By Andrew Slater, Wyreside Cottage, Lancaster.
[Premium—Five Sovereigns.]
On purely pastoral, or farms of mixed husbandry, where
a greater or less extent of land is retained as permanent hay meadows, the
operation of haymaking becomes an important item in the work of the farm.
Where hay forms the principal food for the winter keep of cattle, their
appearance and welfare will depend in a high degree on the quantity and
quality of that article. It is a well-known fact that mildewed or dusty
hay is most pernicious to the health and condition of those animals who
consume it; and although in many parts such stuff is their chief source of
sustenance during certain portions of the year, it is surprising that a
system more adapted for securing the hay crop in a better and more
palatable condition has not ere now been adopted.
Having had some experience with the methods of curing
hay in various parts of England and Scotland, it must be granted that by
far the best article is made in the former country. Some may consider that
that is owing to the superiority of the English over the Scottish climate
for haymaking, and doubtless in some of the southern and midland counties
such is the case; but here (Lancashire), where the hay is, as a rule, of
as good a quality as is to be found anywhere, the climate is inferior to
many parts of Scotland.
It cannot be denied that a considerable amount of
fodder is lost annually north of the Tweed by allowing the hay to remain
for too great a length of time exposed to the weather, either in cocks or
otherwise, and not only is the nutritiousness of the herbage lost, owing
to the action of rain or evaporation, but there are always a quantity on
the outsides and bottoms of the cocks rendered useless, and their presence
deteriorates a portion of the aftergrass, and not unfrequently causes a
considerable depreciation in the crop of the following year. No doubt, a
certain loss is sustained in a similar way on this side of the border, but
that arises either through unpropitious weather or carelessness. The
English farmer endeavours to get his hay secured, after being cut, in as
short a time as possible; he thereby saves a considerable amount in labour,
and preserves his crop in good condition. It should therefore be the
object of every one to act in a like manner; for it must be remembered
that hay long exposed to the action of rain becomes bleached and loses its
nutritiousness; indeed, in many cases the soluble materials are entirely
washed out of it, only the wood-like fibres of the stems being left; and
when exposed for too great a length of time during even dry weather, it is
considerably impaired in value, as it loses its colour and flavour, and if
it is secured so that heat will not generate in the stack, it will
frequently cut out in a dusty condition.
During the growth of grasses and clovers there is a
continual secretion of saccharine matter in the plants, but which as the
seeds ripen decreases, and when they become matured the herbage dries up,
as it were, and the nutritiousness departs from it. It is when there is
the maximum amount of this deposit in the grasses that the proper time for
mowing the meadows has arrived, as it is on the presence of this sugar in
the plants that the chief feeding qualities of the fodder depends. It is
therefore reckoned, by competent authorities, to be when the majority of
the grasses are in flower that the greatest amount of that substance is
contained in the plants, and it is then that cutting should commence. The
longer this operation is delayed after the herbage attains that state, the
crop will be of less value, but should it be mown in time, it will be more
valuable, although perhaps of rather less bulk; this will be made up,
however, by the extra quantity of aftergrass.
The chief object in haymaking is to manage the crop so
that it may be stored to keep in safety, and to come out of the stack of a
richer flavour and in a more palatable state than when it was put in. That
is brought about by fermentation, when no doubt certain chemical changes
take place in the hay during that process, which alters its condition. Of
course, there is a danger, if the crop has been got too hurriedly, of the
stack becoming too hot, so that the fodder becomes "mow burnt" or takes
fire, but that seldom occurs if due caution is exercised by those in
charge. Hay, when it comes out of the stack of a brownish colour, is that
most relished by all kinds of stock; they will consume every stalk, and
cows thrive and milk better off such than when fed on hay that has either
undergone but a slight fermentation or none at all.
The length of time that elapses by the English system
between the cutting and stacking of the crop, depends upon the quality and
weight of the growth, the quantity that is to be stored together, and
above all, on the state of the weather. Rich well-manured meadows yielding
heavy crops of nutritious grasses may be put together in stacks of from
fifty loads and upwards, in sunny weather, on the fourth day after being
mown; but it may, if the crop is only of medium bulk, be carried on the
afternoon of the third day. We have occasionally during very fine weather
secured some on the afternoon of the second day, but it required a
continuous working to make it ready. On poorer meadows, with herbage of an
inferior description, the grasses are sooner dried, and can
be stored in fine weather, with little trouble, on the third day; and
where only a dozen or twenty loads are to be put together, it may be
frequently carted on the evening of the second day. Of course, if the
weather be cloudy, a greater length of time intervenes between the cutting
and carting; and if rain sets in during the hay harvest, as it frequently
does, an unlimited amount of time may elapse before an opportunity occurs
for securing it. Under such atmospheric conditions, the work becomes both
tedious and costly, and the fodder* of an inferior quality.
The practice of putting a load or two together in ricks
throughout, or on the margin of the meadows, is no doubt a convenient one
for the time being, but it is doubtful if there is anything else in its
favour, as a considerable amount is expended in labour, by first ricking,
and afterwards carting and storing it in greater bulk elsewhere; there are
also a portion of the tops, outsides, and bottoms of the ricks rendered
unfit for food, and a loss is sustained in seeds by being changed from one
position to another; and as there is not a sufficient body of hay together
to cause it to sweat thoroughly, it does not turn out with the requisite
flavour. Supposing, however, that a certain amount of heat did generate in
the rick, it is highly probable that it would not have become properly
cool before it had to be removed somewhere else, and owing to the sudden
lowering of the temperature by being opened up, there would be a
considerable quantity of moisture throughout the hay, which would
ultimately render it more or less, according to the amount, into a musty
and badly flavoured condition. The hay should therefore, when ready, be at
once taken to the stack or wherever it is to be permanently stored, to
which a supply may be added daily until the requisite quantity is got
together. If a few days intervene between the last, and before another
addition is to be added, it will be necessary to remove the damp hay off
the upper surface of the stack, which was caused by the vapour arising
from the body of hay underneath, to prevent a mouldy seam from forming at
that point.
A greater number of men should not be allowed on the
stack than is necessary to keep the forkers going, as it should be allowed
to settle of itself; and it will be found, if it has heated satisfactorily
when cut into, to be in a far more solid condition, and therefore in a
better state for removing after being trussed than unfermented hay that
has received an unlimited amount of tramping.
Large stacks should not be cut into for at least three
months, as they will take that length of time to cool down to their normal
To prevent rain from damaging the hay when the stack is
in progress and until it is thatched, a waterproof cover will be found
useful, having the necessary appendages, viz., a pole for placing erect at
each end of the stack, and another stretching between them, with pulleys
and ropes for raising and lowering the cover when placed across the
horizontal pole.
With these observations, we will now proceed to give in
detail the different daily operations as practised by us from the cutting
to the securing of the crop.
On the first, as on all subsequent mornings, an early
start is made with the mowing machine, and a section is cut off if
possible by breakfast time (nine o'clock), which is at once shaken out
either by hand or by the hay tedder. If the weather be sunny it is turned
with the rakes before dinner, and in the middle of the afternoon it is run
into small single rows; that is done by the workmen with their rakes
drawing in one direction about two of the rows that were previously turned
into one, and they keep a foot on each side of them as they move
along—straddle them, so to speak—so as to keep them compactly together.
After the whole section has been gone over in the way just mentioned, they
return to the starting-point and put it into what is termed foot-cocks, of
a size suitable to the state of the grass; this is performed by the
operators commencing at the ends of the rows, and with their rakes draw
cleanly about a couple of feet of their length towards them ; they then
face about and place one of their feet close under that gathered, and
reaches forward, drawing together with the rake as much as will complete
the cock, they then with a jerk of the rake and foot place that which was
first drawn in underneath and the last on the top. This is a most
expeditious and satisfactory method of securing the grass from the effects
of showers or dew, as rain does not penetrate readily into them, and if
they are made before the grass becomes cool they dry wonderfully during
the course of a night.
On the second day the grass that was cut after
breakfast time on the first day and previous to that time on this is
thoroughly shaken out, and so soon as the ground has become dry, the
foot-cocks are shaken out with the hand, and particular care is observed
in clearing their bottoms properly off the ground, and separating any
lumps of grass that may have been left unshaken at first. That which was
tedded out in the morning is turned, if possible, before dinner, following
with the same operation on that which was broken out of the cocks. The
whole is then, about mid-afternoon, prepared for cocking by first raking
the grass into single rows, and then the hay that was shaken out of the
cocks in the morning is rowed in a similar manner, only a greater bulk may
be drawn together. It may all remain in that state until five or six
o'clock, when the first is put into small foot-cocks, as previously
described, and the latter into larger; but if there be signs of rain, and
the hay fairly dry, it is desirable to place it into double cocks, that
is, the hay is drawn together as for a single cock, but when the second is
drawn together, it is lifted, before it is turned up, with the rake on one
side and the hand on the other, and laid neatly on the top of the first
made; any hay that may be scattered between it and the end of the
ungathered row is raked forward into the latter.
On the third, as on the previous mornings, all the
grass lying in swaths is shaken out, and immediately the ground is
sufficiently dry the large cocks are scattered and afterwards the
foot-cocks; the grass that was shaken in the morning is then turned, next
that which was in large cocks, and lastly that which was in the small
ones. After noon, if the weather has been dry and sunny, and the crop a
medium one, the first mown hay will be ready for stacking, but possibly it
may be advisable to again stir it, either with the rakes or reversing the
action of the hay tedder, and passing it over it, the haymakers meanwhile
rowing into small rows the grass first tedded, and in larger ones that
which was shaken out of foot-cocks in the morning. Should that, however,
which was first mown, either through dull weather or any other cause, not
be in quite a satisfactory state for carting, it is run into double rows
by one man drawing the hay inwards with his rake as for a single row, but
with both feet on the cleared side, and another following drawing from the
opposite direction into the row made by the first, keeping a foot on each
side of the double row thus formed as he goes along. That is then in the
evening put in large double cocks in the same way as already described for
the extra-sized single rows formed on the second day; all the smaller rows
are then cocked neatly up.
On the fourth day, if it was necessary on the day
previous to put up the double cocks just noticed, they are, as soon as the
dew is off the ground, shaken out. Afterwards, when any dampness that may
have gathered in their interior during the night has been removed, or
whenever, if the day is likely to be fine, it can by the pressure of other
operations be reached, it is drawn into large windrows with the aid of a
horse-rake or by forks and hand-rakes, and either forked on to carts and
conveyed to the stack, or if the stack be in the meadow, it may be drawn
to it by some of the more convenient methods. The other operations on
this, as on all successive days, follow in the same order as previously
indicated until the whole crop is secured. It frequently happens, owing to
the continuance of fine weather and the pressure of other work, that the
grass shaken out in the morning is left uncocked; but we always endeavour,
when it has reached anything like the semblance of hay, to cock it every
evening. In unsettled weather it is unadvisable to have more on hand than
can be properly managed with the strength at command, although grass when
cut dry may remain in the swathe for five or six days without suffering
much damage, but at the end of that time it should be turned over to
prevent it from turning yellow underneath, and if fine weather sets in it
will be made into hay with little trouble. Grass that has become
discoloured and bleached by exposure will partially regain its colour and
flavour if it is got in in a thoroughly dry condition, but containing some
of its natural sap, so as to generate a certain amount of heat when
stored, and it will be consumed readily enough by stock, although they may
not do so well upon it. If, however, the rain water is not properly
evaporated from the hay before it is stacked it will invariably become
mildewed. In fine weather the mowing machine should be kept going whenever
the horses can be spared, so as to reap the benefit of every hour of
sunshine, and every effort should be made to secure on each day all that
is in a fit state for storing.
The cost of haymaking by the foregoing process, in this
district, will average, taking one season with another, about twenty-two
shillings per acre, exclusive of horse labour; but if, instead of having
to pay all our labourers 5s. 6d. per day during the hay harvest, they
received only their ordinary wages, the cost would not much exceed half
that amount. The farmers in general secure theirs at a less figure than
the foregoing, as they do not, as a rule, expend so much labour upon it,
cocking it only when there is any likelihood of rain, and as there are on
most farms, barns for the accommodation of the hay, which is built therein
in mows, containing from a dozen to twenty-five loads in each, the hay can
be stored to keep in safety when in a considerably softer state than when
put together in greater quantities.
The practice of trussing the hay into convenient-sized
trusses, out of the stack when it becomes necessary to remove it for use,
is an excellent one, and ought always to be adopted, as there will be none
wasted if due care be exercised in the operation; and for convenience in
loading and unloading, and in packing it together in lofts or elsewhere,
or for retaining its flavour, it is far superior to the slovenly system of
forking it loosely from the stack and storing it again in the same state
where it may be required, as every time it is moved there is a
considerable waste of hay and seeds, and it cannot be packed in the same
compass, nor does it keep so well in a loose state wherever it may be put;
but more especially is that so when it is lodged in lofts over stables, as
there the moisture and aroma arising from the horses permeates the whole
stock, renders it less palatable, and entails further waste. That is to a
certain extent avoided with trussed hay, as the trusses are in a solid
condition and can be packed closely together, so that at the most their
outsides would be the only portions affected.
Supplementary Remarks.
As to the making and curing of ryegrass and clover hay,
a greater length of time must intervene between the cutting and storing of
the crop, as it ought to be handled as seldom as possible, so that the
leaves, seeds, and flowers of the different varieties of plants of which
the crops may be composed be preserved entire. These crops should,
therefore, be mown when perfectly dry, and allowed to remain in the swathe
until the second or third day, when it should be turned cleanly over with
the heads of the rakes, allowing it in that position to have the benefit
of a couple of days' sun, cocking it, however, in the evening of the
second day before it has become cool. It may have to remain in these cocks
for two or three days, but that will depend on the state it was in when
put together, and also upon the weather. Before carting it to where it is
to be permanently stored, it may be necessary to turn the cocks upside
down, or open them up, so that any dampness that may have gathered on
their bottoms or insides may be removed. It may be pointed out that these
crops should never be ricked in small quantities in the fields, as there
will be a greater amount of waste take place in their removal than with
the meadow hay crop, and like that crop a moderate fermentation is
necessary so as to add to its value as an article of fodder.
It sometimes occurs that, during unsettled weather, the
crops may be stacked too hurriedly, consequently there will be a risk of
the fodder becoming overheated. Under such circumstances, some precautions
should be taken when building to counteract that tendency—such, for
instance, as having a bag filled with hay or chaff in the centre of the
stack, and building around it, but drawing it up as every layer or two is
added; there will thus be a vacuity formed for the passage of air, and it
will materially assist in preventing overheating. When hay is put together
in too soft a state, it settles and generates heat quickly; if, however,
the settling was prevented, the danger of it becoming "mow burnt" would be
obviated. Now, one reason why hay can be stored in barns in a softer state
than into stacks, is because the ends of the "mows" are in contact with
the walls, and these prevent it from becoming consolidated. To prevent
that taking place in stacks or very large "mows," a spruce tree with a
foot or two of the branches left on the trunk, is sometimes placed erect
in the centre of the intended stack and the hay built around it; of
course, if the stack is a large one, two or more of these may be used.
Although these hints are given, it seldom is necessary in practice to
adopt them, and it is better that it should be so, as the best hay is made
when no artificial method of tampering with the regular course of the
stack is used further than propping it to keep it in an erect position,
and from settling too quickly.
When fermentation is going on satisfactorily in stacks
or mows the steam will arise pretty freely, and the smell arising
therefrom can be felt at a considerable distance; in the course of a month
or six weeks this aroma feels something like the smell of sweet tobacco,
and can only be felt at a distance of a few yards. If it is becoming too
hot the smell will be quite different, and can be recognised at once, and
the utmost attention should then be paid to the stack. If an iron rod has
not been previously inserted into its centre, this should at once be done,
and when withdrawn in the course of an hour, if it is too hot to be
touched by the hand, then one or more openings should be cut from the top
downwards to within a few feet of the bottom, of a size sufficiently large
to permit the men to work freely ; these as soon as made should be filled
firmly up with old dry hay, into which the hot vapour will escape, and it
can, when fully saturated, be removed and a fresh supply put in its place.
Should the opening thus formed be left vacant, the temperature in the
stack would be too suddenly reduced, causing a considerable quantity of
moisture to be retained amongst the hay, which would ultimately cause it
to become mildewed.
No body of hay ought to be cut into unless it is
absolutely necessary to do so to prevent it from being destroyed, for it
ought to be remembered that overheated hay is much superior to that which
is full of dust or which has become mildewed. |