In considering the difficulties attending oyster
culture in Scotland, the first place must be given to the action and
inaction of the Government in the matter. While professing to be anxious
to give every encouragement to the efforts of the public, they somehow
thwart them on every occasion by the mischievous application of such
laws as there are. We do not greatly object to the fee of £60 demanded
before any grant of foreshore will be made, as the Government were
almost forced into this by the conduct of those who previously secured
such grants, only for the purpose of keeping the public out of their
neighbourhood, and obtaining such local fishery as there might be, but
without making any effort to cultivate the ground. The above fee was no
doubt meant as a fence to keep all but bona-fide cultivators from
claiming grants of foreshore. In the case of extensive grants this is
reasonable enough, but a distinction ought to be made between a
capitalist and a practical working fisherman. We understand the French
cultivators are all tenants-at-will, but their property in their stocks
is secured to them. This, if properly administered without undue
interference, is not an unfair arrangement, but unfortunately the
greatest complaints are always made against the administration of the
authority of the Woods and Forests with us, the whole idea of the
department apparently being to increase immediate revenue, so long as
their action will be supported by law. We do not believe that, under the
present mode of administration in vogue in the department, any body of
fishermen would invest labour or money on the principle of
tenants-at-will, they having no confidence whatever in the will
as ordinarily exercised.
But even more important than the injudicious action
of the executive is the present state of uncertainty as to the rights of
any man in the foreshores,—a deadening condition of affairs,
which paralyses the strongest men in any effort to
grapple individually with the question, and which is partly owing to the
narrow views of the department as to the duty of a Government. There is
absolutely no possibility of obtaining any distinct declaration as to
the real owners of most parts of our foreshores, as the Government and
the proprietors on the one hand, and the public on the other, are
standing opposed in a state of tension. Wherever and whenever the
Government believe they will not be seriously opposed, they will assert
their claim, but never if possible press it to a legal decision. Most
proprietors are equally unwilling, single-handed, to push the question
to extremity; so that at present it mostly means that the Government
claim is tacitly admitted wherever a proprietor is too weak to fight, or
not bold enough to rebel. The Government will guardedly sell " what
rights they themselves possess"; the proprietors will sometimes
knowingly exact rental for what they do not legally possess; the outside
public will occasionally suddenly upset the calculations of either party
whenever the interests are sufficiently important to stimulate them to
try conclusions. "We have more than once been
turned aside from intended operations by discovering the real weakness
of apparent rights; and, after a considerable experience, we have come
to the conclusion that the whole matter as it stands is a hopeless
muddle, that can only be attacked by a strong public body.
If the Highland and Agricultural Society can
ventilate the subject, and stimulate the proprietors to combine to force
the hands of the department, so that a clear declaration of ownership be
made, they would do more to open the way for the utilisation of vast
tracts of our cultivable seashore, than could otherwise be managed by
any amount of private enterprize.
The first thing is to know who is the owner of the
ground to be cultivated. We would suggest that the elucidation of this,
for the benefit of all concerned, is a worthy goal for a powerful
Society, in combination with the Scottish proprietary.
In the meantime, we do not believe that the heavy fee
demanded will prove injurious or prohibitory to bona fide
cultivators demanding important grants, but we do think it is high time
that the poorer cultivator be considered. It is not perhaps necessary to
grant leases if the Government would simply treat the unoccupied and
unutilised foreshores as wilderness land; and, like an American
homestead, if the man who cleared and planted any given portion of such
foreshore were secured therein. It is always necessary to remember that
access to such ground and any required buildings connected with the
business, must be through and upon the land of the ex adverso
proprietor; and consequently their reasonable claims of jurisdiction
should be considered, so long as they did not unnecessarily interfere
with the conduct of the undertaking. But this question has already been
raised in connection with salmon and other fisheries.
The above considerations are wholly connected with
foreshore cultivation, but this is not by any means to our mind the most
promising department of oyster-culture. So far as our experience goes,
oysters spat more freely in deep water, and their spat also comes more
readily to maturity there, This is also the American experience. In deep
salt water the oyster breeds more readily, and also increases more
rapidly in growth; while on the foreshores the fish "fattens" better,
grows a finer shell, —a sign of a more delicate fish—and is altogether
more manageable, and beyond the reach of enemies. On the whole, we would
look to more important and successful operations being conducted in our
Scottish lochs by beds in deeper water, with plentiful spat-collectors
suspended over them, and placed around them. When our own shore-beds
were quite innocent of spat, the dredge brought up from some fathoms
quantities of young about the size of a split pea; and this year we have
dredged one stone with a dozen oysters, from a shilling to a florin in
size, within a few hundred yards of our barren beds. These were
evidently thrown by outside oysters.
The temperature has no doubt something to do with the
spatting of oysters, but we firmly believe our western lochs are quite
as warm as the Thames estuary, although we have no certain data for
this. Certain it is, however, that there are far more oysters in
congenial parts of the west than most people are aware of. We have taken
thousands from a narrow piece of sea-bottom where the local authorities,
constantly seeking them, declared none to exist. A gravelly bottom
overgrown with tangle, often conceals immense numbers that the dredge
could in no instance reach. Pure gravel we believe to be the best ground
for oyster breeding, and a rich marl, or soft blue clay such as is
common in some of our western districts, is the best feeding ground.
This seems to supply the necessary lime in quantity, as well as the
required nourishment. In this ground oysters may sink very deep without
being choked with the soft muddy material; whereas, were they to sink at
all in sand, the irritation would rapidly destroy them. We think it
better, however, to lay them out on wattled hurdles, on which they will
reap the advantages of the rich feeding ground without danger of being
It is evident that deep-sea beds such as we advocate
are beyond the reach of any but capitalists, or a combination of
fishermen such as own and work the great Whitstable beds. Here we are on
more certain ground, as the Government distinctly arrogate to themselves
the right to allocate such stretches of sea-bottom to individuals or
companies,—despite public use and wont,—as has been recently done in the
Thames estuary itself. This being the case, on every ground it is the
safer and more certain course to take, for a party of fishermen to
combine and plant such a sea-bed, having secured a Government grant
therefor. Too much ground should in no case be granted to any one
individual, unless under distinct conditions as to utilisation; but
allowance should be made for a company, more especially of working
partners, who would be stimulated to greater exertions when the profit
was all their own.
We should like to have entered more into the question
of temperature, and also that of gravity. Our data are, however, not
sufficiently reliable or extensive to build any definite theories upon.
The estimation of chlorine in our own lochs differs but little from the
Atlantic, although there is a considerable influx of fresh water; while
the figures with which we have been favoured as to other waters, arouse
the suspicion that the samples have been taken from near or upon the
surface, where the fresh water would be forced by an advancing tide. A
fresh water oyster is much hardier, and better prepared for enduring
carriage than a salt water specimen. Severe cold, too, is not injurious
to a full grown oyster; but a low temperature at the time of spatting is
apparently fatal. We believe the steady temperature of the deeper waters
greatly favours the deposit of spat.
Various attempts have been made along our shores to
start fresh beds, but these have generally ended in failure. This has
partly been caused by inattention to the first rules of any
"culture,"—want of care and nursing—partly from want of knowledge of the
conditions of the problem. Thus we understand a large quantity of
oysters were thrown down in Holy Loch, a district of sea thronged with
mussels in myriads—that enemy that chokes the oyster—deep with mud which
is constantly shifting, and open to the assaults of starfish and
sea-urchins, those deadly enemies to the oyster, more especially when in
a weak condition. Oysters have also more than once been laid down in
Loch Etive unsuccessfully; but as they were taken from a neighbouring
loch with scarcely any fresh water, and transferred at once to a loch
remarkable for its variations of gravity and temperature, through the
sudden enormous influxes of fresh water from its high and frequently
snow-clad watershed, such a result was only natural and to be
anticipated, without a much more careful and graduated transfer, so as
to acclimatise the shellfish.
The oysters of Loch Roag, in the Long Island, have
long been noted for their excellence, and at one time they were very
numerous and readily procurable. A friend of the writer having collected
a large number, laid them down in a sheltered part of the loch, and
extended over the bed thus formed long ropes of heather, with the
heather in bunches all along, so as to act as a cultch for the oyster
spat. This, in a season or so, was well covered with the young oysters;
but, as no government grant had been obtained, the depositor had no
security against the public, and the scheme soon fell through from want
of "security of tenure."
Two years ago we took a lease of the southern shore
of Loch Creran, in order thoroughly to test the possibility of creating
an industry in connection with oysters among
the warm western lochs. Our intention was at first to carry out the
French system in its entirety; but, considering the different character
of our seas, and the necessity for the utmost care in securing what spat
might be thrown, against being carried away by strong currents or
unexpected gales, we set about the matter with even more than French
Having gathered what oysters could be collected in
time along our own shores, so that they might not require acclimatising,
we had them placed in enclosures erected at the very lowest of ebb
tides, so that in no case would the oysters be uncovered, except for a
few hours each fortnight. These enclosures were made by driving strong
stakes into the ground in a circle, and wattling them all closely
around. This formed a strong close basket upwards of six feet high all
around the deposited oysters, on which it was hoped the spat would be
sure to affix itself; a firm bottom of small gravel having been
previously laid down, on which the oysters were laid.
The result of the first season was unsatisfactory, as
no spat whatever was found upon the wattles, upon the mother oysters, or
upon the gravel. The severity of the season of 1879, and the fact that
scarcely any spat or young oysters had been seen among those left in the
loch, led us to throw the blame on the untoward season; while the fact
of the oysters having been removed to their new position in the middle
of the breeding season, also led to the belief that the enclosed
shellfish had not had fair play.
To counteract these possible errors, we determined to
leave the oysters in the enclosures for another season; as well as make
a series of new enclosures, to eliminate from the problem certain
possibilities incident to those already in operation.
For this purpose we built one 40 feet in diameter,
and upwards of 10 feet high, at the lowest of the tide; but as the rise
of the tide at the highest in Loch Creran is 12 feet, it was still below
the surface at high water. As the oysters were all covered with wattled
hurdles a foot or two over them, to catch any spat that might rise with
the tide, we did not consider the portion of the time in which they were
altogether under water as of much importance; but in order to test its
influence on the problem we erected another further ashore, and of
similar height, over which the tide at no time can flow clear. The
bottom of this we dug out, so as to form a pond in which the oysters are
always covered at the lowest of the ebb, in case the very short period
in which the others were occasionally out of the water should have some
influence on the prosperity of the spat.
All these were planted with our own fine oysters, in
capital condition, and early in the season, so that they would be well
settled ere the time arrived for throwing spat. They were likewise
wattled so closely with bushy branches of Scotch fir, spruce fir, and
larch, and tied together with long wands of hazel and rowan, that the
whole formed huge enclosures of close basket-work, impervious to any but
the most embryonic enemies, and through which it was a practical
impossibility the young of the oyster could escape. In some of them,
also, are placed a proportion of the oysters under a basket of close
wicker-work; but the absence of light in this case would materially
interfere, no doubt, with the procreative power of the parent oysters.
In another we placed an erection of cocoanut matting, whose roughened
fibres have before now proved an admirable "cultch" for the settlement
of the young oyster. When we consider that in each of these large
well-secured and well-placed erections thousands of oysters in fine
condition, native to the waters, and sufficiently settled ere the
breeding season commenced, were laid with care, the entire absence of
spat is somewhat remarkable. That the spat could have been carried out
by the currents and somewhat severe gales of the early part of the
season does not admit of belief; and the more especially as this loch
outside, no more than inside our erections, shows any sign of spat these
two seasons beyond the merest sprinkling widely apart. This would be by
no means a hopeful sign for our waters, were we not supported by the
fact that the omnipresence of the oyster on our shores, shows that it
certainly flourishes with us, while the almost universal failure of spat
in the United Kingdom points to a general, and not a particular, cause
for the absence of any with us. It is a well-known fact in connection
with oyster culture, that in this country a good spat comes but once in
many years, and considering the great fertility of the oyster, this
alone can account for its comparative scarcity in districts where it can
always be gathered by the hundred in good weather. Our experience has
shown that the explanation of currents carrying off the spat cannot
explain this failure in our case, while the fact that in each year the
dredge or the "graip" has brought to light the survival of some few
young, shows that the cause of destruction must come somewhere between
the conception of the young and its attachment to a cultch. Frank
Buckland has lately asserted that cold is the cause of the destruction
of the spat, and this suggestion has much to be said in its favour. The
oysters appear to have been in the proper "milky" state, and in all
likelihood threw their spat, which, however, would have met an
uncongenial temperature in our seas, even during most of the last fine
spring and summer. If not cold during the day the air was cold at night,
and the water was most remarkably low in temperature late into the
Again, our oysters may almost be called deep-sea
oysters, and to a degree partake of their character; that is, they throw
their spat late in the year, deep-sea oysters generally spawning in the
autumn. This being the case, if they continue their habits in shallow
water, they will throw their spat at a season of the year when the
chances are altogether against them meeting with any kindly warmth in
the shallows, which are assimilated in temperature to the air, while the
deeper waters remain at a more equable temperature.
If this be certain, we would suggest that it would be
more advisable to lay down our native oysters in deeper water,
surrounded by fascines, and to import a different class of oysters for
laying down in the shallows. The fact that the
spat in Arcachon never fails, and that the French oysters spat
early, would point to them as a class well suited for experimenting with
on our extensive foreshores; but it must be said they seem to have
altogether failed on the Irish coast.
But the culture of the oyster as an industry is not
by any means confined to the breeding thereof, a considerable proportion
of the labour and capital employed in connection with them in England
being directed to their collection when in the condition of " brood."
They are thus termed when of very small size, and suitable for laying
down on the beds on the foreshores of Essex and other specially favoured
districts, where they are grown and fattened for the London market.
Similarly, the extensive beds of Beaumaris are replenished by dredging
on the Irish coast, whence they were brought in order to improve in
condition and flavour before being forwarded as required to the
Liverpool market.
The continued steady decrease in the supply of such
brood has sent the English boats and buyers all over the kingdom, and
much of the brood laid down some years ago came from Scotland. This
meant great injury to our coast supplies, through sweeping off the young
as they were deposited; and now that several years of a failure of spat
have supervened, there are no oysters growing up to take the place of
the parents, that continue to be fished for local supply, as well as for
occasional export. Looking to the importance of this branch of the
subject, it was necessary to consider whence a supply of "brood," or
even immature oysters of a larger growth, were to be obtained, seeing
our own supply, as well as that of the neighbourhood, had apparently
failed for the time. We had been more than once informed that those
oysters imported from America were unsuitable for our waters, and did
not thrive even if they lived. Still this seemed the most likely source,
and we determined to give it a fair trial.
The length of time most American oysters are on the
way, and the very weak condition in which they arrive in this country,
demanded more especial care in the transport. This, through the care of
a friend, we managed, first with some mature Americans, and these we
laid down carefully, allowing them only to drink through the barrel at
first, so as to prevent too sudden a change of temperature, and too much
gluttony from the rich foreshores on which they were then laid. They all
survived and throve to our satisfaction. This induced a second
experiment with young oysters of rather varied size, the smallest being
less than a shilling. These also proved to be quite acclimatisable; and
although we lost a good many thousands ultimately through a cold wind,
while in a weak condition and exposed, this did not in the least affect
the success of the experiment. Not only did these small oysters fatten
successfully this last summer, but those laid down in the month of April
had grown in six months to a remarkable degree, many having quite added
half-an-inch all round to the edge or frill of their shell. Considering
that they had to make up the loss caused by two months' starvation in
transit, and also become accustomed to entirely novel conditions of
existence, this growth seems to us a very satisfactory proof of the
suitability of our waters to their constitutions. These oysters were of
a superior character to the ordinary American with its coarse
mussel-shaped shell, having a small, clean, hard shell, that augured
well for the delicacy of the fish. In all cases it may be predicted that
a fish with a coarse shell is coarse in its own character, seeing that
the shell is really the "skeleton" of a shell-fish; and this holds good
as a rule in practice.
The result of our experience hitherto with careful
oyster culture in Scotland, may be considered therefore under two
First, As to artificial collection of the spat in
shallow water we have been unsuccessful, apparently from the same
causes— as yet unknown or only reasonably guessed at—as those affecting
other portions of the United Kingdom. So that we are unable to consider
ourselves otherwise than as still conducting a tentative undertaking,
which may yet from southern analogy be a future success.
Second, The acclimatisation of young Americans as
a source of supplying our exhausted Scottish beds has been thoroughly
successful, and there can be no doubt that these improve vastly in
plumpness, as well as in delicacy, on those of our mud flats that are
fitted for their laying down.