By Lewis Bayne, Kinmel Park,
Abergele, North Wales. [Premium—Five Sovereigns.]
Those who engage in
planting in extremely exposed or maritime situations need not look for
immediate and certain success, nor be disheartened by the failure to some
extent of their labours, as successful planting in such situations is
always problematical, and requires great preparation and perseverance to
ensure even moderately good results. It has been found from experience
that certain trees will grow and thrive with various success in the most
exposed situations when the soil is suitable; but when the soil is
unsuitable, the success of the planting becomes doubtful, and ought not to
be attempted without due consideration, and under any circumstance a
reasonable time must elapse before the trees planted will have much
"When the soil and subsoil
is of a tenacious and stiff nature, there will be little use of planting
any trees or shrubs without first thoroughly preparing the soil for their
reception, as without this operation their chance of success will be very
limited, even should the most suitable varieties of plants be selected.
After having the ground
intended to be planted properly fenced and enclosed, the first thing to be
done is to have it thoroughly loosened by trenching or ploughing. The
former, although the most expensive method at the beginning, is by all
means the best and most profitable in the end, and should be had recourse
to where practicable, to a depth of from 20 to 24 inches, especially when
the ground is of small extent, or when the planting is to be for
ornamental purposes. When trenching is performed, it should always be kept
in view to keep the surface soil on the top of the trenched ground, so
that the young roots of the plants may have the advantage of the best soil
to give them a good start. The under soil being well loosened by the
trenching, is also improved by the action of the atmosphere, and particles
from the good soil are washed down to it by the rain, while the surface is
kept from becoming very wet by the rain-water getting away more freely.
But when there is an over-abundance of moisture from rains or stagnant
water, it is essential to have it removed by draining. In plantations we
consider open drains the best, the depth, width, and distance between each
other to be decided upon according to the nature and circumstances of each
In very exposed situations,
where young trees are planted without the preparation of ploughing or
trenching, and the necessary draining, on stiff soils, they become
loosened by the action of the wind, and the swaying backwards and forwards
produces an open hole right round at the collar of the plant, which allows
the air to penetrate the roots. In such circumstances the roots make
little progress from the tenacity of the under soil. The holes fill with
water, which in winter freezes to the roots of the plants when frost sets
in, while the plants are often laid almost on their broad side, and make
little or no growth for a year or two. On the contrary, they are likely to
succumb to the influences of the weather from want of nourishment, which
merely for the want of preparation of the soil the roots are unable to
search for. Very different results may be expected when the ground is well
trenched or ploughed and drained, as from the looseness and dryness of the
soil on the surface and about the roots, the trees will have a chance of
sending out their spongioles in search of food, and making good root
growth, which enables them to stand the severity of the storm as well as
to make upward growth. Without good roots it is, in the writer's opinion,
impossible for trees to grow in the face of severe winds, these being
their main stay and support, and good roots they cannot have unless the
soil in which they are planted, when of a wet tenacious nature, is
thoroughly loosened and drained. On the other hand, when the soil and
subsoil is of a light or sandy nature and perfectly dry, neither
trenching, ploughing, or draining will be necessary, because it is
necessary to retain as much firmness in the ground as possible, so that
the plants may be firmly planted.
When the planting
operations have been finished, and the plants have attained a size of
affording some protection to one another from the storm, a great measure
of success will have been attained. But there is still an important part
to perform, viz., the keeping and maintaining of the plantation, which
will require great attention and judicious management until the trees have
arrived at timber size. If the trees are neglected in any way, say from
want of timely thinning, and allowed to be drawn up, their after chance of
success and renovation by late thinning will be very small indeed; they
will probably either be perished to such an extent as to become stunted,
or on being thinned the wind may entirely overthrow them. "When drawn up,
they will have but small roots to struggle against the wind, and thus be
the less able to withstand a storm. Having made these general remarks,
derived from experience and observation, the writer will now refer
specially to several plantations, of different ages, growing in very
exposed situations, and containing various varieties of trees and shrubs,
some of which are doing very well, others moderately so, and some to a
certain extent failing to give the satisfactory results expected.
The first to be mentioned
is a small plantation of about three acres, situated about four miles from
the sea, and about 600 feet above sea-level, the soil being of a cold clay
loam, not well adapted for the early growth of young plants. The trees are
a mixture of common and Turkey oak, ash, sycamore, beech, elm, and a few
birch, with one or two laburnums, and service harry trees along the
margin, all as near as the writer can judge from their appearance about
forty-five years old. The subsoil rests on limestone rock, which in parts
has been removed to some depth, forming in some places an undulation of 12
to 15 feet, where the trees are much larger than on the more level parts.
This may be accounted for by the dryness of the soil, from much rubbish
and mixtures of small stones being in the bottom, giving plenty of room
for the roots of the trees to extend, and also from the fact of the
prosperous trees not being growing so close to one another as those in the
other parts. Another advantage they have is the shelter derived by their
being placed in low ground, and having the other trees growing as it were
above and around them. All the trees on the level are very small for their
age, which is mainly due to the exposure of the situation, the coldness of
the soil, and the want of thinning them in youth. The trees which have
made most progress are the beech and sycamore, and the difference between
them and their neighbours is very apparent. Along the margin there is a
row of ash with a few Wych elm, and one or two Turkey oak, laburnum, and
service trees, and as these have been receiving the severest exposure, one
may judge from their appearance which are the best trees for planting when
severe winds are to be contended with. The Turkey oaks contain more timber
than their neighbours, having grown larger than either the ash or elm, but
the branches and young shoots of the last have stood the severity of the
winds better than those of the Turkey oak. The ash, on the other hand, are
all blown with the wind to such an extent that their branches are grown
towards the sheltered side, while those facing the storm have made little
progress. The laburnum and service have both stood the exposure well. Near
the outside are one or two larch which have made but small progress, not
containing at present more than three cubic feet of timber, and having the
tops entirely gone. All round this small plantation a young one was
planted (about ten years ago), which is partly enclosed by a wire fence,
and partly (on the west and most exposed side) with an upright paling
fence 4½ feet high, having the pales or spars placed 1½ inches apart. This
fence was erected for the double purpose of (1) protecting the trees from
the inroad of stock and ground game (and avoiding the expense of wire
netting), and (2) of sheltering the plants from the severe gales that blow
on that portion of the plantation. At first sight the erection of this
fence seems a good idea, and from the shelter afforded, success might very
naturally have been expected.
Indeed this result, to a
great extent, has been the case, but the success would have been much more
marked had the fence been permanent. In the way of making alterations,
however, this fence was removed in the autumn of 1873,. and erected with
the same view of protecting the trees in another young plantation, both
from wind and animals. From the paling uprights being only 3 inches wide,
and placed at 1½ inches apart, it might reasonably have been, expected
that a sufficient current of wind would have gone through between the
pales to have hardened the trees to such an extent, as to enable them to
withstand the exposure when the fence was removed, but the result was
otherwise. Directly opposite where part of the fence was removed were
growing birch and Scots fir, with a few oaks, and a good under cover of
whins, and it was soon found that they had been too kindly nursed by the
shelter of the paling to withstand the severity of the exposure. After its
removal a great many of the Scots firs were blown down, and several of
them half way over with their roots partly removed from the soil. The
birch shared the same fate, and many of them had their roots drawn
partially out of the ground—the same as if they had been pulled over. Had
the fence been left, the result of the shelter might have proved
otherwise, as they would have received the blow of the wind gradually as
they grew up above its level.
This example goes to show
the necessity of bringing up young trees in extremely exposed positions as
hardy as possible, so that they may take their girth in proportion to
their height, and make good root growth, so as to hold them firm in the
ground against severe weather. The writer is of opinion that when shelter
is to be provided by the fencing of young plantations in exposed
situations, the best fence that can be made use of is a good stone wall or
dyke with a rough and irregularly projecting coping. By the coping being
thus irregular, with a few inches projection over the sides of the wall,
the wind is broken as it rises on the wall, and is prevented from coming
in contact with the tops of the trees in great force, or at once, whereas
with a level coping of the width of the top of the wall without any
projection over its sides the wind rises over the wall, and meets no
obstruction, coming against the trees in much greater force above the
level of the wall than if there had been no wall or shelter whatever. Many
prefer artificial paling, brush, or stake and rice shelter to stone walls
or dykes, and such fences are probably sufficient for the purpose in view,
providing they are upheld until the trees can do without them. But this
becomes expensive, without even providing the plantation with a permanent
fence, which the stone wall or dyke is.
The following remarks apply to a plantation extending to about ten acres,
and planted with the following varieties of trees, namely, oak, wych elm,
Scots fir, larch, and spruce. It is situated about two miles from the sea,
and 40 feet above its level. The ground is on a slight slope or rise, and
of various descriptions of soil, part of it being pure sand to a
considerable depth, parts light, thin, poor loam and sandy subsoil, and
parts poor loamy clay with a clay subsoil. The geological formation is
limestone, but at a considerable depth. The plantation is protected on the
one side by a wire fence, and the remainder partly wire fence, and old
hedge and ditch, which had been the division between the fields before the
ground was planted. The ground had, some years previous to being planted,
been under or furrow drained with pipe tiles to a depth of 3½ feet, and at
the distance of 30 feet between the drains, and on the ground being
planted it was well turned over to as great a depth as possible with
four-horse ploughs, and again drained with open drains 30 feet apart, and
to a depth of about 15 inches.
On the east or sheltered
side of the plantation is a strip of old oak trees; also younger wych elm,
sycamore, and birch, but which have little or no effect in the shape of
shelter towards the younger trees. The plantation is now twenty years old,
and has been several times thinned, during which process the larch and
spruce were principally removed on the west or exposed side of the
plantation, giving preference to the hardwoods and Scots fir as standards,
while on the east and sheltered portion the spruce fir have had the
preference with the hardwoods, and the larch and Scots removed.
There is every appearance
of health throughout the whole plantation, amongst the hardwoods, Scots
fir, and spruce, with the exception of the extreme margin, where any few
larch and spruce that have been left in the thinning are not thriving.
The larch show less signs
of hardiness than the spruce, and although planted and growing on the
margin of the ditch, which is about 3 feet deep with the soil thrown
inwards to the plantation, therefore rendering the soil perfectly dry.
There is not a single larch that has not lost its leader, and is not bent
and twisted with the wind. In most cases they are dead several feet from
the top downwards, and in the thinning many were found dead altogether, or
in a dying state. The same stunted-ness is also shown in the larch on the
sides of the drive, where there is an opening for the wind to strike
against them, while any that are growing towards the sheltered side are in
a much more healthy state. This shows that the larch is not well adapted
for planting in exposed or maritime situations. The spruce on the exposed
margin, although keeping growing make but little progress. There have been
few deaths among this class resulting from the exposure, although many of
the trees are one-sided, with their foliage on the exposed side quite red,
while on the sheltered side of the same tree the foliage is nearly of its
natural green. In the sheltered part or east side of the plantation, the
spruce are making rapid progress, and appear to be in a very healthy
state, having in many cases much overgrown both the larch and the Scots
fir. The Scots fir, although not appearing to be the true variety, are all
growing well, and within the last few years have made rapid progress.
Those on the extreme margin of the west side are more one-sided, and have
fewer branches than the others, but they show no signs of succumbing to
the blast, giving evident proof of the endurance of the Scots fir over the
The oaks are all growing
moderately well where the soil is suitable for them, and those near the
exposed margin have, in many cases, made considerable progress, although
they are more stunted in appearance than their better-sheltered neighbours.
The wych elms are more
numerous on the margin than the oaks, and have apparently been considered
very hardy, and therefore planted on the exposed side, as shelter for the
others. They have all a healthy appearance, and stand the winds better
than any of the others. They have never been in any way pruned, and have
therefore branches to near the ground. Indeed, it would not be advisable
to prune them, but to leave as many branches on them as it is possible to
obtain, seeing that the principal advantage to be derived from them is
shelter for the rest of the plantation. The larger the quantity of small
branches the better, so long as they don't appear to yield to the breezes.
Adjoining this plantation,
along the margin of a garden, without any artificial shelter, a few
Austrian pines and English yews are planted at distances apart of about
nine feet, and in a row. The Austrian pines are about twelve years old,
and were transplanted to their present situation from an open exposure in
the year 1871, and the yews were removed in 1869. Neither the pines nor
the yews have made great growth in their new position, but both appear to
be in a very healthy state. The pines are growing steadily though slowly,
with the branches on the exposed side stretching out against the wind, as
well as on the sheltered side, and never showing any signs of the gale
cutting their foliage. A few damson plum-trees in the same garden are
growing well in the face of the wind, but although showing plenty of bloom
they seldom produce much fruit.
The next plantation to be
noticed contains about four acres, and is situated about a mile from the
sea, and is close upon its level on level ground, with an open exposure
all round. The surrounding ground, and that betwixt and the sea, is a
level strong clay soil or loam, or what may be termed in Scotland "carse
soil." In the neighbourhood it is known by the name of "marsh land,"
probably from its having been in a wet and marshy state before being
drained and cultivated. Even now in many places it is very wet during the
winter months, or in rainy weather, and from being level the water takes
long to clear off. The plantation is also of a heavy clay soil, and
subsoil of same stiff nature, and from the stiffness and tenacity of the
soil, and exposure of the situation, planting has never been performed to
any extent, even with the view of shelter.
The plantation referred to
is partly fenced by a hedge and partly by an open ditch, and the remainder
by a water-cut, into which the tide has access. The trees consist of oak,
ash, elm, sycamore, beech, poplar, willow, alder, and Scots fir. A good
many larch had been planted, but are now almost all cut out, and the few
that have been left are quite dead. This result, in the writer's opinion,
is owing principally to the unsuitableness of the soil, as the dead trees
are standing in the interior of the plantation, and have therefore had the
shelter of the other trees. From the appearance of the trees, and counting
the concentric circles as the years' growth, the trees were ascertained to
be from thirty to forty years planted, and none of them are of very large
size, considering that age to be correct (which we believe it is), and the
strong quality of the soil in which they are growing. This may be
accounted for by the smallness of the plantation, the exposed situation on
which they are growing, and the want of timely and proper thinning.
The north side, facing the
sea, is margined with Huntingdon willow, and a few common alders and
poplars, none of which have made much progress, the poplars being very
much cut by the wind, the willows having much the same appearance, while
the alders are not only of a sickly appearance, but have made a very small
growth, and are comparatively smaller than any trees in the plantation.
The poplars on this side are larger, and have made more wood than any of
the other trees. The west side, which is much exposed, is principally
composed of wych elm, with a few ash, sycamore, and beech, and one or two
oaks. The oaks and beech are rather small, and also the wych elm, but the
latter appear very healthy, and their foliage and young wood appear to
stand the exposure better than the former varieties. The sycamores,
although small, appear to be in a healthy state. The south, or sheltered
side, consists principally of poplar, ash, and elm. The former are of good
size compared with any of the other trees, and are much larger than the
poplars on the other side of the plantation, which is easily accounted for
by their having the shelter of the other trees, and an extra depth of dry
soil, being planted close to the open ditch where the soil had been thrown
Taking the plantation as a
whole, the oaks are few in number and none so good as the elm and ash,
where the latter have had room. The wych elm rather small towards the
outside, but some of them as large as the best ash towards the interior.
The sycamores are generally small but of a healthy appearance; beech about
the same size as the sycamore, and retain their leaves longer in a green
state, the latter in a few cases decaying towards the extreme points of
their leaders in the north or sea side. The average height of the trees
throughout the plantation range from 30 to 35 feet, with girths at 6 feet
from the ground varying from 3 to 8 inches (quarter girth), except the
poplars, which are a few feet higher and about 3 inches girth on the
exposed sides, and from 13 to 14 inches (qr. girth) on the sheltered side.
The general appearance of
the foliage of the trees on the outward exposed sides shows the effects of
the cutting winds by the brownness of the leaves. From the want of
underwood as shelter in this plantation, it is proposed to have it cut
down and planted with underwood and forest trees, with the view of raising
a young plantation from the assistance of the shoots from the stools after
the trees are cut down. This course is commendable from the existing trees
being rather drawn up from the want of thinning, and as in their exposed
position thinning now would be apt to check rather than increase their
growth without providing the necessary shelter.
With the view of showing
the effects of severe prevailing winds on various varieties of trees, it
may not be out of place to refer to several growing singly in hedgerows
and in the margins of plantations, and other places, which the writer has
an opportunity of observing daily in the course of following his
Oak, Common, although
planted in favourable soils, and in moderately exposed situations, is far
from being suited for situations exposed to prevailing winds. Many are to
be seen both on the outside of plantations and in hedgerows, although
attaining moderate size, much cut by the winds, and all one-sided, and
leaning and growing towards the east, or as it were growing away from the
blast, having a very stunted appearance, and in many cases covered with
galls, and the leaves having a dry and curled unhealthy appearance.
The Turkey Oak grows more
quickly, and does not seem to suffer from the wind to nearly the extent of
the common oak, and where they are growing side by side, the Turkey oak is
growing healthy and vigorous in exposed places, where the common variety
has a very scrubby and unhealthy appearance.
Scarlet Oak does not stand
the wind in this quarter, and in moderately exposed situations is far from
doing well.
Ash.—This tree, when
growing in hedgerows, where the soil has been well prepared, attains
moderate size, but on the margins of plantations it makes less progress,
and from its not being a first-class shelter tree, nor profitable unless
clean grown, the writer does not consider it a good hedgerow or margin
plant in exposed positions. If, however, it is growing in exposed
situations, intermixed with other trees, it makes considerable growth, and
in suitable soils will be found more profitable than many other hardwood
Elm, Scotch or Wych, and
English.—The former stands well in exposed hedgerows and plantations, and
although not growing to extra large size, is a good shelter plant, from
its having numerous branches and twigs, which yield to the breeze, without
being much injured, and as it is in most cases much more upright and less
blown or one-sided than the ash, the writer considers it a better margin
plant for exposed plantations than any of the above-named trees. The
English elm is less hardy, but in a good dry loam attains a large size
even in exposed situations, and in some instances doing equally well
alongside of the wych elm, growing to a large size, good shape, and with
healthy foliage.
Sycamore grows well, in
some instances attaining good size and age in extremely exposed
situations, while in others it is not doing well while young, nor
attaining average size at advanced age. A small plantation, which is about
ten years old, in an exposed place, has had the sycamore cut down, and
died off to near the ground by the severe winds. On the other hand, some
hedgerow and margin of plantation trees are doing moderately well and
maintaining a good shape and healthy appearance, and where the ground is
at all suitable, it is much to be recommended for planting in exposed
situations, both for ornament and shelter, as well as for profitable
purposes. From the round shape and the closeness of its branches and
foliage, it is a first class shelter tree when it arrives at an average
age and size.
Beech, where the soil is
dry and light, is growing well in exposed places, and from the length of
time it retains its foliage in their weathered state, makes it a good tree
for shelter, but where the soil is heavy and stiff it makes slow progress,
and dies at an early age.
Chestnut, Spanish.—Few are
to be seen growing in exposed situations, and where there are any much
exposed to the winds they are in a very unhealthy state, and have made but
small progress. They are generally dead, or dying towards the top, and the
stem of the tree more or less covered with spray. It is therefore not at
all adapted for exposed planting.
Chestnut, Horse.—This, like
the last-noticed variety, is not well adapted for severe exposures, as
both buds and branches are very liable to destruction by even moderate
Lime, seldom seen in
exposed positions, and the few the writer has seen, show inadaptation to a
very windy site. The young shoots die away year after year.
Poplar, Black Italian, is
not growing well, nor making much wood in exposed places, and none of them
have anything like a healthy appearance; in most cases their branches
dying and young spray taking their place.
Common Black Poplar,
growing to a larger size, and having a much better shape and healthier
appearance than the last-named variety, and even where growing in
hedgerows, and very much exposed, has attained considerable size, but when
large it has a tendency to have its branches broken or destroyed by the
The Lombardy Poplar appears
to be very hardy, and grows to a good size, but from its upright growth
does not give great shelter unless planted very close, but when so planted
it answers the purpose well in its young state.
Huntingdon Willows are, as
a rule, one-sided, and don't grow to a large size, but in the most exposed
situations and near the sea they are the means of producing good shelter.
The Birch is generally
growing well in moderate windy positions, and although leaning to one side
has in many cases a pretty good top, and from its adapting itself to poor
soils will thrive in high and exposed situations, where few other
deciduous trees would grow to any size.
Common Alder, wherever it
is to be seen here in very exposed situations, is a mere scrab, and in
most cases covered with seed, and therefore not well adapted for planting
in the face of severe winds.
Wild Cherry or Gean trees
are not numerous in exposed places, but stand the storm very well while in
their young state, and have a healthy and ornamental appearance, but they
are apt to be damaged when old by the wind breaking their branches.
The Mountain Ash grows
well, having a good shape and all the appearance of good health, and is
much to be recommended as an ornamental and shelter plant in exposed
The Service Tree is a
little one-sided, but not in any way disfigured by the wind, and may be
considered very hardy.
Laburnum appears to stand
the wind moderately well, but in few cases attains much size, and is
liable to have its limbs broken off' at the joints.
Common Thorns grow well in
hedges, and as single specimens are a little one-sided, but have, however,
good tops, and produce good shelter.
Sloe or Black Thorn grows
in abundance in the hedges in exposed situations near to the sea, and
seems to thrive well.
Evergreen Oak succeeding
well wherever planted, and has the appearance of being very hardy. It
grows to a large size and of good shape, with healthy foliage in very
exposed positions. In few cases is it blown or one-sided, and therefore a
first-class tree for planting, either as ornament or shelter, in exposed
Holly.—The common holly is
very numerous in the hedges, both kept low as a fence, and left to grow at
its own accord. It has the appearance of making a good hedge plant in
exposed places, as it grows very close, and where growing as a tree or
shrub, although much blown to one side and cut by the wind, attains
considerable size, and makes progress in very exposed places. The writer
has cut down trees of eighteen inches diameter, which were blown and grown
so much to one side that they had the appearance of being switched with a
hedging knife, so straight and close was the surface of the branches and
foliage, and still having a very green and healthy appearance.
Hazel is growing to
moderate size in extremely exposed situations, but where growing alongside
of the common thorn, is much more wind-blown and one-sided, and also less
hardy than the thorn.
Elder is growing well in
very exposed situations, and from its fastness of growth is a good nurse
plant in suitable ground in exposed situations.
Portugal Laurel when
growing in the face of the wind does not make great progress, and is very
much one-sided and cut by the wind on the exposed side.
The Common Laurel is rather
thin of foliage. It takes, however, a good upward growth, although not
very bushy.
The Arbutus is growing in
moderately exposed positions in a very healthy state, having beautiful
foliage, and well covered with flowers and fruit.
The Common Dog Rose is also
growing freely in a wild and rambling state in exposed hedges.
Scots Fir in many cases
appear very one-sided from twelve to twenty years planted, and very bare
of branches on the exposed side, having an almost flat appearance; while
much older trees with a clean stem have their tops one-sided. But in most
cases the old trees have a healthy appearance, and not much cut by the
Austrian Pine everywhere
shows a very healthy and robust appearance, with their branches growing
well out against the wind, and even where the stem and whole tree is blown
towards the east by the prevailing winds, the branches and foliage retain
their position and colour. This variety, although not making much more
upward growth than the Scots fir, grows more stiff, with abundance of
branches and foliage, and is therefore much to be recommended as a margin
plant in exposed plantations.
The Pineaster is not
numerous here, but in the few instances to be met with they have not the
healthy nor hardy appearance of the Austrian pine, and are in most cases
blown to one side.
Larch does not appear to be
at all hardy in very exposed situations, and shows signs of decay at a
very early age. Many trees under twenty years of age have died back
several feet from the top, the writer having cut down many of them, with
several leaders striving for life in the face of the wind; while others
within the plantation were perfectly healthy, although the tops were a
little bent by the wind. The writer does not find the larch to be much
more hardy than the common spruce, and in some cases not equal to it.
Common or Norway Spruce are
generally one-sided and browned in the foliage in the exterior or margin
of exposed plantations, and not in any way adapted for extremely exposed
Silver Fir.—The writer cut
down several trees of large size a few years ago, which were growing in a
very exposed situation amongst hardwood trees. They had overgrown all the
trees near them, even one or two Scots firs were not half their size. and
on several very exposed places has he seen the silver much larger than the
Scots fir, although not being of good symmetry, nor of a very ornamental
English Yew.—Many of good
size, and generally blown and one-sided when exposed to prevailing winds.
They appear to be of average hardiness.
Cedar of Lebanon, although
growing to considerable size, is generally a little one-sided, with its
top growing as it were away from the blast.
Cedrus Deodara does not
succeed well where in any way exposed, is very much one-sided, and far
from having a strong healthy appearance. Does not stand nearly so well as
the last-named variety.
Wellingtonia gigantea is
growing well in moderate exposures, but the writer has not had an
opportunity of noticing its adaptability to stand extreme exposures.
Weymouth Pines do not
succeed in exposed situations, and in moderately windy positions are much
Cupressus macrocarpa grows
well out against the wind, and has a beautiful and healthy appearance,
very hardy; well worth planting in moderate exposures.
Cupressus Lawsoniana grows
moderately well in exposed situations, and keeps its shape fairly well.
Thujopsis borealis makes
more luxuriant growth in the same exposure than the Cupressus Lawsoniana,
and from the strength of its foliage appears to be more hardy, and better
suited for exposed planting.
Many other varieties of
plants might be noticed, such as privet, Berberis of variety, dogwood,
snowberry, and other evergreen and deciduous shrubs, but the writer
considers it unnecessary to refer in this paper to the smaller varieties
of shrubs. During the last few years the writer has planted rather
extensively in exposed situations, both in quantity and variety of plants,
including the common kinds of forest trees and shrubs, viz.:—Common,
Turkey, and scarlet oak, ash, Scotch and English elm, sycamore, maple of
variety, beech, birch, poplar, willow, silver alder, elder, common and
variety, sea buckthorn, common and black thorn, evergreen oaks, hollies,
arbutus, yews, guilder rose, mock orange, lilac, spiraes of sorts, privet
of sorts, Mahonia, Berberis, Weigellias, sweet briar, Lonicera in variety,
snowberry, dogwood, Leycesleria formosa, &c, Scots fir, Austrian pine,
Pineaster, Corsican pine, American spruce, &c. All are too young, however,
to be noticed specifically in illustration of the subject of this paper,
but a few general remarks may be made regarding them. As a general rule,
the sycamore, maple, and wych elm have been found to be the most hardy and
most suitable deciduous trees for planting in exposed situations, and the
Austrian pine the best coniferous, or fir tree, for that purpose. The
evergreen oak, arbutus, and holly, the best evergreen shrubs of large
size, and the sea buckthorn, wild cherry, elder, and mountain ash, of
small sized trees, and shrubs of the deciduous kinds; and of small shrubs,
tamarix and snowberry, although many of the others may prove better in
different soils than those named. The writer has found the silver alder (Alnus
incana) very hardy in its young state, but he has no experience of its
growing to a moderate size or age. The Corsican pine grows well in very
exposed situations in its young state, but from its being a bad rooter, it
may become unsuitable as it grows up. It is, however, when young a fast
grower, and stands the exposure well. The Pinus maritima, although highly
recommended side plant, has not succeeded in the writer's experience where
the ground is stiff or in any way inclined to be damp.
In forming plantations in
exposed situations it will be found advantageous, if not almost necessary
to ensure success, to make the plantation of as large an area as the
circumstances of the case will admit of, as trees will in many cases grow,
and even thrive, when planted in large masses, which would actually starve
in small clumps or belts. Another important matter to be attended to is
the thorough preparation of the soil, by trenching or ploughing, draining,
&c, and great care should be taken in selecting the most hardy and
suitable varieties of trees, and those that are likely to succeed in the
soil into which they are to be planted. The plants used should be small,
and well transplanted ; and those that are known to stand severe winds and
gales, without taking into consideration their being of little value as
timber trees, should form the margin of the plantation, while the more
valuable varieties may be used towards the interior, even if less hardy,
providing that the soil is suitable. In this way the less valuable class
provides shelter for their more profitable neighbours.
In every case it will be
found to be judicious to plant thickly, with the view of shelter, and to
thin early, for the purpose of maintaining and bringing up the trees in a
healthy and hardy state, and so that they may not be drawn up, but take
girth along with their height. |