vastly improved, but through the great interest
which Sir George takes in the welfare of his tenantry, and latterly the
energy of Mr Douglas his factor, the whole estates, both in the counties
of Banff and Moray, have been greatly improved and enhanced in
On the Ballindalloch estates there are many
well-managed and highly-productive farms. In the parish of Knockando the
soil is variable, but, generally speaking, pretty equally divided
between loam and light gravelly land. The farm of Tomlea, tenanted by Mr
George Younie, is very carefully and judiciously managed, and the soil
is partly good, but the climate is cold and late, It extends to 80 acres
arable and 20 or 30 acres pasture. The rental over the districts varies
from 18s. to 20s. per acre. Mr Younie is bound to the five-shift
rotation. The returns of crops in a good year are as nearly as possible
from 5 to 6 quarters barley and oats, the former weighing from 54 to 56
lbs. and the latter from 42 to 44 lbs. per bushel. The land for turnips
is ploughed deep soon after harvest, and is harrowed and ploughed, and
harrowed again before it is drilled. About 24 loads of dung with 5 cwt.
dissolved bones are given per acre. Yellow turnips scarcely get so much
artificial manure as swedes. Potatoes are planted only in such
quantities as to meet home requirements. Mr Younie has improved about 26
acres since 1855, and the proprietor built a dwelling house, upon the
outlay for which the tenant pays 5 per cent. interest. The cattle of
this farm are black polled. Six animals are bred every year, and four
are bought in, and all except the cows are sold when two years old.
Farmers in this district breed far too few cattle. Horses are not heavy
as a rule, but are hardy useful animals. Seldom does a first class
entire horse travel the upper districts, and consequently farmers have
not a good chance of improving the breed. More strength is required to
work the land than in the "Laigh of Moray," and the general allotment is
a pair to about 50 acres in the Knockando district. Almost all the
foremen servants are married, with houses, meal, and fire, and £24 a
year. In 1853-54-55, Mr Younie paid the first man £16, £16, and £18
respectively in the year, with the same allowances as are now given.
Rents have risen about 20 per cent. since 1852. Freedom of cropping
would be practically a great benefit to farmers. There were no swedes
grown in this district prior to 1852.
The Spey does not form the dividing line between the
counties of Banff and Moray until near Fochabers; and the greater part
or 7947.230 acres of the parish of Boharm, though on the eastern side of
the river, lies within the county of Moray, and so does also 1883'767
acres of the parish of Keith. In Boharm there are several good farms,
which are well managed and highly productive. The farm of Auchroisk,
tenanted by Mr L. W. Fraser, extends to an area of 170 arable acres and
some 30 acres of pasture. The average rental of the district is about
24s. per imperial acre. The soil is various, consisting of black loam,
gravel, clay, and moss. The average yield of barley on Auchroisk is from
4½ to 5 quarters, weighing from 54 to 56 lbs.;
oats, from 5 quarters to 6½ quarters, weighing
from 39 to 44 lbs. per bushel. There is no wheat sown in this district.
The five-shift system of rotation has been prevalent in this parish for
the last twenty or thirty years, and in the unanimous opinion of the
farmers has reduced the fertility of the land very considerably. The
soil requires more rest; and if rents were reduced in accordance with
the condition of the land, the six or seven course shifts would be
universally practised hereafter. This would be a very desirable change
in the system of farming, from the fact that it would lessen the
expenditure for manure, and also enrich and fertilise the soil. Land for
turnips is sometimes dunged before being ploughed in the autumn, but
most frequently immediately before sowing in spring. The cattle on this
farm and in the district generally are a cross breed between a shorthorn
bull and cross bred cows. The staple diet is turnips and straw, and
feeding cattle are finished off with a little cake and oats. About
fifteen years ago three-year-old cattle were mostly used for feeding
purposes ; but since grain and other sources of remuneration have been
of so comparatively little value, farmers could not afford to retain
cattle so long, and therefore, in order to meet demands upon them,
farmers have had to fatten and dispose of them when they are about two
years of age. Sheep from further inland districts are extensively
wintered in this parish, but no regular flocks are kept. Horses are
good, and work at the rate of 60 acres a pair. The average wages of
ploughmen run from £9 to £13 per half-year with rations. In 1876 good
ploughmen were getting from £17 to £18 in the half-year. Rents have
risen from 30 per cent. to 40 per cent. in this district since 1850.
They are in many instances too high, considering the unfavourable
The farm of Bush, tenanted by Mr Gray, is 160 arable
acres in extent, and is laboured in the six-shift system. The soil is
sharp and thin. Oats after lea always bulk best, and the grain weighs
from 40 to 43 lbs. per bushel. Land for turnips is twice ploughed in
spring, and gets from 18 to 20 loads of dung along with a mixture of
bones and bone meal to the extent of from 4 to 5 cwt. per acre. The
proprietor advanced money for draining from 70 to 80 acres of land, for
which the tenant pays interest; and the dwelling house and farm steading
have been erected during the past twenty-five years on similar
conditions. Cattle are chiefly cross bred, and are fed off with turnips,
cake, and corn, and weigh from 8 to 9 cwt. when fat. Horses have
improved vastly since 1857, but there is still need for improvement.
From 70 to 80 acres are allotted to a pair. Turnips usually yield at the
rate of from 12 to 18 tons per acre, oats from 3 to 6 quarters per acre,
and barley from 4 to 5 quarters. The latter is the most remunerative.
One of the best managed farms in the district is that
of Stoneytown, which is 150 acres in extent, and is held by Mr M'William.
The soil consists of loam, clay, and gravel, which are lying on rock and
clay subsoil. The six-course shift is pursued. The average yield of oats
and barley on Stoneytown is about 5 quarters per acre—the former
weighing 42 lbs. and the latter 54. For potatoes and turnips Mr
M'William ploughs deep in the fall, and then harrows and ploughs again
in spring. It is manured in the drill with about 20 loads of dung and
from 6 to 7 cwt. of dissolved bones and bone dust per acre. Since Mr
M'William became tenant in 1868 he has drained a good deal, built some
dykes, reclaimed by trenching about 7 acres of land, and performed the
cartage of a new steading and dwelling house erected by the proprietor,
for which he pays 5 per cent. interest. We shall advert to Mr
M'William's shorthorn herd under the appropriate heading. He also rears
and feeds cross bred cattle. Turnips and straw constitute the staple
diet, with a little cake and oats to finish off. The cattle are disposed
of when from 5 to 7 cwt. in weight. Home bred cattle pay best. About a
score of Leicester ewes are kept on the farm, and the male lambs are
sold about the 1st of October. Mr M'William has an excellent stud of the
Clydesdale breed; they work about 75 acres a pair. Wages have advanced
fully a third since 1855, and since then rents have been doubled in many
cases. Bare fallow, which was so common twenty-five years ago, is
scarcely to be met with now, and yet the land is better cleaned and
manured than it was then.
The parish of Rothes, on the western side of the
river Spey, covers an area of 19,234.453 acres. It contains a large
breadth of excellent land, while there are also portions of inferior
soil. Along the side of the Spey fertile loam and rich alluvium abound,
while towards the foot of the hills coarse clay, moss, earth, and gravel
are occasionally to be seen. The largest farm in the parish is Drumbain,
occupied by Mr William Brown, Linkwood, Elgin, and the property of the
Earl of Seafield. It is 1651 acres in extent, and is rented at £435.
Perhaps the most pleasantly situated farm in the parish is that of
Dandaleith, tenanted by Mr John Cruickshank. It is 407 acres in extent,
the rental being £516. The soil over the farm is rich alluvium., and is
well nourished by the tenant.
In the extreme north-eastern corner of the parish of
Rothes, on the bank of the Spey, is the choice farm of Garbity, (This
farm is now (1883) tenanted by Mr Stewart.) tenanted by Mr James
Watt. It covers an area of 220 arable acres, is rented at 35s. an acre,
and is carefully and skilfully managed. Mr Watt is also tenant of the
farm of Mulben, in the parish of Boharm, which is 240 arable acres in
extent. The soil on Mulben is of a light, blackish nature, while on
Garbity it consists of fine light loam. In the district surrounding
Garbity the rental runs from 15s. to 35s. per acre. Mr Watt works on the
five-shift system on Garbity, and adopts the six-course rotation on
Mulben. The latter system is most approved of. In good seasons wheat and
barley yield about 5 quarters per acre on Garbity, on which there are no
oats grown. On the farm of Mulben oats yield about 6 quarters per acre,
barley 4½ quarters, The land here is rented at
about 23s. per acre. Mr Watt subsoils his turnip land in the autumn with
one of Sellar's diggers, grubs it in spring, and manures as heavily in
the drills as possible with dung, along with from £3 to £3,
10s. worth of artificial stimulants per acre. The allowance of
seed for swedes per acre is 3 lbs., and 2 lbs. for yellow turnips. About
7 acres of potatoes are grown after lea, and the usual width of the
drill is 29 inches. Dung for these is spread over the surface of the lea
before being ploughed in the autumn, and about 3 cwt. of manure added
when they are being planted. The varieties of potatoes grown are
Victoria Regents, Magnum Bonums, and sometimes Champions, and the
quantity of seed varies from 10 to 12 cwt. per acre. The artificial
manure is deposited by a sowing machine. Mr Watt expended £100 in
building, and also made roads and drained a few acres of land at his own
expense. In some of the following pages we allude to the superiority of
his herd of shorthorn cattle. On the two farms Mr Watt breeds 40 cross
cattle every year, and feeds them along with bought-in stock when two
years old. They are tied up for feeding in October, and, weighing from 7
to 8 cwt, are ready for the market at Christmas. Besides turnips and
straw, they receive cake and bruised oats. About 120 half-bred ewes are
kept between the two farms, and they rear about 200 lambs. The lambs
weigh about 65 lbs. in spring when fat, and are sold at about £2, 15s.
each. They get about ½ lb. of linseed each per
day. The farm horses are very good, and work at the rate of 80 acres a
pair. Mr Watt's servants are all married, and most of them have houses
on the farm. They get from £16 to £18, along with 3¼
bolls of meal, 1 ton of coals, and fully 1 ton of potatoes, each in the
half-year. The rent on Garbity is the same as Mr Watt paid on entering
it eighteen years ago. He thinks that farmers might work the six-shift
system more advantageously than the five-course shift on medium soil,
but not on very heavy land.
We have omitted to mention, however, that about two
miles below the village of Rothes is the pass of Sourden, near to which
is the famous Haugh of Dundurcas. The farm of Dundurcas, occupied by Mr
Mantach, contains some 200 acres of good deep loam. The extraordinary
flood of 1829 did not deprive this farm of its rich surface so much as
it did to those lying further down the river, and consequently the land
is as fertile as it is deep and friable. Mr Mantach, like mostly all the
other tenants along that side of the county, adopts the five-shift
course, and is a careful breeder of cross cattle, which he generally
disposes of fat when two years old.
A little further down the river we reach the farm of
Collie, the outmost farm in this direction, on the Seafield estates,
which is tenanted by Mr Sutor. solicitor, Elgin. The land consists of a
medium loam dispersed with patches of gravel and light sandy soil, being
particularly light along the river bank. The farm is in capital order,
and produces good crops of barley, oats, and turnips. Mr Sutor has not
grown wheat for a few years, but sows barley instead, which, when grown
after second year's grass, is found to be very suitable. The farm-yard
manure is all spread in drills in the turnip break at the rate of about
20 yards per acre, along with 8 cwt. of artificial manure, composed of
bone flour, ground coprolites, and mineral superphosphate. The cattle
kept are the ordinary crosses, and are sold off fat in spring when two
years old. Each cow generally fosters two calves. Mr Sutor for some
years has kept a flock of high bred border Leicesters. His ewe stock
consists of about five score, which have principally descended from rams
of the Kinochtry stock which he purchased some years ago at the Aberdeen
annual sales. The tups are sold annually as shearlings. A large lot of
them averaged £16, 15s. 1d. this year (1882).
They only get artificial food about three weeks before being sold. Mr
Sutor has been an extensive exhibitor of sheep. In 1881 he won the first
prize cup and special prize at Elgin. The whole of his horses are pure
bred, and eligible for the stud book. He has been also a successful
exhibitor of horses. At Elgin, Aberdeen, and the Highland and
Agricultural Society's shows, in 1874 and in 1875, he won the first
prize for brood mares. He also gained many other creditable prizes. Mr
Sutor is not an advocate for compensation for unexhausted manures—as a
lawyer merely he would welcome such a measure,—but insists that tenants
should have freedom of cultivation, free sale of their produce and
subjects, and at the same time be bound to farm in accordance with the
rules of good husbandry.
The farm of Burnside, occupied by Mr James Bruce,
extends to 365 acres, and is on the Richmond estate. The soil is chiefly
alluvial, and is in a high state of fertility. The rent is £520, or
nearly 30s. per acre. The five-shift course is adopted by Mr Bruce, and
his farm is very productive. He uses a great deal of artificial food for
stock, and his farm-yard manure, which is devoted chiefly to turnips, is
of the very richest nature. From 20 to 30 yards of it is given along
with 8 cwt. artificial manure per acre. He. has an excellent herd of
shorthorn cattle on the farm, in all about 70 head, breeding at the rate
of 30 animals every year. His cows are of the most fashionable strains,
and are excellent breeders and milkers. For many years Mr Bruce's bull
calves have commanded the highest averages at Forres and Perth sales.
His stock bulls have been the famous "Baronet," which never left its box
but to conquer; "Royal Windsor," "Earl of March," and his present bull "Knickerbocker,"
the champion national winner of 1881 at Stirling. In his breeding stock
Mr Bruce has repeatedly won the challenge and champion cups of the
Morayshire Farmers' Club, Spey, Avon and Fiddich-side Farmers' Club, and
the Royal Northern Agricultural Society; and for many years has been an
extensive exhibitor at the shows of the Highland and Agricultural
Society, winning the first premiums for old and young bulls last year,
along with the Tweeddale gold medal at Stirling. There is, in addition
to the shorthorns, a few good cross feeding cattle kept, being chiefly
bought in young and sold off fat when two years-old, weighing from 8 to
9 cwt. On the farm there is almost always to be found a few choice
animals in preparation for the great English fat stock shows, at which
he has been most successful. In 1871 Leeds presented him with a class
prize and champion cup, and Smithfield with a champion cup for heifers.
In 1872 Smithfield sent him a class prize and champion cup for an
excellent ox bred by Mr Macpherson, Auchlochrach, Glenrinnes, in
addition to which, and with the same animal, he gained the blue ribbon
cup for that year. In 1873, Hull presented him with a hundred guineas
plate, while in 1874 Newcastle sent him a beautiful plate. In 1878 York
awarded him a champion plate; and many other trophies of lesser
importance awarded to him could be recorded. The farm houses are in good
order, the dwelling-house having been recently erected, partly by the
landlord and the tenant.
Having completed our Morayshire pilgrimage, we now
proceed to describe our recent tour throughout the county of Nairn. The
general configuration of the county has already been noticed, but it may
not be out of place to mention that the lower districts are thickly
wooded, and present a pleasant aspect, more particularly in the autumn.
The upper reaches are more of a rugged and mountainous character, and
the scenery is uninteresting. We commenced our tour on the eastern
border in the parish of Auldearn, which was rented at £9650, 12s. 11d.
in 1866-67, and now at £10,091, 15s. 5d. The most extensive proprietor
is Mr Hugh Brodie of Brodie, Brodie Castle, whose property in this
parish brings a rental of £2606, 15s.
The farm of Easter Clune, occupied by Mr James
Russell, extends to 700 acres, of which only 150 acres are arable. The
rental in the district generally is about £1 per acre. The soil on this
farm consists of a black loam, with a clay subsoil, and the climate is
rather cold but dry. The five-course shift is adopted, viz., two
grasses, a white crop, a green crop, and again a white crop sown with
grass seeds. Corn crops yield about 4½
quarters of grain per acre, and about 300 stones of straw; turnips yield
about 16 tons, and hay about 110 stones (23 lbs. per stone) per acre.
The systems of cleaning and preparing land for turnips seem to be
universally the same as are adopted by the Morayshire farmers. About 18
loads of dung, accompanied by about 7½ cwt.
dissolved bones, constitute the manurial allowance per acre of turnip
land. Potatoes receive the same treatment as turnips. Mr Russell has
reclaimed about 15 acres of moorland during the past twenty-five years,
and the landlord has drained about 12 acres, for which the tenant pays
interest. Cross cattle are the prevailing breed. From 6 to 8 calves are
reared on the farm yearly, and about 20 cattle are fattened. The heifers
are tied up about the middle of October, and sold off in January, and
the stots in April. Besides liberal supplies of turnips and straw, from
2 to 4 lbs. of oilcake and a little corn are given to each animal per
diem. Heifers when fat weigh generally about 4½
or 5 cwt., and stots about 6 cwt. Mr Russell thinks farmers might breed
more cattle with advantage. About 400 hoggs are wintered on the farm.
The stud is very superior, possessing a good deal of Clydesdale blood.
The customary allotment of land to a pair of horses is about 75 acres.
Farm servants in this district are mostly single, being a proportion of
two to one married man. Wages range from £30 to £40 a year, and have
doubled at least since 1855. Cottages average about 1½
to each farm. Rents have risen about 15 per cent. within the past thirty
years, and have been too high for about five years. Barley is the most
profitable cereal cultivated.
Though only 67 arable acres in extent, the farm of
Garlickhill, occupied by Mr Alexander Mackintosh, is one of the model
farms of the day. It is rented at £109, 10s., or about 33s. per acre,
and is on the estate of the trustees of the late John Gordon of Cluny.
The average rental in the neighbourhood of this farm is 25s. The soil is
generally very good, resting on red clay and gravel, and some patches of
moss. The rotation is universally the five-shift system, but on light
land three years' grass is very suitable. Barley on Garlickhill yields
from 3 quarters to 6 quarters per acre, or an average of about 4½
quarters, and weighs 56 lbs.; oats return about 5 quarters, weighing 43
lbs., and rarely 45 lbs. per bushel. The stubble land, in the end of the
year, is ploughed from 8 to 10 inches deep; and when the land is
tolerably dry, the drills are opened at an average width of 27 inches.
Twenty loads of dung are given to the acre of laud, and is spread along
the drills, and in addition to this about £2 worth of artificial manure
is allowed per acre. It consists of crushed and dissolved bones, a
little phosphates, and about 2 cwt. of salt. For potatoes, a proportion
of the oldest grass land on the farm is heavily dunged before it is
broken up, and when the drills are opened about 4 cwt. artificial manure
is deposited per acre. Mr Mackintosh has drained a great; breadth of
land, and for money advanced by the landlord for the work he pays 3½
per cent. Five polled and five cross cows are usually kept for
breeding and dairy purposes. The bull is of the shorthorn breed. The
young stock are sold off when three-quarters old, as the tenant finds it
more lucrative to keep a number of cows, and sell milk to the
neighbouring villagers, than to keep feeding cattle. The pasture of the
farm is let for sheep wintering, along with nearly one-third of the
turnips, which are consumed on the field. Horses are of medium size, and
well bred. Wages for farm servants have nearly doubled since 1855 on
this farm. Men have from £10 to £15 with board; women and boys, £5 to £6
per half year. Rents in this parish are reckoned to have risen from 10
to 15 per cent. since 1850. Wheat-growing in this county has ceased, and
more attention is devoted to the breeding and feeding of stock. Far more
potatoes are grown now than twenty-five years ago. Probably the higher
prices of beef and potatoes make up for the absence of wheat, while the
expense of extraneous feeding-stuffs is returned in beef and manure. The
tenant is of opinion that freedom of cropping, subject to the laws of
good husbandry, coupled with greater liberality on the part of the
proprietors in respect of permanent improvements, such as building and
drainage, would be beneficial, but that everything else must be left and
settled by the common rules of supply and demand.
On the lauds of Boath, the property of the late Sir
James Dunbar, Bart., is the farm of Bogside, occupied by Mr William
Anderson. Its total area is 103 acres, all arable, and it is rented at
£2 per acre. The soil is light, and the climate good. Mr Anderson adopts
the five-shift rotation. Cereals yield from 4 to 5 quarters per acre,
and weigh a little over the standard measure. Turnips and potatoes grow
well. Land for the green crop gets from 20 to 25 loads of dung and 6
cwt. artificial manure per acre. Cross cattle are bred and fattened on
the farm. They are fed on turnips, straw, and cake, and are sold at the
weight of from 5 to 6 cwt. The horses on the farm are good, and work
from 60 to 70 acres a pair. Mr Anderson pays from £10 to £13 for men,
and £5 to £6 for women and boys, exclusive of board. Mr Anderson thinks
farmers should have liberty in cropping.
As we proceed westwards the scenery becomes more
varied and beautiful, and the systems of farming more various and
interesting. The parish of Nairn contains soil varying from heavy mould
to light sand. The valuation of the parish in 1866-67 was £5939, 13s.
5d., and is now £7190, 14s. 1d. The principal objects of interest are
the remains of Castle Finlay, of Rait Castle, and of the old chapel
where the Kilravock family are buried. The Cawdor estates, which make a
total area of 46,176 imperial acres, go more extensively into the
parishes of Nairn and Cawdor than any other property in the county. Of
the total area 5776 acres are under wood, 2920 acres arable ground, and
37,480 of moorland and hill pasture. The total rental in 1855 was £6070,
and in 1881, £7930. The land over the estate is chiefly light loam,
resting on gravelly subsoil. The number of farms on the property is 154,
of which 27 holdings are rented above £100 and 127 under £100. Houses
are generally substantial and in good order. Many of them have been
built since last letting of farms, the tenants carting materials and the
proprietor paying the cost of building. Since 1849, when new leases were
entered upon, a considerable extent of waste land has been reclaimed by
the tenants, when, in many cases, large quantities of stones were turned
up, which the tenants carted to the lines of dykes laid out by the land
surveyor, and built by the landlord. Previous to 1849, the whole estate
was gone over by a surveyor, and the new marches of the farms were
squared up. The tenants seem satisfied with the result of their
reclamations, and when leases expire a rise of rent is generally
obtained. Rents are payable half-yearly, at Martinmas and Whitsunday,
after reaping the crop. There are some married servants on the larger
farms, but very few on the smaller ones. A good many cottages for
married servants and labourers have been erected during the last
twenty-five years.
The farm of Easter Delnies, in the parish of Nairn,
is tenanted by Mr John Davidson, and has a total acreage of 690 acres,
of which 240 acres are arable, 120 acres coarse pasture, and 350 acres
under wood. The rental is £170. The soil on
the farm is mostly light and sandy, and is intersected by pendicles of
good loam. The five-course shift is pursued. Barley returns about 5
quarters per acre, and weighs 56 lbs, per bushel; oats, 6
quarters, 43 lbs.; and potatoes about 4 tons per acre. The land is
manured for roots with 24 loads of dung and 4 cwt, artificial manure per
acre. Mr Davidson entered the present lease in 1873, when the farm was
in bad condition, and now it is in a much better state. He got a new
steading on entry, for the building of which he carted materials, and
pays Government interest during the lease. The tenant breeds cross
cattle in part and buys in part, feeding annually from ten. to twelve,
which, with liberal supplies of turnips and straw, combined with a
little nutritious cake and bruised corn, they weigh about 5 cwt. each
about three months after they are tied up, when they are sold off'. He
lets the pasture during winter along with a quantity of turnips. The
pasture is sufficiently extensive to carry 400 sheep. A pair of horses
work about 86 acres. Single farm servant men get from £10 to £12 in the
half year. Under the present five-shift system the land is becoming
unsuitable for turnips and grass. A recourse to the six-shift rotation
would, in Mr Davidson's opinion, give better turnips and grass, and
prevent finger-and-toe damaging the former.
The farm of Crook extends to 184 arable acres and 4
pasture, and is pleasantly situated on the right bank of the river Nairn.
It is rented to Mr William Malcolm at £199, and is part of the property
of Colonel James A. Grant, C.B. The rental in the district ranges from
14s. to 40s. per acre. On the farm of Crook the soil is of a kindly
lightish nature, and is wrought under the five-shift rotation. Crops
yield variously, being more apt to suffer from a deficiency of moisture
than from too much. Oats and barley yield from 2 to 5 quarters per acre,
and the grain, both in respect of quality and weight, is invariably
good. Turnips yield from 12 to 24 and potatoes from 3 to 6 tons per
acre. Land for the root crop is usually twice ploughed, grubbed, and
harrowed several times before it is properly cleaned. From 20 to 24
loads of dung, along with from 4 to 7 cwt. of dissolved bones,
constitute the manurial ingredients applied per acre. Potatoes are grown
after two-year-old grass, which is covered in the autumn with a heavy
coating of dung before being ploughed, and immediately before planting
from 6 to 7 cwt. of dissolved bones are applied. Mr Malcolm reclaimed
about 20 acres of low marshy ground, and the proprietor ploughed 40
acres of light land (which had previously been under wood) with six oxen
during the past twenty-five years. The farm stock of breeding cattle
consists of polled and cross cows and shorthorn bull. Twelve calves are
reared, and in every case, when practicable, each cow has to suckle two
calves. The young stock are kept in open courts till they are two years
of age, when they are sold in April or May at from £20 to £24. From ten
to twelve purchased cross cattle are tied up immediately after harvest,
and are sold in January, weighing from 5 to 6½
cwt. each. They are fed on turnips and straw, with draff, burned ale,
bruised oats, and rye. Mr Malcolm has a stud of very superior horses,
which work at the rate of 70 acres a pair. There is a good deal of
carting done in driving feeding stuffs from the distillery and manure
from the town of Nairn. Wages for servant men vary from £10 to £15 for
six months. They have risen about 30 per cent. since 1850. More cottages
are required. Tradesmen's bills have also risen very greatly. Rents have
advanced greatly during the past thirty years. In many cases they are
too high, especially in unfavourable seasons, such as have been
experienced for sometime; but fears are entertained that insufficiency
of capital has something to do with the results being unfavourable.
Barley is the most profitable cereal.
Househill Mains, tenanted by William H. Kelman,
extends to 160 acres. It is beautifully situated, and systematically and
skilfully wrought. About half the farm consists of haugh land, lying on
the right bank of the river Nairn. The nature of the soil varies from
fine mould to sandy loam, and the climate is mild and early. The farm
steading, which was erected a few years ago by the proprietor, Colonel
James A. Grant, C.B., in the most modern and approved style, is situated
about the centre of the farm. Mr Kelman adopts the five-shift rotation,
and grows potatoes on part of his lea ground. Crops yield pretty equally
in a good season. Barley gives from 4 quarters to 5 quarters, weighing
about 57 lbs.; oats, 5 quarters, weighing 43½
lbs. per bushel. In the autumn the digging and ploughing of the land for
turnip crop are the leading items of labour; and after the ground is
thoroughly pulverised in spring with repeated grubbing and harrowing, it
receives from 20 to 25 loads of dung per acre, and from 6 to 8 cwt. of
artificial manure. The latter is a composition of 2 cwt. dissolved
bones, 1½ cwt. bone meal, 2 cwt.
superphosphates, ¾ cwt. sulphate of ammonia,
and a small quantity of guano. Mr Kelman limed part of his farm this
year, giving it about 5 bolls per acre to the lightest land. If the land
is clean, he ploughs down the dung for the root crops in autumn. Among
the improvements effected on the farm since it came under the tenancy
and management of Mr Kelman, perhaps a new thrashing machine put in by
Mr R. G. Morton, Errol, Perthshire, is the
most notable feature. Attached to this machine, and driven by the same
steam-engine, are a chaff and straw cutter, root-pulper, corn-crusher,
and corn-blast, all of which have been furnished by the same engineer.
The thrashing machine, though seemingly intricate in its construction,
is very simple and efficient in its working. The corn-blast attached to
the mill is a very ingenious affair. The grain as it leaves the mill is
blown through a wide tube, 60 feet long, into the grain loft, the tube
making a right angle turn at its highest point. Being in the immediate
vicinity of the burgh of Nairn, Mr Kelman has started a dairy for
supplying the town with milk. This is an institution which was very much
needed, and is now being esteemed. The present dairy stock is composed
of about twenty cows of the best Ayrshire and cross breeds. To these
very succulent food is given, as it is found to be efficacious in
sustaining and improving the milking properties of the animals. Mr
Kelman has also a very nice black polled bull and a number of fattening
cattle. The feeding stock are kept in a commodious half-covered court.
His horses are strong and active, and work from 80 to 100 acres a pair.
The proprietor has planted about 2 acres of arable land along the public
roadside, and has also planted from 7 to 8 acres of land on the
neighbouring farm of Crook within the past few years.
On the estate of Mrs Anne Agnew Mackintosh or Walker
is the large and superior farm of Heathmount, tenanted by Mr George
M'Beth. It covers an area of 175 arable acres, and is rented at £283. In
this district the rent of arable land runs from 22s. to 40s., whereas in
the upper districts of the county it ranges from 5s. to 20s. The soil is
good and the climate genial. The tenant is strictly bound to the
five-shift rotation. Oats yield from 3½ to 6
quarters per acre, and are seldom under 42 lbs. in weight; barley, from
3 to 5 quarters, weighing about 56 lbs. per bushel. About 20 loads of
dung and from 4 to 7 cwt. artificial manure is given per acre to land
for the green crop. The implements of husbandry have undergone great
improvement since 1850. Then threshing corn with the "flail" was a daily
occurrence, and now the crop is all thrashed with machinery, and a great
part, particularly of barley, with steam. Crops are all reaped with
reapers. The proprietrix has done much in the way of improving
buildings. Cattle are chiefly of the cross breed, and are sold off when
fat, weighing from 5 to 6 cwt. each. Mr M'Beth buys in sheep in the
autumn, feeds them on turnips, and sells them in March or April. The
farm horses are good, and work from 50 to 75 acres a pair.
On the western side of this parish is the estate of
Lochdhu, which is 754 acres in extent, of which there are 684 acres of
arable land, 30 of pasture, and 40 under wood. In 1866-67 the yearly
value of the property was £263, 18s. 9d., and now it is worth £650, 9s.
3d. per annum. Over the estate the soil varies from moss, sand, and loam
to gravel. There are only two farms on the property, one 544 acres and
the other 140 acres in extent. Commodious steadings have been built
within the past ten years. The farms are ringfenced and subdivided with
wire. There was no fencing thirty years ago. Roads generally are good.
The extent reclaimed during the past thirty years is about 284 acres.
The character of the land before reclamation was soft and marshy, worth
about 2s. 6d. per acre, and now, since it has been efficiently drained,
it brings from £1, 10s. to £1, 15s. The cost of reclaiming was about £10
per acre. The land is now productive, and gives good crops. It has been
profitable to both landlord and tenant. Bents are all paid in money, but
previous to 1855 they were mostly paid in grain. The five-course shift
is universally adopted. The cattle kept on the estate are generally
crosses. A good deal of cake is used in feeding. There are no sheep
farms on the estate. There are about thirty crofters or cottars on the
property. The latter pay small rents, and earn a livelihood by farm work
and other labour by the day. Crofters hold the crofts on lease, and pay
about £1, 10s. per acre. A great deal has been done in the way of
planting since 1855.
Situated on the estate of Mr Hugh Davidson, and in
the parish of Croy, the farm of Cantraydown, occupied by Mr Angus
Macpherson, is one of the most skilfully managed holdings in the
district. The parish was valued at £3033, 11s. in 1866-67, and in
1881-82 at £3881, 16s. 6d. The farm of Cantraydown extends to 200 acres
arable and 600 pasture, is rented at £155, and partly consists of porous
haughland with a prevalence of moss and gravel. The five-course shift is
pursued, and in good seasons good crops of grain and roots are obtained.
The land is always most carefully prepared for seed, more particularly
for roots. It is also dunged heavily, and well furnished with artificial
manure. Less manure is given for potatoes than for turnips. Mr
Macpherson has reclaimed about 100 acres of land during the past
twenty-five years, the proprietor cutting a few of the leading drains.
The cattle are of the shorthorn and cross breeds, and are mostly
disposed of when two years old. Sheep are kept only during winter.
Horses are of the Clydesdale breed, but have not improved much of late.
The common allotment to a pair is 70 acres. Servants' wages, have
advanced about 100 per cent. since 1855, and few cottages have been
built. Bents have risen about 15 per cent. during the past twenty-five
In the parish of Cawdor there is a large extent of
moss and thin soil, but it also contains some fertile land. There are
also extensive woods surrounding Cawdor Castle, which is one of the most
perfect and time-honoured examples of a feudal fortress in the north.
The scenery is truly magnificent. About the centre of the best
agricultural district in the parish is the fine farm of Brocklea, which
is 320 arable acres in extent, and is in the possession of Mr Robert
Eraser. The rental of this farm amounts to 36s. per acre, but the
average rental of the district does not exceed from 28s. to 32s. The
soil on Mr Fraser's holding is a light loam on a gravelly bottom, and
over the lower half of the parish the land is of a shingly nature. Large
proportions of a hard blackband of heath running over a number of farms
have been reclaimed by the tenants during the past thirty years. The
prescribed mode of tillage on the Cawdor estate is the five-course
shift, from which, however, many farmers would gladly deviate. Barley is
the favourite cereal generally, as it is most adapted to the
peculiarities of the climate. In ordinary years it yields at the rate of
from 32 to 36 bushels per acre, and weighs from 54 to 56 lbs. per
bushel, but it has not exceeded 28 bushels per acre and 53 lbs. in
weight for a few years past. The land for the root crops is prepared in
the usual way, and turnip sowing is generally finished by the 10th of
June. The manurial dressings for these consist of dissolved bones,
superphosphate, and guano, to the amount of from 2½
to 4 cwt. per acre, irrespective of a small allowance of farm-yard
manure. Farm-yard manure, however, is, as a rule, nearly all required
for the barley crop in spring, and hence only a small quantity is
available for the root crop. The general quantity of turnips obtained
per acre varies from 15 to 20 tons. There have not been many noteworthy
improvements effected on this farm during the past twenty-five years, so
far as land is concerned ; but over £2000 have been expended by the
tenant, exclusive of £1000 by the landlord, in erecting new farm
buildings. No meliorations are allowed for the tenant's outlay at any
period of the lease. About forty years ago this farm was rented at less
than half the present value, the present tenant's father, who was
formerly occupier of it, having since then reclaimed more than one half
of the holding from woods, bogs, and gorse. Cross-bred cattle from
polled cows and shorthorn bull constitute Mr Fraser's herd. Of thirty
cows twenty-four are used purely for breeding purposes; most of them
suckle two calves, while six or seven are kept as dairy cows. The
feeding stock are generally fattened on pulped food, containing a
mixture of straw and chaff and artificial food. Besides this, they get
an allowance of cake morning and evening, which is increased as the
animals mature for the market. They weigh from 6½
to 7 cwt., and are tied up late in autumn and sold off when two years
old. The farm horses of the country have improved immensely within the
past twenty-five years. Better stallions of the Clydesdale breed have
been travelling Nairnshire during the past fifteen years. The horses of
the upper district are a small and light class, but generally work from
65 to 75 acres a pair, The "bothie" system for servants is much in use
in this county, there being a universal scarcity of cottages for married
men. If there had been sufficient cottage accommodation married men
would generally be preferred. The assistance that can be obtained from
their wives and •families in outdoor labour and barn work, gives them a
preference, especially in districts where it is very difficult to get
day labourers in spring, and during turnip hoeing and harvest.
Near the village of Cawdor, and on the borders of
Inverness-shire, is the compact farm of Budgate, occupied by Mr Joss.
The soil is light and gravelly, but the climate dry and favourable. The
five-course shift is pursued. Crops yield well in moist seasons, but are
frequently reduced from want of rain. Turnip land gets a liberal supply
of both farm-yard and artificial manure, the latter consisting for most
part of dissolved bones and phosphates. Cattle, when feeding, in
addition to turnips and straw, get a limited quantity of cake and grain.
Horses work at the rate of 60 acres a pair. The rent has increased much
on Mr Joss's holding since 1855, and, considering the present time, it
is too high. There is more attention devoted to the breeding and feeding
of stock now than twenty-five years ago, but there have been no other
noteworthy changes in the system of farming since then.
The Agricultural Depression in Moray and Nairn.
The agricultural depression, which has proved so
disastrous in many parts of the country since 1872, has not been so
seriously felt in the lower divisions of these counties as in the upper
districts, south of the Spey, or in England. Moray and Nairn have lost
money—in 1877, in 1879, and again, to some extent, in 1881—but the
shortcomings in this respect have been light, especially over the lower
half of the counties, compared with the farming financial deficiencies
in the south. It would be too much to assume that there are many tenant
farmers in Moray and Nairn who are in as good a position, financially,
in 1882 as they were in 1876, but a considerable number have not lost
more than perhaps a year's rental; whereas, in the southern and central
districts of Scotland, the losses since 1872 have been nearer three than
two years' rents. Of course, on heavy clay soils, which happily are not
exceedingly extensive in Moray, and are nowhere to be met with in
Nairnshire, there has been a much heavier drain of farmers' means than
is indicated above. On very stiffly rented farms, as well as on badly
drained, indifferently managed farms, more especially where working
capital has been inadequate, there have also been rather heavy losses in
recent years.
Rents—Leases—Rotation—Size of Farms.
Rents.—Over these counties generally, as we have
already hinted, there is great variety in the value of laud. Rents rise
and fall in accordance with the situation and the nature of the soil.
Beginning at the most eastern side of Morayshire, we find the rental
along the bank of the Spey, from Boat of Bridge to the sea, varying from
10s. to £2, 10s. per acre, the average being about 26s. Along the coast
side in the parish of Urquhart, it rises higher in some cases and
declines in others. It ranges from 15s. to 30s., and, roughly speaking,
the average rental of the district is about 25s. In the parish of St
Andrews the rent varies considerably. In the lower parts it ranges from
17s. to 37s., and averages about 25s., while in the upper end of the
parish, where the land is not so heavy and the climate colder, it varies
from 12s. to 25s. per acre. The soil in Drainie is stronger and the
climate more agreeable, and consequently the average rental of the
district is about 25s. or 26s. There is no material increase in the
actual value of each acre of land since 1857, but there is a yearly
increase in the rental from the feu-duties collected at Branderburgh. As
high as 40s. is realised for an acre of very good land. Further west
into Duffus, the "Granary of Moray," where the land is valuable and the
climate favourable, the rental runs from 30s. to 40s. per acre. On Sir
Archibald Dunbar's estate, the average rental is 31s., the highest being
50s. and the lowest 10s. The rentals on some of the farms on this estate
are regulated to a small extent by the liars prices. For example, if the
price of wheat is under 42s., £10 is deducted off the rental of one
farm; if under 40s., £20 is deducted from another rent; if 55s., another
tenant pays £10 of additional rental; if below 48s., £25 is deducted
from the rental of another farm; if under 42s., another tenant gets a
reduction of £10 from his rent; and if below 42s. per quarter, £10 is
deducted from another tenant's rent. The rental of the parish of Elgin
is extremely variable. It ranges from 7s. 6d. to 35s. per acre, the
average being about 24s. or 25s. Throughout the western seaboard
districts of the county of Elgin or Moray-rents are much higher than in
the eastern parishes. The land is more fertile, and consists of sandy
loam and black loam, with a gravelly subsoil. In the Alves, Kinloss, and
Forres districts, where wheat is pretty extensively grown and the
climate fine, the rents vary from 20s. to 60s. per imperial acre. The
average, however, is from 32s. to 40s. In the vicinity of the burgh of
Forres, every acre of first-class land costs the tenant 50s. Even more
than this is obtained in some cases, some residents in town paying as
much as £5 or £6 per acre for conveniently situated land. In Dallas
parish the rental varies from 20s. to 30s. per acre. All over the upper
or most inland division of the county, where wheat and potatoes are not
grown to any great extent, the agricultural rental falls very
considerably. In Edinkillie and Cromdale, there is a great deal of sheep
pasture included with arable land, and consequently it is difficult to
draw out a correct average, but generally the rent of the arable land
would run from 15s. to 25s. per acre. Along the. fertile valley of the
Spey the rents range from 15s. to 30s., except in the Knockando
district, where there is a slight decline, the soil being rather thin
and the climate uncongenial. Here rents average from 18s. to 20s. In the
parishes of Rothes and Boharm rents vary from 15s. to 30s., and average
from 24s. to 26s. per acre.
The rental in the lower half of the county of Nairn
is similar to that in the eastern districts of Morayshire. It runs from
22s. to 40s., and averages from 25s. to 26s. per imperial acre. In the
parish of Nairn it is perhaps fully 26s. on an average; in the parish of
Auldearn about 26s.; Cawdor, from 25s. to 32s.; and in Ardclach, where
the land is not so fertile and the climate colder, from 5s. to 22s. per
acre. In this parish a great extent of hill and rough pasture is rented
along with the arable land.
Speaking generally of both counties, we have to
report a very significant rise in the agricultural rental. Let us
contrast the total rental of each county in 1842 with that of 1880. The
total rental in 1842 of Morayshire was £92,818, which in comparison with
the rental of 1880, viz., £118,821, shows the vast increase of £26,003,
or 38.7 per cent. In Nairnshire the total rental of 1842 was £16,010,
and in 1880, £28,788. It will thus be seen that, during the past forty
years, the rental of the latter county has been nearly doubled, the
increase being £12,778, or 79.8 per cent. Perhaps the following table
will show more clearly the substantial increase of the past twenty-five
years. It exhibits the increase or decrease per cent. of the
agricultural rental of Moray and Nairn during the different periods

* The asterisk sign indicates a decrease
It will be observed that the greatest increase
occurred during the decade of 1853-63, which may
be attributed to the abnormal advance in prices caused by the
Crimean war. The average increase over both counties during the past
twenty-five years may be safely stated at 20 or 25 per cent. Some
twenty-five or thirty years ago, a number of rents were paid in kind,
mostly in the shape of grain. Latterly, however, all rents have been
paid in money, and as a rule are collected at the 26th May and the 22nd
November. In some cases they are received in June and December, and in
others at Candlemas and Lammas. A hundred years ago the rent of the best
farm on the Pitgaveny estate was a boll of oats, a boll of barley, and a
boll of wheat per acre of arable land.
Leases.—The majority of
tenants on the various estates hold their farms under leases of nineteen
years' duration. Perhaps this convenient system of lease has been longer
in vogue in these counties than in any other two north of the Grampians.
"Life' leases, once very general, are now all but unknown. Crofts are
generally held from year to year. Entry in both counties is usually
obtained at Whitsunday, when the incoming tenant, as a rule, takes over
at valuation from his predecessor grass, fallow, dung, and corn crops.
On the Duffus estate the regulations permit of the outgoing tenant
disposing of his grain crops ad libitum. On the Ballindalloch
estates, outgoing tenants are bound to give over to their successors the
whole of their last grain crop, the grain at the fiars prices of the
county in which the farm is situated, and the straw by valuation of
arbiters in the event of no fiars being struck. On these estates tenants
nearly always obtain entry at Whitsunday, and the incoming tenant
generally takes over first year's grass, grain crops, and thrashing mill
at valuation. The regulations and conditions of farm tenancy on mostly
all the other estates admit of similar arrangements being made between
the outgoing and the incoming tenants. In the regulations of Lord Fife's
estate, the following clause is incorporated:—"The valuations of the
fallow, grass, and manure shall be made at or before Whitsunday, and
shall be payable at that term. The valuations of the grain crops and
straw shall be made at such times and in such manner as may be fixed by
the arbiters. The incoming tenant receiving the crops and straw, and
other subjects of valuation, shall out of the same pay the landlord at
the term of Martinmas, on behalf of the waygoing tenant, the whole rents
and liabilities then due by him to the landlord. The balance of the
value of crops and straw shall be payable by the incoming tenant to the
waygoing tenant, at such time or in such instalments as the arbiters may
fix, provided that the whole shall be made payable on or before the 15th
day of March. On the event of any farm being resumed by the landlord, or
in the event of the crops by the waygoing tenant or other subjects of
valuation being received by him, or on his behalf, he shall deal with
regard to the waygoing tenant as nearly as may be in the same manner as
may be provided for by an incoming tenant." In so far as in accordance
with good husbandry, the tenants on the Fife estates, as on several
other properties, have liberty to crop the arable land of their farms,
during the currency of their leases, in such a manner as they think
best, but in all cases they must comply with the regulations of the
estate at the termination of the lease. In Nairnshire the regulations of
the various estates are almost identical with those in Morayshire.
Rotation.—There is great variation in the system
of rotation observed throughout these counties. Five, six, and seven
course shifts are quite general, particularly in Morayshire. Taking the
two counties together, we find that the five-shift course is the
prevailing system; while in wheat and potato growing districts, such as
Duffus and Drainie—except when prohibited by the regulations of the
estate—the six-shift course is most commonly pursued. The crops in the
six-shift course are—First, grass ; second, grass; third, grain; fourth,
grain; fifth, turnips and potatoes; and sixth, barley laid down with
grass seeds. In the five-shifts the crops are thus arranged—First and
second, grass; third, grain; fourth, turnips and potatoes; and fifth,
barley sown out with grass seeds. The seven-course system is by no means
uncommon, although the five and six shifts are more general. In the
seven-course system the crops are—Two grasses, oats, potatoes and beans,
barley, turnips, and barley again. Two courses of husbandry are in
several instances pursued on the same farm, the best land being worked
in the six-course shift. In the upper districts of Morayshire and
throughout Nairnshire, the five-course system is all but universally
adopted. Many tenants, however, are contemplating changing to the
six-shift course, which is deservedly gaining favour in both counties.
Besides giving three years grass instead of two, as afforded by the
five-shift system, it effects a decided saving of labour and manure, is
easy to work, and helps greatly to ward off attacks of finger-and-toe
and canker, which are frequently very destructive to the root crop.
There has been no noteworthy change in the system of farm management
further than that indicated as having taken place in the shifts. For
several years a great deal of attention has been devoted to the feeding
of cattle, which has necessitated a few minor alterations in the
rotation of cropping. Beans and pease have given place to turnips and
potatoes on most farms, and as will be noticed elsewhere, wheat is
rapidly giving place to barley.
Size of Farms.—The lower or maritime districts of
Moray and Nairn are broken up into large and moderately sized farms.
Here there are few crofts, and in fact, comparatively few holdings under
80 acres in extent, except in the vicinage of towns and villages. The
majority of the farms are of medium size, and conveniently laid off. The
smaller classes of farms are much more numerous in the upper or hilly
districts, where the
soil is pure and the climate colder; and there are a
good many crofts in the inland divisions. The subjoined tables show the
number of agricultural holdings of various sizes in both counties:—
Counties |
50 acres
and under. |
From 50 to
100 acres. |
From 100
to 300 acres. |
From 300
to 500 acres. |
From 500
to 1000 acres. |
Moray, |
1404 |
318 |
271 |
36 |
7 |
2036 |
Nairn, |
214 |
92 |
80 |
4 |
2 |
392 |
In 1870 the number of holdings in the various classes
were as follows:—
Counties. |
exceeding 5 acres. |
From 5 to
20 acres. |
From 20 to
50 acres. |
From 50 to
100 acres. |
Above 100
acres. |
Total. |
Moray, |
552 |
532 |
378 |
312 |
285 |
2059 |
Nairn, |
53 |
115 |
83 |
91 |
71 |
413 |
Morayshire ranks ninth in Scotland in the first and
second of the above classes of holdings, and twenty-fifth in the third
class. Nairn stands nineteenth in the first class, second in the second,
and twenty-third in the third class.
Buildings, Drains, Fences, and Roads.
Buildings.—As we have already said, the
improvements which farm holdings have undergone in these counties since
1857 is immense. Perhaps more new and commodious steadings have been
erected within the past twenty-five years than can be said of any other
two counties throughout the whole length and breadth of Scotland. There
have been improvements effected in this way every year for the past
thirty, and now, through the generosity of the proprietors and the
industry of the farmers, these counties are exceptionally well supplied
with farm buildings. Taking both counties into view, very few
dilapidated steadings or farm dwelling-houses are to be seen. The
proprietors in some cases erect the necessary farm buildings, the tenant
paying 5 per cent. on the outlay along with his rent. In other instances
the tenant builds the houses himself, and calculates on obtaining
compensation in one form or other. The tenant invariably does the
cartage of building material. On the Duke of Richmond and Gordon's
estates the landlord affords
half the outlay in buildings, which consist generally
of timber and slate, the tenant doing the other half. His Grace also
provides his tenants with very large and excellent cottages at an
average cost of from £350 to £400, and charges the tenant £3 a-year for
them. On the Ballindalloch estates, where many steadings and houses have
been built since 1857, the proprietor frequently provides wood and
slates for building purposes free of cost, and the tenant bears all
other expenses without having any claim for meliorations. Tenants
usually pay interest at the rate of 5 per cent. for money advanced for
farm improvements. Generally speaking, however, most of the necessary
buildings are erected by the landlord at the commencement of the leases
without interest, the tenant performing the cartage of all material
free. On the Duffus estate the proprietor has erected most of the farm
buildings, but in some cases the tenants have built farm servants'
cottages, for which they are reimbursed at the end of the lease,
according to agreement. The Earl of Moray's estate is exceptionally well
provided with excellent farm steadings of good size, and supplied with
all modern conveniences. The proprietor erected a great number of them
at his own expense, while the tenant had only to provide building
material. On this estate servants' cottages, which were erected by the
proprietor, are abundant. The Seafield estates are also well provided
for, by the proprietor, in the way of building; such improvements being
carried out on similar conditions to those on the other estates. The
proprietors in Nairnshire have been equally liberal and zealous in the
construction of farm buildings. On the Cawdor estate the proprietor has
done a great deal in the way of building since 1857. He paid for the
cost of erection, and the tenant supplied materials. The Lochdhu estate
is also well supplied with superior farm buildings. Drains.—Nothing
affords better proof of the great activity that has characterised the
farming industry of Moray and Nairn during the past twenty-five years
than the well-drained condition of the farms. In this work the
industrious farmers of these counties have had plenty of scope for their
energies, while from the landlords they have received substantial
assistance. Although the land in Moray and Nairn is to a large extent of
a thirsty, sandy nature, draining less or more in every parish has been
an indispensable operation. Landlords have done a great deal of draining
at their own expense in both counties, besides giving every
encouragement for its execution. The combined energy and enterprise of
the landlords and tenants in this as well as in other respects have
improved the state of their lands very materially during the interval of
1857-82. Some twenty-five or thirty years ago wide open ditches like
miniature canals were frequently to be met with in the "Laigh of Moray,"
and especially in the low-lying lands of Duffus and Drainie. Now,
however, comparatively few of these are to be seen. Low close drains
have been sunk, and are proving equally as serviceable as the open
ditches. There has been considerable difficulty encountered, however, in
obtaining sufficient fall in these low-lying districts for underground
drains. On the Duffus estates, the drainage of an unsightly marsh, known
as the Loch of Spynie, which had a tendency to check the proper drainage
of the districts for a considerable distance around, cost the
proprietor, as well as a few of the tenants, great outlay in excavating
canals for the drawing away of surface water. This still involves an
outlay of £100 a-year to the proprietor, but the canals have been highly
beneficial to the drainage of the district. Here the landlord keeps all
open ditches clear and in working order, while the tenant repairs
covered drains. In the upper parts of both counties there is sufficient
fall for a most efficient drainage, and the land is kept in a very fine
workable condition. The same system is adopted over the whole of Moray
and Nairn. The drains are chiefly laid with tile pipes in the lowlands,
but in the upper districts, where the flow of underground water is less,
the stone method of laying drains has been pretty extensively adopted.
In the lower divisions of these counties, especially of Moray, where the
subsoil in some districts contains iron ingredients drains require
frequent repairing. They last for a considerable period, however, in
other soils. On the Richmond estates the proprietor defrays all expenses
involved in the drainage of land, and charges the tenant 5 per cent. of
interest. In short, all the proprietors in the counties have very
liberally rendered their aid to their tenantry in draining, as well as
in all other matters tending to improve the soil. On mossy and sandy
soils the average depth of underground drains is as nearly as possible 2
feet 6 inches, on stiff soils 3 feet or 3 feet 6 inches, and leading
drains about 4 feet.
Fences.—Wire is the prevailing fence throughout
these counties. There has been a great improvement effected in enclosing
fields during the past twenty-five years. Prior to 1857 there was
scarcely a completely fenced farm to be seen, but now on every estate
most secure fences have been erected, partly at the expense of both
landlord and tenant. Stone dykes and hedges are the principal fences on
a few holdings, but wire in most cases is found to be more suitable and
Roads—The counties of Moray and Nairn are well
provided with excellent farm, district, and county roads. The length of
the turnpike roads in Morayshire is 429 miles 5 furlongs and 214 yards.
The total cost of maintenance for 1881-82 was £3989, 8s. 7d., and for
the previous year it was £4056, 18s. 7d. The road assessment in
Morayshire is 7d. per pound, and in Nairnshire 8½d.
per pound.
Grain Crops.
Among the eleven "corn" counties in Scotland, viz.,
Aberdeen, Banff, Moray, Berwick, Fife, Forfar, Haddington, Kincardine,
Nairn, Orkney, and Boss and Cromarty, Moray and Nairn rank eighth and
ninth respectively as regards the percentage of the total area under
corn. At present the percentage of Moray is 11.8, and of Nairn 6.7;
while in the former in 1870 the percentage was 11.7, and in the latter
6.7. In reference to the subjoined table, the number of acres under all
kinds of grain crops, at various periods since 1857, will be seen.

These figures show that in Moray there has been a
steady increase during the past twenty-five years, but that there has
been a decline of 4328 acres in the number of acres under grain crops in
Nairnshire since 1857. In both counties there are large quantities of
really excellent grain grown. It may be said, if a line was drawn from
the extreme eastern to the extreme western point of Morayshire, keeping
it at a distance of eight or ten miles from the sea, it would cut away
the wheat and barley portion of the county to the north, and have the
principal districts for the production of oats to the south. Wheat and
barley are the staple crops in the "Laigh of Moray," while the soil in
the upper portion of the county, as well as over the whole of
Nairnshire, is pre-eminently adapted for raising oats. Barley is also
pretty extensively grown in the Braes of Moray, and, in fact, more or
less extensively over the whole of both counties. In the parishes of
Duffus and Drainie, as well as other parishes, wheat was at one time
more plentifully grown than now, but in most districts it has been
slowly giving place to barley. Urquhart, St Andrews, Drainie, Duffus,
Alves, Kinloss, and Forres are all well adapted for the cultivation of
wheat. Winter wheat is sown in the end of autumn, and the other
varieties as soon after the middle of the month of March as possible.
The grain in the lowlands has for a number of years been sown mostly by
machinery. The sowing machines are found to do the work very equally and
profitably. The date of harvest varies considerably, but, as a rule, in
the lowlands reaping is in full swing by the 1st of September. In inland
districts, where the climate is not so favourable for the ripening of
crops, it is generally from a week to ten days later. There is no time
of the year that the farmers' duties are more arduous than during the
harvest season. The crop is usually cut down with all possible speed,
especially in the upper and more exposed districts, in order to prevent
it from being shaken by the wind. When the harvest is attended with
suitable weather, the crops on many farms are reaped and carted to the
stackyard in less than a month. There is always a great demand for
harvest hands, who, in some parts, are difficult to obtain. They
generally get from 3s. to 4s. 6d. per day. The usual cost of harvesting
is calculated to run from 16s. to 21s. per acre. The subjoined are the
fiars prices struck at Elgin and Nairn in different years since 1831:—

As may be inferred from the great decrease in both
counties during the past twenty-five years, the wheat crop is not so
remunerative as it formerly was. These figures show that the acreage
under wheat in Nairnshire has been growing smaller by degrees, and it is
now all but totally abandoned. It need scarcely be doubted that the
falling off in the acreage under wheat, in Moray and Nairn as in other
wheat-growing counties, has been to a great extent caused by foreign
competition. Several farmers, however, gave up the growing of wheat a
few years ago in consequence of the returns per acre on their best land
having had a declining tendency every successive year. In the eastern
portion of Moray the average yield of wheat varies from 3 to 5 quarters
per acre; in Duffus, from 4 to 5½ quarters;
and in the western districts it, in some cases, reaches 6 quarters, but
generally it runs from 4 to 6 quarters. The average weight of wheat over
this county runs from 60 lbs. to 63 lbs. per bushel. In the year 1882
the return of the wheat crop was exceptionally good, and in some
instances it weighed as high as 67 lbs. and 68 lbs. per bushel. In
ordinary years the average price of wheat per quarter may be stated as
nearly as possible from £2, 5s. to £2, 10s. Speaking generally, the
yield of straw per acre varies from 38 to 42 stones per quarter, for
which from 12s. to 16s. is obtained. In respect of the area under wheat,
Morayshire stands eleventh in Scotland. When sown by the drill sowing
machine from 2½ to 3½
bushels are required, and when sown broadcast from 3½
to 4½ bushels is the usual quantity required
to seed an acre. The average prices of wheat, as will be observed by the
foregoing table of the fiars prices, have been of a very fluctuating
character for a number of years. For instance, in 1871 the average price
was £2, 16s. 6d. per quarter; in 1872, £2, 5s. 1d.; in 1877, £2, 4s.
4d.; in 1879, £2, 6s. 10d.; and in 1881, £2, 5s. 3½d.
It has been selling far too cheaply to pay the farmer for several years.
For the past five years the average price for wheat weighing 62 lbs. has
been something like 45s., whereas 50s. would be required per quarter in
order to pay the cultivator. Wheat is commonly grown after turnips,
although in many cases after grass, when a liberal supply of farm-yard
manure, say from 25 to 35 loads per acre, is applied.
The following table shows the extent of land under
barley and bere at the various periods indicated:—

It is gratifying to learn from these figures, that
while wheat has been diminishing in these counties during the past
twenty-five years, barley has been increasing, at any rate in
Morayshire, to a corresponding extent. It will be observed that between
1857-70 there was a decrease in the area under barley in Nairnshire to
the amount of 214 acres, but this may be attributed to the fact that at
that time the cultivation of wheat received much more attention from the
farmer than it has done in recent years. Moreover, a good many farmers
in the upper reaches of the county have been devoting more attention to
sheep farming during the last twenty-five or thirty years. It will be
also seen that the area in Nairn, as well as in Moray, devoted to the
cultivation of barley, has substantially increased since 1870. This is,
doubtless, in a great measure owing to the reduction in the quantity and
value of wheat grown. In the lower half of both counties barley is the
staple, and most remunerative cereal, the yield and quality, after a
fairly good ripening season, being as a rule excellent. Some farmers are
of opinion that barley will not long continue to be the best paying
cereal if it remain as low in price as it has been for some months. It
is usually sown at the rate of from 3 to 4½
bushels per acre, from the second week of March to the third week of
April. In the later districts it is often sown earlier if weather and
circumstances permit. The annual return per acre ranges from 4 to 6
quarters, and on an average about 4½ to 5
quarters per acre. The average weight per bushel varies greatly, but in
good years it ranges from 53 lbs. to 58 lbs. The average return over the
whole of both counties is pretty nearly 56 lbs. per bushel. After a year
of strong sun-hine, 60 lbs. per bushel of thoroughly matured barley is
by no means an uncommon weight. As a rule, from 18 to 20 stones of straw
is returned for each quarter of grain, and the total value of an acre of
barley runs from £7, 10s. to £9. In regard to the area under barley,
Morayshire ranks eighth among Scotch counties, and Nairnshire stands
fourteenth. The principal varieties of barley grown are—Chevalier,
common, St Medoes, and Norfolk, but the former two kinds are perhaps
most extensively cultivated. Barley is generally grown after turnips,
and sown with broadcast or drill sowing machine.
The total acreage under
oats at various periods since 1857 is given in the following table:—

Throughout the upper districts oats are the most
suitable cereal for the soil and climate, and in these parts they are,
doubtless, the mainstay of both Moray and Nairn. In 1857 Morayshire
stood seventeenth among Scotch counties in regard to the acreage under
oats, Nairn ranking twenty-seventh. At present Moray
ranks sixteenth and Nairn twenty-fifth. After a dry summer a
light crop of straw on the sandy parts of these counties is generally
experienced. On the more retentive soil of the inland localities it is
not so easily affected by drought; but, on the other hand, the crop
there has a tendency to suffer from excess of moisture. The quantity of
seed allowed per acre varies considerably. On the stiffer lands more
seed is required than on the ordinary light mould. From 34 to 36 bushels
is about the average return in the upper districts, while over the "Laigh
of Moray" and the lowlands of Nairnshire from 36 to 46 bushels per acre
is perhaps slightly, but not materially, over the general average.
Throughout the whole of both counties the weight runs on an average of
from 40 to 43½ lbs. per bushel; it exceeds 45
lbs. in exceptional cases. The return of straw varies with the seasons,
but for every quarter of grain from 23 to 25 stones, or from 12s. to
16s. worth of straw, is obtained. From 3 to 4 bushels of grain is
calculated to sufficiently seed an acre, and, generally speaking, the
value, including straw and grain of each acre's return, would range from
£8 to £9, 10s. Perhaps more than £10 is obtained in some exceptional
cases. English birley, sandy, potato, pedigree, and early Angus oats are
the varieties most largely grown. Sowing is the leading operation from
the middle of March to about the 20th of April. Oats are grown after lea
turnips and potatoes, and sometimes two successive crops of oats are
taken. This, however, depends on the rotation under which the farm is
worked. The five-course shift holds sway throughout the upper districts
of Moray and Nairn, and to prevent the consequent diminution of the
cereal crops, artificial manure has often to be applied to them, as well
as to the turnip crop.
Rye, Beans, and Pease.—In 1857 the acreage under
rye in Morayshire was 766. and in 1881, 805, which shows an increase of
39 acres. On some of the poorer soils there are considerable stretches
of it grown in both counties. There has been a very much larger decrease
in the extent of land under beans and pease in Moray during the past
twenty-five years than there has been of an increase in the acreage of
rye. In 1857 there were 153 acres under beans, and 56 in 1881, thus
showing a decrease of 97 acres. The extent under pease in 1857 was 181
acres, and 33 acres in 1881, which shows a falling off of 148 acres. In
Nairnshire there has been a very significant decline alike in rye,
beans, and pease. There were 356 acres under rye in 1857, and last year
there were only 260 acres, which shows a decrease of 96 acres during
these years. Of beans there were 9 acres in 1857, and 4 acres in 1881.
There were 138 acres of pease in 1857, and 16 in 1881, showing a large
decrease of 122 acres.
Hay, Grass, and Permanent Pasture.
The extent of hay and grass under rotation at various
periods since 1857 is as follows:—

The above table indicates a very noticeable increase
in the area under grass since 1857 in Moray, while there has been a
considerable decline in the number of acres under grass in Nairnshire.
The increase in Morayshire is in a great measure, if not wholly,
accounted for by the fact, that a large extent of land, formerly worked
on the five-shift course with two years' grass, is now being farmed in
six shifts with three years' grass. This change, as already indicated,
has been brought about mainly by the greater
liability of turnips in the five-shift course to suffer from
finger-and-toe than those grown in the sixth-shift rotation. A heavier
crop of roots is, as a rule, obtained in the six than in the five-course
system. The five-course shift prevailing over Nairnshire accounts for
the decrease of 753 acres since 1857. The six-shift was more common some
thirty years ago than at present. The yield of hay is very irregular,
and more particularly on light land. A deficiency of clover is
frequently experienced after a very dry season. In 1880, for instance,
on account of the dry scorching nature of the weather in the middle of
summer, the return of hay varied from 10 to to 30 cwt. per acre. This
applies to both counties. The parishes of Duffus, Drainie, and Alves are
the best hay-producing districts. In the former as much as 250 stones
(22 lbs. per stone) per acre are grown in good seasons. The average
quantity of hay returned per acre in Morayshire, in ordinary years,
according to the calculations of a few judicious valuators, is about 145
stones. The average value of hay is, as nearly as possible, 1s. per
stone, or £7, 5s. per acre. The quantity of rye-grass seed allowed to
each acre runs from 14 lbs. to 22 lbs.; and clover, of which there are
different varieties, from 6 lbs. to 11 lbs. In regard to the extent of
land under grass, Morayshire stands twelfth, and Nairnshire thirtieth in
Permanent Pasture.—There is a remarkable decrease
in the acreage under permanent pasture or grass, not broken up in
rotation, exclusive of heath and mountain land, since 1854. At that date
there were 16,105 acres in Morayshire, and now there are only 5611. In
Nairnshire the area was 9833 acres in 1854, and in 1881, 2149 acres.
Root Crops. Turnips.—The area under turnips at
different periods since 1857 may be given thus:—

The figures show a perceptible advance in the
cultivation of turnips in Morayshire, and a gradual but observable
decrease in acreage devoted to this crop in Nairnshire since 1857.
Turnips have been coming more into favour among Morayshire farmers every
year. We have already alluded to the important fact of changing the
rotation of many farms from the five to the six-shift course, in
consequence of the tendency of the turnip crop to be attacked by
finger-and-toe. Moreover, the six-shift rotation entails less cost, both
in labour and manure, than the five-shift course. With the six-shift
course the land gets a longer rest from turnips than in the five-shift
rotation, and therefore the crop is supposed to be more vigorous and
better able to protect itself from the disease; a change to the
six-shift would thus seem advisable. In favourable years a heavy crop of
turnips is generally raised. The roots, as a rule, are very superior in
point of quality. Swedes are extensively cultivated, being the most
nutritive and best for feeding cattle. The yield of turnips varies from
14 to 25 tons per acre; in exceptional cases as much as 27 and 30 tons
are returned. The value per acre of good turnips, when carted off the
farm, varies from £8 to £10, which is at the rate of from 9s. to 12s.
per ton. When turnips are consumed on the farm by sheep, the average
cost per acre is reduced to from £6 to £7, it being calculated that
sheep, while netted on the turnips, manure the land to the value of £2
per acre. If consumed by cattle on the holding, a little more money is
obtained than when eaten by sheep. Generally speaking, swedes are from
£2 to £3 per acre more valuable than yellow turnips. The majority of
farmers sow their turnip seed above a liberal supply of farm-yard manure
and an admixture of artificial stimulants. We have previously specified
the quantities given to the acre on the leading farms. Turnips are
generally sown from the 10th of May to the second week of June. About 2
lbs. of yellow turnip seed is the general allowance per acre, and about
3 lbs. of swedes. The drills are usually from 27 to 29 inches wide.
Singling commences in the latter end of June, when there is a great
demand for day labourers. The plants are generally left from 8 to 10
inches apart. In the fall of the year a comparatively small proportion
of the root crop is stored in low-lying seaboard districts. In inland
localities the winters are, as a rule, too severe for leaving roots in
the ground after the middle of December, and consequently farmers are
obliged to store them. When severe frosts prevail, and especially in the
absence of snow, the root crops in the lowlands are frequenty more or
less damaged. Most lowland farmers furrow up land to the drills at the
approach of winter, but this system is not sufficient to fully protect
the roots from the effects of frost, although it favours the development
of the bulbs during winter. It would undoubtedly be advantageous if a
much larger portion of the crop was stored early in the season. Some
store their roots in pits in the fields, and others drive them to the
farm steadings and store them there. In regard to the extent under
turnips, Morayshire stands ninth and Nairnshire twenty-fifth in
Potatoes.—The following table gives the area
under potatoes at various periods since 1857 :—

An extraordinary decrease thus appears in Nairnshire,
being more than half the acreage of 1857. Then the potato trade, like
the growing of wheat, was much more flourishing and remunerative than it
has been in recent years. The greatest decrease, it will be observed,
occurred between 1857 and 1870. The increase in Morayshire is by no
means remarkable, considering the suitability of the lower half of this
county for the cultivation of potatoes, the great convenience as regards
railway communication, and the proximity to the seaports, &c. The yield
of potatoes varies with the nature of the soil and other
conditions. Except to farmers in close proximity to,
a railway station, potato farming has not been very profitable for a
number of years. In 1740 the potato was introduced into this part of the
country, and was then regarded only as a luxury. The esculent was
cultivated with care in the most favoured situations of the garden, and
served along with fruit at the table of the opulent as a vegetable of
the greatest delicacy. Now, potatoes form a large portion of the food of
the poorest classes. In the upper divisions, and, in fact, on a number
of farms in the lower sections of these counties, potatoes are grown
only in such quantities as are required for home consumption. The best
yield is not always obtained from the best land, but, on the contrary,
it sometimes happens that the heaviest crop is grown in light soil. This
is regulated to a large extent by the season. On farms where a great
quantity of potatoes is grown, the planting and lifting operations
entail great labour. They are usually planted from the middle of March
till about the third week of April, from 10 to 13 cwt. of seed being
allowed to each acre. Potatoes receive similar treatment to swedes,
being liberally stimulated by both farm-yard and artificial manures. Not
a few farmers spread the farm-yard manure over the stubble-ground, and
plough it down in the autumn, but in the majority of cases the dung is
driven straight from the court and spread along the drills in spring.
Potatoes are grown after oats and lea. When they are grown after lea,
less dung is applied than when planted after oats. In some cases dung
alone is given, and in exceptional instances the crop is laid down
solely with artificial manure. Disease sometimes plays great havoc with
this crop, and on the large farms, in potato-growing districts, a
considerable loss is sometimes sustained. When prices are good and the
demand fair, the potato crop is one of the most speculative of all the
farm crops grown in these counties. The average yield over both counties
runs from 3 to 6 tons per acre, and the lowest profitable selling rate
is about £3 per ton. The price, however, has been much under this for a
few years, At present, for instance, a ton of good potatoes could be
purchased at from £1 to £1, 10s. For some time past there has been great
stagnation in the potato trade, and consequently there is no profitable
outlet for the abundant crop of 1881. The varieties most extensively
cultivated are Regents, Victorias, Champions, and Blues. The crop of
1882 is universally good in these counties, both in respect of quantity
and quality, but disease has broken out, unfortunately, in some parts.
When potatoes are unusually cheap, as they have been for the past year,
many farmers use them as food for cattle and horses. As potato-growing
counties, Morayshire ranks sixteenth, and Nairnshire thirty-first, in
Other Green Crops and Fallow.—In 1857 the area
under all other varieties of green crop was 838 acres, made up of 12
acres of mangolds, 3 of carrots, 28 of cabbage, 2 of rape, 100 of turnip
seed, 409 of vetches, and 284 of bare fallow in Morayshire, and 2 acres
of mangolds, 3. of cabbage, 11 of turnip seed, 125 of vetches, and 90 of
bare fallow—making a total of 238 acres in Nairnshire. The extent in
1881 was, mangolds 15 acres, carrots 2, cabbage and rape 5, vetches, &c,
487, and bare fallow 105—in all, 614 acres in Morayshire. In Nairnshire
there were, vetches, &c, 40 acres, and bare fallow 79—making a total of
119 acres. It will be observed that there is a considerable reduction in
the number of acres under bare fallow since 1857, in both Moray and
Nairn. Vetches are extensively used in both counties for the feeding of
cattle, when grass gets scarce in the end of the grazing season, and
before the turnip crop is ready.
The number of cattle of the different classes in the
two counties at various periods since 1857 is shown in the following

In the returns of 1857 the class under" two years"
comprises calves only.
These tables exhibit great irregularity in the total
numbers of cattle in each of the four years mentioned. Between 1857 and
1870 there was a decrease of 610; between 1870 and 1876, an increase of
2249; and between 1876 and 1881, a decrease of 629 in Morayshire.
Notwithstanding the alternate rise and fall in the total numbers since
1857, there is, taking all in all, as will be observed, an increase of
1010. In Nairnshire, however, the movement has been in the opposite
direction. There is a total decrease of 2906 since 1857. Excepting a
temporary attack of cattle disease in some parts of Morayshire in 1876,
Moray and Nairn have long enjoyed almost perfect immunity from cattle
disease of any kind. Even in that year the loss was not extraordinary,
although several tenants sustained considerable damage in their stock.
In 1876 the number of cattle visibly decreased, and in 1877 the total
number was only 23,689, being 1181 fewer than in the spring of the
previous year. For a time the movement of stock from one county to the
other was strictly prohibited. The disease was scarcely felt in
Nairnshire. So much seems to have been done prior to 1857 in the
direction of improving cattle in these counties, that comparatively
little room was left for improvement since then. It may be stated,
however, that farmers have been more careful and considerate in
selecting their breeding stock for some twenty years past than they had
formerly been. This has undoubtedly conduced to a more perfect and
profitable system of stock rearing. The general stock of cows partakes
largely of the shorthorn stamp, although many farmers have excellent
stocks of black polled cows. Well-bred polled and shorthorn bulls are
almost the only sires used. The most popular system of breeding is to
mate the polled bull with cross cows, but in numerous instances
shorthorn bulls are used amongst polled as well as cross-bred cows. As a
rule, the choicest animals are derived from the former union. Farmers
are careful to select well-bred sires, and must also have good forms and
character, as well as good pedigrees. Over the lower half of Moray and
Nairn the fattening of cattle deservedly receives more attention than it
did twenty-five years ago. There has been a great increase in the number
of fat cattle annually turned out on almost every lowland holding since
then. In the upper districts farmers breed cattle much more extensively
than those in the lowlands, in consequence of these districts being
better adapted for breeding and rearing than fattening. Lowland farmers,
as our report has already showed, generally, in autumn buy in lean
stock, mostly from one to two years old, from the upper districts, and
fatten them during the following winter. Most farmers in the lower
districts find this buyiug-in system to be more profitable than home
breeding. Perhaps this has been the best paying system in recent years,
when good store yearling cattle were to be had at moderate prices; but
it is now believed, since store cattle have become very scarce and dear,
that tenants in the lowlands would find it advantageous to breed more
cattle than they do. On farms that are well sheltered, attached to a
stretch of permanent pasture, and in which there is good and comfortable
court accommodation, which most of the more modern steadings have, the
breeding of cattle might, with profit, be carried on. No doubt the
manure made by young stock is not so rich or efficacious in maintaining
the fertility of the soil as that made by feeding cattle, but this would
be made up for in other respects. In the fall of the year Irish calves
or stirks are usually abundant in this part of the country, and can be
bought at from £5, 10s. to £8. These, as a rule, pay the feeder
remarkably well. Except those in the vicinity of towns or villages,
where milk can be profitably sold, few farmers who are not extensive
cattle breeders keep more cows than supply milk for the farm. In many
cases two suckling calves are reared by one cow. There are a good many
pure-bred herds of no small celebrity in Morayshire, which shall be
noticed hereafter. As to the number of cattle, these counties rank
seventeenth and thirty-first respectively in Scotland. It is necessary
to mention that the buying-in system so extensively pursued exclude
hundreds of animals from the above tables which are fed within these
counties. On nearly all the principal farms there is at least one
commodious cattle court, and in a great many of the recently erected
farm steadings there are two, partially roofed with slates. They are
usually of sufficient size to accommodate from eight to sixteen cattle,
and in several instances even more. Where there are two courts, one is
occupied by cattle nearly ready for the slaughter-house, while the
leaner stock are kept in the other, until the fatter ones are sent away,
when the half-fed animals are transferred into their fold, thus making
room for an additional contingent of lean stock. It is the aim of most
farmers to have the lot of cattle destined for court-feeding pretty
equal in size, in order that they might share equally in the food
provided for them. Polled cattle are found to agree better than horned
cattle while feeding in folds, but both kinds thrive very well, when
well bred.
Cattle Feeding.—The general custom is to take
cattle intended for fattening off the grass immediately after harvest,
at which time they are usually in good condition. They are tied up and
fed liberally with vetches and straw, and a moderate supply of turnips.
They are gradually brought on to turnips, which, after a short time,
along with straw, are fully supplied, forming the staple food during
winter. Much care and attention are devoted to the regular feeding of
stock. After the feeding cattle are a short time on yellow turnips, a
mixture of swedes and yellows is given, and thus the animals are
gradually accustomed to the richer variety, of roots. The gradual change
prevents any disarrangement or check which might result from a sudden
transition from one kind of food to another. Many farmers give cake or
bruised grain all winter along with turnips and straw or hay, beginning
with a pound or two per head per day, and increasing the allowance to 3,
4, or perhaps 5 or 6 lbs., as the animals approach maturity. A great
many, however, give no artificial food, except during the last six weeks
or so, when they give 2 or 3 lbs. of oilcake and 2 or 3 lbs. of bruised
grain, generally oats, Indian corn, or rye, to each animal per day. Some
farmers use large quantities of pulped food, consisting of cut turnips,
straw, and chaff, along with some artificial material, all fermented
together. It would be well, we think, if this system of preparing food
were more extensively pursued. Cattle put up to be fattened receive at
the outset from 70 to 100 lbs., or perhaps more, of turnips per day,
with about 1 lb. of cake and corn. As the animals progress, the
allowance is curtailed to from 60 or 80 lbs. per day, when the supply of
artificial stuffs is increased to several pounds. The earlier housed
animals are usually ready for the Christmas markets, when two-year-olds
weigh from 6 to 8 cwt. Fat cattle come into the market all through the
season, from Christmas to May, when three-year-old heifers, prime fat,
weigh from 5 to 7 cwt, and stots from 6 to 9½
cwt. each. Young cattle, during the winter, principally subsist on
turnips and straw. The selling rate of fat cattle varies very
considerably. In 1857 the average rate per cwt. was from 64s. to 66s.;
in 1872, 78s. to 82s.; and in 1881, from 72s. to 74s. In the spring and
summer of 1882 it rose greatly, and at different periods during these
two seasons it exceeded 80s. per cwt.
While there has been vast improvement effected in the
breeding and rearing of cattle in these two counties during the past
twenty-five years, the breeding and rearing of horses have also received
increased attention. The desire to improve the breed of horses seems to
have sprung up about 1820, and for many years good streams of Clydesdale
blood have been playing freely within these counties. There are many
excellent horses of pure-bred Clydesdale blood to be met with in the
lowlands, but there are also many animals of a mixed breed. It is
desirable, however, that farmers should be still more careful in the
selection of stallions. The stock of mares is good, and when mated with
high class Clydesdale sires seldom fail to produce excellent stock. The
number of horses in these counties at various periods since 1857 is
given in the following table:-—

The total increase between 1857 and 1881 is 100 in
Morayshire, but it may be mentioned that in 1880 there were 62 more
horses than in 1881. This decrease of 62 in one year may be accounted
for by the fact that there were fewer foals in Morayshire last year,
owing, doubtless, as much to the agricultural depression as to the great
stagnation in the horse market, In recent years the demand for
agricultural horses has been too slow, and prices too small to
compensate the breeder. The very material falling-off in the number of
horses in Nairnshire since 1857 is partially traceabe
to the already mentioned fact that sheep farming is gradually
gaining ground in the upper districts. Not a few Clydesdale mares have
been imported to this county for breeding purposes, yet horse breeding
has been carried on to a very limited extent. The number of acres
allotted to each pair of horses varies in accordance with the soil. In
the lower half of both counties a pair of strong active horses work from
65 to 80 acres; while in the higher districts, where the soil is
stiffer, from 50 to 60 acres is the general allotment. It must be
admitted that though Moray and Nairn are on an equal footing with most
other Scotch counties as regards the character of their horses, there is
still room for improvement in this class of farm stock. In respect of
the number of horses, Morayshire stands eighteenth in Scotland, while
Nairnshire ranks twenty-eighth.
Pure Bred Herds of Polled and Shorthorn Cattle.
Numerically, the pure bred herds of cattle in the
counties of Moray and Nairn are of secondary importance to those of many
other counties in Scotland, but they occupy a high position in respect
of merit. Both polled and shorthorn herds are here and there to he met
with, and happily there are prospects of both breeds becoming more
popular in the future. The existing herds are of a very rich and
meritorious character, possessing, it may be said, all the
characteristics—contour, quality, and symmetry—that adorn the respective
breeds. The shorthorn blood is undoubtedly most thickly disseminated in
Morayshire; but, taking all in all, the black polled breed is perhaps
the best in point of quality. These are the direct descendants of the
ancient "Doddies" and Buchan "Humlies," the native polled cattle of the
north-east of Scotland. Almost every large farmer in Morayshire has at
least got one specimen of the shorthorn breed in his possession, and
there is invariably a close and keen competition at local shows.
Polled Cattle.
Black polled cattle are found to be well adapted for
cold and late climates, being hardier than any other breed excepting the
shaggy-coated Highlanders. The first eminent breeders of Aberdeenshire
cattle in Morayshire were—Messrs Brown, Westertown; Collie, Ardgay;
Paterson, Mulben; and Sir George Macpherson Grant, Bart., M.P., of
Ballindalloch. The first-named gentleman was a well-known judge of
polled cattle, and his animals, through careful breeding and judicious
feeding, stood invincible in large competitions. Mr Brown was about the
first to introduce the breed into this county. Mr Paterson was also a
successful breeder. He commenced to breed in 1846. A celebrated cow,
"Mayflower," representing his herd, carried the first prize at the
Highland Society's show at Perth in 1861. He had also a bull, "Prince of
Wales," bred by Mr Brown, which was first at Aberdeen and Stirling. "Mr
Collie (says Mr M'Combie) was one of the most dangerous men to face in
the showyard I have ever encountered." Mr Collie's herd had a famous
showyard career; and the ox which gained the Smithfield prize, exhibited
by Mr M'Combie, Tillyfour, in 1864, was bred by him. These herds are now
extinct, except Sir George Macpherson Grant's, which is by far the
oldest in the north—as it is said to have been in existence as far back
as 1820—and it has never been more flourishing than at present.
Ballindalloch Herd.—It appears that the history
of the origin of the Ballindalloch herd has been lost in a cloud of
antiquity, and no record by which it can be ascertained when the herd
was founded has been kept. In the year 1850 Sir John Macpherson Grant,
father of the present proprietor, purchased two celebrated animals,
viz., "Matchless," at £30, and "Victor 2nd" (47), at £20, at the
Tillyfour sale of pure-bred cattle. Although Sir John was careful in his
selections of stock, it was not until 1861, when the herd came under the
management of its present owner, that its improvement received full
attention. Prom that year it has advanced steadily, until it has
attained a degree of perfection which most herds never reach. No better
proof of its vast improvement, since the herd first began to engage the
attention of the present baronet, can be had than that afforded by the
result of local exhibitions. In 1861 only four first and two second
prizes were gained by its representatives; while in 1879 and 1880 they
won no fewer than forty-two first prizes, four special money prizes,
thirteen cups, seven medals, and eighteen second prizes. Sir George's
first purchase was "Erica" (843), which he acquired at the Earl of
Southesk's sale in 1861 for fifty guineas. Another exceedingly valuable
cow, "Jilt" (973), was bought from Mr M'Combie, Tillyfour, in 1867, for
seventy guineas. She won the second prize at the Royal English
Agricultural Society's show at Newcastle, and also the second at the
show of the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland in 1865.
"Sybil" (97), which won the first prize at the show of the same Society
at Dumfries in 1870 was purchased for sixty-three guineas at the Castle
Eraser dispersion sale. The principal additions that have been made
since then were "Pride of Mulben" (1919), purchased at Mulben in 1876 at
ninety-one guineas; "Kindness of Ballindalloch," purchased at Drumin in
1873; "Rose 3rd," purchased at Westertown in 1874; "Madge 2nd" (4180),
bought at Aboyne, 1879; "Kate Duff," obtained from Rothiemay in 1881 for
155 guineas; and "Blackbird 3rd" (766), selected from the famous
Gavenwood herd. The earlier sires were "Craigo" (260), after a Balwyllo
bull, and out of a cow bred at Keillor; and "King Charles" (236), bred
at Southesk, after Druid (225), and out of Cathleen (339); "Trojan"
(402), purchased at the Tillyfour sale in 1865 for fifty guineas, an
animal of very great excellence was next introduced into the herd. He
was after Black Prince of Tillyfour (366), and out of the Paris cow,
Charlotte (203). He won the first prize as a yearling at Stirling in
1864, while he won the leading ticket at the Morayshire Farmers' Club
show at Elgin in 1865. According to a private catalogue, "Trojan" did
more good to the Ballindalloch herd than any other bull that has been in
it. He was undoubtedly the first bull that gave the females the
characteristics by which they came to the top in a few years after his
advent, and brought out fully the special features that make the
Ballindalloch type so popular with the public. Subsequent sires used
were " Victor " (493); the champion bull " Juryman " (404), bred in the
herd, after Bright (454), and out of Jilt (973); "Scotsman" (474), bred
at Tillyfour, out of Zora (1228), and after Jim Crow 3rd (350); the
Erica bull "Elchies" (263), sire Juryman, dam Eisa (977); the Erica bull
"Elcho" (695), sire Juryman, dam Erica (848); and "Judge" (1150), which
won the gold medal at Paris in 1878, after Scotsman, and out of Jilt.
"Trojan," "Victor," "Elchies," "Juryman," "Elcho," and "Judge" were the
most valuable stock bulls. This celebrated herd is noticed at
considerable length in Macdonald & Sinclair's recently published volume
on the History of Black Polled Aberdeen or Angus Cattle. The herd
at present (according to a private catalogue)
contains eighty-one females, representing sixteen different families.
The great attraction in the herd has long been, and still is, the Erica
family, of which there are twenty-eight cows and heifers, headed by the
famous Highland Society prize cow "Eisa" (977), and "Eva" (984), the
former now in her sixteenth year, and the latter in her twelfth. The
next family are the Jilts from Tillyfour, of which there are five
females, including "Juno" (3374), the third prize cow at Glasgow this
year (1882). Then follow in the catalogue ten cows and heifers of the
Pride branch of the Queen tribe, headed by those magnificent cows "Pride
of Mulben" (1919), and "Kindness" (1412), ten and eleven years
respectively, and breeding remarkably well. The next family are the Lady
Fannys, which number twelve cows and heifers. The Miss Burgess family,
if not very long pedigreed, are true breeders, and thick, well-furnished
cattle. They are represented by three cows and heifers; the Nosegays, of
good old material, by the same number; the Westertown Rose family by
four; the Rothiemay Georgina family by three; the Tillyfour Nymph family
by two ; the Bogfern Sybil family by one—"Sprite," the second prize cow
at Glasgow this year. The other families, represented mostly by
individual animals, are the Coquette, the Heather Blossom, the Madge,
the Blackbirds, the Marias, the Strath more, Beauty, &c. The bulls at
present in service are the 225 guinea Erica prize bull "Young Viscount"
(376), the first prize Highland Society's Jilt bull "Justice," the cup
winner at Aberdeen and Inverness this year. Sir George refused the very
tempting offer of £1000 by Lord Dunmore at the recent Inverness show for
this famous animal. The two-year-old Jilt bull "Julius" (1819), winner
of the fourth prize at Glasgow this year; the Bride bull "Petrarch"
(1258); and the Erica bull " Sir Evelyn," which won the second prize
this year at Glasgow, besides a number of first prizes in the north.
Mains of Advie.—In Strathspey there are several
very fine herds of Aberdeenshire cattle. A herd of this breed was
founded at Mains of Advie some twenty years ago by the late Mr Charles
Grant, farmer. Mr Grant's original purchase was "Old Rose of Advie"
(3104). after Craigo (260), and out of a pure Aberdeenshire cow. "Old
Rose" in the same year she came to Advie produced a heifer calf by the
Southesk-bred bull King Charles (236). This calf was named "Rose of
Advie" (3105), was the dam of "Dandy of Advie" (3106), after the Queen
bull Trojan (402), bred at Tillyfour after Black Prince. "Dandy," now
fifteen years old, turned out one of the finest cows of the breed.
Besides being a grand specimen of the massive, short-legged,
wealthy-fleshed, beautifully-haired cows, she is an excellent breeder.
The class of cattle reared by Mr Grant since the nucleus of the herd was
formed has been the envy of breeders throughout the country, and most
successful in showyard competitions. Owing to the death of the
originator of the herd, Mr Charles Grant, it was dispersed on the 3rd
October 1882, and the prices obtained were—

Mains of Aberlour.—The nucleus of the
distinguished herd of pure bred Aberdeenshire cattle, the property of Mr
William Robertson, Mains of Aberlour, was formed in 1842 by the purchase
of two cows, by the present Mr Robertson's father, from the then
celebrated black tribe at Dandaleith. Through the intimacy of the late
Mr Robertson with the late Mr M'Combie of Tillyfour, and through several
transactions which he had with him, a good deal of the "Tillyfour blood
" was infused into this herd in its infancy, which, combined with the
fact that a good many of the young stock had sprung from Ballindalloch
tribes, soon brought Mr Robertson's herd prominently into notice. Herd
books were unknown for some considerable time after the commencement of
Mr Robertson's herd, and we consequently lack sufficient data for going
fully into the early history of the cattle. The first cow registered was
"Susan" (166), the daughter of which "Belle" (631) was sold to Mr Adam
Sweethillock, in whose name she was exhibited, and carried the first
prize at the Morayshire Farmers' Club show. From its earliest days the
herd has contained many excellent specimens of the breed, and its
representatives gained an enviable reputation at local exhibitions. In
1856, at the first show of the Spey, Avon, and Fiddochside Farmers'
Society, Mr Robertson's cattle took a high position against
representatives of the herds of Ballindalloch, Drumin, and Mulben. An
excellent bull, bought from the late Mr M'Combie in 1846, very much
improved the stock. "Windsor 2nd" (812), bred by the late Mr Brown, was
a superior animal, and gained many valuable prizes before coming into Mr
Robertson's possession. His sire was Windsor (221) which was sold at
£180, and his dam Lady Ann (307), bred at Tillyfour, and out of a cow
which carried the first prize at the Highland Society's show. The
character of
the herd has been maintained since it came under the
management of the present owner, although the animals have been seldom
shown. Marked with great purity and excellence of outline, cattle from
this herd have won prizes at both local and national shows. One
important point is well sustained in this herd which should be the aim
and object of all breeders to retain, and that is the milking properties
of the cows. The first bull purchased by the present owner was "Marius"
(564). He gained the first prize at the Highland Society's show in 1865.
The next purchase was "Bognie" (513), bred by Mr Morison of Bognie, and
having been subsequently sold to Mr M'Kessack, Earnside, carried first
prizes at Elgin, Nairn, and Inverness shows. He was succeeded by
"Jester" (472), bred at Ballindalloch, and being out of Jilt, was half
brother to the famous trio of bulls, Juryman, Judge, and Justice. He
gained a large number of prizes. "Jestia" (798), was bred at Drumin, and
was stock bull for one year. He almost conquered wherever he was shown.
The celebrated bull "Cluny" (1285), bred at Ballindalloch out of the
fine cow Erica, which was second at the Paris Exhibition, and the winner
at several other shows, was bought by Mr Robertson. The bulls used in
the herd during the past five or six years were "Morayston" (1439), out
of the prize cow Forget-me-not (1685), and after Adrian (622); "Souter
Johnny" (1615), out of Moonlight (1479), and after Ardrian 2nd (622);
"Whig" (1867), a pure-bred Erica bull, recently sold to Major Smith,
Minmore, at 100 guineas, out of Elma (3368), and after Editor (1460).
The present stock bull is Paris (1473), which won the first prize at the
Paris Exhibition in 1878. At present the herd consists of 39 females, 2
balls, and 4 bull calves, containing specimens of the Ballindalloch Jilt
family, the Ballindalloch Ericas, and the Drumin Lucy's.
Ballintomb.—The fine black polled herd of
Ballintomb, the property of Mr Alexander Mann, was started in 1875. The
first bull was "Brux" (947), by Harry 2nd (770), and out of Annie of
Westside (2032), purchased from his breeder Mr Walker, Westside of Brux,
Aberdeenshire, and commencing with cows selected from Ballindalloch,
Westertown, Biallid Corskie, Tullochallum, Rothiemay, and Burnside
herds, Mr Mann, with careful buying and judicious breeding, has brought
the herd to a highly creditable position. It contains 23 cows, 8
two-year-old heifers, 9 one-year-old heifers, 23 calves, and 2 bulls,
and comprises representatives of the Pride, Erica, Coquette, Rose,
Fatuna, Duchess, and Baby tribes. Mr Mann has all along guarded against
feeding his cows for show purposes, and with close attention the result
has been very satisfactory. He entered the showyard first in 1880 with
his young stock, and although he has only been exhibiting on a limited
scale, since then he has been a very successful exhibitor. In 1880 Mr
Mann purchased from Ballindalloch the fine (Pride) bull "Kaiser" (1253),
by Elchies (563), and out of Kindness of Ballindalloch. This bull gave
rise to an excellent stock of cattle, and carried the commended ticket
at the Highland Society's show at Stirling in 1881. The present stock
bull is also of the Pride tribe, and was bred by his owner after St
Maurice (1319), and out of Madam Lofters (2231), bought at Rothiemay in
1878. He has distinguished himself in showyards, and imparted very
superior progeny. He is well-shaped, having a broad straight back, good
shoulders, deep well-sprung rib, and fine general outline. Mr Mann made
a happy hit at the Tillyfour sale in 1878 in procuring "Mrs Scott," a
pure stamp of a Buchan cow, which will doubtless be the dam of a rare
family. She has already produced three capital heifer calves, viz.,
"Madame Sherrington," "Isabella Eraser," and "Songster." The former is
particularly good, but is a trifle small. At the Balquharn dispersion
sale last spring, Mr Mann secured " Pride of Aberdeen 27th," by Drayor
(1170), out of Pride of Aberdeen 10th (3250), and shortly after she came
into his possession she gave birth to a heifer calf after Heir of Paris
(1917). Mr Mann also purchased a cow of the Duchess tribe named
"Dandelion" (2569) at Lord Huntly's sale at Aboyne. She yielded him a
fine heifer calf by Warrior (1291). His last purchase was the Erica cow
"Emma" (1733), and her bull calf at foot, from Ballindalloch, which is
after the very celebrated bull Justice (1462), and evidently inherits
many of his good points. This year Mr Mann sold eleven bull calves at
£30 each for exportation to America. Earnside.—Mr M'Kessack,
farmer, Earnside, Alves, has been a careful and successful breeder and
rearer of black polled cattle for many years. Thirteen cows, 5
two-year-old heifers, 5 yearling heifers, 2 two-year-old bulls, 1
one-year old bull, and 4 bull calves, constitute the present herd, and
these animals bring out largely the good points of the breed, which are
indispensable for showyard exhibitions, and which bring animals to the
front in local competitions. The success of the herd in the showyards of
the past has been very satisfactory to the owner. Mr M'Kessack is a
judicious feeder, never endangering the breeding properties of his stock
by feeding up for exhibition. Even for animals intended for exhibition,
nothing beyond the ordinary diet of turnips and straw is given them
until within a few weeks of the show. His heifers are really an
excellent lot, and are mostly all in calf to a nice two-year-old bull
recently purchased from Mr Duff, Hillockhead. Mr M'Kessack breeds all
his purebred stock with exception of a few animals, and he has a better
bull of his own breeding than the Hillockhead one, his dam being "Term
Day 2nd" (3174). His sire is Don Juan (1555), which is also the sire of
all the heifers. "Florence 2nd" (2144), by Cock of the North (1211), and
out of Florence (928), has extraordinary milking properties, and is the
grand-daughter of a fine cow bought from the late Mr Brown of Westerton.
"Fair Maid of Earnside 2nd" (4509) by Scotia (789), and out of Fair Maid
of Earnside (3716), which won many prizes in local shows. She is a cow
of fair merit. "Maid of Moray 4th" (4510), by General (1297), and out of
Maid of Moray 3rd (3711), is a shapely cow of good character, and was
very successful in showyards as a heifer. One of the best cows in the
herd is "Queen Mary of Mulben" (1043), after the Mayflower tribe, by
Jupiter (471), out of Ann of Mulben (1039). Mr M'Kessack bought her,
when two years old, from Mr Paterson, Mulben, at 50 guineas. This was
supposed to be an extraordinary price then. The value of this cow lies
in her breeding. She gave birth to twin calves four consecutive years.
Another famous milk cow is "Julia of Earnside 1st" (2116). "Barbara of
Earnside" is a descendant of the Easter Skene stock, her dam Barbara 2nd
(989) having been bought from Mr Combie, Easter Skene. This year Mr
M'Kessack sold three black polled cows for £150 for exportation to
Shorthorn Cattle.
Gordon Castle.—Established in 1842 by the
purchase of three cows and a bull in Northumberland, "Young Bess,"
"Bet," " Sally," and "Monsieur Vestris," this large and useful herd has
for many years enjoyed a wide reputation as the fountain of pure "
shorthorn " blood. Under careful and judicious management, the herd has
long been famous for its representation at both local and national
exhibitions. Mr Dawson, the present manager, is watchful and successful
in breeding, and, with all the advantages derivable from a liberal
owner, like His Grace the Duke of Richmond and Gordon, he has very
creditably sustained, if indeed not raised, the character of the stock.
The bull "Monsieur Vestris" and "Young Bess" were bred by Mr Jobson of
Turvielaws, after the second Duke of Northumberland, bred by Mr Bates.
The other two of these cows, which laid the foundation of this herd,
were bred by Mr Aitkinson of Ewart, from whom they were purchased. His
Grace's family of Wimples, Blossoms, Flirts, and Jilts, which, together
with Destiny, Queens, and Mysteries, may be regarded as one race, the
founder of which was "The Queen," and was extracted from the Ury herd in
1847, are very superior. A grand-daughter of "The Queen" and the first
of the Flirts added 14 calves in fifteen years, and was herself disposed
of, fat in her eighteenth year. By a purchase at Mr Boswell's herd of
shorthorns at Kingcausie in 1852, the Lustre family was brought to
Gordon Castle, where its members proved the Lustres to be sound, regular
breeders, strong, well-fleshed animals. The first of the Rosewoods, one
of the best and oldest tribes in the herd, was a cow, "Rosewood,"
purchased at the Eden sale in 1854, when two years old. The Rosewoods
were all notable breeders, and the first cow produced 10 fine heifer
calves in ten years. They were also famous for depth of rib, wealth of
flesh, and superior milking properties. The matron of this tribe,
"Rosa," won a second prize at Kelso in 1863 as a yearling, first as a
cow at Inverness in 1865, and was sold at 74 guineas. One of the most
valuable additions was made to the herd in 1875, in "Queen Esther,"
purchased for 71 guineas at Mr Bowman's sale at Sandwith, Cumberland.
She was almost pure Booth blood, being after Squire Booth, bred by Mr
Mitchell of Cleasby, "Lustre," after the Booth bull Royal Hope, bred by
Mr Pawlett, was the dam of Chief Lustre, a well-known heifer after Chief
Officer, which gained many valuable prizes. The sires used in the herd
have been of the famous Matalini and Fame tribes, 'including "Royal
Hope;" and were these "Chief Officer," after Borough Member, "White
Duke," "Baron Colling" and "King Butterfly!" These have all done
valuable service in the herd. The present stock bull is "Good Hope,"
after Peter the Great, out of Fairy Queen, and bred by Lord Polwarth. He
won the first prize in his class at Banff, Turriff, and the Highland
Society's show at Stirling, in 1881. The principal prize takers at the
shows of 1882 were—"Good Hope," "Queen Esther" (a broadly built cow of
excellent shorthorn character), "Peach Blossom 10th," after Chief
Officer and out of Peach Blossom 6th, and "Peach Blossom 14th," a tidy
red two-year-old heifer, and a yearling heifer "Chief Lustre 1st." His
Grace has not been showing quite so extensively this year as he had
formerly been. As an indication of the high character and superiority of
the Gordon Castle stock, I may mention that in 1877 it won no fewer than
thirty-eight first prizes, ten seconds, five silver medals, and two
silver cups; and in 1878 forty-two first prizes, twenty second prizes,
four silver challenge cups, eight silver medals, and thirteen special
money prizes. In the same year "Chief Lustre" was exhibited at Kilburn,
and won the second premium.
A word as to the home of the herd may be of interest.
The home farm of His Grace the Duke of Richmond and Gordon at Gordon
Castle, Fochabers, extends in all to about 1000 acres. Within the walls
there are about 805 acres, excluding 500 acres of deer park, and outside
there are some 45 acres of arable land and about 150 acres of riverside
pasture. Only about 450 acres are wrought under a regular rotation, the
five-course system being pursued. About 405 acres of beautifully level
grounds lie around the castle, and are studded over with magnificent
trees. Of these about 200 acres next to the castle are run over with the
mowing machine early in the autumn. On the arable land turnips are
grown, with from 16 to 20 large cart-loads of well-rotted farm-yard
manure and 4 cwt. of bone dust, mixed with 3 cwt. dissolved bones or
turnip manure. The cultivated land is mostly light on a gravelly
subsoil. In addition to the pure bred shorthorn herd, about 20 dairy
cows are kept. A large flock of Leicester breeding ewes is also kept.
The stock tups are carefully selected from the very best sources, and
for a number of years His Grace has been a very successful exhibitor of
sheep as well as cattle. There are also a flock of Cheviot sheep on the
farm. His Grace is a generous and considerate landlord, and during the
recent depression he was amongst the first to grant concessions.
Stoneytown.—The shorthorn herd at Stoneytown,
Boharm, belonging to Mr M'William, was founded some eleven years ago,
and contains about 20 animals, all well bred. The first purchase was a
distinguished Gordon Castle cow, "Dido 3rd," after Duke of Bowland
(21568), and descended through her dam from one of the first shorthorn
cows that came to Gordon Castle from Mr Jobson's herd in Northumberland
in 1842. Among the other female animals which have been added from time
to time, were "Goldie 17th," purchased in 1875, at 61 guineas, from
Uppermill, after the celebrated bull Heir of Englishman (24122); "Maud,"
from Sunbank, by Baron Outhwaite (36197); and "Merry Maiden," from
Alnwick Park, by Mr Forr's Fitz-Roland (33936), which left an
exceedingly fine stock at Alnwick and Chillingham. From these four cows
all the animals constituting the present herd have descended. The bulls
used have been " Alfred" (32935), from Petty; "Spicer" (35655), by Mr
Booth's K.C.B. (26495), from Clinterty; "Knickerbocker"
(38510), from Dalkeith Park; "Favourite" (41528), from Burnside; and
"Sir William" (44061), by Mr Booth's Sir Raymond (40716) from Alnwick
Park. All these bulls have been prize winners at local shows, and two of
them, "Knickerbocker" and "Favourite" have taken first honours at
Highland Society's shows. The present stock bull is "Sir Thomas," roan,
bred at Alnwick Park, and after Sir Raymond. He is a stylish,
evenly-fleshed young bull, with fine full rib, and superior quality. He
has been very successful in large competitions, including the Glasgow
Highland show this year, and we have no doubt but he will yet come more
prominently into notice. The original purchase, " Dido 3rd," is still in
the herd, and, although she is fifteen years old, and has reared her
fourteenth calf, which was an excellent roan bull by Sir William, she
looks quite fresh and healthy. She excels both as a breeder and milker.
A very nice low-standing cow is "Dido 4th," out of Dido 3rd, which has
carried prizes at various local shows. "Dido 5th" and "Dido 6th" came
from the same dam, the former being after Knickerbocker and the latter
by Favourite. They are a pair of very useful breeding cows. "Goldie
17th" was bred by Mr Marr, Uppermill, from whom she was purchased at 61
guineas. She is a cow of fine quality, and is an excellent breeder. One
of her descendants is "Golden Rose," by Knickerbocker, a thick handsome
cow, inheriting many of the fine points of her famous sire. Another of
the same tribe is "Golden Wreath," by Favourite, a white two-year-old
heifer of very promising style and quality. She was first at Aberlour,
second at Keith, and commended at Elgin Cattle shows in 1881. "Eliza," a
very nice roan cow of the Coulardbank blood, after Garioch Lad (17938),
is a specimen of good character. In 1881 the calves were nearly all
bulls, and were disposed of mostly by private bargain at handsome
Braelossie.—The Braelossie herd of shorthorn
cattle, the property of Mr Alexander Lawson, factor for Lord Fife, was
founded in 1840, by the purchase of a yearling heifer, "Eliza," sired by
Billy (3151), and out of Princess by Sovereign (5285), and bred by Mr
Hutcheson, Monyruy, Peterhead. The principal addition to the herd in its
infancy, whose stock still remain, was "Shempston Lass," bred by Mr
Sutherland, Shempston, from stock bought from the late Captain Barclay
of Ury. She proved a very valuable acquisition, and in the course of
eleven years she produced eleven excellent calves, eight of which were
males and three females. From time to time several cows were
subsequently added to the herd, but they fell behind the home-bred stock
in breeding, and Mr Lawson disposed of them, and retained his own
females, and by changing his stock bull was able to raise a much
stronger and finer race of cattle. The bulls used in the herd since the
beginning were —"Duke of Gordon" (9043), bred by Mr Cruickshank,
Sittyton, Aberdeenshire; "Duke of Leinster" (10155), bred by Mr Todd,
Elphinstown; "Sir George Brown" (40705), bred by Mr Bruce, Broadland;
"Lord Raglan" (29199), bred by Mr Geddes, Orbliston; "Glenlyon" (26262),
bred by Mr Longmore, Rettie; "Vampire" (30201), bred by Mr Cruickshank,
Sittyton; "Baron Braco" (30425), bred by the Duke of Richmond and
Gordon; "Waverley" (35955), bred by the Duke of Buccleuch ; and the
present stock bulls "Loftcha" (45052), bred by Mr W. S. Marr, Uppermill;
and "Gambetta" (40986), a yearling bull after Arthur Benedict, and out
of Flirt 14th, bred by the Duke of Richmond and Gordon. All of these
bulls, excepting the latter, did good service in the herd, and had been
more or less successful in local showyards. Matched with cows of
excellent character, they give rise to a very superior stock, which
gained considerable distinction in different parts of the country.
"Baron Braco" was the sire of Lord Bothwell, which won several champion
cups. The herd at present consists of 26 cows, 1 aged bull, 3 yearling
bulls, 2 two-year-old heifers, 11 one-year-old heifers, and 21 calves,
thus making a total of 64 animals. "Loftcha," the aged bull, is the sire
of most of the heifers and calves. Excepting this bull, all the herd are
the descendants of "Eliza," "Shempston Lass," and "Myrtle 27th." "Myrtle
27th " is after Ben Voilo (28017), and out of Myrtle 20th, and is still
in the herd. There is still a good remnant of the Waverley stock in the
herd. Mr Lawson is an exceedingly careful breeder, and is very much
opposed to overfeeding for exhibition. He generally disposes of his
bulls at public sales, and purchasers who are acquainted with the
excellence of his stock never fail to make a good offer.
Sunbank—Of the Sunbank shorthorns not so much is
heard as of some others. It is not a large herd, nor is anything done in
it specially to draw notice to its merits in showyards. It has been in
existence for fully twenty years, and has been carefully and
successfully managed. To found it, "Dowager Countess" was bought from
Coulardbank in 1861. She was an eight-year-old cow at that time, and had
sprung from the finest family in Mr Stephen's fine old. herd at
Coulardbank. It was the oldest family in Morayshire, if not in the north
of Scotland. Mr Stephen was the first man who took over the Spey a
shorthorn that founded a family. He believed that Mr Mellis, Spynie,
bought a heifer before him, but nothing was heard of it afterwards. Mr
Stephen's "Countess," which he brought from England about 1836, was the
first of the tribe that proved of so much value at Coulardbank,
Inchbroom, Sunbank, and many other places. They were descended from
"Carnation" by Apollo, and from cows by Merlin (429), Alfred (23),
Butterfly (104), and Suwarrow (636). "Dowager Countess," bought by the
late Mr Ray to found the Sunbank herd, produced a calf the first month
she was in Mr Ray's possession, but slipped next year and went to the
butcher. Her calf of 1861, however, "Countess" became a handsome cow,
after a son Picotee (15063), red in colour and good in figure. Round her
there soon arose offspring that made a considerable herd,—"Verbina" in
1863, when her dam was only two-years-old; "Rosebud" in 1864; "Flora" in
1865; "Pope" in 1866; "Wilhelmina" in 1867; "Sultan" in 1868; "Sarah" in
1869; "Nancy" in 1870; "Red Knight" in 1871, which was sold at £35,
14s. From this cow and her descendants every animal in the herd
came, for the first seventeen years of its existence. The first female
that came into it was "Duchess 10th," from Gordon Castle, which did not
remain long in it. Mr Ray had the advantage of the Inchbroom bulls until
the herd there was dispersed. After that he had "Baron Outhwaite"
(36197), bred at Newton of Struthers after Baron Killerby, and descended
on the maternal side from the Myrtles that came from Fashion by Emperor,
and cows by Cleveland (145), and Butterfly (104). The next stock bull
was "Robin" (43908), son of Baron Outhwaite, and out of a Gordon Castle
Duchess by Baron Colling (25560). The present stock at Sunbank is full
of the Gordon Castle blood, and contains a number of very superior
cattle. (Owing to
the death of the owner, this herd has been dispersed since the above was
Garbity.—The Garbity herd of shorthorns, the
property of Mr James Watt, was founded in 1864, by the purchase of a cow
"Tidy" at the Huntly Lodge sale. She was bred in England, and was well
advanced in years before Mr Watt obtained her. The first addition was
"Marchioness," purchased at the Inch-broom dispersion sale, where she
brought the highest price of the cows, having won the second
prize at the Highland Society's show at Inverness when a two-year-old
heifer. Mr Watt has still some of her stock in the herd. To begin with,
Mr Watt got the service of the Gordon Castle bulls, which infused a deal
of excellent Booth blood into the very foundation of his herd. He bought
a cow and heifer from Mr Meade Waldo of Stone-well Park, Kent, about
five years ago, along with a couple of bulls. He has these still in his
herd, and all of them have done fairly well. The bulls are still the
stock bulls of the herd, and the two females have been breeding
regularly. Strange to say, their calves have all been males excepting a
female this year. One of the bulls is a "Flower" bull, and the other of
the "Waterloo" tribe. A cow which Mr Watt obtained four years ago from
Mr Fisher, Pitlochry, proved a very valuable animal, having fostered
many fine calves. She was sired by the famous Royal Benedict, and is out
of an Anette cow, and has had three or four bull calves in succession.
At present the herd comprises 15 cows, 6 two-year-old heifers, 15 calves
(four of which are bulls), and 2 bulls, or about 40 in all. Among the
heifers is "Dorothy," after Fitz-Harry and out of Molly, an Inchbroom
cow. Through her sire she has Booth blood in her veins, and is a very
perfect animal. She won the first prize as a yearling at the Highland
Society's show at Stirling, and at Elgin last year (1881), and as a
two-year-old at Elgin this year. Another fine heifer is "Wild Rose,"
after Captain Cook, bred by Mr Gumbleton of Glanatora, Co. Cork,
Ireland, is also in Mr Watt's possession. She was first at the Royal
Dublin Society's show, and first at Glasgow, Elgin, and Inverness this
year (1882).
"Selina," a yearling heifer after Fascinator, out a
Selina cow, and bred by Mr George Cater, Londonderry, is a fair heifer.
Mr Watt has hitherto disposed of his bull calves at public sales, and
his average prices invariably stood very high. He has been devoting more
attention to the breeding than to the feeding of stock, but though he
has never exhibited on a large scale, his cattle have won a great many
valuable prizes. At the Highland Society's show at Aberdeen Mr Watt won
a second prize for a bull, at Kelso a second for a heifer, and the same
heifer won second at Stirling, where Mr Watt also won the first and
fourth tickets with other animals. He has gained a great many prizes at
local shows for his older stock. For bull calves he won a second and
third prize this year at Perth, and a first prize in 1881.
Swine, Poultry, and Markets.
Swine.—The rearing of swine in both counties
receives comparatively little attention from the farmers. There are
usually one, two, or three pigs on every farm, and in many cases they
are reared in courts among young cattle. Breeding sows are kept on some
holdings, as well as by millers and distillers, and the young pigs are
usually taken away when about five weeks old. Then they are generally
worth from 11s. to 16s. each. The breeding and feeding of swine
undoubtedly deserve much more attention than they receive. Breeding
sows, as a rule pay their owners very well. In order to show the number
of swine at different periods since 1857, we subjoin the following

These figures bring the fact clearly out that there
is an extraordinary falling off in the number of swine within the past
twenty-five years. In Morayshire, it will be observed, there is 1461 of
a decrease, while in Nairnshire there are not much more than half the
total number of 1857.
Poultry.—There are a great many famous poultry
breeders in Moray and Nairn. Farm-yards are usually well stocked with
fowls, and a considerable revenue is derived from them. Poultry reared
at various places in both counties have oftener than once taken
prominent positions in the prize lists of large poultry shows.
Markets.—Like other northern counties, these two
are well provided with markets and auction marts. Elgin, Forres,
Grantown, and Nairn are the chief seats of cattle markets. Grantown
market is the principal one for sheep for Morayshire, and also for the
upper reaches of the counties of Inverness, Banff, and Nairn. Some of
the better class of farmers in the lower parts of Morayshire, as well as
regular dealers, kill cattle and send them to London as dead meat. They
generally find this the most profitable way of disposing of beef. The
cost of transmitting dead meat is considerably lower than that of live
There is a lack of ordinary farm servants in these
counties, but, as we have already noticed, in some districts there is a
great difficulty experienced in getting a sufficient supply of
During potato planting and lifting, hoeing, and
harvesting, farms in the vicinity of towns or villages have little
difficulty in getting day labourers; but in some of the more inland
districts casual workmen are not so plentiful as could be desired. There
is still a deficiency of servants' cottages, although much has been done
in the erection of them within the past twenty-five years. It is a very
essential matter indeed to have good accommodation for married men. It
is very probable that great and needful improvements will be effected in
providing servants' cottages in these counties before many years have
come and gone. Tenants fully realise the value and need of them. A
well-known farmer in the "Laigh of Moray," in referring to the scarcity
of cottages, remarks—"Advertisements too frequently appear in newspapers
wanting first-class horsemen, married, without encumbrances." Generally
speaking, single men are most plentiful, and the majority of these sit,
eat, and sleep in "bothies." Several of them board in the farm kitchen,
and with married fellow-workmen. Married men have been getting more
numerous within the past few years. The rate of wages in 1855 was about
an average of 70 per cent. less than in 1878; but since then, on account
of the agricultural depression, the cost of labour has fallen at least
15 per cent. On a farm in the neighbourhood of Elgin the tenant paid the
following half-yearly wages in 1855 and 1881:—

in each case of about 6 bolls of meal (140 lbs. per
boll), 24 cwt. of coals, and 1 ton of potatoes per annum, and a quart of
milk daily. Grieves get from £30 to £40, and more if any extra
responsibility devolve upon them; but average wages would be about £32,
with the same allowance or perquisites as the horsemen. In many cases
the wages in 1880 were double those of 1855. Married men in cottages
have also a garden in most cases. In every case single men do not get
potatoes in "bothies," but the principal meals are oatmeal porridge,
oatmeal brose, and cakes. They usually sell a good deal of the meal
allowed them, which is invariably more than they can consume, and
purchase other commodities, such as tea, coffee, butter, bread, and
fish, &c. Harvest hands, like ordinary farm servants, are paid according
to their undertakings and capabilities. Including all, the wages of
married men would range from £46 to £49 in the year. The ploughmen are,
as a rule, an industrious, trustworthy class of people, and usually take
a great interest in furthering everything that tends to benefit their
masters. Women for kitchen work get from £6, 10s. to £8, 10s., and
outdoor girls get from £4, 10s. to £6, 10s. There are very few women
engaged for outwork now, because it is found more advantageous to engage
young men. Taking all in all, it cannot be said that wages are at
present too high.
Sheep Farming.
In the lowlands of these counties sheep farming does
not constitute an important industry, although there are many large
flocks of cross and half-bred lambs fattened during the winter season.
An occasional breeding flock is to be seen where there is a run of links
or waste land attached to the arable holding. Twenty-five years ago,
perhaps, the breeding of sheep received more attention, but now the
breeding and feeding of cattle have superseded it to a certain extent.
Farmers find it most lucrative to buy in lambs at the weaning season,
when, after a good lambing season, they are to be got in all parts of
the country. If grass is found to be plentiful, the lambs are bought in
as early after weaning as possible, and kept in parks during the fall,
by the end of which there is almost invariably a patch of turnips laid
off for them. In addition to turnips, feeding flocks get hay or straw
daily, which is supplied in hurdles on the field. Where there are
commodious open courts, flocks are sometimes fed in them with cut
turnips, straw, or hay, and when well advanced in fattening, they
receive a little cake or corn. The ordinary allowance of cake and corn,
besides a liberal supply of turnips and fodder, is from
½ lb. to 2 lbs. per sheep per day. It is not
lambs only that are fed. Large numbers of wethers and eild
ewes—generally cast ewes—are also fattened. The same system of feeding
is adopted for these as for lambs.
Too many disastrous years have occurred since 1857.
The losses sustained at various periods were irreparable and
disheartening. This has been more severely felt in the higher lying
districts, where the climatic influences during winter are disastrous to
both animal and vegetable life, and where the many untoward seasons,
which have passed within a comparatively short period, have left an
impression and gloom on the mind of the flockmaster that will not be
easily suppressed. The rate of mortality among flocks, and more
particularly lambs, between 1870 and 1881, was remarkably high. It is so
far gratifying, however, to have to note that the winter of 1881-82,
which was quite exceptional in its character, has helped greatly to
revive the spirits of sheep farmers. Lambs are more numerous, and much
stronger and healthier this year (1882), than they have been for years,
while the prices for all kinds of sheep are remunerative. The death-rate
has been comparatively insignificant. Since the beginning of the present
summer the weather has been favourable to vegetation, and hill pasture,
as well as that on cultivated land, has been most luxurious.
At various periods during the present century
handsome profits have been realised from sheep farming. It was a
lucrative industry twenty or thirty years ago, but in recent years the
price of wool, the cost of wintering, and other circumstances, as well
as the seasons, have affected it considerably. The price of mutton has
advanced greatly, but the gain on this point has been more than
counterbalanced by the increase in the cost of maintenance—rise in rent,
in the cost of living, and in the cost of labour—coupled with the
decline in the price of wool. Then the average death-rate has lately
been higher than formerly, and on the whole the position of sheep
farmers has undergone a marked change for the worse within the past ten
or twelve years.
The system of management pursued by sheep farmers in
these counties can hardly be said to differ in any respect from that
which prevails generally over the north of Scotland. In the colder
districts smearing is preferred to dipping. As the following statement
will show, the former plan is, as a rule, more profitable than the
latter. Sheep not smeared require two dippings in a year, and these cost
30s. per 100 head — 14s. for the material, and 16s. for the dipping
operation—being 2s. per day to four men on each occasion. Smearing has
to be done only once a year. It costs 10d. a head, or say 85s. for 100
head. Then the yield of wool from dipped sheep (blackfaced) would
average about 3 lbs. per head, or 300 lbs. from 100 head; whereas from
smeared sheep the weight of wool would be exactly double. In 1881 dipped
or white wool fetched 6d. the pound, and smeared wool 5d. per pound. The
advantage in favour of smearing is thus seen to be of some importance:—
Smearing 100 sheep once costs . . . .,£4 5 0 Dipping
Extra cost of smearing, .£250
Value of wool from 100 smeared sheep, . . £12 10 0
Do. do. dipped do.,
. . 7 10 0
Extra value of smeared wool, £h 0 0 Net gain
in smearing per 100 sheep, . . £2 15 0
It has in addition to be
noted, that smearing is a much surer preventative against vermin and
contagious diseases. The cost of wintering sheep when sent from home is
about 5s. 6d per head. Hoggs sell best in the month of April, and cast
ewes and wethers in September and October.
In Morayshire, in 1857, there were 56,336 sheep, of
which 25,315 were for breeding purposes, 12,947 of all ages feeding, and
18,074 lambs. In 1868 there were 49,848 one year old and above, and
27,899 under one year old, which makes a total of 77,747. In 1881 there
were 32,557 one year old and above, and 16,030 under one year, making a
total of 48,587. It will thus be seen that there is the enormous falling
off in the total number of sheep in Morayshire of 7749 since 1857. This
substantiates what has just been stated.
In Nairnshire there were 16,875 breeding sheep, 7896
of all ages feeding, and 11,214 lambs in 1857, which makes a grand total
of 35,985. In 1868 there were 17,160 sheep one year old and above, 7156
under one year old, and a total of 24,316. In 1881 there were 12,002 one
year old and above, 3978 under one year old, and a total number of
15,980. The difference between the total of 1857 and 1881 in this county
is even greater than in Morayshire, but there was a very notable
decrease in the end of 1880 and first of 1881. The total number in 1880
was 20,108. It must be understood that though there is a very noticeable
decline in the numbers thus set forth, sheep farming in the upper
districts is carried on with greater interest than it was twenty-five
years ago, and that the falling off is principally caused by reducing
flocks in the lower districts. The great reduction in the numbers of
young stock is directly the fruits of untoward seasons.
Industries—not Agricultural.
We have taken up so much space with the agriculture
of these counties, that we must limit our remarks on other industries.
The chief of these are the herring and white fishing along the Moray
Firth. Beginning at Garmouth, the most eastern village in Morayshire, we
find that no fishings are now carried on; but Mr James Duncan
established a boat-building institution last year, and during the short
period of its existence ten or twelve boats of the carrel-zulu shape
have been built.
At Lossiemouth about 120 boats are in use every
season, each boat having at least two men aboard. The average value of
each of these boats is about £250. For the last twenty years there has
been a falling off in the quantity of fish caught. During that period
the annual catch averaged about 100 crans per boat. From 1858 to 1863
the catch averaged about 200 crans, being a very successful fishing
period. The value of the fish, generally speaking, has been about £1 per
cran for the past twenty-five years. Some fishermen prefer taking a
bounty of from £20 to £40 for the season, instead of their chances by
the cran. The majority of fishermen, however, are paid by the cran. In a
good fishing season this is undoubtedly the most profitable way of
engagement. The proper season for the herring fishing commences about
the 10th of July, and lasts till about the 10th of September. Sometimes
the fishermen go 40 or 50 miles on fishing expeditions, while fish are
at other times to be found within two or three miles of the shore.
The white fishing is prosecuted nearly the whole
season. About fifty boats, manned by about seven fishermen each, pursue
this fishing, and the average return is as nearly as possible 6 cwt. per
boat. White fish are usually worth about 12s. per cwt., thus making the
draught of each boat worth about £3, 12s.
Lobster fishing, to a small extent, is carried on by a few men. The fish
are generally sent to English markets. The portions of the sea nearest
to the combined villages of Lossiemouth, Bran-derburgh, and Stotfield
are very good for their yieldings of lobsters; and about half a century
ago people came from North Sunderland and Berwick-on-Tweed to prosecute
the lobster fishing, and were very successful. The harbour of
Lossiemouth was founded in 1835 by Colonel Brander, Pitgaveny. The
principal importation is wood from America and the Baltic, and coals
from different parts of the country. There is no exportation of any
moment, excepting that potatoes and some grain are occasionally shipped
for England.
At Hopeman there are 33 boats employed at haddock
fishing, and the fish are generally sold to the curers when caught. The
number of boats engaged in the prosecution of the haddock fishing some
twenty years ago was not more than half the present number, but the
total catch was considerably higher. About 70 herring boats belong to
Hopeman, but very few of them are employed at this station. Fishermen
find it more profitable to go fishing at other parts of the coast. The
harbour at Hopeman is by far too small to facilitate the development of
the fishing resources, it having been built some forty years ago, when
boats were fewer in number. A good deal of money has recently been
expended from time to time on repairs.
Burghead is an important fishing station, and has
been for a great number of years. In 1857 there were 93 boats engaged,
and the number of men employed was about 600; while in 1882 there were
only 36 boats and 260 men engaged. This implies a material falling off
in the catch, which in 1857 was 93 crans, and in 1882, 53½
crans. The harbour was constructed about 1807, and since then has
undergone frequent repairs. At present it is being remodelled and very
much enlarged, and in the course of a year or so it will be one of the
safest harbours along the Moray Firth. White fishing is also carried on
here to a small extent. Fourteen large and small boats are engaged by
about 130 men, and the average catch is about 400 tons in the year. In
this village about twenty or thirty men are employed in the Morayshire
Chemical and Manure Works, the property of Mr William Adam.
There is an extensive fishery trade carried on at
Nairn and Campbeltown, and has been for many years. The most important
fish caught is herring. White fish consist of haddocks and codfish. The
burgh of Nairn charges the fishermen 4s. as stance dues for their boats,
and a compromise of 20s. per yawl engaged in white fishing. The fishing
boats belonging to Nairn and Campbeltown at 10th October 1882 were—

The number of men engaged, besides a crew of five men
for two boats—a large and small one—were 205 in Nairn and 60 in
Campbeltown. Each man has three assistants for gathering bait, putting
it on to hooks, curing, hawking, and going to the market with fish; and
there are also 615 women, boys, and girls employed in Nairn and 180 in
Campbeltown, which, added to the number of men engaged, make a total of
Average Value of Herring Boats and Nets.