In Scotland, till a comparatively recent period, there
were three distinct races of men inhabiting different parts of the
country, which could be clearly defined. The Lowlands, except Caithness,
were inhabited by that mixed race to which the name of Anglo-Saxon is
generally applied. This is an energetic race, sprung from a mixture of the
bold and hardy natives which have at different times invaded the country,
and settled among its original inhabitants. These were the Goths, the
Romans, the Gauls or Celts, the Saxons, the Danes, the Normans, and the
Norsemen. In Galloway in the south, and in the north-east from Forfar to
Banff, there was probably a larger admixture than elsewhere of the old
Pictish element. The Highlands were occupied by a purely Celtic race,
retaining their ancient language, and showing in their configuration and
general character the peculiarities of the Celt. In the islands of the
north, in Caithness, and in the fishing villages as far south as Newhaven,
the majority of the inhabitants are of purely Norse descent, but they have
adopted the language and generally the customs of the country in which
they live. Till the year 1820 these were the three races of men in
Scotland, but during that year began an invasion or immigration of Irish,
which slowly increased, till it attained large dimensions about 1840, when
the making of railways began, and now in many towns the Irish are from
five to fifteen per cent. of the whole population. If we include children
born to Irish parents in this country, there is probably thirty per cent.
in some towns of Irish extraction. The immigration of such a body of
labourers of the lowest class, with untidy habits, and with scarcely any
education, has exerted a prejudicial influence especially in the west. The
great bulk of the Irish have not improved by contiguity with the native
Scots, but the earlier inhabitants have become deteriorated by associating
with their new neighbours.
Understanding the term peasant as denoting a
countryman, a rustic, or one whose occupation is rural labour, the class,
in many parts of Scotland, differs materially in physiological condition,
as well as in other respects, from its state in past times. Three hundred
years ago the peasantry in the south of Scotland, especially on the great
estates of the church, consisted of several distinct grades. One class,
known as bondsmen or serfs, occupied a position little superior to the
oxen of which they had charge, and were often transferred, along with
other stock on the land, from one proprietor to another. Besides the
hereditary bondsmen, over whom the feudal lords of the manor exercised
large powers of compulsory servitude, there were other classes who might
properly be designated peasants. In particular, there were the cottars,
usually collected in hamlets, and corresponding in position to the
crofters of modern times. Each cottar occupied from one to nine acres of
land, the rent of which varied from one to six shillings yearly, with
services not exceeding nine days' labour. There was another grade called
husbandmen, of whom there were many on the lands of Kelso Abbey, and who
held from the Abbey, by a yearly tenure, a definite quantity of land
called a husbandland, estimated at 26 Scotch or 32 English acres, "where
scythe and plough may gang." Every tenant of a husbandland kept two oxen,
and six of them united to work the common plough, a ponderous machine
drawn by a team of twelve oxen. The husbandmen were bound to keep good
neighbourhood, and were specially compelled to furnish the requisite pair
of oxen to work the common plough. In the barony of Bowden the monks of
Kelso had twenty-eight husbandmen, each of whom paid 6s. 8d. of money
rent, besides considerable services in harvest and sheep-shearing, in
carrying peats and carting wool, and fetching the abbot's commodities from
Berwick. Still another class who might be included among the peasantry,
were the yeomen or "bonnet-lairds," who held their land in perpetuity,
paying only a moderate quit-rent, besides giving certain services in
ploughing and harvest.
Till the beginning of the eighteenth century these
classes of peasantry continued practically unchanged; and their
disappearance was so gradual that many of them continued during part of
the present century. Distinguished by their frugal habits and simple
manners, but great sincerity and earnestness in the discharge of life's
duties, their departure is viewed by many with regret:—
"That grey-haired race is gone of look sublime,
Calm in demeanour, courteous and sincere;
Yet stern when duty called them, as their clime,
When it flings off the autumnal foliage sere,
And shakes the shuddering woods with solemn voice severe."
About the Scottish rural life of the last century there
was a certain patriarchal simplicity which still throws around it a degree
of fascination. The farm-house was usually a plain, substantial edifice,
which occupied one side of a quadrangle, in which the young cattle were
folded, the other three sides being enclosed and sheltered by the barns,
stables, and other offices. A kitchen garden, stocked with the common pot
herbs then in use, and sometimes with a few fruit trees, extended on one
side, sheltered perhaps by a hedge of bourtree or alder, and often skirted
by a few aged forest trees, while the low thatched dwellings of the hinds
and cottars stood at a little distance, each with its small cabbage garden
or kail-yard, and its stack of peat or turf fuel in front. The master's
household, exclusive of his own family, would consist of six or seven
unmarried male and female servants. Besides the married farm-servants
there were cottars, who were rather a sort of farm-retainers than cottars,
and in lieu of rent gave their service to the master in hay time and
harvest, and at other stated periods. In remote districts, the farmer with
his work-people formed a little independent community, deriving their
subsistence almost exclusively from the farm, maintaining themselves with
much frugality, and always industriously occupied, but never oppressed
with work. The connection between master and servant had more of a
patriarchal and less of a commercial character than it has now. Masters
took a parental charge of servants, and the feeling was reciprocated. The
master was up first in the morning, consulting on the business of the day,
and he was seldom from home. They sat together, ate together, worked
together; and when the labours of the day were over, they conversed
familiarly together. The busy seasons were spring and autumn; and then
there was an air of hearty joyousness which made the work easy. Field
sports and athletic exercises were common in winter; and in the long
evenings there were light occupations which gave occasion for innocent
hilarity. There were two special occasions of joyous festivity— the kirn
at the close of the harvest, and the new year—in both of which all the
little community heartily joined.
With much that is admirable in the social arrangements
thus described, there was general ignorance and disregard of the
physiological laws relating to health and longevity. The situation of the
farm-house contiguous to the cattle courts was about the worst possible,
while the rooms both in the farm-house and the cottages, were small, dark,
and badly ventilated. Land was undrained, stagnant marshes were abundant,
garbage of all kinds was allowed to accumulate in front of the house; and,
in adverse seasons, which were not few, there was scarcity which at times
developed into famine. Ague and fever prevailed extensively, and small-pox
periodically carried off thousands of victims. Instead of seeking to
ascertain and remove the physical causes of these evils, our worthy
ancestors regarded them as inevitable inflictions to which patient
submission was a duty. It has been pointed out, for example, that the Rev.
Ebenezer Erskine of Portmoak lamented that his wife bore several children
while in precarious health, that in the year 1713 three of his children
died, that a fourth died in 1720, and that in 1723 a fifth was at the
point of death but recovered. He regarded these bereavements as "severe
trials" and "sore afflictions," to be endured with submission; but
incidentally he remarks that the situation of the manse was "unwholesome."
In our day prompt measures would have been taken to remove whatever was
unwholesome about the manse, and to change its site altogether if
necessary. As regards attention to physiological laws, great progress has
been made, in which the peasantry have their full share. The drainage and
better cultivation of land has been conducive to health ; and diseases
once common are now rarely witnessed. Small-pox is rare, agues have
ceased, fevers occur occasionally, but the causes and cures are so well
known that their virulence is much abated. Even the climate has been
improved by the better cultivation of land. It is known that one cubic
foot of water, in the process of evaporation, deprives three millions of
cubic feet of air of one degree of temperature; and an undrained field
growing rushes has a permanent temperature from four to six degrees lower
than an adjoining field drained and growing wheat. Besides these general
improvements, much more attention is paid to the construction of healthy
dwellings, by which many premature deaths are averted. In regard to food,
it has been ascertained precisely what is wanted to maintain a healthy
human frame. Carbon must be supplied to the lungs, and this is done by
taking a certain quantity of starch or sugar into the stomach. The fat of
the body must be maintained, and a certain proportion of fat must
therefore mingle with the food. The muscles must be sustained, and this is
done by introducing a certain proportion of glutinous or albuminous matter
into the system. A quantity of mineral matter must be added so as to keep
up the supply of flesh, blood, and bones. The necessary ingredients are
included in the oatmeal and milk, which have always formed the staple food
of the Scottish peasant; but it is all the better if to these can be added
potatoes, eggs, and some proportion of animal food. In looking at the
physiological distinctions in the condition of the Scottish peasantry, it
will be necessary to describe their condition in relation to the processes
necessary to build up and maintain in strength the physical frames of
working men and women, and to the production and development of strong and
healthy children. Nor will it be right to ignore the higher part of man's
nature, for intellectual and moral excellence, as well as physical
strength, conduce to superiority in the humbler as well as in the higher
ranks of society. It will not be necessary to give any precise statement
of physiological laws; it will be more useful to look at the condition of
the Scottish peasantry in different districts, as regards their homes,
their food, their general mode of living, pointing out what improvements
have been made in their condition tending to the maintenance of strength
and the prolongation of life, and then make any suggestions that may be
useful, with a view to promote still farther progress.
In the south-east of Scotland, including the counties
of Roxburgh, Berwick, and the Lothians, the small farmer and the
bonnet-laird have disappeared, and the cottar, together with the tradesmen
in villages, have become practically extinct; and there remain to
represent the peasantry only the shepherds, the stewards, and the
requisite number of ploughmen with their families. The best class consists
of the shepherds, who are found among the Cheviots, the Lammermuirs, and
the uplands of Selkirkshire, Dumfriesshire, Kirkcudbright, Wigtown, and
Ayr. Morally, intellectually, and physically they are a superior race of
men. In 1867, Mr. George Culley, one of the assistant commissioners on the
employment of women and young persons in agriculture, wrote regarding the
shepherds of the Cheviots:— "They are the finest set of men I ever came in
contact with." The manner in which they are paid is chiefly in stock, that
is, they have a flock of sheep called the shepherd's pack, numbering from
45 to 50, a cow's keep, 65 stones of oatmeal, a quantity of potatoes
planted, and a free house. The value of these wages depends greatly on the
price of wool and mutton, but cannot be taken at less on an average than
£50 a-year. Often they have more than one cow, and the butter made by the
careful housewives in these shepherds' houses on the Cheviots, redolent of
green pastures and clear cold spring water, brings the highest price in
the market. The shepherds have the sole charge of flocks pastured on
stormy hills, and thus occupy a position of great trust and
responsibility. They have a high repute for honesty and sagacity, and are
often more careful than the master himself. The same family retains the
herding from one generation to another. Probably nothing can be done to
improve the physiological condition of these shepherds and their families.
They have pure air, fairly commodious cottages, and abundance of meal,
potatoes, milk, and eggs, with a proportion of animal food. At certain
times of the year they have hard work, anxiety, and exposure, and at all
times they are liable to get wet, though their strong boots and thick
plaids offer a good defence against both wet and cold. At other times they
have light work and a good deal of leisure, which is partly devoted to
mental culture. They are a long lived race, and it has been observed that
the parish of Kirknewton, at the east end of the Cheviots, has the lowest
death-rate of any parish in England, but in old age they sometimes suffer
from rheumatism. The self-reliance and ability of the shepherds are
manifested in various ways, one of which is the maintenance and management
of shows for the stock of shepherds and ploughmen.
The ploughmen of the eastern border counties resemble
the shepherds, so far as regards house accommodation and payment in kind;
but they have less responsibility and discretionary power, and life with
them is monotonous and mechanical. In this district, as observed by Mr.
George Culley, "the system of payment in kind receives its widest
development." A married farm-servant receives only £5 in money, the rest
of the wages consisting of a cottage rent free, the keep of a cow,
carriage of fuel, potato ground, and certain allowances of oats or
oatmeal, barley, and peas, In Perthshire the grain payments are reduced to
an allowance of oatmeal, and, instead of a cow's keep, a Scotch pint of
new milk is given daily, the money wage being increased to about £20. In
Fife the same system prevails, and the change to the cow and the grain
payments of the border counties takes place gradually from about the line
of the Forth. Formerly cows, as part payment of ploughmen's wages, were
common in West and Mid-Lothian, but now they are rare, if not quite
extinct, in the former county, and in the northern or more populous part
of the latter. It is not till we enter Haddingtonshire that we find the
cow regularly established as part of the ploughman's wages.
Objections are raised against the whole system of
payments in kind. On the one hand it is said that the ploughman is thereby
placed at the mercy of a hard master, or an unscrupulous steward, that if
the harvest be unpropitious he is paid with inferior grain, and that,
having little money, the householder is compelled to barter his corn or
meal for other commodities, and is not always able to sell it to the best
advantage. Masters, on the other hand, complain that men are less easily
pleased than formerly in respect of gains, and that both trouble and
ill-feeling would be saved if the payments were made in money. It seems
obvious, however, that payment in kind is best for the ploughman, but in
the case of those with small households it might be so modified that less
meal and more money could be given, and so the necessity for selling meal
would be avoided. The advantages of the system are certainty of payment
for the whole year both in health and in sickness, the absence of
temptation to spend money, or to work overtime, as in piecework; a
constant supply of good wholesome food at prime cost, including abundance
of meal and milk, butter, cheese, vegetables, home-fed bacon, and fuel
brought to the door free of charge. There are exceptions, doubtless, but
as a rule those who are paid in kind are best off. The opinion of Mr.
George Culley on this point is emphatic:—"The most comfortable houses, and
the most contented labourers, are to be found in that part of my district
in which the kind payment is most developed. No small part of these
advantages I would assign to the cow. There is an absolute gain between
the cost of the cow's keep to the farmer, and its value to the labourer,
arising from the industry and attention of his wife. To attend to her
household duties and her cow is sufficient employment for the farm-labourer's
wife in the cow counties, and both are well attended to." Besides
furnishing good food for the children and congenial occupation to the
wife, the possession of a cow adds to a ploughman's sense of self-respect.
There is pleasure in being the absolute owner of live stock, even though
it be only a cow and a pig. Every member of a working man's family takes
an interest in "our cow;" and there is always more or less hopefulness in
the idea that the family gains may be increased by the produce of the cow.
There is also a spirit of friendly emulation among working men who shall
have the best cow, and make the most of her produce. It is also a direct
inducement to economy and good management, so as to make out a good
balance of profit. Agricultural societies recognise these principles, by
including in the list of premiums a set of prizes for working men's cows
and their produce. Another advantage consists in the business training and
the mental occupation which some working men derive from the management of
Cow Insurance Clubs. A good many of these exist in the counties of
Haddington, Berwick, and Roxburgh, and the general arrangement is that by
a payment of 8s. or 10s. a-year, £12 or thereby shall be obtained from the
club on the death of a cow. In connection with the garden and potatoes in
the field, also, there is pleasant occupation; and it is a source of
honest pride to look on a tidy garden with a good crop of potatoes. It is
to be regretted that fruit, even of the small and common kind, seldom
forms any portion of a working man's crop. This may be owing in part to
frequent flittings, which make it impossible for anyone to be sure that he
will eat the gooseberries even though he plant the bushes; but the want of
some gooseberry and currant bushes is a palpable defect. With the warm
summer weather comes a desire for fruit, and if a corner of a working
man's garden could be reserved for such a crop, there would be less
likelihood of those garden depredations in which young people are prone to
indulge. It is desirable that bees should be added to the live stock of
working men. They would be a source of interesting occupation, and might
yield a profit, while they would furnish many a lesson of diligent
perseverance. The system as now existing includes many advantages of the
croft system, without the disadvantages of squalid huts, insufficient
occupation, and uncertain returns. Nor can it be said with truth that even
female workers are over-taxed. In summer they must be early at work in the
morning, but they are physically a splendid race, and their healthful and
cheerful looks in the turnip or harvest field, with their substantial and
suitable dress, present a favourable comparison with those of any other
operatives in the kingdom. Medical evidence is overwhelming as to the
absence of disease, and the usual complaints attendant on debility. Many
of them are equally conspicuous as good wives and mothers.
House accommodation in the south and east of Scotland
is generally good; on some estates it is excellent. The cottages are
provided by land-owners, and are held by the farmer on the same terms as
his own dwelling and other farm-buildings. In cottage building great
progress has been made during the past fifty years, and in promoting this
movement the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland has done its
part. Impressed with a desire to improve the condition of the working
classes, and anxious to remove the reproach which our southern neighbours
had cast on the Scottish peasantry, of being deficient in habits of order
and cleanliness, the Society proposed to give premiums, under certain
regulations, to a limited number of parishes, for the best kept cottages
and gardens. It soon appeared that the root of the matter had not been
reached, and that, instead of offering premiums to cottagers for the best
kept dwelling, the first step in the process should be to offer premiums
to the proprietors who should build on their estates the most approved
specimens of cottages, and afterwards to those who should improve existing
houses. In the premium list of 1847, the Society offered its gold medal to
" the proprietor in Scotland who shall have erected on his estate in 1847,
1848, and 1849 the most approved farm-steading, having reference to the
accommodation of farm-servants." Gradually the efforts of the Society bore
fruit, and in 1867 Mr. George Culley wrote:— "There is probably no
district in Scotland where the improvements in cottage accommodation has
made so much progress as in the south-eastern counties. I know no county
in England where the average cottage accommodation is as good as in
Berwickshire, a remark which would also apply to part of Roxburghshire and
East Lothian."
In the south-west of Scotland the condition of the
peasantry differs materially from that which has been described above.
Shepherds, indeed, in the pastoral districts of Dumfriesshire are
unsurpassed by rural labourers anywhere. They are possessed of great
intelligence and integrity and self-reliance. Living retired among the
hills, they have no opportunity of spending money, and the strictest
economy is practised as a matter of necessity, though it becomes also a
habit. They are generally paid in kind, having a pack of forty-five sheep,
pasture and hay for a cow, an acre of land rent free, sixty stones of
oatmeal, and a free house. The practice of paying in kind, however, is
falling into disuse, which is matter for regret, as it will destroy that
community of interest between employer and employed, which, apart from
fidelity, is one of the best securities for faithful service; and it will
reduce a most worthy class of men to the level of a married ploughman in
the district, whose one object is to live from day to day, leaving to his
children the same prospect of hopeless toil which has marked his own
career. In Ayrshire, the shepherds have no pack of sheep, but have pasture
and hay for two cows, ten bolls of meal, a cart-load of potatoes, fuel
carted, a cottage and garden free, and from £16 to £18 in money. Farms are
smaller than in the eastern counties, and not a few are worked with one
pair of horses, in which case the labour is done by the farmer and his
family, with occasional help from cottars. Agricultural labourers are paid
partly in money, partly in kind, including ten bolls of oatmeal, a ton of
potatoes, or the use of land to grow them, coal or peat, food in harvest,
and a cottage with a small garden rent free; but there is rarely allowed
the privilege of keeping a cow or even a pig, on the ground that this
affords inducements to little acts of peculation. On some farms the
servants, male and female, are boarded in the kitchen, in which case they
have for dinner butcher meat or bacon with vegetables. Day labourers
rarely taste animal food. Their dinner consists generally of bread and
cheese and tea; their supper of porridge or potatoes, with such milk as
they can obtain. On some estates good houses have been provided, which are
not in all cases appreciated, and it is a common practice to put as many
beds as possible into the kitchen, because it is alleged to be unsafe in
such a moist climate to sleep in a room without a fire. In Dumfriesshire,
and in the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, the wives of cottars often work in
the fields, and, in general, make bad housekeepers. Food is wasted,
because it is badly cooked; and even when the family earnings are
considerable, there is little comfort owing to defective arrangements. In
Wigtownshire payments are generally made in kind, but wages are lower than
in counties further east, because of the influx of Irish labourers, and
the consequent superabundance of workers.
In the counties of Ayr, Renfrew, and Lanark the
condition of the peasantry is anything but satisfactory. Part of the work
is done by gangs, locally called "squads," consisting chiefly of the wives
and daughters of Irishmen, who in large numbers have settled in the
district. A good deal of work is done also by the wives of miners, who,
though earning high wages, find it necessary to supplement them, as their
style of living is extravagant. House accommodation is poor, few cottages
having more than one room, into which are crowded husband, wife, and
perhaps seven or eight children. Morally and intellectually, the farm
labourers of Ayrshire have deteriorated. An adverse influence has been
exerted by the intermixture of Irish immigrants, who have gradually
overspread the county. The mode of living has also changed. Formerly the
agricultural labourer was contented with oatmeal porridge and potatoes,
with milk, for his daily food, but now tea and wheaten bread form a large
part of his diet, which increase expenditure, while really less conducive
to vigour. Tea, tobacco, and whisky consume a large portion of the wages;
and generally the labourer spends all his earnings, looking to the
poor-rate as a last resource. Nor do the wives as a rule make the most of
the household income; and farmers have been known to part with good
servants because they had got into difficulties through the wife's
extravagance. In the counties of Renfrew and Lanark the population is very
mixed, both Highlanders and Irish having largely intermingled with the
original inhabitants. The farms are generally small, and the tenant is
little higher in the social scale than the labourer. Often the farmer or
his son will hold the plough, while the wife and daughters, with the aid
of perhaps one servant, will do the housework, and take charge of perhaps
twenty cows. The servants, male and female, are boarded in the
farm-kitchen, and the whole household eats at the same table. Married men
and their families have porridge and milk for breakfast; oat-cake or other
bread, with butter and cheese, for dinner; and potatoes with salt for
supper. It is not uncommon for a farmer's son to become a ploughman, or
for a ploughman to get a farm, but often the farmer has less ready money
than his servant. The farmer and his household are compelled to work hard,
with little leisure, and not much comfort beyond the . sense of
comparative independence.
The "kitchen system," as it is called, which exists
largely in the counties of Lanark and Renfrew, is found also in the
counties of Aberdeen and Banff. It is undoubtedly preferable to the bothy
system, which prevails in the counties of Perth, Fife, Forfar, and
Kincardine. Admitting that in some instances men are well cared for in
bothies, this is not always the case; and, in any circumstances, it is a
state of matters only to be tolerated because it is necessary. Without
discussing the question whether or not it tends to immorality, we may say
it is an unnatural way of living, and the only right plan is for men and
women to have facilities for marriage at a proper age. In this respect the
kitchen system is also defective, and the cottage system alone is
defensible. The kitchen system can exist only where a farmer is willing to
associate with his work-people, and dine at the same table. But when farms
increase in size, and the tenant rises in the social scale, he objects to
mingle with his servants, and the ladies of the household will not endure
the inconvenience caused by a troop of dirty field-workers invading the
kitchen three times a-day. It is said, also, to have become unworkable,
for the additional reasons that the men are less easily pleased about
food, and that immorality results from associating with the female
servants in the kitchen. If this be true, it seems to indicate a
deterioration in moral character among the peasantry, but it confirms the
opinion that the natural way of living is the cottage system, where men
and women can live in families.
In the West and North Highlands and the Hebrides the
physiological condition of the people is peculiar. There is a mixture of
the Celtic and the Scandinavian races, the latter distinguished by fair
hair and skin, blue eyes, greater stature, and a less impulsive
temperament than the Celt, of whom the distinctive features are angular
lines about the cheeks and chin, darker skin and hair, smaller stature,
and a more fiery and impulsive nature than either the Saxon Lowlander, or
the Scandinavian. In parts of Argyleshire, including some of the more
southerly islands of the Hebrides, the physiological condition of the
peasantry is not satisfactory. They are deficient in thrift, and are far
behind in the knowledge and practice of good economical cookery. Instead
of getting oatmeal, or even wheatmeal, and baking bread, they make
housekeeping expensive by the constant use of the less nourishing fine
loaves, biscuits, tea, and sugar. Much money is spent on strong drink,
tea, and tobacco. Employers of labour neglect to provide for their workmen
an abundant supply of milk, and so they are driven to the less wholesome
and more expensive commodities of tea and beer. Nor do employers furnish
their work-people with a plot of garden ground, the keeping of which would
provide food for mind and body. Even the keeping of fowls is prohibited;
and there are no pigs. Lethargy is a prevailing characteristic; and we
have witnessed, in Argyleshire, manse gardens overgrown with weeds, with
trees and bushes unpruned; and so the little spots which should have been
specimens of rich cultivation, were fair illustrations of the sluggard's
garden. We might hope that the spread of education would tend to improve
the condition of the peasantry; but this expectation is discouraged when
we see that parish ministers, who should be educated men, are no better
than their neighbours. Better wages would not, meanwhile, produce greater
comfort; the great want is such a change in the habits of the people as
shall promote intelligence, thrift, industry, economy, cleanliness, and
self-respect among the community.
The croft system, once common in Scotland, has
gradually receded northward, till little of it is found in
Argyleshire, almost none in the islands of Islay and Mull, but a larger
amount in the counties of Inverness and Ross, and a great deal in the
islands of Skye and Lewis. It is generally characterised by poor industry,
meagre returns, and a state of poverty bordering on starvation ; but under
certain conditions and regulations the system is not without some good
features. As a specimen of its working under fair auspices, we submit a
picture, of which the materials were gathered from personal observation in
the island of Skye during the summer of 1881. The crofts referred to are
on the estate of Grishornish, owned by Kenneth Macleod Robertson, Esq., to
whom it was bequeathed by an uncle ; and it is managed during his son's
minority by John Robertson, Esq. About thirty-nine families are united
into what is locally called a township, which, in this instance, includes
a "club farm." Each member of the little community has a house,
together with a lot or a half lot of arable land. The occupier of a lot
pays £8 a-year; the occupier of half a lot pays £4. On a lot may be sown
four bolls of oats, on half a lot two bolls, and the space occupied with
potatoes will be about a quarter of the space occupied by oats. Every
householder builds his own house, and keeps it in repair. The houses are
constructed of loose stones, without cement, built into a wall six feet
high, and the roof is thatched. Those we entered were capacious enough,
having a kitchen, generally with a fire in the middle of the floor, and a
wide chimney right over it, and in a corner at the further end, a door
opening into an inner apartment, where were a bed or two, and the best
furniture. In these ben ends, the fireplace was usually at the side, with,
in most cases, some kind of grate. In one kitchen was a neat little range,
with the oven on one side, and hot water on the other. In some instances
the cows entered at the same door with the family, and occupied an open
space, which was separated only by a thin partition from the kitchen, and
it was thickly bedded with short heather, but in most cases there were
out-houses for the cattle. If any family leave the place, valuators are
appointed, and the house is handed over to his successor, who is bound to
pay the outgoing tenant whatever the valuators may determine. Each tenant
of a lot can keep four cows with their followers for one year; the
occupier of half a lot can keep two cows with their followers. In summer,
the cows pasture on the hills; after the crops are removed, they graze
over the lots; and in winter each crofter maintains his own stock with the
help of what has been produced on his croft. If anyone is unable to
acquire the requisite number of cattle, he can sub-let part of his right
to a neighbour; but any accumulation of strength by a member of the little
fraternity is discouraged; and the man who acquires more than his proper
share has to pay a small premium for his success. There are six horses in
the township, and anyone who gets the use of them pays for it; but most of
the work is done with the crooked spade. In addition to their arable
crofts, the thirty-nine families own a flock of sheep, over 750 in number,
which are pastured on the hill. No individual owns any particular
sheep—the whole flock is the property of the corporation, and is tended by
a shepherd, under the superintendence of two managers elected by the
tenants. The managers are responsible for all sales and expenses, the
shepherd has sole charge of the sheep, and the accounts are settled once
a-year. In the beginning of 1881 the result of a division gave to each
occupier of a lot £5, 8s. 2d., which, set against his rent of £8, left £2,
11s. 10d.. to be made up from his croft or otherwise for rent, besides the
maintenance of his family. The occupier of a lot will obtain from £12 to
£16 a-year for stirks. The food in winter consists largely of potatoes and
fish. If need be, they can make an economical dinner from shell-fish
gathered on the shore. In summer they have oatmeal, milk, and eggs.
Butcher meat they never taste. Eggs are abundant. The hens, inhabiting the
same house with the human beings, are kept warm in winter, and, as a
consequence, begin early in spring to produce eggs. Able-bodied men go to
the east coast herring fishing early in July, after their crops are
planted, returning home in September, in time for harvest, with £10 or £12
in their pockets. Wool is spun by the women, and made into garments by
weavers living in the neighbourhood, and generally the people are well and
warmly clothed. Thus they have abundance of fresh air, good clothing,
potatoes, fish, oatmeal, milk, and eggs; they have abundance of peats, and
the fish supply oil for their lamps, as well as good wholesome food.
Longevity of the Peasantry.
It seems to be established as a fact that in no country
of Europe are the inhabitants more distinguished for healthiness
longevity, and freedom from disease than they are in Scotland. The
mountainous districts of that country were placed by Buffon at the top of
a list containing those parts of Europe most noted for longevity, and Sir
John Sinclair, after a careful collation of facts, wrote, that "there is
no country where, in proportion to its population, a greater number reach
sixty, eighty, or even ninety years of age and upwards, in full possession
of all their faculties, both intellectual and mental, than in this part of
Great Britain." This is the more remarkable, as the great body of the
people had not, a hundred years ago, and have not now, those conveniences
of life which are necessary to nurse old age; and it seems to indicate how
much depends on a good climate, conjoined with active exercise and
moderate living, on the natural products of the country. In all Scotland,
about the year 1798, there were 37 persons who were said to be upwards of
a hundred years old; and in the Statistical Account there were 137
others mentioned who had lived, according to good evidence, upwards of a
century. In a book published eighty years ago, Easton on Longevity,
1712 cases are recorded of persons, in all parts of the world, who had
attained the age of a hundred years and upwards between the years 1066 and
1799; and of these 170 were natives of Scotland. Two of the most
remarkable were Kentigern, or St. Mungo, who founded the bishopric of
Glasgow, a native of Scotland, and Peter Tortan or Yortan, born at
Temesvar, in Hungary, both of whom attained the age of 185. Admitting the
possibility of some mistake about Kentigern, who lived in an age when
historical records were not accurately kept, it is interesting to note
that in the seven centuries preceding 1799 one-tenth of all known
centenarians had lived in Scotland ; and it is not less important that
thirty-seven such persons were then alive. These were exceptional cases,
but materials exist which show that during the eighteenth century Scotland
contained many old people. Tables were constructed by the Rev. Mr. Wilkie,
minister of Cults, in Fife, showing the mortality of that and the
adjoining parish of Kettle, and also that of Torthorwald in Dumfriesshire,
from which it appeared that, in Fife, the expectation of life in infancy
was 40.6 years; and in Dumfriesshire the expectation of life at five years
was 54.69 years. From this it appears that a great proportion of deaths
occurred in infancy. Taking thirty-six parishes noticed in the first
volume of the Statistical Account, it appears that 40.3 was the
expectation of life in infancy, which accords very closely with Mr.
Wilkie's tables. Looking at the parishes in detail, it is found that,
apart from diseases incidental to infancy, accidents, and epidemics, the
people were healthy and long lived. From the upland parish of Cabrach, as
well as from the East Lothian parish of Athelstaneford, it was reported
that "the most common disease of which they die is that incurable one, old
age." In Marykirk, Forfarshire, most of the people died after being "worn
out by age and infirmities." In Canisbay, Caithness, "many die at an
advanced age, without the recollection of a day's illness during the whole
course of their lives." In Glenelg, notwithstanding its moist climate,
there were sixty-three persons from the age of seventy to eighty and
upwards. In the parish of Urr, Kirkcudbright, "it is not unusual to see a
labourer earn his own subsistence at the age of seventy and upwards." In
Kirkmichael parish, "it is not uncommon to see men pursuing their ordinary
occupations at eighty or ninety years of age; and men of that age
continued to be strong and active, and in the possession of every
faculty." Other reports might be quoted to the same effect; but we
conclude with the parish of Symington:— "There are always many aged people
in this parish, and what is of more importance, they preserve their vigour
and their faculties to the last. There are and have been many women past
fourscore, who travel to Edinburgh with their creels, and return by
midday; men of the same age are, many of them, not past labour; and there
are a few persons at present living in this parish, who, though
approaching ninety, are as stout and lively as some others at threescore."
During this century the length of life has increased,
but not uniformly. In 1842 Dr. Charles Wilson of Kelso made a comparison
between the ten years ending 1787 and the ten years ending 1839, from
which it appeared that the average had considerably increased; but, of the
total deaths, the proportion of persons who died under twenty years of age
was greater in the second period than in the first. It does not appear,
however, that the proportion of persons who live to an advanced age is
increasing. In 1821 there were six persons in Glasgow who were a hundred
years old or upwards. In 1851 there were 103 persons returned in the
census papers as above a hundred years of age; but only 87 in 1861, and 79
in 1871. Even the total number of persons above ninety years of age
sensibly decreased in the twenty years previous to 1871. Thus in 1851
there were 1950 returned as being over ninety years of age, but in 1861
they numbered 1882 ; and in 1871 only 1870. The greater proportion of long
lives seems to be in the north. Thus in 1851 there were 319 centenarians
in Britain, of whom 103 were in Scotland. These were distributed as
follows:—In Buteshire, 2; Renfrew, 2; Lanark, 7; Linlithgow, 1; Edinburgh,
1; Perth, 2; Forfar, 2; Aberdeen, 9; Inverness, 26; Argyle, 4; Ross and
Cromarty, 13; Sutherland, 2; Caithness, 9; Orkney and Shetland, 4;
Dumfries, 1; Kirkcudbright, 2; Wigtown, 1; Ayr, 3; Stirling, 1; Roxburgh,
1; Fife, 1; Kincardine, 1; Banff, 2; Elgin, 2. As matter of fact it is
found that the insular parts of Scotland are most noted for longevity, and
the rural districts of the mainland are next in degree. In these districts
there is a lower mortality at all ages compared with the towns. Thus, in
1871, of every 1000 females under one year of age 101 died in the rural
districts of the mainland, but 167 in the towns; of 1000 from one to five
years, 42 in the rural, 82 in the towns; from five to ten years, 7 in the
country, 12 in the towns; from twenty to twenty-five years, 7 in the
country, but 9 in the towns; from forty to forty-five years, 9 in the
country, 16 in the towns; from sixty to sixty-five years, 24 in the
country, and 38 in the towns. The greater salubrity of the country and
rural pursuits is proved by repeated returns issued by the
Registrar-General. Thus, in the ten years ending with 1867, for every
10,000 persons in each group of districts there occurred 286 deaths in the
principal towns, 250 in the large towns, 217 in the small towns, but only
173 in the rural districts. For results like these anyone conversant with
country life was, in a manner, prepared by personal observation. Thirty or
forty years ago it was common for shoemakers, tailors, and weavers, with
their wives, to spend three or four weeks in the country, helping with the
harvest each year; and though their usual occupation was sedentary, and
shearing corn was hard work, and the fare consisted of porridge and milk
twice a-day, with bread and mild beer for dinner, they uniformly gained in
health and strength. Indeed, we question if the harvest work was not much
more beneficial than the more modern system of going a fortnight to the
sea-side, and loitering aimlessly about the sands. The gang system which
prevails in some districts is reprobated, and perhaps deservedly so; but,
composed of right materials, a "gang" may have benefits both direct and
indirect. Ten years ago reference was made to an industrial school in
Stranraer which contained seventy-five boys from eleven to sixteen years
of age, and, in addition to the trades usually taught in such
establishments, agricultural labour formed an important part of the
employment. For about two months in the year, but chiefly during the
period of turnip thinning, the school was formed into three squads or
gangs, each under the direction of a boy chosen for his steadiness and
good conduct, and the whole were under the supervision of an under master.
The squads were taken at the expense of the person requiring their
services to the farm on which they were to work. The rate of payment for
each boy was 1d. per day, which was added to the school fund. The boys
took with them their blankets and pillows; and dormitories with fresh hay
were fitted up for them in barns or out-houses, and they had three
substantial meals a-day. They acquired so good a character for expertness
in work and steadiness of conduct, that the desire to obtain their
services was general, and they were not unfrequently conveyed by rail at
the farmer's expense a distance of forty miles. The effect on the health
of the boys was very marked, and after an absence of two months, they
returned to the establishment improved both in body and mind.
From the statements already made it will be obvious
that the causes which injuriously affect the peasantry have been greatly
ameliorated. By means of agricultural improvements, conjoined with
attention to physiological laws, such diseases as ague and small-pox have
practically disappeared, and fatal epidemics of every kind are
comparatively rare. Should fever break out in any district the causes are
immediately investigated, and, if possible, removed. In many districts the
house accommodation could hardly be better; but good houses are still the
exception, as it appeared from the census of 1871 that very nearly
one-third of the whole population live in houses with only one room. It
remains uncertain, however, whether or not a house with several rooms is
essential to either health or morality. Facts seem to point in a different
direction. In a supplement to the census returns for 1861 attention was
directed to the idea that houses or even cabins of one room, without a
window, but with an aperture in the roof or side wall for egress of the
smoke, are not necessarily unhealthy. Whatever else a cottage of that kind
may want, "it has, in full perfection, that which most conduces to full
health and freedom from disease, viz., free ventilation; and though not
blessed with the cheering rays of the sun inside its walls, it is a room
more conducive to health and vigour than thousands of the cottages with
windows, where such means of free ventilation do not exist, or than those
close un-aired rooms in towns, which, though blessed with windows of fair
dimensions, never experience the benefit of a breath of fresh air." In
1871 it was shown that the Shetland Isles, while conspicuous over all
other districts for healthiness and morality, were far the worst as
regards house accommodation, as 8.35 per cent. of the people were living
in huts without windows, and 90.24 in houses of only one room. While
improved houses, therefore, are for many reasons desirable, it is
uncertain whether that kind of house gives more breathing space to those
who live in it, or whether the sexes are thereby kept more apart, than
when the same class lived in one or two rooms. In the Hebrides, as well as
in Shetland, the people living in poor houses are healthy, long-lived, and
well-conducted. In Skye the peasantry, with few advantages, are a superior
class of people. In bodily appearance they are from 5 feet 8 inches to 6
feet in height, and well-proportioned. The women are 5 feet 2 inches to 5
feet 6½ inches, handsome, with good complexions, and of active habits. The
men are distinguished for patience and ability to endure fatigue. Both men
and women are possessed of vivacity and penetration, strength of mind, and
sprightliness of disposition. Except as regards fish they are all
vegetarians; but they have warm, though far from handsome, cottages,
generally with capacious outlets for the smoke. They have abundance of
fresh air all around; they have also potatoes, oatmeal, milk, eggs, and
fish, which supply food for themselves and oil for their lamps, and they
have abundance of peat. In Islay the same healthy condition prevails. Of
69 paupers on the poor-roll of Kildalton parish in 1881 there were 33
whose ages amounted to 2576 years, giving an average of 78 years to each.
There is still a great measure of uncertainty as to the causes which
hasten death. In 1861 there was a great increase in the mortality of
Scotland, for which no reason could be assigned; and it continued to get
worse for three years, after which it abated : but the rate did not fall
to its former leyel. The increased rate was probably due to certain laws
of which we are ignorant, but which operate through secondary causes,
probably atmospheric, over which man has no control, and which all
sanitary precautions are powerless to avert. In that period, as in
ordinary seasons, the proportion of deaths was lowest in the rural
districts. Tor every thousand persons in the principal towns the deaths
were 28.186, in the large towns 24.584, in the small towns 22.085, but in
the rural districts only 17.306.