By James Macdonald, Aberdeen.
[Premium—Thirty Sovereigns.]
Excepting Caithness, Sutherland is the most northern
county in the mainland of Scotland. It is situated between 57° 53' and 58°
33' N. latitude, and between 3° 40' and 5° 13' W. longitude from London.
It is separated from Caithness on the east by a winding range of hills,
and from Ross-shire on the south and south-west by the Dornoch Firth and
the river Oikel, and some smaller streams. On the south-east it is washed
for a distance of about 32 miles by the Moray Firth; on the west, for over
40 miles by the Minch, an arm of the Atlantic Ocean; and on the north, for
about 50 miles by the waters of the Northern Sea. In form the county thus
presents five sides, the longest, about 52 miles, being the south and
south-west side, and the shortest, about 32 miles, that on the south-east.
The extent is variously estimated—in the Return of Owners of Lands and
Heritages, at 1,299,253 acres; and the Board of Trade Returns at 1,207,188
acres, or the seventeenth part of the whole surface of Scotland.
From the Parliamentary Return of Owners of Lands and
Heritages in Scotland, compiled in 1872-3, it is seen that in Sutherland
there are 433 owners of land, the total area of whose property is
estimated at 1,299,253 acres, and the gross annual value at £71,494, 7s.
Though, according to this estimate of its size, it is exceeded in extent
by only four counties in Scotland, Sutherland has the smallest number of
proprietors, with the exception of the small divided county
of Cromarty. It stands thirtieth in regard to gross annual value. Of
owners of land whose property extends to or exceeds 1 acre, it claims 85,
while of owners of 100 acres and upwards (excluding railway proprietors)
it has only 23, the total area of whose property is estimated at
1,297,301, and the gross annual value at £65,949, 7s. Eleven proprietors
exceed 1000 acres in extent; the gross annual value of six exceeds £500;
while only three Sutherland owners draw over £1000 a-year from land in the
county. These latter three are:—

It will thus be seen that while it is not absolutely
correct to say that the Duke of Sutherland owns the whole of the county
whose name he bears, His Grace's dominions in the far north have wide
limits. He in fact not only owns by several times the largest landed
property in the United Kingdom, but possesses more than nine-tenths of the
fifth largest county in Scotland.
The Valuation Roll for 1878-79 shows that the gross
annual value of the county, exclusive of railways and the royal burgh of
Dornoch, was £87,795, 3s. 2d.; that the annual value of railways amounts
to £7144; and that the annual value of the burgh of Dornoch is £874, 10s.;
making in all, £95,813, 13s. 2d. The Board of Trade Returns for the
present year (1879) state the area under all kinds of crops, bare fallow
and grass, at 29,441 acres;—wheat, 27; barley or here, 2268; oats, 7809;
rye, 87; peas, 44;—total under cereals, 10,235 acres. The acreage under
green crops was—potatoes, 1929 acres; turnips, 3232; mangold, 1; rape, 19;
vetches or other green crops, 46;— total of green crops, 5227 acres. The
area under grasses in rotation is 7617 acres, and of permanent pasture,
exclusive of heath or mountain land, 6102. Of bare fallow there were 260
The Norse Teutons who, prior to the twelfth century,
had settled in Caithness, and frequently plundered farther south, gave the
name of Sutherland to this county, from the fact that it formed the
southern limit of their possessions. Indeed, it is barely a century ago
since it was separated from the sheriffdom of Caithness and formed into a
sheriffdom by itself. It contains thirteen parishes, and, in addition,
part of the parish of Reay extends across the Caithness boundary into this
county. It sends one representative to Parliament, the sitting member
being the Marquis of Stafford; while the royal burgh of Dornoch joins with
Dingwall, Tain, Cromarty, Wick, and Kirkwall in electing another. Mr John
Pender at present occupies this latter seat.
Dornoch is the only royal burgh in the county. It was
created so by Charles I. in 1628, and is mentioned frequently in ancient
northern history. The circumstance which, according to tradition, gave to
Dornoch the name it now bears is so peculiar as to deserve notice. Dornoch
is derived from the Gaelic words Dorn-Eich, which signify a horse's
foot or hoof; and a writer in the "Old Statistical Account of Scotland"
says—"About the year 1259, the Danes and Norwegians having made a descent
on this coast were attacked by William, Thane or Earl of Sutherland, a
quarter of a mile to the eastward of this town. Here the Danish general
was slain, and his army beaten, and forced to retire to their ships, which
were not far distant. The Earl of Sutherland greatly signalised himself
upon this occasion; and appears, by his personal valour and exertion, to
have contributed very much to determine the fate of the day. While he
singled out the Danish general, and gallantly fought his way onwards, the
Thane, being by some accident disarmed, seized the leg of a horse, which
lay on the ground, and with that despatched his adversary. In honour of
this exploit, and of the weapon with which it was achieved, this place
received the name of Dorneich, or Dornoch, as it is now called. This
tradition is countenanced by the horseshoe, which is still retained in the
arms of the burgh." Dornoch boasts of a beautiful cathedral which,
according to Sir Robert Gordon's "History of Sutherland" (1630-32), was
founded by St Bar, Bishop of Caithness, in the eleventh century. Gilbert
Murray, consecrated Bishop in 1222, transformed the original church into a
magnificent cathedral, which unfortunately was reduced to ruins by fire in
1570 by John Sinclair, Master of Caithness, and Iye Mackay of Strathnaver,
who, taking advantage of the minority of Alexander, Earl of Sutherland,
besieged and plundered Dornoch with a small army from Caithness.
Fortunately the old tower was saved, and so also were some fine Gothic
arches, but the handsome stone pillars that supported the latter were
destroyed by a terrific gale of wind on the 5th November 1605,—the day, by
the way, on which the Gunpowder Plot was discovered. The Earl of
Sutherland partially repaired the cathedral in 1614, so as to make it
suitable as a place of worship, and in 1863 the late Duchess-Countess of
Sutherland re-erected the edifice, and embellished it with even more than
its former grandeur. The Sutherland family have a burying place within the
cathedral, and in the east aisle are a beautiful marble statue of
the first Duke of Sutherland, by Chantrey, and a tablet to commemorate the
many virtues of the Duchess-Countess of Sutherland, both of whose remains
lie in that aisle. Sir Robert Gordon states that all the glass required
for the church erected by St Bar was made by St Gilbert, at Sidry, two
miles west from the town of Dornoch; and that adjoining this church Sir
Patrick Murray, between the years 1270 and 1280, established a monastery
of Trinity Friars. Since the commencement of the present century the town
of Dornoch, like the whole of the county, has been vastly improved. Little
more than fifty years ago there were a good many feel or turf
houses in the burgh, and now the buildings are as a rule neat and
commodious, built of stone and lime and slated. Several of the more
important buildings indeed are very handsome, and would do credit to a
much larger town. Situated as Dornoch is in an out-of-the-way angle of the
county, its trade is limited, and in 1871 its population was only 625. The
scenery around Dornoch is very beautiful, and regarding its links Sir John
Sinclair says—"About the town along the sea-coast there are the fairest
and largest links, or green fields, in any parts of Scotland, fit for
archery, golfing, and all other exercise. They do surpass the fields of
Montrose and St Andrews." The thriving modern village of Clashmore lies
about three miles north of Dornoch, and near to it stands Skibo Castle,
the handsome residence of Mr Evan Charles Sutherland-Walker of Skibo. A
castle with garrison, under the charge of a general officer, formerly
stood for centuries on the site of this mansion, and history and tradition
tell us that around it many a bloody conflict took place. In 1650 the
brave but ill-fated Marquis of Montrose, after his defeat by the
Presbyterian army near Bonar Bridge, and capture and betrayal by Neil
Macleod of Assynt, lodged two nights as a prisoner in Skibo Castle.
Twelve and a half miles along the coast northwards lies the beautifully
situated prosperous village of Golspie, with a population (1871) of 1074.
As in Dornoch, the majority of the dwelling-houses in Golspie were, at the
beginning of the present century, of the most primitive description, and
the inhabitants were chiefly fisher people. Now, however, its houses are
all substantial and comfortable, many of them very large and handsome. It
is entitled to be ranked as the most prosperous village in the county. A
convenient pier, accessible at low water, constructed by the Duke of
Sutherland at Little Ferry, about three and a half miles distant from the
village, has proved a great acquisition. Both by road and rail Golspie is
also well-appointed.
Dunrobin Castle, the chief seat of the Sutherland
family, and, without doubt, the most magnificent of all the many mansions
in Scotland, sits majestically on a beautiful spot on the sea-coast about
a mile north of Golspie. Part of the castle is said to be the oldest
inhabited house in Britain, but a great portion is of modern construction,
having been erected between 1845 and 1851 by the second Duke and Duchess.
The style of architecture is chaste and elegant, while the interior is, if
possible, still more grand, the paintings and other works of art being
numerous and of great value. The policies are extensive and beautiful; and
the wardens lying between the castle and the sea, "remarkable alike for
their extent, beauty, and productions." From the higher windows of the
castle the view is extensive, varied, and picturesque. Overlooking the
castle stands the romantic Ben-Bhraggie, on the top of which there is a
monument 70 feet high, surmounted by a colossal statue 30 feet high, of
the first Duke of Sutherland, who died in 1834. This monument, erected by
Her Grace's tenantry and friends, is said to have a higher site (1300
feet) than any other monument in the kingdom. Nearer there are handsome
monuments of the second Duke and Duchess and other members of the noble
family of Sutherland, all of whom have served well their day and
At Brora, in the parish of Clyne, there is a prosperous
growing village, fostered mainly by improvements and various works carried
on by the Duke of Sutherland. The village of Helmsdale, situated at the
mouth of the river of that name, has a larger population, chiefly
dependent on the herring fishing. There are numerous other small villages
throughout the county, that of Tongue on the west coast being snugly
situated amidst the most charming of Highland scenery.
The general configuration of Sutherland is wild and
mountainous in the extreme. Along the south-east coast there is a flat
fertile border, varying from little more than half a mile to over two
miles and a half in breadth, laid off in well-appointed farms, and
yielding profitable crops. The coast on the west and north, on the
contrary, is bare, bold, and precipitous, abounding in rocky promontories
and numerous inlets of the sea; while "the whole of the interior," says
one writer, "is mountainous, varied with elevated plateaus covered with
heath, vast fields of peat bog, some pleasant straths of average
fertility, watered by considerable streams and numerous lakes, embosomed
either in bleak dismal regions of moorland, or begirt by a series of hills
of conglomerate, whose naked and rugged sides have no covering even of
heather. Wildness and sterility are the great features of the landscape,
the dreary monotony being seldom relieved by tree or shrub; and this
uniformity of desolation is only occasionally broken by some glen or
strath presenting itself as an oasis of verdure in the bleak desert." This
picture, rough though it be, is in the main correct; but it barely does
justice to the straths, some of which, considering their high northern
latitude, are of more than average fertilitv, while a few of the lakes are
girt by beautiful fringes of natural wood, which have a
wonderful softening effect on the general sterility around.
Ben-More-Assynt reaches a height of 3235 feet; Ben-Clibrig,
3157 feet; and Ben-Hope, 3040 feet; while Ben-Laoghal (Loyal), Ben-Horn,
Ben-Bhraggie, and others follow, at lower elevations. Ben-Loyal, viewed
from the west or the north-west, is considered one of the most beautiful
mountains in the British Isles, and has engaged the brush of not a few
noted artists.
There are "literally hundreds" of lochs in the county,
and in all they are estimated to cover close on 34,000 acres. The -larger
are—Loch Shin, 16 miles long and about 1 mile broad; Loch Assynt, 8 miles
long and 1 mile broad; Loch Naver, Loch Hope, Loch Loyal, and Loch More.
Naturally, from the narrow limits of the northern peninsula, of which this
county forms the southern portion, the river courses are short, but some
of them —those that flow through lakes—discharge more water than many
rivers that run over twice as great a distance. The four larger
rivers—viz., the Oikel, Fleet, Brora, and Helmsdale rivers —flow eastward
into the Dornoch and Moray Firth sections of the German Ocean. The Oikel,
flowing out of Loch Ailsh, and receiving its tributary, the Shin, at
Invershin, is an excellent salmon and trout river, and forms the boundary
line between Boss and Sutherland for close on 30 miles. The Fleet is
formed by some small streams in the parish of Rogart, and after a short
run expands into Loch Fleet, which joins the firth at Little Ferry, a few
miles south of Golspie. Brora has its source in the parish of Lairg, and,
including the loch, it is about 24 miles in length, or about 4 miles more
than the course of the Helmsdale river. The principal rivers on the west
coast are the Halladale, which rises in the heights of Kildonan, and,
after threading through a beautiful strath close on 20 miles in length,
empties itself into the North Sea at Melvich; the Naver, which has its
source in Loch Naver, which is about 24 miles in length, draining the most
beautiful and valuable strath in the county; the Dionard, Kirkaig, and
Inver. The smaller streams are innumerable.
So high an authority as Mr J. Watson-Lyall asserts that
Sutherland is, "without exception, the best angling county in
Scotland—especially for trout......Many of the lochs of Sutherland are
splendid sheets of water, and many are nameless mountain tarns; but even
those least inviting in appearance hold lots of trout. No one who wants
really good trout-fishing should hesitate to penetrate into Sutherland."
The greater number of the lochs and streams can be fished for trout by
strangers who are guests at the hotels on the Duke of Sutherland's
property. On many of the lochs and rivers there is also good
salmon-fishing, but in most cases it is let to shooting or other tenants.
The Duke of Sutherland has for several years carried on at Brora, under
the management of Mr Dunbar of Brawl Castle, extensive experiments on the
breeding of salmon; and, by introducing into the streams of Sutherland the
salmon of such rivers as the Tweed, the Tay, and the Thurso, he has very
greatly increased the value of the salmon fishing on his property. To
those who prefer the gun to the rod there is also strong attraction in
Sutherland. It contains many excellent grouse moors and a few good deer
forests. The largest of the latter is Reay Forest, rented by the Duke of
Westminster at £1290.
Sutherland stands twenty-third in Scotland in regard to
the area under wood. In 1853 that area was estimated at 10,812¾ acres, but
according to a Board of Trade Return in 1872 it was then only 7296 acres.
The natural clumps of shrubbery along the straths in the interior have
been gradually disappearing, and it may be that a greater area of these
was included in the estimate of 1853 than in that of 1872. About the
beginning of the present century, the extent under plantations of fir and
hard wood was estimated at about 936 acres, and under natural wood or
shrubbery, in the straths of the several rivers and rivulets, at
1350—making in all, 2286 acres. Between 1836 and 1842, new plantations,
extending to 2091 acres, were formed under the direction of Mr James Loch,
commissioner to the Duke of Sutherland, at a total cost of £2344; and an
interesting report on the improvement will be found in vol. i. 3d series,
of the "Transactions of the Highland and Agricultural Society," p. 36.
Since 1872 the area under wood has been considerably increased by new
plantations formed in connection with the land reclamations. These
plantations will be referred to hereafter.
When it is mentioned that, according to a liberal
estimate, barely one-twenty-fifth part of the county is capable of
being-cultivated, it will easily be understood that Sutherland does not
occupy a prominent position from a strictly agricultural point of view. In
regard to the total area under crops, bare fallow, and grass, it stands
twenty-ninth among the Scotch counties— Nairn, Bute, Selkirk, and
Clackmannan ranking below it. Nairn has a slightly greater area under
regular cultivation, but, on the other hand, Shetland has a less area
under rotation, so that, likewise from that point of view, Sutherland is
still left twenty-ninth in order. In reference to the proportion or
percentage of the total area of the county occupied by "crops, bare
fallow, and grass," it is lowest on the list. Another illustration of the
mountainous and sterile character of the main portion of Sutherland is
supplied by the fact that the total valuation of the county, as returned
in the Valuation Boll for 1878-79 (including railways and the royal burgh
of Dornoch), is equal to only about 1s. 7d. per acre—the lowest by far of
any of the Scotch counties. Limited, however, as is its arable area,
Sutherland has, in regard to the system of management pursued on most of
its farms, pushed itself, with commendable spirit, fully abreast of the
times. Indeed, on the larger and better arable farms of Sutherland, the
modern and improved systems of farming are carried out with as much
success and perfection as in the Lothians, or in any of the other better
favoured regions of Scotland. The wealth and reputation, however, of
Sutherland lies chiefly in its sheep farming, for which its long-winding
straths and wide mountain ranges are admirably adapted; and which is
carried on, not only on a very extensive scale, but also in a most
advanced, systematic, and successful manner.
As shall be afterwards shown, Sutherland was the last
county in Scotland to be opened up, as it were, to free intercourse with
the outer world. Indeed, up to the commencement of the present century, it
may be said to have been locked up by water and mountain. But now, both
internally and with the world beyond, it enjoys ample means of
communication. By the liberality and enterprise of the Duke of Sutherland,
the Highland Railway was extended to Golspie in 1868, and to Helmsdale
three years later; while in 1874 the same line was continued to Wick and
Thurso. The active laudable interest His Grace has taken in the conferring
of the inestimable boon of a railway system on the Highlands of Scotland
is well testified by his contributions towards that object, which are
stated at £301,000. The line from Bonar Bridge to Golspie cost him
£116,000, and from Golspie to Helmsdale, £60,000, while he contributed
other £60,000 towards the extension of the system to Caithness. It is
worthy of mention, that in the formation of the line from Golspie to
Helmsdale, the Duke acted as his own contractor, the work having been
carried out under his own personal supervision.

It is not the writer's intention to discuss what are
known as the "Sutherland clearances." Fitly termed a " vexed question," it
is outside the legitimate scope of this report, inasmuch as the operations
so named occurred about sixty years ago. It may just be explained, in a
word, what these clearances really were. Previous to 1811, the various
straths that intersect the county were peopled more or less densely by a
class of small tenants, who were dependent for their sustenance mainly on
potatoes and inferior and ill-fed cattle and sheep. Through severe
winters, which sadly thinned the ranks of their cattle and sheep, these
tenants and their families were frequently reduced to absolute dependence
on their landlords and other superiors for food sufficient to sustain
life. It was thought desirable that some change should be made in the
condition of the people, both for their own interests and with the view of
properly developing the resources of the county. The subject was remitted
by Lord Stafford, the first Duke of Sutherland, to eminent agriculturists,
who reported in effect "that the mountainous parts of the estate, and
indeed of the county of Sutherland, were as much calculated for the
maintenance of stock as they were unfit for the habitation of man;" and
that it seemed "as if it had been pointed out by nature that the system
for this remote district, in order that it might bear its suitable
importance in contributing its share to the general stock of the country,
was to convert the mountainous districts into sheep-walks, and to remove
the inhabitants to the coast, or to the valleys near the sea." The
movements thus indicated were carried into effect about the time already
mentioned,—between 1810 and 1820,—the great bulk of the small tenants and
their families having been settled near the coast, where a limited piece
of land was allotted to each at a merely nominal rent. It is stated also
that a few, who preferred that step, were conveyed to Canada at Lord
Stafford's expense; but it is denied that the population of the county was
reduced to any appreciable extent by emigration due to these "clearances."
As to what extent the removing of these small tenants from the interior to
the coast has affected the population of Sutherland, I shall not hazard an
opinion; but it may be observed, in treating of this portion of the
subject, that the manner in which the county is mainly occupied, as
sheep-walks and deer forests—chiefly the former—naturally implies a
"maximum of territory, with a minimum of industry and population." Captain
John Henderson, in his admirable work on the "Agriculture of
Sutherland," published in 1812, calls the county "a nursery of brave,
hardy Highlanders," but they have now become scarce; and in bringing about
the change there have no doubt been more agencies at work than emigration
and the introduction and extension of sheep-farming,—such, for instance,
as the abolition of private or "family" regiments, and the high rate of
wages in the south.
The inhabited houses in 1871 numbered 4814, so that
there is rather more than an average of five persons to each house. Of the
population in 1871 there were 11,408 males and 12,909 females. The present
population is equal to about one person for every 50 acres, the proportion
of land to each person in Boss and Cromarty being exactly one-half of that
extent. What may be termed the natives of Sutherland, the descendants of
the "ancient inhabitants," like those of Boss and Cromarty, belong to one
or other of the branches of the Celtic race, and have pursued similar
habits in social life. Sutherland, too, has had a full share with its
neighbours in regard to invasion and plunder, the fierce Norsemen and the
Danes having made frequent raids on the county, leaving behind them
indisputable traces of their presence, as well as of the character of
their mission. In the parish of Golspie there are the ruins of three "Pictish
Towers," built and used, it is supposed, by the Danes. One of the three is
situated near Dunrobin Castle, and is in a wonderfully good state of
preservation. The north and west coast abounds with these ruins. One in
Strathmore, in the parish of Durness—"Donnadillee"—is the most perfect in
the county, the walls still standing to a height of 20 or 30 feet above
ground. Interesting, however, as they are, space cannot be devoted to
these points. Gaelic is still the "every-day" language of the older or
bona fide natives of Sutherland, not a few of whom understand very
little English, and can speak still less, or even none at all. But, under
the bracing current of national education, and the ever-increasing
intercourse between the inhabitants of the Highlands and other parts of
the country, the Celtic language is fast dying out, and perhaps, except
from a philological point of view, is doomed to extinction at no distant
date. Since the commencement of the present century, more particularly
during the past twenty-five years, a large number of farmers and others
from the south and north-east of Scotland have settled in Sutherland, and
these fresh infusions have materially modified the habits of the people,
as well as tended to hasten the demise of Gaelic. The dwelling-houses of
the smaller tenants have been greatly improved during the past quarter of
the century, chiefly by the proprietors; and there are now comparatively
few of those low, black, uncomfortable "feal" houses that were to be seen
everywhere throughout the county, even in villages and the royal burgh of
Dornoch, at the commencement of the present century. These small tenants
hold their lots of land at low rents, are as a rule sober and of good
moral character, and are more industrious, better educated, better fed,
and better clothed, as well as better housed, than when they were
scattered along the straths in the interior. Sutherland was long
ill-provided with educational machinery. About the commencement of the
present century it is stated that it had a Gaelic teacher in each parish,
paid at the rate of from £15 to £27 a-year, and that the number of
scholars was about 1012, or in the proportion of about 1 to every 21 of
the population. The Education (Scotland) Act, 1872, however, has supplied
all wants in this direction; and, though the school rates are high at
present, great advantages must flow from the superior education now being
diffused throughout the county. With parishes of so large an area and so
thinly spread a population, it has been found to be no easy matter to
carry out the Education Act properly in Sutherland, but the School Boards
of the county have displayed much care and ability, and have, as a rule,
done their work well. One difficulty was to know how to extend the
benefits of the Act to the families of shepherds who reside away among the
mountain ranges, perhaps 12 or 20 miles from the nearest school. This is
now being satisfactorily accomplished by female teachers, who "go the
round" of these outlying houses teaching a week or a fortnight in one
family, and a like period in another.
The climate varies considerably in different districts
of the county. On the east coast, that is to say, on the narrow irregular
stretch of country that lies between the mountain range and the German
Ocean, the climate is dry and mild. Captain Henderson says, "Though the
east coast of Sutherland is 3° farther north than East Lothian, there is
much less difference between the two in regard to climate than could well
be imagined. The spring may be two weeks later, and the winter may
commence two weeks earlier, but the summers are equally warm, if not
warmer, and the winters not colder." Snow seldom lies long on the ground
in this part of the country, and the rainfall cannot be said to be heavy,
about 31 inches, or little over the average for Easter Boss. The
prevailing winds blow from the west and north-west, but the moisture they
absorb in their long course over the Atlantic Ocean is mostly deposited
among the broad range of hills and dales which are passed before the east
coast is reached. These winds, indeed, bring only occasional showers over
upon the east coast. The easterly winds, next in frequency, as a rule
bring rain and cloudy weather, sometimes very heavy falls of rain; but
these gales and rainfalls are usually succeeded by a period of mild dry
weather. The southerly winds, which are not frequent, are seldom
accompanied by rain. The land in some parts of the east coast, in a good
season, is ready for the seed by about the middle of March, when several
farmers commence sowing; and on the earlier farms harvest commences about
the middle of August, being general all along the east coast by the middle
of September. Among the hills in the interior of the county the climate,
as would be expected, is cold, boisterous, and wet, the winters being long
and severe, and the springs late and cold. Though a good deal of snow
falls during winter, it does not, as a rule, lie long to a great depth on
the ground. Last winter snow lay in the greater portion of the county to a
depth of nearly 2 feet for about four months, but it was one of the most
severe winters that have ever been experienced in the Highlands of
Scotland, and, excepting along the west coast, showed little partiality in
its visitation. In the straths which intersect the county the climate is
wonderfully mild. The valley of Kildonan, inland and mountainous though
that district is, is almost as mild and genial as along the east coast;
and, on the few irregular fields by the river side, oats are usually ready
for the sickle at least two weeks earlier than on an average farm in the
counties of Aberdeen and Banff. Frosts, however, visit the straths early
in the autumn, while, especially in those towards the west coast, a great
deal of rain falls. In the Assynt district the climate is moist, the
annual rainfall being about 60 inches. Owing to the sea breeze and the
influence of the Gulf Stream, snow does not lie long excepting on the more
elevated parts. Towards Durness the temperature becomes colder, more
particularly northwards from Cape "Wrath, where the influence of the Gulf
Stream is less felt than south of that bold promontory. Around Tongue the
climate is surprisingly dry and mild, the rainfall being only about 36
inches, and the mean temperature 45°. Snow seldom lies long near the
coast, and the winter, as a rule, is comparatively mild and open, spring
being generally more severe than winter owing to the prevalence of cold
northerly, north-easterly, and easterly winds, which often seriously
retard vegetation. In favourable seasons the grain is usually harvested by
the middle of September. On the higher lands near the west coast a great
deal of rain falls; but a heavy covering of snow seldom continues long.
The climate of Sutherland is generally regarded as very
healthy for both animal and vegetable life; indeed, Captain Henderson
states that "it is so healthy that one medical man is all that can earn a
livelihood from his profession in the county;" while it has been said
that, even as late as about 1840, apothecaries' drugs were almost never
called for. But now Sutherland has a larger share of both than in these
more primitive times. As already stated, the annual rainfall at Scourie,
in the Assynt district, on the west coast, is about 60 inches, and at
Tongue, on the northern coast, about 36 inches. The following table shows
the amount of the rainfall at the Dunrobin Castle Gardens in each of the
past ten years:—

The relations between underlying strata and surface
soils are generally so intimate that,
rule, a report on the agriculture of a county or district would be
incomplete without some sketch of the geological formation; but, in this
case, there are circumstances which make it undesirable to occupy space
with such an account. In the first place, the subject has already been
ably dealt with in the "Transactions of the Highland and Agricultural
Society" by Mr E. J. Hay Cunningham, M.W.S., whose admirable "Geognostical
Account of the County of Sutherland" appears in vol. vii., 2d series, p.
73. Again, the exceptionally small portion of the soil of the county that
is worked for agricultural purposes makes a lengthy sketch of its geology
less desirable than it otherwise would be. A few sentences will therefore
suffice. Generally speaking, it may be said that the underlying strata of
the county belong to the Primitive and Transition systems, the Primary
rocks consisting chiefly of coarse granite, gneiss, syenitic gneiss, and
mica-schist. Sir Humphrey Davy examined the east coast of the county, and
from his manuscript report, which is treasured in Dunrobin Castle, lengthy
extracts are given in the "New Statistical Account of Scotland." He states
that the Primary hills in the neighbourhood of Dunrobin are composed of
felspar, quartz, mica, and horneblende; that the only veins he had seen in
the rocks were quartz, in which there were no indications of metallic
foundations; and that the highest Secondary hills in that district,
extending in a line from Loch Brora to Strathfleet, are composed of hard
silicious sandstone and pudding stone, containing large fragments of the
Primary rocks. The Transition rocks of Sutherland, he says, are not
numerous nor wide-spread; but some of the hills in the immediate
neighbourhood of Dunrobin and Strathfleet, Ben Bhraggie, Ben Horn, and the
Silver Hill, for instance, are composed of red transition and breccia, the
sandstone being in some parts white, in some grey, and in others
iron-brown. The Secondary rocks, which he says are more interesting,
occupy but a small space, and are probably incumbent on the red sandstone
and breccia referred to. "The true Secondary strata of the east coast of
the county occupy an extent of 6 or 7 miles, filling up a sort of basin
between the Transition hills in the neighbourhood of Dunrobin and those in
the parish of Loth. The upper stratum is a sandstone of different degrees
of hardness and composed of silicious sand cemented by silicious matter.
Below this occurs an aluminous shale containing pyritous matter,
carbonaceous matter, the remains of marine animals, and of land
vegetables. Beneath this shale, or rather alternating with it, a stratum
occurs, containing in some of its parts calcareous matter and passing into
limestone, but in general consisting of a silicious sand agglutinated by
calcareous cement. The coal-measures occupy the lowest part of this
Secondary district which has yet been exposed. The hard sandstone is
principally composed of pure silicious earth. It is not acted upon by
acids, and is not liable to be decomposed by the action of air and water.
The shale contains no calcareous matter near its junction with the coal.
The limestones found in the Secondary strata contain no magnesian earth,
and are adulterated only with aluminous and silicious earths and oxide of
iron. They differ very much in purity in different parts." Another writer
says that gneiss composes at least four-fifths of the whole surface of the
county, and that the Old Bed Sandstone occurs in patches both on the
northwest towards Cape Wrath, and on the south-east along the Dornoch
Birth. In the last portion he says it is succeeded by one of the most
remarkable geological formations in Scotland, the Brora coalfield, in
connection with which there are strata of lias and oolite found in no
other part of Scotland, except a small patch on the west of the town of
Campbeltown in Kintyre and a few patches in the Western Isles. On the
north-west the rocky headlands consist of the Laurentian gneiss, while
above it "lie isolated mountains of Cambrian sandstone." There are also
strata of the Lower Silurian system, the limestones of which are wrought
for estate improvements, by the Duke of Sutherland, at Eriboll, on the
west coast, and at Shiness, on Loch Shin, in the interior.
As already stated, the arable land in the county is
confined mainly to a narrow fringe along the south-east coast. Here the
most general soil is a light sandy loam that yields liberally under
generous treatment. Between Bonar Bridge and Dornoch the soil is light
gravelly loam. In the parish of Dornoch it is clayey inland and sandy near
the sea, with an irregular belt of black loam intervening. The soil on the
arable land in the Golspie district varies from very light sand to medium
clay, the most general and best being loam with a slight admixture of
clay. Sir H. Davy says that the soils of the coast-side lands between
Little Ferry, a few miles south of Golspie, and Helmsdale, seem to be
formed principally from the decomposition of sandstone rock, which in some
parts approaches in its nature to shale. The soils in Strathfleet appeared
to him to have been produced by the decomposition of Transition sandstone
and breccias. Around Brora the soil is light and gravelly, but in Loth
there is some excellent heavy land; one hollow on the farm of Crakaig, in
particular, being covered with deep bluish clay. "Prior to the sixteenth
century," says Captain Henderson, "the river of Loth, as it emerged from
the mountains, turned due north, running parallel to the sea, at the
distance of about a quarter of a mile from it, through what is now called
the Yale of Loth, and there formed a swamp or marsh, divided from the sea
by sandy banks, until an enterprising Countess of Sutherland caused a
course to be cut for the river to the sea, through a rocky eminence." By
this means about 100 acres of excellent carse land were reclaimed, and
being well drained, it yields good crops of wheat, barley, oats, turnips,
and grass. Around Helmsdale the soil is light but fertile, while along the
Helmsdale or Kildonan Strath there are several small haughs of similar
soil, with rather less sand, that yield good crops of oats and turnips.
The soil on the higher banks along this strath consists of reddish gritty
sand and peat-earth, in which are embedded numerous detached pieces of
granite rock or pudding stone. In Strathbrora and Strathfleet there are
also several good small pieces of haugh land, some being of medium loam;
while in the parishes of Rogart and Lairg there is a considerable extent
of light gravelly loam, mixed with moss, and lying on a clayey subsoil.
Perhaps nine-tenths of the interior, however, is covered with peat-earth,
and there are many broad swamps of deep moss. The surface of the Assynt
district is so rough and rocky that, with the exception of a few spots
consisting chiefly of moss, it contains no land suitable for cultivation.
The same may almost be said of the parishes of Eddrachillis and Durness,
although there are several good patches of mixed gravel and moss, and a
few small pieces of fair loam. In Durness there are three farms—Balnakiel,
Eriboll, Keoldale—with arable land attached—150 acres to each of the two
former, and 100 acres to the latter. It is also a good grazing parish, the
limestone which underlies its surface-soil proving a valuable stimulant to
its pasture. The arable land in the parishes of Tongue, Parr, and Reay
lies mostly along the coast, and the soil on a few spots is good black
loam, on other parts sandy loam, but on the greater portion a varying
mixture of moss, gravel, and clay, which yields good crops under liberal
treatment. Along Strathnaver, the finest strath perhaps in the county,
there is a considerable extent of good haugh land, a mixture of sand,
gravel, and moss, which was for many years previous to 1820 cultivated by
over 300 families. On the banks of the river Strathy there are some
patches of thin fertile sandy land. In Strathhalladale there were at the
beginning of the present century about 300 acres of light soil, similar to
that in Strathnaver, cultivated in small holdings.
Condition of the County Seventy Years ago.
Sutherland was the last county in Scotland to throw off what may be called
the thraldom of the dark ages. After the other counties in the Highlands
had enjoyed improved communication with the world beyond, Sutherland still
lay in a manner locked up by sea and mountain; while devoid as it was of
what could be called roads, and consisting as it does almost entirely of
"one uninterrupted succession of wild mountain or deep morass," the
intercourse between the different districts within the county itself was
"confined exclusively, or nearly so, to the exertions of those who could
travel on foot, and even this mode of communication, except to the natives
who were brought up to such toil and exertion, was almost impracticable,"
not to say dangerous, "in passing precipices or struggling through
swamps." The proprietors and other leading inhabitants of Sutherland,
however, early availed themselves of the Act passed by Parliament in 1803,
giving aid in the construction of roads and bridges in the Highlands of
Scotland;—they even took the lead of their brethren in Ross, Cromarty, and
Inverness in the matter—and with commendable spirit set to work to open up
the county. The two main obstructions were the Dornoch Firth and Loch
Fleet but at last both were successfully overcome. Across the former at
Bonar, a very handsome bridge was constructed by Mr Telford at a cost of
£13,971. It consists of two stone arches of 50 and 60 feet span
respectively, and one iron arch of 150 feet span; while on the Ross-shire
side an extensive embankment had to be made. The work was begun in July
1811 and completed in November 1812. Mr James Loch, commissioner on the
Sutherland estates, in his interesting account of the Stafford
improvements, published in 1820, states that the iron portion of this
handsome bridge "was cast in Denbighshire, where it was first put
together, and then taken to pieces and re-erected in the furthest
extremity of the Highlands of Scotland, and exhibits in that remote
district a striking monument of national enterprise and liberality, and of
the public spirit of the county of Sutherland." The other arm of the sea
referred to,— Loch Fleet, or the Little Ferry,—lies between Dornoch and
Golspie. A mound, 999 yards long, 60 yards wide at the base, 18 feet in
perpendicular height, and sloping to about 20 feet wide at the top, was
formed at a narrow part of the channel, and at the north end was
constructed a substantially built bridge, 34 yards long, consisting of
four arches of 12 feet span each, and fitted with strong valve gates. The
total cost of this important undertaking amounted to about £9000, of which
£1000 was subscribed by Lord Stafford, and which Mr Loch estimates as the
probable amount by which the estate of Sutherland might be benefited by
excluding the flowing of the tide over some good land, and by obtaining
about 400 acres of beach, which may in time push out a rough herbage, and
thus gradually fit itself for culture." "While these gigantic works were
going on, the foundation of roads throughout the county was pushed forward
with much energy, so that "in the space of twelve years," says Mr Loch,
"the county of Sutherland was intersected in some of the most important
districts with roads, in point of execution, superior to most roads in
England." Previous to 1819 the mails were conveyed on horseback from
Inverness to Tain, and from thence across the firths by foot-runners; but
in July of that year a daily mail diligence commenced to run between
Inverness and Thurso. The counties of Ross and Caithness, and the Marquis
of Stafford on behalf of the county of Sutherland, contributed each £200
for two years in aid of this establishment; and, commenting upon the
movement, Mr Loch says, that "in the history of the country there is no
parallel of so rapid a change as has thus been effected in this distant
corner of the island. Passing at once from a state of almost absolute
exclusion from the rest of the kingdom to the enjoyment of the
incalculable advantages of the mail coach system, at a distance of 802
miles from the capital of the kingdom, and 1082 miles from Falmouth—the
farthest extremity in the other direction to which this establishment
extends; joining as it were by one common bond of intercourse the two most
distant parts of the island,—the one situated at the extremity of the
English Channel, the other on the coast of the frozen ocean."
The county having thus been opened up, it may be
interesting to glance back at the condition in which, in an agricultural
and social sense, the explorer would then have found it. Captain Henderson
estimates the area of the arable land in the county in 1808, that is to
say, land under wheat, bere, oats, pease, potatoes, turnips, and sown
grasses, at 14,500 acres. It appears that by far the greater portion lay
on the south-east coast, in the parts that form the main centre of the
arable farming at the present day, while along the straths intersecting
the county, and now under sheep, there were several thousands of acres
under cultivation. The total annual produce of these 14,500 acres was
estimated at £62,781, 2s. 8d., or a little over £4, 6s. 7d. per Scotch
acre. The yield per Scotch acre of wheat is stated at 7 bolls, worth 30s.
per boll or £10, 10s. per acre; bere, 5 bolls, worth 20s. per boll or £5
per acre; oats, 5 bolls, worth 15s. per boll or £3, 15s. per acre; pease,
at 4 bolls, worth 20s. per boll or £4 per acre; potatoes, 12 bolls, worth
8s. per boll or £4, 15s. per acre; turnips, worth £6 per acre; sown
grasses, 200 stones, worth 8d., or £6,13s. 4d. per acre. A thousand acres
of natural meadows, haughs, &c, are estimated to be worth £1, 6s. 8d. per
acre, while pasture for 4291 horses is estimated at 10s. each or £2145,
10s.; ditto for 17,333 cattle at 10s. each or £8666, 10s.; ditto for
94,570 sheep at 2s. each or £9457; ditto for 1123 goats at 1s. each or
£56, 3s.; and ditto for 270 swine at 3s. each or £40, 10s.;—in all for
pasturage (exclusive of £150 charged for 500 red deer in Reay Forest),
£20,365, 13s., which brings the total value of what is called the
agricultural produce of 1808 up to £84,630, 11s. 8d.
The same authority states that the farmers of
Sutherland at the period referred to were as diversified as the size of
their farms. None of them were bred to farming in a regular manner from
their youth,—the more opulent class were gentlemen who had been in the
army, navy, or some respectable line abroad, who farmed partly for
pleasure and convenience, and derived their profits from what they subset
to the lower class of cottars or small tenants; by far the most numerous
class were those whose fathers and grandfathers for many generations had
followed the plough, or the black cattle and the goats in the mountains,
men who never thought of changing or improving their condition, and whose
means and professional knowledge were too limited to admit of change or
amendment. The soil, climate, and short leases discouraged them, and,
until the sheep-farming circumscribed the extent of their hill pasture,
they were chiefly dependent for a bare subsistence on the rearing of black
cattle. As a rule they were "frugal and temperate in their habits in
spring and harvest they laboured hard, and the summer and winter were
passed in ease, poverty, and contentment." In these times land was let not
by the acre, but by the quantity of bere it required to sow it. A boll of
bere usually sowed an acre; and arable land was thus let by the boll
sowing, while the rent of pasture was calculated by the number of cattle
it would maintain in the summer months. The arable land is reckoned in
penny land, farthing, and octos. The penny land is generally allowed to
contain 8 acres; an octo, of course, is 1 acre or a boll sowing, but this
varies in proportion to the quality of the land— when of a superior
quality the quantity is less, and vice versa.
The wadsetters prevailed on the south-east coast, while
in the straths in the interior and on the western and northern coasts the
arable land was mostly let in small lots of from 1 to 30 acres or boll
sowings, each occupier having a proportion of intown pasture, while
"the mountains and moory hills were pastured in common by the cattle of
the nearest tenants." The wadsetters took an extent of ground equal to
about £200 Scots of valued rent, and occupied themselves from 30 to 50
bolls' sowing, letting the remainder to sub-tenants in farms of from £3 to
£5 rent, besides services which Captain Henderson says were in some cases,
unlimited. Mr Loch states that these wadsetters "exacted from their
sub-tenants services which were of the most oppressive nature, and to such
an extent that if they managed well they might hold what they retained in
their own possession rent-free. This saved them from a life of labour and
exertion. The whole economy of their farming—securing their fuel,
gathering their harvest, and grinding their corn—was performed by their
immediate dependents." In illustration of this statement, Mr Loch gives in
his volume an interesting account of the rent payable by the sub-tenants
of the farm of Kintradwell for the year 1811, from which the two following
specimens may be given:—"Leadoch,—Angus Sutherland—6 hens, 6 dozen eggs,
£4 in money, and 1 cover kiln-drying, clearing hay lands, shearing 48
stooks, threshing 12 stooks, 30 horses for a day leading ware, 4 days'
work in harvest in cornyard, 1 spade and 3 spreaders of peats, and 2 days
repairing peat road. Cottertown.—John Bruce—3 hens, 3 dozen eggs, £5, 1s.
3d. in money, and shearing 24 stooks, threshing 12 stooks, 2 days' work in
cornyard, 1 spade and 1 spreader of peats, 1 day at peat road, thatching
houses, clearing hay lands, 12 horses for 1 day leading ware, and half a
cover kiln-drying. The total amount paid as rent by sub-tenants on this
farm was,—in money, £145, 19s. 7d.; victual, £21, 11s. 3d.; hens, £3,
18s.; eggs, £1, 7s. 6d.; servitude, £56, 10s.;—making, in all, £229, 6s.
4d." Mr Loch explains that Kintradwell "had been granted in wadset or
mortgage for the sum of £800. In 1811 the wadsetter granted the residue of
the term then unexpired, being eight years, to the late sub-tenant, Mr
MacPherson, for a fine or grassum of £800, and the annual rent of £150.
The value of the land in Mr Macpherson's own occupation amounted to £200
per annum, thus making the whole income derived by him from the farm £429
per annum. In this case there were three gradations between the landlord
and the occupier of the land; in some instances, four." This obnoxious
system became less popular as the present century advanced, the chiefs or
landed proprietors found that they had more complete control over their
people if they were made their own immediate tenants, and in many cases
the proprietors remanded the wadsets or mortgages, leaving with the
farmers what they had retained in their own possessions, and letting the
remainder directly to the small tenants who were formerly the sub-tenants.
Captain Henderson states, that about the year 1808, the rent of the arable
land on the south-east coast was from 15s. to 21s. per boll sowing or
acre, while, in some cases, 30s. or 35s. was charged for pasture attached
to the arable land. In the straths, and on the western and northern
coasts, rent was paid in accordance with the number of black cattle that
could be reared on the farm, and its amount per acre could not, therefore,
be ascertained. Wadset leases at one time frequently extended over two
nineteens, but after the commencement of the present century, few of these
were given. The duration of leases between the proprietors and principal
tacksmen was generally nineteen or twenty-one years; and between tacksmen
and sub-tenants (but leases between these were rare) three, five, or seven
years. The implements in general use at the commencement of the present
century were of the most primitive description. The better-to-do farmers
and proprietors had begun to use the modern Scotch plough, which cost from
£3 to £4, 10s., but the small tenants still employ the old Scotch plough,
made of birch or alder, with a thin plate of hammered iron on the bottom
and land side of the head. "This plough," says Captain Henderson,
"exclusive of the ploughshare, and sock, and plates, costs from 5s. to
15s., and is often made by the tenant who uses it. In the parishes of
Assynt, Eddrachilles, Durness, and Tongue, and in other parts, the
caschrom, a sort of spade, was in general use, while the clumsy
old-fashioned home-made wooden harrows were worked by the smaller tenants
all over the county, only those farmers who had improved ploughs having
had harrows with iron teeth. On the larger farms there were a few of the
modern horse-carts, which cost then from £12 to £16, but among the smaller
tenants, the well-known old basket cart was still in general use. Its cost
was from 20s. to 25s. Fuel, manure and other commodities were also
sometimes conveyed in baskets attached to a clubber or saddle, on
horseback. Only one threshing mill is spoken of as being in the county (at
Mid-garty) in 1808, and very few even of the larger farmers could boast of
a winnowing machine.
Captain Henderson states, that "along the coast side of
Sutherland the more opulent farmers plough their land with a pair of
horses without a driver, and in some cases with four oxen abreast, with a
driver. The smaller tenants, both along the coast and in the interior of
the county, use four small garrons (horses) abreast in their
plough, or perhaps two small ponies and two cows, all abreast, with a
driver; and in cases where their lots are small, two of them join and
furnish two ponies each, and plough their land jointly, the one ' holding'
and the other 'driving.' These people have their land all in crooked
ridges, broad in the middle and narrow at each end, in the shape of an S
, and a green bank or cairn of stones between every two or three
ridges. The course of cropping pursued on the southeast coast was, as a
rule, first, pease or potatoes; second, here or big, manured with ware or
seaweed or farm yard dung; third, oats, and then pease, &c, again." Bere
and oats were grown alternately in the interior and western districts, the
former being as a rule sown in lazy beds with abundance of manure, which
secured from 10 to 14 returns. Oats and rye were sometimes sown together,
generally on land in poor condition, and the mixed grain was manufactured
into a sort of coarse meal. A little wheat had been grown on the better
farms on the southeast coast, chiefly at Dunrobin and Skibo, and it is
said to have yielded from 8 to 10 bolls per acre; but Captain Henderson
states, that "owing to distance from markets, the variable climate, and
want of manure, the culture of it was given up." Bere gave from 4 to 7
bolls per acre, oats about 5 bolls, and pease from 5 to 6 bolls. During
the first ten years of the present century, turnips were on their
probation in Sutherland. Only a few small patches were grown by some
gentlemen farmers, but they stood their trial well, and soon increased in
popularity: the white and red top varieties were first sown. Potatoes
played a very important part in the economy of Sutherland in these olden
times. More than 1500 Scotch acres were planted with them every year, and
they formed a very large part of the food of the inhabitants. The yield
varied from 6 to 20 bolls per acre; and, in a favourable year, the quality
was excellent. Only on a few farms on the south-east coast were artificial
grasses sown, and these were clover and rye grass. The Argyle or West
Highland breed of cattle had been adopted at Dunrobin before the advent of
the present century; and so well did they thrive there, that in 1807 eight
milch cows were valued at £18 each, and the stots and heifers, from two to
five years old, at an average of £15 each. The general breed of cattle,
however, was the small black cattle of Skye and Assynt, "well shaped,
short legged, and hardy; the colour in general black, with some
exceptions." When mated with West Highland bulls these native cows
produced excellent stock, and Youatt says that, though smaller than the
cattle of Caithness, these black cattle of Sutherland were "far more
valuable, requiring only to be crossed by those from Argyle or Skye to be
equal to any that the northern Highlands can produce." Captain Henderson
states that the four year old stots at Dunrobin farm weighted from 5 to 6
cwts. in the carcass, and the cattle of the country tenants from 240 to
400 lbs. avoirdupois.
Up to the winter of 1806-7, when they nearly all died
of rot and scab, the old Kerry breed of sheep was almost the only variety
of the fleecy tribe in the county. A few blackfaced sheep had been
introduced before then, but, until the disastrous winter referred to, the
ancient breed maintained its sway. The Kerry sheep were " small with good
wool, some horned, others polled, some black, but the greater number
white, and some of grey colour." They weighed from 28 to 36 lbs. in the
carcass, and "the wool of from nine to twelve of them made a stone of 24
lbs." The introduction of Cheviot sheep, which began in 1806, will be
referred to afterwards. Goats were kept in great numbers then, but, like
the Kerry sheep, they were almost annihilated with scab and rot in the
spring of 1807. The most general breed of horses was the native garrons—a
thick low-set hardy breed, at one time reared all over the northern
counties. They cost from four to ten guineas, were from 44 to 52 inches
high, and were black, brown, or grey in colour.
The social habits of the inhabitants were, in these
days, very primitive. Their food and mode of living are thus described by
Captain Henderson—"The inhabitants near the coast side live principally
upon fish, potatoes, milk, and oat or barley cakes. Those in the interior
or more highland part feed upon mutton, butter, cheese, milk, cream, with
oat or barley cakes during the summer months. They live well and are
indolent; of course are robust and healthy. In winter the more opulent
subsist upon potatoes, beef, mutton, and milk; but the poorer class live
upon potatoes and milk, and at times a little oat or barley cakes. In
times of scarcity,—in summer they bleed their cattle, and after dividing
it into square cakes they boil it, and eat it with milk or whey instead of
The real condition of those small tenants, who up to
1820 cultivated the glens or straths of Sutherland, is a matter of much
interest in connection with the agricultural history of the county and
therefore an extract on the subject from Mr Loch's work may not be out of
place. He states—that "when that hardy but not industrious race of people
spread over the county they took the advantage of every spot which could
be cultivated, and which could with any chance of success be applied to
raising a precarious crop of inferior oats, of which they baked their
cakes, and of bere, from which they distilled their whisky; added but
little to the industry, and contributed nothing to the wealth of the
empire. Impatient of regular and constant work, all heavy labour was
abandoned to the women, who were employed occasionally even in dragging
the harrow to cover in the seed. To build their hut or get in their peats
for fuel, or to perform any other occasional labour of the kind, the men
were ever ready to assist, but the great proportion of their time, when
not in the pursuit of game or of illegal distillation, was spent in
indolence and sloth. Their huts were of the most miserable description;
they were built of turf dug from the most valuable portions of the
mountain side. Their roof consisted of the same material, which was
supported upon a wooden frame, constructed of crooked timber taken from
the natural woods belonging to the proprietor, and of moss-fir dug from
the peat bogs. The situation they selected was uniformly on the edge of
the cultivated land and of the mountain pastures. They were placed
lengthways and sloping with the declination of the hill. This position was
chosen in order that all the filth might flow from the habitation without
further exertion upon the part of the owner. Under the same roof, and
entering at. the same door, were kept all the domestic animals belonging
to the establishment. The upper portion of the hut was appropriated to the
use of the family. In the centre of this upper division was placed the
fire, the smoke from which was made to circulate throughout the whole hut
for the purpose of conveying heat into its furthest extremities,—the
effect being to cover everything with a black glossy soot, and to produce
the most evident injury to the appearance and eyesight of those most
exposed to it's influence. The floor was the bare earth, except near the
fire-place, where it was rudely paved with rough stones. It was never
levelled with much care, and it soon wore into every sort of inequality
according to the hardness of the respective soils of which it was
composed. Every hollow formed a receptacle for whatever fluid happened to
fall near it, where it remained until absorbed by the earth. It was
impossible that it should ever be swept, and when the accumulation of
filth rendered the place uninhabitable another hut was erected in the
vicinity of the old one. The old rafters were used in the construction of
the new cottage, and that which was abandoned formed a valuable collection
of manure for the next crop. The introduction of the potato in the first
instance proved no blessing to Sutherland, but only increased the state of
wretchedness, inasmuch as its cultivation required less labour, and it was
the means of supporting a denser population. The cultivation of this root
was eagerly adopted; but being planted in places where man never would
have fixed his habitation but for the adventitious circumstances already
mentioned, this delicate vegetable was of course exposed to the inclemency
of a climate for which it was not suited, and fell a more ready and
frequent victim to the mildews and the early frosts of the mountains,
which frequently occur in August, than did the oats and bere. This was
particularly the case along the course of the rivers, near which it was
generally planted on account of the superior depth of soil. The failure of
such a crop brought accumulated evils upon the poor people in a year of
scarcity, and also made such calamities more frequent; for, in the same
proportion as it gave sustenance to a larger number of inhabitants when
the crop was good, so did it dash into misery in years when it failed a
larger number of helpless and suffering objects. As often as this
melancholy state of matters arose, and upon an average it occurred every
third or fourth year to a greater or less degree, the starving population
of the estate became necessarily dependent for their support on the bounty
of the landlord.....The cattle which they reared on the mountains, and
from the sale of which they depended for the payment of their rents, were
of the poorest description. During summer they procured a scanty
sustenance with much toil and labour by roaming over the mountains; while
in winter they died in numbers for the want of support, notwithstanding a
practice which was universally adopted of killing every second calf on
account of the want of winter keep. To such an extent did this calamity at
times amount, that in the spring of 1807 there died in the parish of
Kildonan alone 200 cows, 500 head of cattle, and more than 200 small
The removal of these small tenants has already been
briefly referred to, and it will now suffice under this head to say that
the improved system of sheep-farming, which dates in Sutherland from 1806,
had by 1825 spread over the whole county, including the straths formerly
occupied by the small tenants; that by the latter date an improved system
of husbandry had been introduced on the arable farms, and that a spirit of
advancement had sprung up among all classes of the inhabitants, which has
raised the county into its present highly creditable position in regard to
both arable and pastoral farming.
The Progress of the Past Seventy Years.
Having perused the foregoing somewhat disconnected
notes regarding the social and agricultural condition of the county about
the advent of the present century, the reader will be the better prepared
for a brief account of the progress that has been made since the spirit of
improvement first took practical form in the county. This important event
may be credited to 1806, in which year the modern system of sheep-farming,
which has gained so wide a reputation for the county, was founded in
Sutherland by Messrs. Atkinson and N. Marshall, from Northumberland, who,
in that year, took an extensive sheep-walk from the Marquis of Stafford
near Lairg, and stocked it with Cheviot sheep. The development of the
sheep-farming will be more fully dealt with afterwards. Here it will
suffice to indicate very briefly the rapidity of its growth and the
enormous dimensions it has now reached. The county was found admirably
adapted to the Cheviot sheep, and they fast drove out the Kerry and
Blackfaced breeds. In 1811 they numbered about 15,000, while during the
next nine years they increased to no fewer than 118,400. The next decade
added about 38,000, and between 1831 and 1857 the number rose to about
200,000; while, since the latter year, they have exceeded that by from
16,000 to 40,000. It will thus be seen that during the first thirty years
of the present century the occupation of the straths and mountains of
Sutherland was completely revolutionized, and that the industry which has
in later days so highly distinguished that remote part of the United
Kingdom had, in little more than the short period mentioned, attained, so
to speak, almost to its full manhood.
While the first thirty years of the present century
wrought a great change in the interior of the county, that period also
brought about considerable improvement in the districts in which arable
farming prevailed. Captain Henderson states that, during the years between
1807 and 1811, "a general reform had begun in the management of land on
the eastern coast of the county and that several farms were getting under
the most approved rotation, in so far as the occupiers (intelligent
farmers from Morayshire) believed the soil and local situation would admit
of it; and perhaps better farm offices are not to be found in Scotland "
than on some Sutherland farms. The reform thus spoken of spread gradually
through all the arable districts of the county, wiping out all relics of
the darker ages, such as wooden ploughs, basket-carts, primitive systems
of rotation, and feal houses, and introducing in their stead an order of
things entirely new. Better attention was bestowed on the rearing of
cattle, and the stock of cattle, as well as that of horses and sheep, was
very greatly improved. Fields were squared, fences erected, new houses
built, service or local roads made, and other improvements effected, so
that by 1830 the face of the country had become wonderfully changed. The
late Mr Patrick Sellar, who visited Sutherland along with other Morayshire
men in 1809, and found it entirely devoid of roads, harbours, farm
steadings (excepting one or two), or any other signs of modern
agriculture, wrote as follows, in 1820, to Mr James Loch, commissioner on
the Sutherland property:—"At this time (1809) nothing could have led me to
believe that in the short space of ten years I should see, in such a
country, roads made in every direction; the mail coach daily driving
through it, new harbours built, in one of which upwards of twenty vessels
have been repeatedly seen at one time taking in cargoes for exportation,
coal and salt and lime and brick-works established, farm steadings
everywhere built, fields laid off and substantially enclosed, capital
horses employed, with south country implements of husbandry, made in
Sutherland, tilling the ground, secundum artem, for turnips, wheat,
and artificial grasses; an export of fish, wool, and mutton to the extent
of £70,000 a year; the women dressed out from Manchester, Glasgow, and
Paisley; the English language made the language of the county; and a
baker, a carpenter, a blacksmith, mason, shoemaker, &c, to be had as
readily and nearly as cheap, too, as in other counties." About 1809 Mr
Sellar entered on a lease of the farm of Culmaily, in the valley of
Golspie, and about a mile from that town, at a rent of 25s. per acre, with
an advance at 6½ per cent. of £1500 to assist in improvements, the extent
of the farm being 300 Scotch acres. This enterprising gentleman at once
set to work, and in a few years had the whole of the farm reclaimed, a
considerable portion of it from moor and moss and rough pasture,—had
erected upon it an excellent dwelling-house, farm steading, and thrashing
mill,—and had it brought to a high state of cultivation. He also took on
lease the adjoining farm of Morvich, and between the two he had reclaimed
over 250 acres before 1820. On the neighbouring farms of Kirkton, Drumroy,
and Dunrobin Mains, and at Crakaig and Skelbo, similar improvements were
executed about the same time; while at different parts along the
south-eastern coast smaller reclamations and improvements were carried
out, partly by the tenants and partly by the proprietors.
The want of reliable statistics makes it impossible to
give even an approximate idea of the number of acres of land reclaimed in
the county during any given period of the first half of the present
century. It has already been stated that in 1808 the arable area was
estimated at 14,500 Scotch acres, or about 18,125 imperial acres, but,
through the removal of the small tenants from the straths in the interior
during the second decade of the present century, and the turning of their
crofts into sheep pasture, that area must have been reduced by a few
thousand acres—the exact extent cannot be ascertained. The first properly
organised inquiry into the agricultural statistics of Sutherland was made
in July 1853 by the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland at the
desire of the Board of Trade. According to that inquiry the arable area in
1853 was 22,022½ acres, or only 3,897½ acres more than in 1808—not a very
large increase for a period of forty-five years. It must be remembered,
however, that the statistics of 1808 were more roughly gathered than those
of 1853, and that, as already stated, the removal of small tenants and the
introduction of sheep-farming threw a large extent of arable land out of
cultivation. The following table shows the addition that has been made to
the arable area of the county during the past twenty-six years: —

As shall be afterwards shown, a large portion of this
increase has been effected by the Duke of Sutherland, within the last few
years, at Lairg and at Kinbrace; while the main part of the remainder has
been made up by the reclamation of pieces of land, varying in extent from
50 to 200 acres, on sheep farms throughout the county for the purpose of
producing winter food for the sheep. As a rule these latter reclamations
have been executed by His Grace, the tenants paying interest on the
The progress of the present century is better indicated
in the valuation of the county than in its arable area. The valued rent of
the county in 1802, as entered in the Records of the Exchequer at
Edinburgh, was £26,193, 9s. 7d. Scots, or about £2,182, 15s. 9d. sterling;
while in 1808 Captain Henderson estimated the real rent of the county at
£16,216, 12s. 6d., including about £1750 for fishings and kelp, and about
£200 for houses in the burgh of Dornoch. The following table shows the
valuation at various times since the commencement of the present century:—

These figures bear indelible testimony to the. great
skill and enterprise that have been displayed during the present century
by the proprietors and tenants of Sutherland. There is but a small portion
of the county suitable for arable farming, and therefore the increase in
its arable area has been less during the past fifty years than in the
other Highland counties, but its natural resources, such as they are, have
been developed in a manner, and to a degree not surpassed in the history
of any other county in the kingdom.
The Duke's Land Reclamations.
The Duke of Sutherland's land reclamations have perhaps
earned a wider reputation than any other agricultural operation ever
undertaken in any part of the world. Though commenced only nine years ago,
more matter has already been written and published on the subject in
newspapers and magazines than is required to form an ordinary modern
three-volume novel; and thus the agricultural public must already be
pretty familiar with the details of the work. In such a report as this,
however, it is desirable that so prominent a feature in the agricultural
history of the county should receive due attention.
The Reasons that led to the Reclamations.—The
reasons that led the Duke of Sutherland to contemplate these reclamations
may first be noticed. As may be inferred from the great disproportion
between its arable and grazing areas, the county of Sutherland, the bulk
of which, as has been shown, belongs to His Grace, is, in the matter of
food, far from self-supporting. The consumption of oatmeal exceeds the
home production; and, as the mountains and straths of the county carry a
greater number of sheep in summer than these, aided by the available
production of the arable districts, can sustain in the winter season, a
large portion of its sheep stock has to seek winter food beyond its
bounds. Nine years ago it was stated by the late Mr Kenneth Murray of
Geanies, that for oatmeal and turnips at least £25,000 went off the Duke
of Sutherland's estate every year. It was therefore natural that His Grace
should have long cherished a desire to alter this state of matters, and,
if possible, increase his arable area so as to raise a sufficiency of
oatmeal for the inhabitants, and of winter food for the fleecy animals
that fare so sumptuously on the Sutherland hills in summer.
Mr Kenneth Murray's Report.—In 1870 the late Mr
Kenneth Murray of Geanies, Ross-shire, a gentleman at once large-hearted,
widely intelligent, and of vast experience, was consulted on the subject
by His Grace. After making a careful survey of the portions of the estate
that seemed most suitable for reclamation, Mr Murray drew up and submitted
to his Grace an exhaustive and highly-interesting report. The substance of
the more important parts of that document (with which,
for perusal, the writer has been kindly favoured) will
no doubt be read with appreciation. At the outset, Mr Murray states that
he is "fully satisfied that a very large area in the neighbourhood
of Lairg, lying westwards along the banks of Loch Shin and northwards on
the banks of the Tirry River, is capable of being made greatly more
productive, either as arable land or by surface improvement, and that the
measure is recommended by many considerations of public policy as well as
of private interest." Fixing on this spot as the seat of the first series
of improvements, he proceeds to discuss the reasons he had heard against
the reclamations. "The climate," he says, " is not nearly so cold as in
many other districts which are in profitable cultivation; and on the
furthest west margin, to which I would at present extend improvement, I
have seen excellent crops of oats and barley ripened as soon as the
average of the north of Scotland generally, and much sooner than is usual
in Caithness and the heights of Aberdeen and Banff. Turnips and potatoes
also grow perfectly at Shiness. From 110 to 150 feet higher than the
existing fields of Shiness, there are traces of corn cultivation in old
times, with the rude appliances of these days. It is said that the
district is especially liable to mildew —that heavy mists lie by the side
of the lake, frequently causing loss both to grain and green crops. I have
seen those mists on several occasions, and once went to examine them; and
I have no doubt that they are injurious. But I am equally satisfied that
they are removable, and that they will disappear as a consequence of the
improvement of the district. There are large 'floes,' or green mosses full
of stagnant water, in the locality, and great want of drainage everywhere;
and from precisely similar experience in a smaller area—as well as from
many recorded instances all over Scotland—I am satisfied that these mists
will be gradually removed. I grant that they point to the necessity of a
larger drainage operation, but to no other difficulty. It is said that the
locality is so exposed that the wind does injury,—to this I attach no
importance. During spring, summer, and autumn, I have no doubt the
influence of wind is neither more nor less than in other unsheltered
districts, and that it is more temperate than the extreme eastern coasts.
In winter I have no doubt it is a wild place for drift,—but that is an
argument against its pastoral character, not against reclamation. And, of
course, I am to recommend planting for shelter, and good stone or turf
fences for sub-divisions. There was formerly great force in the reasons
urged in respect of the inland position of the district, and the cost and
difficulty of communication; but these are now removed by the railway, The
most distant acre proposed to be reclaimed will not be seven miles from a
station." Proceeding to state the arguments in favour of the operation, Mr
Murray makes reference to the ever-increasing demand for arable land as an
outlet for capital and industry, and says that he could find no reason of
any kind connected with the soil against the operation. "Its character is
various, but it is all quite adapted for oats and green crops, except a
few hard knowes and wet hollows, which are sometimes flooded." Oats
and turnips, he points out, are the crops most required in Sutherland, and
he adds,—"The value of turnips has risen so much that it has arrested, I
am certain, the progressive value of hill pastures in the north. And more
than that has happened. Before the recent extensive reclamation of land in
the old districts of Ross and Inverness, the hill sheep used to have
outruns of heather or other coarse pasture, to which the turnip was an
adjunct merely; and they not only wintered more cheaply, but the wintering
was better for them. Now, penned upon the turnip fields, occasionally
getting out only on to short artificial grass, they lose a great deal of
the hardiness of their nature, and the result is that a great many have to
be sent back again for a second wintering, or they would die. This is a
very serious matter—is becoming more so every year—and, in view of these
facts, a large reclamation of land in the centre of Sutherland has
additional interest.
As all land improvements must proceed gradually, and
improvement invariably leads to further improvements, I would propose to
deal mainly, at present, with the shores of Loch Shin and the immediate
banks of the Tirry. I entertain no doubt that for every acre which may be
cultivated within the first twenty-one years, half as many more will be
reclaimed in the succeeding lease, and probably at a less expense than
those which are made arable now. Experience teaches that overexertion in
the matter of land improvement is a great mistake, and that, in fact, it
often annuls for a time the real benefit of what was otherwise a true
measure of improvement Still, from the character of the subject, and the
necessity of improving the climate, I hold that this particular operation
must be extensive to be successful." Mr Murray indicated that he would
propose to make in all 1175 acres of arable land—575 acres of which he
would have divided as follows:—

The remaining 600 acres would be laid off into fifteen
farms of 40 acres each, with 600 acres of pasture in common, and 200 acres
to be improved by the tenants. He also proposed to add to the arable areas
of the farms of Shiness and Dalchork, so as to make these farms
self-supporting. Mr Murray then entered into a detailed scheme for
carrying out the improvements, dealing first with drainage, which, though
absolutely necessary, did not appear to him as likely to be either
difficult or expensive. He placed the cost of drainage at £5 per arable
acre, and £1 per acre of outrun. Speaking of the " measures necessary for
breaking up the surface," he gave it as his opinion that probably
four-fifths of the whole area could be quite well ploughed by • horses or
oxen. He would not say that thereby as perfect work would be made as by
the more expensive process of trenching,—except in the swamps and meadows
where, after drainage and some labour on the surface, a common plough
would do the work quite well. But then, in regard to the cost, he
estimated that, while ploughing by horses or oxen would not cost more than
£2, 15s. per acre on an average, including 5s. per acre for accommodation
for men and stock employed, trenching would cost at least £10 per acre.
Referring to the question of employing steam, he said—"But if it is
possible to do the work by steam-ploughing (of which I am not able to
judge), the cost may be decreased; for I am certain very good work can be
done at the price I have named by means of horses and oxen. The difficulty
of employing steam is the risk caused by stones; and though there are very
large areas where no stones will occur, these areas, on the other hand,
should be ploughed for less than £2, 10s. per acre (say, from £1 to
£l,10s.), because a less depth would be necessary." Detailed instruction
was also given as to clearing the broken surface of stones, which was
calculated to cost £2 per acre; building dwelling-houses and farm offices,
the cost of which for the three farms was estimated at £5 per acre, and
for the fifteen smaller holdings, at £6 per acre; and fencing, the cost of
which was placed at £2 per acre. In regard to fencing, he says—"There can
be no doubt at all that, as regards the intermediate fences, stone dykes
are the best, but their cost would be very great, especially as I have no
expectation of obtaining anything like the quantity of stones necessary
without quarrying. It will, therefore be necessary to place stone fences
only in the most exposed-situations on each farm. I think that turf fences
with wires on the top should be largely used, and, with ordinary
attention, they may last for all time. These turf dykes should be made
before the land is broken up, and they should be built like stone fences,
but starting from the surface with a broader base and having more slope.
They should also be erected only in autumn and winter, never later than
February." As to road-making, he said there would be no difficulty or any
great expense—less than £600. He had reason to believe that stones for all
the buildings would be got in the river Tirry, and adds: "There is a rare
advantage in possessing lime, both for building and top-dressing the land
at Shiness; this is indeed a most important element in the whole matter.
The railway makes all carriages nothing more than the average of the
country." With regard to outruns and plantations, he says: "I attach much
importance to these outruns in connection with the proposed reclamation,
though I trust future generations will see their areas gradually
encroached upon by the plough. With drainage and lime, I expect they will
be made very valuable. The drainage I estimate at £1 per acre, and we must
add 10s. per acre for ring fences. Throughout these outruns—and wherever
it can be properly arranged within the bounds of the area to be made
arable — plantations should be at once formed, having reference to shelter
chiefly. In exposed places it will be of no use, I fear, to plant less
than fifty-acre spaces; but on the face towards Loch Shin, much smaller
belts may be formed. The soil, however, is not favourable for planting,
except in a few spots which I have marked on the plan, and profit cannot
be directly regarded from this operation. It is fair, therefore, to charge
the great part of the probable cost to the work of reclamation; and I
propose to add £600 under this head—or say, at the rate of 10s. per acre."
Mr Murray concluded his admirable report by considering the question of
how the new land should be let, and added an abstract of the probable cost
and probable revenue. From this abstract it appears that he estimated the
total cost of improving the 1175 acres, including draining, ploughing
(which was estimated at £3 per acre, to cover the trenching of a few
spots), clearing away stones, farm buildings, fencing, forming roads and
bridges, and plantations for shelter, at £21,737,10s., or £18, 10s. per
acre. The draining and fencing of the 2200 acres of outruns were estimated
at £3300, or £1, 10s. per acre; making the total probable outlay £25,037,
10s. The average rental of the three larger farms for the first thirty
years was estimated at £1,3s. 4d. per acre, or £670,16s. 8d. in all; and
that of the fifteen smaller possessions at 17s. 10d. per acre, or £535 in
all,—giving a total average annual revenue for the first thirty years of
£1205,16s. 8d. The annual value of the land before being improved was
stated at £150, which left, as the probable "improved rental," £1055,16s.
8d., and which would be equal to a return of more than 4 per cent. per
annum on the estimated cost of the improvement.
Beginning and end of the Lairg Improvements.—Mr
Murray's report was favourably entertained by the Duke. Having failed in
many efforts to induce contractors to undertake the recommended
reclamations either by manual and animal labour or by steam, His Grace at
last took the matter in hand himself, and in the beginning of September
1872 commenced at Lairg with an old set of Howard's steam-plough tackle
which had previously been employed by His Grace in reclaiming a piece of
moss land near Uppat. Preparations for the works at Lairg had been going
on for some time previously. A large part of the farm of Dalchork, on the
south-east side of the Tirry river, had been drained, and about 20 acres
trenched by manual labour. At the very outset, as predicted by Mr Murray,
the process of ploughing the Lairg land by steam was almost brought to a
standstill by the numerous large stones and tree-roots that lay embedded
in the soil. Breakages were constantly occurring and it seemed as if the
attempt would have to be abandoned. Just in time, however, a happy idea
occurred almost simultaneously, it is said, to the Duke, his private
secretary, Mr Wright, and to his farm manager, Mr John Maclennan. This was
the substitution on the plough of a revolving disc for the ordinary culter;
and small though the alteration may seem, it has proved the key to the
colossal results that have followed. Without it the ploughing by steam
would to a certainty have had to be given up. The disc culter has long
been in use in many parts of the world, but in this application there is
the new element of fixing the disc so that it cuts about two inches lower
than the share of the plough. It will thus be seen that by being so fixed,
the revolving culter carries the plough over all obstacles, whether stones
or roots, leaving them bare, to be taken out by men who follow in the
furrow. The patent for this application of the disc culter, it may be
mentioned, is held by Mr John Maclennan, who is now tenant of the farm of
Mains of Resolis, in the Black Isle, Boss-shire. The Howard tackle,
however, was found much too weak in every respect for such heavy work, and
application was made to Messrs John Fowler & Co., Leeds, who willingly
came forwarda to assist the noble Duke in the development of his views.
These preliminary experiments were carried out on the farm of Dalchork,
but early in the summer of 1873 steam-ploughing was commenced on the
stretch of land specially reported on by Mr Murray, and lying nearly in
the form of an angle between Loch Shin and the river Tirry. Here the huge
plough, made specially for the reclamations by Messrs Fowler & Co., was
kept almost constantly at work when weather permitted during four
successive years, having in that time turned over 1829 acres, or an
average of fully 457 acres each year.
At this stage a few words as to the character of the
land at Shiness may be of interest. It has been seen that the stretch of
and recommended for reclamation by Mr Murray, and which has all been made
arable, lies in the form of a rough angle, bounded on the south-west by
Loch Shin, and on the south-east by the river Tirry. An undulating
ridge runs along the centre of the angle, rising in height towards the
west, and from this ridge the land slopes to the loch and the river with
an easy and nearly equal gradient, that towards the river being the
steeper. Between the Tirry and the range of hills that shut in the valley
on the north and north-east there lies a long stretch of deep mossy land
richly covered with heath, cotton grass, and other plants. When in its
natural state, the surface of the land reclaimed was rather rough and
uneven, but still no serious obstacles in this respect had to be contended
with. The subsoil varies slightly, but is good in all parts, the most
general being a porous mixture of gravel, clay, and sand, with numerous
conglomerates and sandstones embedded in it. The surface soil exhibits
greater variety. In some parts it is of a clayey character, in others
loamy, in others shingly and light, in the hollows deep spongy moss, the
most general being a mixture of clay, black mossy loam, and shingle or
sand. All over, with the exception of a few of the more elevated spots, it
contains a quantity of decayed vegetable matter which, as it becomes
decomposed, will form, and has already been forming, a valuable stimulant
to the crops. Prom the fact that Shiness is surrounded by hills, it might
be supposed that it lies at a great elevation; but such is not the case,
for the highest point of the new land is only about 450 feet above
sea-level—not half the height of many thousands of acres of arable land in
the counties of Aberdeen and Banff. The rainfall is stated at a little
over 40 inches per annum.
During the progress of the work there, the Shiness
valley presented a novel scene of activity. When the operations were in
full force no fewer than fourteen steam engines were "puffing" away at one
time, and several hundred workmen and many horses busily employed.
Drainage, ploughing, clearing off stones, harrowing, erecting fences,
making roads, building houses, were all in progress at once, creating a
stir and bustle which, in a valley hemmed in by hills on all sides, could
not have failed to impress the visitor as marvellous. The Duke of
Sutherland, while residing in the county, visited the works almost every
other day, closely overlooking the progress of every operation, and
frequently giving valuable assistance in the surmounting of difficulties.
His Grace is well known to possess an extensive and intimate acquaintance
with machinery, and not a few of the improvements that have made the
Sutherland land reclamation implements so thoroughly efficient as they now
are were suggested by the Duke himself. It may be mentioned that among the
noblemen and gentlemen who visited the reclamations was H.R.H. the Prince
of Wales, who, while residing at Dunrobin Castle in 1876, honoured the
Duke by visiting Lairg and minutely inspecting the works. On the occasion
of the Highland and Agricultural Society's Show at Inverness in 1874, the
Society in compliance with an invitation from the Duke of Sutherland, sent
a deputation to visit the reclamations. The deputation were conveyed from
Inverness to Lairg and back by special train, and conducted over the works
by His Grace, Mr Murray of Geanies, and Mr David Greig (of Messrs Fowler &
Co.). A very large number of farmers and others availed themselves of the
opportunity thus afforded of visiting works which had, even previous to
1874, earned the reputation of being the most gigantic of the kind ever
undertaken in the United Kingdom; and whatever may have been the opinion
entertained of the quality of the work accomplished by the machinery as it
then existed, utter astonishment was the one feeling expressed as to the
magnitude and novelty of the undertaking. The writer visited Lairg several
times during the progress of the reclamations, and was therefore able to
note the advances made in the quality of the work done, and in the
efficiency of the implements. The improvement effected on the implements
in the course of the first two years was really marvellous. At the outset
the work was often tedious and disheartening, breakages having been of
frequent occurrence, but the first two years saw almost all these
overcome, and a point towards perfection reached which could have been
attained only by distinguished skill backed up by long patience,
indomitable perseverance, and great expense. One instance may be given to
show the thoroughly satisfactory condition into which the implements had
been brought during the first two years. Towards the end of 1874 two
powerful engines were placed upon a section of rough heath and
bent-covered land extending to 60 acres, and before leaving it the
following spring they converted it into a well-prepared bed for grain and
grass seeds, which in fact they also covered by the harrow and roller.
It should be mentioned that Mr Kenneth Murray continued
to superintend the works up till his death in July 1876, which was
lamented alike by the rich and the poor, for, by all with whom he ever
came into contact, he was looked up to and respected, even beloved. On an
elevated spot overlooking the new land a handsome monument was erected to
his memory by His Grace the Duke of Sutherland. Designed by Mr William
Fowler, the Duke's architect at Golspie, and erected under his
superintendence, the monument is in the form of an obelisk about 30 feet
in height, the base being formed of three rows of large rough boulders
taken from the reclaimed land, and the monument proper of dressed
freestone from Dunrobin quarries. On one side there is the following

The Modus Operandi.—The first process was to cut
large ditches to draw off the surface water from the land to he reclaimed.
From the passing high-way (leading westwards from Lairg railway station) a
service road was run across the Tirry towards the proposed sites of the
new homesteads. It was formed of hand-laid stones, cost 2s. 6d. per lineal
yard, and, when nearly completed, carried, without being damaged, the
ponderous engines used in ploughing, which weighed about 19 tons each. At
the same time, suitable belts were planted with Scotch fir, with the view
of providing shelter. When it was sufficiently hard and dry, the land was
first ploughed, while the more mossy parts were drained and allowed to
firm a little before being turned over. Most of the implements used in
these important reclamations have been constructed specially for the work
they perform, and therefore deserve to be noticed separately. It will thus
suffice to state here that, as worked at Lairg, the plough turned over a
furrow about 2 feet deep, and that the "Duke's Toothpick," or the
anchor-like hook that followed the plough, loosened the subsoil without
throwing it over the furrow. The large stones were taken out by men who
followed the plough; and, when large tree-roots were met with, the
wire-rope was detached from the plough and fixed on these roots, and thus
they were torn from their mossy beds with marvellous despatch. In this
operation extraordinary masses of earth were sometimes moved. In cases
where it was found more convenient, dynamite was used in dislodging these
roots, which were very numerous in some parts; and they were hauled by
steam to the edge of the field or section on a huge platform, shaped like
a sledge, about 24 feet long by 12 feet wide. When dry and cut up they
made excellent fuel for the engines, and were largely used for that
purpose. Another still more novel process was the removal of living trees
by steam. Along the ridge of the tract of land reclaimed there were
patches of dwarf mountain ash and birch, and one of the many happy ideas
hit upon in connection with the works was the removing of these trees by
steam. Short lengths of chains were cast round the trunks of three, four,
or five or more trees, attached to each other and finally secured to the
rope of an engine which stood near, and thus four or five trees were
pulled up at a time with as much ease as a man would pull a turnip. One
great advantage in this system is, that most of the roots are torn up
along with the trees. On the more mossy parts the drains were cut to an
average depth of 4 feet, and tiles, made at the Duke's own tile-works at
Brora, were laid on deals of wood. In the drier and harder parts the
drains ranged from 3½ to 4 feet in depth, and were formed of stones, which
were conveniently obtained, as the land in these parts was ploughed before
being drained. The stones remaining on the surface of the ploughed land,
after the drains had been formed, were removed on sledges worked backwards
and forwards between two engines on the same principle as the plough. When
the loaded sledge had come to a standstill at the edge, the engine at the
other side of the section was set in motion, tilting the sledge overhead,
relieving it of its load, and pulling it back to where the men waited to
reload it. Having thus been ploughed, drained, and cleared of stones and
roots, the land, which had perhaps lain in the furrow over a winter, was
thoroughly "made," and prepared for cropping by rank harrows worked by
steam similarly to the plough and sledges. Fences and farm buildings were
then constructed, generally in accordance with the recommendations of Mr
Murray, the houses being commodious and substantial.
How the New Land has been Laid Out and Employed.—As
has been seen, the extent which Mr Murray proposed to reclaim at Lairg has
been exceeded by 654 acres. The scheme of division which he originally
recommended has also been in some degree departed from. The 1829 acres
reclaimed at Lairg, exclusive of the land taken in on the farm of Dalchork,
have been divided as follows, the extent of outran or hill pasture
allotted to each farm being shown alongside:—

The farms of Achadaphris, Lubvrec, and Shiness, are
still held by the Duke, and are entered in the Valuation Roll for 1878-79
at £400, £300, and £500 respectively. The greater part of the outrun
originally belonging to Shiness farm (the farm on which the reclamations
took place) is still attached to that farm, which carries a stock of over
2000 sheep. The Master of Blantyre, the Duke's nephew, holds the other two
farms, Colaboll and Ach-nanearain, at a rent of £526, 12s. The small lots
are let, along with a common outrun, to seven tenants, whose arable areas
range from 6 to 20 acres in extent. They have good slated houses and
suitable steadings, and pay from 18s. to 26s. per acre of rent for the
arable land, and from 2s. to 2s. 6d. per acre for the outrun, which is
enclosed by a substantial fence. Of these small tenants one is a mason,
another a carpenter, and the other five are respectable labourers, who in
their spare time get employment on the larger farms.
No fixed rotation has as yet been adopted, but the land
is being worked in that direction. Some of the poorer parts have been laid
down in pasture with rape and grass seeds, and these have turned out well,
maintaining stock in good condition, Oats and turnips are the crops
generally grown. Swiss oats yield from 4 to 6 quarters per acre, and weigh
on an average 38½ lbs, per bushel. Sandy oats give a similar yield, and
weigh from 41 to 42 lbs. Longfellow oats grow well, but are rather late in
ripening. Canadian oats have also been tried on Shiness farm, and have
been found to be early, weighing about 44 lbs. per bushel. In good seasons
harvesting begins about ten days later than on the south-east coast of the
county, but this year (1879) there has been very little difference. The
Swiss oats at Lairg, and the barley on the coast are usually ready for the
reaper about the same time, and this year all the Swiss oats at Lairg,
covering 160 acres, were secured in excellent condition by the 25th of
September. In spring the land is in a fit condition for cropping in good
time, and those who reside in the new arable district say that the winter
is not more severe than in other parts of the county of similar elevation,
and that they are not troubled with mildew. On dry land, turnips have
always been an excellent crop, and the average yield of potatoes is about
equal to that of the county generally. For oat crops from 2 to 3 cwts. of
superphosphate of lime are given per acre, while for turnips, about 2 cwt.
of superphosphate, 2 cwt. dissolved bones, and 1½ cwt. Peruvian guano, or
some similar commodity, is allowed, along with 20 loads of farm-yard
manure. It may be mentioned that the first crop grown on the land was
oats, and that it was sown out into pasture in some cases, and in others
not. Having been previously cleared of stones, and "made" on the surface,
the land was all heavily limed, manured with about 4 cwt. of
superphosphate, and 1 cwt. of kanit of salt per acre, or with some similar
mixture, and then sown with oats towards the end of April or beginning of
May, the stiffer looking parts being afterwards top dressed with nitrate
of soda.
The new farms have been found to be very healthy for
stock. On Shiness farm there is a permanent stock of Cheviot sheep,
consisting of ewes and wethers, and lately they have been selling at high
prices—the wethers this year (1879) at 44s. each, and the ewes last year
at 39s. 6d. each. The other farms are intended for wintering hoggs, and
they suit this purpose admirably, having kept 2500 hoggs of the best class
during last winter (1878-79) in excellent condition. This year 3000 hoggs
have been sent for the winter on the farms of Colaboll and Achnanearain,
Achadaphris, and Lubvrec. Last winter, in addition to the number of hoggs
mentioned, Achadaphris fed 24 cross cattle, and kept 50 Highland cattle in
"store" condition; Shiness wintered 70 store cattle and 12 Highland
ponies; while Lubvrec fattened 22 polled cattle, and wintered 40 store
cattle—all good heavy animals, which were sold at from £20 to £26 each.
The feeding cattle got an allowance of about 4 lbs. each per day of
bruised oats and linseed cake, but the store cattle were kept solely on
turnips and straw, being allowed to run out daily upon the rough land.
In some cases it has been found necessary to re-drain
the land, the original drains having in some way or other failed to work
satisfactorily. As yet, too, the land has to be cultivated with great
care. It is not old enough to be thoroughly "made." When much of the sod
is turned up it gets dried, and becomes troublesome. No weeds as yet,
however, have found their way into the land, and the green crops can
therefore be laid down more cheaply than in old land. The land seems to
suit grasses admirably, and in good seasons they grow luxuriantly.
The education and spiritual wants of the newly formed
arable district have not been overlooked by the Duke. A substantial school
was built by him in the centre of the reclaimed land, and the attendance
of children, which is annually increasing, numbers from 50 to 70. A male
teacher is employed, and the school has now been transferred to the Board.
The school is also used for religious meetings, and a missionary of the
Free Church of Scotland officiates in it every Sunday.
The Kildonan Reclamations. Not daunted by the heavy
outlay which had been entailed at Lairg, the noble Duke adhered to his
intention to carry his scheme of land reclamation still further. The
strath of Kildonan seemed the next most attractive locality, and
accordingly the plant was removed thither in the spring of 1877, and
operations immediately commenced. Prior to this the Duke's present
manager, Mr George Greig, Edinburgh, was invited by His Grace to make a
careful inspection of the soil and subsoil in Kildonan, and also to report
as to the probable cost of the improvements per acre. The character of the
works now being carried out so systematically in that district will be
best understood by a perusal of the substance of Mr Greig's report.
The operations in Kildonan were at the outset confined
to the farm of Auchintoul, which was previously occupied as a sheep farm
by Major Houston of Kintradwell, who willingly gave up his lease to enable
the Duke to proceed with the reclamations. The farm extends to 30,000
acres, and carries a stock of about 5000 head of as fine Cheviot sheep as
any in Sutherland. The stock being divided into seven "hirsels," Mr Greig
laid off the land to be reclaimed in seven separately enclosed sections,
the intention being to provide for each "hirsel" the necessary quantity of
winter food for the young sheep, and as much as would enable the tenants
to fatten their wethers themselves, and send them directly to the market.
The seven enclosures or sections laid off extend in all to 282 acres, and
alongside these, three sections of improved pasture land, measuring 188
acres, were enclosed. These ten sections were laid out by Mr Greig with a
view to combine compactness with an equal division of the land, and as
much facility as possible for working the land by steam power. The surface
soil over the whole of the area covered by these sections "may be
described," says Mr Greig, " as more or less peaty, and from a foot to
several feet in depth, the greater portion of it being of the shallower
depth. It lies on an open subsoil of something that might be described as
between sand and gravel with a little clay, a subsoil which I look upon as
being the very best, if within reach of this class of surface soil." The
subsoil was also examined and analysed by Mr Falconer King, Edinburgh, who
reported that—"It does not show the usual reactions of subsoils,
indicating that it is free, at all events, of the deleterious substances
commonly present in these. It does not contain any hurtful soluble salts
of iron, and it is very dry, containing only 1.70 per cent. of water. It
is very light and free, and would by itself, perhaps, hardly prove a very
productive soil, but I am of opinion it would serve admirably for the
purpose of mixing with other heavier, damper, or peaty soils, in order to
ameliorate their condition or texture." In regard to the ploughing, Mr
Greig says—"It is proposed to turn the surface to the depth of from 10 to
12 inches, and to subsoil where necessary to a further depth of from 4 to
8 inches. An effort shall be made by a new construction of subsoiling tine
to throw part of the red subsoil on the surface of the turned over mossy
furrows." With such an extremely open subsoil he thought it would be
injudicious to carry out at the beginning the usual system of drainage,
and recommended the laying down of the leading drains in the usual way,
and the running from these of an occasional branch drain to test the
effect, all these being so arranged that their number could be afterwards
increased, if found necessary, without any confusion of the drainage
system. Mr Greig says—"I had a great number of holes dug 3 or 4 feet deep,
and not only found no water, but some which was run into the holes
disappeared. The land, lying as it does with a nice undulating surface,
and covered with a close covering of peat, almost impervious to water, and
acting like a roof to the subsoil, has, in the past, been kept perfectly
dry by this roof or covering, carrying the water over the surface into the
burns. This was the condition in which I found it, but I am not prepared
to say what the change may be after we have broken the peaty surface
described as a roof covering. It is quite clear after this is done that
the whole of the water which may fall upon this land will have to be
discharged, not over the surface as before, but through the subsoil, and
it is quite possible that, notwithstanding the open character of it, more
drains than I would be disposed to put in at present may, with the altered
circumstances, be found necessary." After referring to the clearing away
of stones, fencing, and building, Mr Greig adds—"The principle on which
the operations are to be undertaken is, that each section of the work,
such as draining or clearing, shall be entirely separate, and managed by a
person who alone will be responsible to the manager. The progress made in
each section will be given every fortnight alongside a note of the sum
expended, so that I may check at once any expenditure that is made without
an equivalent in result. Contract work will be introduced as far as
possible. It is intended to sow the whole arable land, to the extent of
282 acres, with oats next spring, and to undertake the improved pasture by
liming, surface draining, and sowing out in grasses, whins, and broom. The
lands laid off for permanent pasture embrace all the low lying and
sheltered parts of the farm, and will be found admirably adapted for
sheltering the ewes in the time of lambing, and the sheep generally in the
time of storm." In regard to the cost of these reclamations, Mr Greig
estimated it at under £20 per acre for arable land, and £10 for the
pasture land. In forming that estimate he allowed £5 per acre for
drainage, and included, besides draining, trenching or ploughing,
clearing, building, and fencing. He also recommended the making of 35
acres of plantation at a cost of £300 on the high side of the farm, the
object being to afford shelter and improve the climate.
Operations were commenced on these sections early in
March 1877, and were carried out on the lines laid down by Mr Greig. The
alteration contemplated* in the Sutherland plough was effected, and found
thoroughly successful. The aim was to take sand from under the vegetable
matter and throw it on to the surface, so that the peaty substance and the
sandy subsoil might be mixed together. This object was accomplished most
satisfactorily by attaching a huge mould-board to what is known as the
"Duke's Toothpick," or the anchor-shaped subsoiler which follows in the
furrow behind the main plough. This new application brought a very large
additional strain on the engine, and during the summer of 1877 frequent
consequent breakages hindered the progress of the work, and also tended to
increase the expense. In course of time, however, the adjustments of the
plough were made so thoroughly efficient that the share or other part
catching on a boulder or any such obstacle involved no risk of breakage,
the plough, by its own action, rising and creeping over what resists an
ordinary strain. The manager here had a difficulty to contend with in
regard to the drainage. As indicated in his report, he was unable to say
where drainage might be necessary, until, by the breaking of the surface,
the water was allowed access to the subsoil; and, owing to the difficulty
in carting material over land newly ploughed to a depth of about 2½ feet,
the cost of forming the drains after the land was turned over was greater
than it would otherwise have been. These two difficulties, the breakages
and drainage, added considerably to the cost of the work; but still it is
believed that when the 5000 acres laid off on Auchintoul have been
reclaimed, the entire outlay will not much exceed the sum mentioned in Mr
Greig's report, and which, it may be remarked, is considerably less than
one-half of the average cost at Lairg. It will have been observed that the
cost of liming has not been included in Mr Greig's estimate of £20 per
acre. English lime can be obtained at Kinbrace railway station, within two
miles of the works, at 21s. per ton; but the cost of applying it to land
so soft and turned over to such a depth as that at Auchintoul is nearly
three times as much as in the case of ordinary arable land. The quantity
of lime allowed to each acre is as nearly as possible 5 tons. Part of it
is imported from Northumberland, and part from the Duke's own limeworks at
Eriboll. It is believed by most practical men that 5 tons per acre is too
much for the first dressing to such land as that in Kildonan, and it is
intended to lessen the quantity as experience teaches. The fencing at
Kildonan is all of iron, in stone bottoms, and on the Corimony principle,
including the Master of Blantyre's patent. The drainage is being
accomplished according to the best known methods; and with so many deep
beds of moss, great care is frequently to be exercised in order to insure
efficiency. In some spots at Auchintoul the drains have been cut to a
depth of from 17 to 19 feet; but experience has shown that it is
desirable, as far as possible, to avoid land requiring drains of that
character. Had they not been necessary for the squaring of fields and
farms, these spots would not have been touched in this case.
The "making" of the surface after the land is ploughed
(or trenched, as the work of the Sutherland plough may be more properly
called) has been found to be a process of great importance in Kildonan,
where it is necessary that a little of the subsoil should as far as
possible be mixed with the surface or peaty soil. This important work is
being most satisfactorily accomplished by a sort of harrow cultivator of
novel design, called the "discer," and patented by Mr Greig. Its
construction will be indicated afterwards, but it may be stated here that
it does its work in a most admirable manner, "tearing into shreds and
effectively pulverising sods of a texture tough enough to have withstood
the action of the elements for years." The deputation from the Scottish
Chamber of Agriculture that visited the reclamations in the autumn of 1878
reported, in regard to the efficiency of the implements employed, that the
Duke of Sutherland " must have achieved a triumph far beyond his most
sanguine expectations." In respect to the "discer," which is one of the
later inventions in connection with the reclamations, it may safely be
said that a more efficient instrument for the work it performs can hardly
be conceived.
The reclamations at Auchintoul now extend to close on
500 acres, the extended limit laid off for reclamation on that farm; the
land having been divided into five sections and worked under eight
distinct heads, a separate account being kept for each head—viz.,
trenching, draining, clearing, fencing, roads, building, liming, and
farming. Last spring two fields in Auchintoul were sown with oats and one
with turnips, but the bad seasons told seriously against both crops. The
turnips looked fresh and healthy, but far from a heavy crop.
At Bannockburn, immediately adjoining Auchintoul,
another large reclamation scheme is well advanced, and a great deal more
of similar work has been mapped out in this district. The Bannockburn land
is to be "divided into four small farms of 100 acres, each with a large
outrun (perhaps 1000 acres), so that a farmer coming there with his family
might get along comfortably with a small capital of £500 or £600." About
40 acres have already been reclaimed on each of these small farms, and on
the first two handsome steadings and dwelling-houses have just been
erected. These buildings are of novel construction, being almost entirely
formed of concrete. The office houses are covered with one large span of
corrugated iron, supported by girders of worn-out rails, which are
obtained cheaply at the railway station, and which suit the purpose
admirably. With the exception of this roof, however, and the doors and
windows, the whole construction is formed of concrete—walls, floors,
stairs, roofs, and even the floors of the attics and granaries, which have
no support other than the concrete. The dwelling-house forms one side of
the square, with a door from the kitchen to the shed and straw barn, so
that the whole may be said to be a huge concrete box, with convenient
internal divisions. The stones used were gathered off the new land and run
through the steam stone-breaker. The fittings, doors, windows, &c, were
constructed at the Duke's own works at Brora, and were put into their
places as the building progressed. Excepting that which fell to the
plasterer, the whole of the work connected with the buildings was done by
unskilled labour; and there is good reason to believe that this system of
erecting steadings will remove the difficulty that has hitherto been
experienced in building houses for small farms at a cost in keeping with
the limited extent of the holding. The exact cost of each of these
steadings has not yet been ascertained, but it is believed that, including
the dwelling-house, it will not exceed £450.
The Implements used in the Reclamations.
Most of the implements employed in these reclamations
were invented for the work they perform, and therefore deserve special
notice. The "Sutherland plough" may be taken first. Steam ploughs for
ordinary purposes not being suited for trenching new land, His Grace the
Duke of Sutherland set about the invention of a steam-driven instrument
that would do so, and after seven years' experiments, and an expenditure
of money which could have been made only by a nobleman such as the Duke,
success has been attained which must be equal to, if not beyond, the most
sanguine expectations. The perfection of the present instrument has been
reached step by step. The first step was to get the plough to clear
boulders, and thus avoid breakage.
This was attained by the introduction of a large
revolving disc culter, set to act slightly below the depth of the share.
It will be noticed that this provision will cause the plough, when it
strikes a boulder, to rise over it; and this it does in the most efficient
manner. The plough so arranged was balanced on four rollers—two for
guiding the depth on the land side, and two on the furrow side for the
joint purpose of balancing the plough and assisting the mould-board to
complete the turning of the furrow. The next object to be attained was to
get something in the shape of a hook attached to the plough to pull out
the boulder after the plough had passed over it. A large hook, like the
claw of an anchor, now well known as the " Duke's Toothpick," was designed
and hinged on to the plough at each end; and this addition not only
answered the purpose of pulling out the boulder, but acted otherwise as an
efficient subsoiler, breaking the " pan," and thus rendering the drainage
much more effective. This "toothpick," however, having to be kept in its
work by means of leverage from the tail-rope, was the cause of
considerable delay in the readjustment of the plough at the end of the
furrow for the return bout, and a scheme has been devised by which
pressure is now thrown from the one end to the other by a self-acting
arrangement of loop-line. Since then another addition has been made to the
implement, which is now perhaps the most effective part of it. A large
mould-board has been added to the "toothpick," and the stones are not only
now loosened, but a great many of them are thrown out, and a large
quantity of subsoil, &c, is thrown on the surface of the first furrow,
covering and blinding the tough "divoty" surface. The plough is now
capable of taking a furrow 20 inches broad, to a depth of from 2 to 3
feet, and under favourable circumstances covers about 3 acres a-day. The
cost of the implement is £150.
The next implement used is what is known as the "discer."
It consists of a frame, from 15 to 20 feet long, on four wheels, which is
the steerage frame. Under the frame are carried, by whipple-trees in the
usual way, two or three shafts. These shafts are each mounted with eight
to ten sharp cutting discs about 3 feet in diameter. They are set so as to
cut at an angle to the line of work, and in this way not only cut and
scrape, but turn a furrow. The different sets are also so arranged as to
cut at reverse angles, and the soil gets completely pulverised without
tearing up any of the tough sods from below. Since these discs never clog
and cannot possibly catch hold of stones or other obstruction, they are
driven at a high speed, which renders the cultivation much more effective.
Previous to the invention of this implement, the greatest possible
difficulty was experienced in getting anything like a seed-bed on the
tough benty matter which forms the surface of a great part of Sutherland.
All sorts of implements were tried, along with many new designs, but with
no success, until the "discer" was thought of.
The removal of the stones from the surface of the land
proved a difficult task, in as far as it was impossible to get animals to
walk on land which had been moved to such a depth. This, however, was most
successfully overcome by the construction of a very ingenious
steam-sledge, which carries from 4 to 5 tons of stones at a load. This
sledge is provided with a pulling lever hung from its centre on both
sides. To this lever are fastened the pulling ropes of the two engines.
When No. 1 engine has drawn the load to the end of the held where it is
desired to be emptied, No. 2 engine starts pulling the lever from a
horizontal to a vertical position. At this point it is received by a catch
and held, so that in going further it takes the sledge round with it. By
this means the sledge is rolled on to its face, catching the ground by two
snugs, which cause it again to roll on to its bottom empty. When this is
done it has thus made a complete somersault without even the stoppage of
the machinery, and returns without further trouble for another load.
Another implement in connexion with the reclamation
worthy of notice is the Sutherland water cart. A large quantity of water
being required for the engines, and from the fact of its having to be
drawn on many occasions from deep ravines from which the ascent was
difficult, the ordinary water cart, with the single barrel placed
longitudinally on the wheels, was found most unsuitable for the work. It
is well known that half a load of water cannot be taken by a cart of this
description, from the fact that, in attempting to go up an incline, the
water runs to the back end of the barrel, almost lifting the horse from
the ground, and this applies to some extent even although the barrel is
full. The Sutherland water cart, instead of having one large barrel, has
two small ones across the frame, one before the wheel and the other
behind. The two barrels are connected by a pipe at their bottoms, and this
pipe is fitted with a cock in the centre. It will be seen at once by this
arrangement that the cart can be loaded suitably to the ascent. If the
gradient is a heavy one, only the front barrel should be filled, so that
the water would be partly pulled and partly carried, giving the horse
great tractive orce. As soon as the ascent is made, all that has to be
done is to turn the cock and allow the half of the water to pass into the
second barrel. The cart has been found a most perfect arrangement,
allowing the carter to balance his load to the greatest nicety, and to
alter on the road from time to time as he may desire. This cart, it is
understood, has since been copied by the War Office for military purposes.
The Reclamations Viewed Financially.
The total expenditure up to the present time (October
1879), in connection with these reclamations, amounted to about £130,000,
exclusive of the working plant. Of this about £110,000 must be noted
against the Lairg improvements, which in reality may be said to have been
nothing else than one large experiment. Having failed to obtain
contractors to carry out the work there in accordance with the
recommendations of Mr Kenneth Murray, the Duke determined to accomplish it
by steam power. In his first attempt to do this, he found the steam
cultivating tackle, as it then existed, wholly unsuited for such heavy
work. It was much too weak, and in other respects unsatisfactory. Steam
power, indeed, had never been before applied to such a purpose, and he
thus discovered, as it were, that he had undertaken an operation for which
no capable instrument had yet been devised. Science had already provided
him with suitable motive power in the shape of substantially designed
locomotive steam engines, but almost everything else in the form of
implements he had to construct for himself. The devising and perfecting of
implements to perform most difficult operations so satisfactorily as the
Sutherland reclamation implements now do, must have entailed enormous
expense. Many weary days and weeks were spent amidst what seemed at times
almost hopeless confusion, for, as each fresh difficulty presented itself,
some new appliance had to be devised to overcome it. In these
circumstances it is only reasonable that a large proportion of the outlay
of Lairg should be charged against "experiments," and not on the actual
reclamation of the land. In proof of the fairness of this suggestion, it
may be stated that, while at Lairg, before the implements were made so
thoroughly perfect as they now are, the ploughing cost in some cases as
much as £25 per acre, it has latterly been accomplished in Kildonan at
about £3 per acre, the soil in the latter case being turned over to a
depth of about 30 inches.
Other Works on the Sutherland Property.
Besides these vast reclamations, the Duke of Sutherland
has carried out, or has at present in progress, many smaller but important
improvements on his extensive northern property. He has expended many
thousands of pounds in improving and building houses for smaller tenants
or crofters; and has advanced at a moderate rate of interest a still
greater sum to the larger farmers for improvements on their farms. Several
of the tenants of arable farms have extended their holdings with money
advanced by the Duke in this way; while, under like conditions, a number
of the larger sheep farmers have reclaimed 100 or more acres; at
suitable parts of their farms, for the purpose of providing turnips and
fodder for their sheep in stormy weather, or for bringing up the weaker
animals to the level of the flock. To enumerate all the various works on
which His Grace has been engaged on his wide northern possessions in
recent years, would be no easy matter. Probably no more concise statement
could be given than the following, which appeared in "Chambers' Journal,"
in December 1874:—"Railways in the Highlands at a cost of upwards of
£300,000; opening lime quarries and building lime kilns at Lairg and
Eriboll; placing a steam barge on Loch Shin for goods traffic; re-opening
and working coal mines at Brora; erecting a large brickwork and
manufactory of tiles, draining pipes, fire bricks, &c.; reclamation of
land on a very large scale, at various places, especially at Lairg, by
means of steam ploughs of novel construction and remarkable power;
introducing road locomotives and portable thrashing machines; providing
steam ploughs for hire; laying oyster beds; breeding salmon on a large
scale, and trying the effect of introducing the breed of such rivers as
the Tweed, the Tay, and the Thurso into the smaller rivers of Sutherland;
gas-making from peat, and testing the value of peat as fuel for domestic
purposes, for engines, lime burning, &c.; experiments for improving the
quality and durability of homegrown timber; trying the effect of pure
water irrigation on lawn and mountain grasses; extensive planting;
division of shootings and building lodges, with a view to increasing the
number of resident shooting tenants; erection of saw mills and steam
carpentry works at Brora, capable of turning out every kind of woodwork
necessary for building houses, &c.; workshops at Brora for repairing steam
ploughs and machinery of every kind." It would be impossible to guess at
the outlay which these numerous important enterprises may have cost, but
it is believed that during the eighteen years that have elapsed since he
succeeded to the Dukedom, he has expended on such works on his estates in
England and Scotland more than half a million sterling. His Grace is
gifted with a kind heart, a vigorous mind, and a just sense of the maxim
that property has its duties as well as its rights. It is stated by one
who knows his habits intimately, that he "has his work chalked out to
occupy the hours of every day as it passes, and seems never so happy as
when engaged in the ordering or development of some portion of his large
trust." Arable Farming.
General Notes.—It has already been indicated that
only a very small proportion of the county is adapted to arable farming.
By a liberal estimate, that area is stated at about one
twenty-fifth part of the county, or about 48,300 acres. As will be seen,
little more than one-half of that area has been brought under the plough.
The following table shows the estimated arable area in the county at
various periods since 1808:—

The only part of the county in which arable farming in
the fulness of its character is carried on, is on an irregular narrow
fringe along the south-east coast, not at any point more than 2 miles
broad, and in general barely half a mile. On the northern and western
coasts there is a considerable area of cultivated land, but it is nearly
all in the form of crofts, ranging from 2 to 10 acres in extent. Though
even on the south-east coast the arable area is small, yet it exhibits a
system of farming quite abreast of the times. The advance that has been
made in this respect during the last quarter of a century has been very
marked and highly creditable to the Sutherland farmers. The best modern
farm implements of all kinds are now in general use in the county. There
are a good number of double-furrow ploughs and a good many grain-sowing
machines, broad-cast sowers being most in favour. Reapers and mowers are
now employed on all farms. One point in connection with the division of
Sutherland deserves remark—the almost entire want of what are generally
known as middle-class or middle-sized tenants, that usually large class
that in most other northern counties links the few large farmers to the
many small tenants or crofters. The thirty or forty sheep-farmers who hold
the interior of the county, likewise lease and work in connection with
their grazing farms the greater part of the arable land, leaving little or
no room for the bona fide middle-sized arable farmer. The county of
Caithness is similar in this respect. The following table indicates what
has been said:—

The percentage of holdings under 20 acres in extent is
95; of
farms above 20 and under 100 acres, 3; and of holdings
above 100 acres, 2. The total acreage of the 2294 holdings under 100 acres
does not exceed 20,000 acres, so that the 44 upwards of 100 acres have
amongst them over 1,187,000 acres, or an average of close on 27,000 acres
each. Had the returns gone further it would, in all probability, have been
seen that about thirty tenants hold among them more than nine-tenths of
the whole area of the county, or an average of over 36,000 acres each.
Sutherland stands fourteenth in Scotland in regard to the total number of
holdings, fifth in regard to the number of crofters, twelfth in regard to
holdings between 5 and 20 acres in extent, twenty-ninth with holdings
between 20 and 50 acres, equal with Kinross for the thirtieth place as
regards holdings between 50 and 100 acres, and thirty-second with holdings
over 100 acres in extent.
In the parish of Creich, which has a total valuation of
close on £11,000, there are several good arable farms. The largest
proprietor in this parish, or rather the proprietor having the largest
rent-roll, is Mr Evan Charles Sutherland-Walker of Skibo, whose rental in
Creich in 1878-79 was £2795 (an increase of £701 since 1874-75), and who
also ranks in the adjoining parish of Dornoch for £1437 of annual rent. Mr
Sutherland-Walker purchased the Skibo estate in 1872 at £130,000. At that
time the property was in a somewhat neglected condition, and the present
proprietor has expended more than it has yielded by bringing it into
thoroughly good order. He has erected several new buildings, constructed
new roads, and erected a large stretch of wire fencing with iron strainers
and larch posts. Formerly the tenants were allowed to crop as they pleased
(if they did not take two grain crops in succession) up till within five
years of the expiry of their leases, when they were bound to farm in a
five-course shift; but Mr Sutherland-Walker has, in his new leases, turned
them all into the five-shift rotation. The general character of the
farming on this estate has improved considerably during recent years, the
exertions of the present proprietor having been admirably backed up by the
tenants, who have worked hard to improve the condition of their land and
houses. The rental of the arable land over the Skibo estate is on an
average about 20s. per acre, the soil being generally light sandy loam. On
this estate there are about a dozen tenants paying over £50 of rent, and
about 150 crofters paying under £20 each. The farms are all well supplied
with servants' cottages. One of the largest farms on the Skibo estate is
Overskibo, in the parish of Dornoch, extending to 175 acres arable and 80
acres of heath, rented at £210, and tenanted by Mr George Forbes. The soil
on the most of this farm is black loam, but in part of it there is stiff
clay. Barley yields from 4½ to 5 qrs. per acre, and weighs about 54 lbs.
per bushel; oats, about 3½ qrs. per acre, and weighs from 41½ lbs. to 42
lbs. per bushel. In a favourable year sowing commences soon after the
middle of March, and the harvesting commences about the second week of
September. About 80 acres are worked by each pair of horses. There is no
accommodation on the farm for feeding cattle, and part of the turnip crop
is always eaten off by sheep. Part of it is sometimes let for that
purpose, and usually brings from £7, 10s. to £8 per acre. Turnips and
potatoes grow well, being liberally manured, about 25 loads of farmyard
manure with 4 cwts. of dissolved bones per acre being allowed. The farm
has recently been thoroughly re-drained and limed by the tenant, while new
fences have also been erected. Mr Forbes also rents grazing land, which
carries from 1100 to 1200 sheep, one "hirsel" being Cheviots and the other
Blackfaced sheep. The Duke of Sutherland has a rental of £1893 in Creich;
and the other larger proprietors and their rentals are— Sir Charles W. A.
Ross, Bart. of Balnagown, £1854; Mr Dugald Gilchrist of Ospisdale, £823;
Mr R, Tennant of Rosehall, £583; Mr Sidney Hadwen of Balblair, £514;
representatives of Mr Charles Stewart of Dalcrombie, £425; Mr Charles E.
Flower of Glencasley, £310; Professor Geddes and Mrs Geddes (Aberdeen) of
Invernauld, £272; and Mr John R. Tennant, younger of Rosehall, £227. The
Duke of Sutherland's rental in the parish of Creich has fallen by £7 since
1874-75, while that of Sir Charles Boss has advanced by £318. The gross
increase in the parish during the past four years is £1431.
The Duke of Sutherland draws nearly three-fourths of
the rental of the parish of Dornoch, which now amounts to £6928, and which
has increased by £750 since 1874. There are some very good arable farms on
His Grace's property in this parish. The farm of Embo Mains, occupied by
Mr William Gordon, extends to 457 acres, and is rented at £456. Worked on
the five-shift rotation, its soil inland is clayey, sandy near the coast,
and black loam in the centre. The crops grown are barley, oats, turnips,
potatoes, rye, tares, and hay. Barley yields about 4 quarters per acre,
and weighs from 53½ lbs. to 54 lbs. per bushel; oats and rye give a
similar return, and weigh respectively about 42 lbs. and 58 lbs. per
bushel. Sowing commences usually about the middle of March, and harvesting
about the middle of September. Each pair of horses on this farm works
about 90 acres. Mr Gordon keeps a good stock of cross and Highland cattle,
selling off a number of fat cattle in the spring, when they weigh from 6
to 8 cwt. dead weight. Green crops grow well, and get from 5 to 6 cwt. of
dissolved bones and guano per acre, along with a liberal supply of
farmyard manure, About 140 acres were recently reclaimed on this farm, and
are yielding good crops. Mr Gordon also holds the arable farm of East
Brora and the grazing farm of Grumbie, which is stocked with Cheviot
sheep. The farms of Torboll and Coul are carefully managed by Mr George M.
Ross, the one being rented at £455 and the other at £290. Both these farms
are worked on the five-shift rotation, and give about 3½ to 4 qrs. of
barley and oats per acre; the former weighing from 52lbs. to 56lbs. per
bushel, and the latter from 40 lbs. to 42 lbs. Turnips, which yield well,
are usually allowed from 16 to 20 loads of farmyard manure per acre, along
with from 5 to 7 cwt. of artificial manure. All the fences (dykes
principally) have been renewed on these farms within the last two years;
the proprietor erecting the dykes and the tenant driving the materials. Mr
Ross also holds grazing land stocked with a ewe stock of Cheviots, and he
consumes most of his turnips with his own sheep. The parish of Golspie may
perhaps be said to be the best agricultural district in the county. Since
1874 its valuation has increased from £5343 to £6179, of which £5136 are
drawn by the Duke of Sutherland. His Grace has two farms in the parish in
his own hands,—Dunrobin Mains and Rhives. The Mains extends to 650 acres,
of which 240 acres are farmed on the five-shift rotation. The soil is
good, chiefly loam and admixture of clay. It is farmed on the most
advanced principles by Mr John Blake, His Grace's experienced manager, and
yields excellent crops of barley, oats, and turnips. Barley yields about 5
qrs. per acre, and weighs on an average 54lbs. per bushel; and oats about
6 qrs., and weighs 42lbs. The other 410 acres lie out in permanent
pasture, and afford a most luxuriant supply of grass. This land is divided
into fields of different size, and is well fenced. About 600 Cheviot sheep
are kept, and depend entirely on grass. Two-thirds of the ewes nurse
twin-lambs, and the wethers at two years old average 21 lbs. per quarter.
Rhives extends to 120 acres. It is a drier loam, and yields heavier grain
by 1 lb. to 2 lbs. per bushel than Dunrobin Mains. At the latter farm a
fine herd of West Highland cattle is kept, including about forty cows; and
in addition to these it carries thirty cross cows. The young stock are
usually sold fat at high prices when about two years old. From these two
farms His Grace usually sends some excellent animals to the principal
English and Scotch fat stock shows. The farm of Culmaily, occupied by Mr
P. P. Sellar, and rented at £746, is well situated near Golspie. This
farm, as already stated, was leased by Mr Patrick Sellar, father of the
present tenant, about 1809, and by him the greater part of it was
reclaimed. It now extends to about 400 acres, beautifully laid off in
sixteen fields, and all fenced with dykes. The greater part consists of a
black loamy soil, there being some spots of moss and some of clay. The
subsoil all through is of a sandy nature. Worked on the five-shift
rotation, and most liberally manured, the farm yields most excellent crops
of oats, usually 5 qrs. per acre, weighing 42 lbs. to 44 lbs. per bushel.
Barley does not turn out so satisfactorily, seldom reaching 4 qrs. per
acre and 54 lbs, per bushel. A little wheat is usually sown after potatoes
and grows well, yielding from 3 to 5 qrs. per acre. A small field of
potatoes has been tried in the last few years, and they have given a very
fair return, sometimes 30 bolls per acre. A commodious, convenient, and
substantial steading was built about twenty years ago, and increased
shedding accommodation for cattle has been recently erected. From 120 to
150 Caithness-bred cattle are fed off annually at three years old;
one-half of the turnip crop going to them, and the other half being
consumed on the land by feeding sheep. The adjoining farm of Kirkton,
rented by Mrs Murray at £368, is worked in a similar manner, and yields
fair crops. There are several other very desirable smaller arable farms in
this parish, mostly all carefully and liberally farmed.
In the Brora district, in the parish of Clyne, there is
a considerable extent of arable land, held chiefly in small holdings.
Along with Clynelish Distillery, Mr George Lawson holds a well laid-off
liberally-managed farm of 285 acres. It has, till recently, been all
regularly worked on the five-shift rotation, but the most of it is now
being laid down in pasture; while, with the view of avoiding "finger and
toe," the turnips are being grown after grass. As yet the experiment has
been most successful, and excellent crops are raised. A number of Aberdeen
and Angus polled cattle were introduced by Mr Lawson a few years ago, and
they are doing exceedingly well. The steading on this farm has few equals
in the north of Scotland. One of the finest arable farms in the county is
Crakaig, in the parish of Loth, and rented along with Lothbeg by Mr John
B. Dudgeon at £712, 10s. As previously stated, part of Crakaig was
reclaimed many years ago from a sort of lake; and, consisting as it mostly
does of rich loamy clay, and being liberally treated, it produces heavy
crops of wheat and oats, and a fair yield of barley. Potatoes and turnips
also grow well. There is a good steading on this farm, and Mr Dudgeon
feeds a good many cattle, chiefly Caithness crosses or crosses of his own
rearing. The newly-reclaimed farms at Lairg have already been noticed. It
is perhaps not desirable to occupy space by referring to more individual
arable holdings.
Leases, Rent, and Rotation.
Leases.—There is little variety in the duration of
leases in this county, nineteen years being the general term. All farmers
and a few crofters possess leases for nineteen years or a shorter period,
but the greater mass of the latter are merely tenants-at-will, with yearly
possession from Whitsunday to Whitsunday, the rent being payable in
advance at Martinmas.
Rent.—The rate of rent paid for the arable land
varies considerably. The lowest is about 10s., the highest about 35s., and
the average probably 20s., or a little over that, per acre. The increase
during the past twenty-five years is equal to about 30 per cent. The
crofters pay from 15s. to 20s. per acre, including outrun, which on an
average carries for each a pony, a cow, a quey or stirk, and ten sheep. If
the crofters have no pony, two cows are usually allowed. The ancient
system of paying vent in kind and by service has long since vanished from
the county, and its demise need not be regretted.
Rotation of Cropping.—There is perhaps no county in
Scotland in which there is so little variety in the system or rotation of
cropping pursued as in Sutherland. With a few solitary exceptions, the
five-shift rotation prevails everywhere—first, turnips and
potatoes; second, barley (sometimes wheat and barley); third,
hay and grass; fourth, grass; fifth, oats. The arable
farming of the county may be said to be entirely subservient to its more
extensive pastoral system. Therefore the five-shift system is pursued,
mainly because it affords the greatest possible breadth of grass and
turnips, which are indispensable for Cheviot sheep-farming in the north of
Scotland. This rotation of cropping is in no respect too severe for
moderately heavy land where a good deal of feeding takes place, and where,
consequently, the substance withdrawn from the soil by the crops is
returned to it in the form of farmyard manure. The soil of Sutherland,
however, is on the light side for so rapid a course of cropping; and, as
little cake or other nutritious food is consumed along with the grass and
turnips, the farmers must necessarily purchase a considerable quantity of
artificial manures in order to maintain the fertility of their land.
Grain Crops.
The following table shows the number of acres under all
kinds of grain crops in various years since 1853:—

The returns collected by the Highland and Agricultural
Society were exceptionally full and accurate. On the whole, the area under
grain crops has slightly decreased during the past quarter of a century.
The increase of 7419 acres in the arable area in that period, as will be
afterwards shown, appears now as almost wholly under grasses. The
percentage of corn crops to the arable area in 1870 was 37.4, which placed
Sutherland, in that respect, eleventh among the Scotch counties. In regard
to the total area under grain crops, Sutherland comes twenty-seventh.
Sutherland does not contribute to the meal supply of the large centres of
population; indeed, in that matter it is far from self-supporting. The
cultivation of the grain crops is pursued on principles similar to what
prevail in the most advanced districts of the country; and, considering
the situation of the county, grain of a very fine quality is produced.
Sowing commences, in a favourable year, towards the end of March;
harvesting operations are begun from the middle of August till the second
week in September.
Wheat.—As already stated, wheat was tried in the
county many years ago, and soon given up owing to the distance from the
southern markets and the supposed unsuitability of the climate. Its
cultivation, however, has not been long entirely abandoned, for in the
returns collected by the Highland and Agricultural Society in 1853, 217½
acres were in that year under wheat. The following table shows the number
of acres under wheat at various times since that date:—

It will thus be seen that wheat has latterly been
declining in favour. It is now grown on only two or three of the better
farms, such as Culmaily and Crakaig. On the former it yields from 3 to 5
qrs. per acre, and in a good year the sample is of very fair quality and
colour. In such a wet season as this (1879) has been, however, it would
not turn out a paying crop. About 3 bushels of seed is allowed per acre.
Sutherland stands twenty-sixth among the other Scotch counties in regard
to the area under wheat.
Barley.—This variety of grain grows well in the
county, and is cultivated in considerable breadth. The following table
shows the area under barley at various dates since 1853:—

It will thus be seen that barley has not increased
since 1853, but that it is more largely grown now than a few years ago.
The yield of barley ranges from 3½ to 6 qrs.per acre, the average being
perhaps, between 4½ and 5 qrs. The weight varies from 50 lbs to 54 lbs.
per bushel, the greater portion being close on the latter weight. Barley
is grown always after green crop, and about 3 bushels of seed are allowed
to the acre. A good deal of the barley grown in the county is manufactured
at the celebrated Clynelish Distillery. In regard to the area under barley
Suther-land comes twenty-second in Scotland.
Oats.—As might be expected, and as shown by the
following table, oats are the most popular variety of grain:—

The soil and climate of Sutherland are admirably
adapted to the cultivation of oats. In general, the yield is large and the
quality of the grain good. The yield varies from 3½ to 6½ qrs. per acre,
the average being slightly over 5 qrs; while the weight ranges from 40
lbs. to 44 lbs. per bushel, 42 lbs. being about the average. Sandy oats
are largely used; but, latterly, such varieties as longfellow, and
finefellow, and potato oats have been sown to a considerable extent. Swiss
and. Canadian oats have been found to suit the new land at Lairg
exceedingly well. The former have given a yield of from 4 to 6 qrs. per
acre, and weighed about 38½ lbs. per bushel, while the latter afford a
fair return, and weigh about 44 lbs. per bushel. From 4 to 5 bushels of
seed are given to the acre. A considerable quantity of the yield of oats
is appropriated as food for horses, and also some for cattle and sheep;
but the larger proportion is made into meal for the inhabitants. In regard
to the area under oats Sutherland stands twenty-eighth among the Scotch
Rye and Peas.—These are not cultivated to a very
great extent; while it is one of the few Scotch counties that grow no
beans. The area under rye in 1853 was 7¾ acres, and this year (1879) 87
acres. The yield averages about 4 qrs. per acre, and the weight about 58
lbs. per bushel. In 1853 there were 90f acres under peas, and this year 44
Hay and Grass.
In a county where the rearing of stock rules so
supremely as in Sutherland, the pasture break is one of the most important
on the farm. It is therefore natural that the increase of 7419 acres in
the arable area since 1853 should have been added chiefly to the land
under pasture. The following tables show that it has been so

It will thus be seen that these two heads absorb 6923½
acres of the increase, leaving only 495½ acres among all the other crops.
The pasture not under regular rotation has by far the largest increase,
and in these depressed times it is likely enough that in Sutherland, as in
most of the other northern counties, the increase in that direction will
go a good deal farther. The demand for hay as winter food for sheep is
great, and therefore a considerable breadth is assigned to that crop every
year. When sown out for hay and grass after green crops, the land receives
about 30 lbs. of rye grass and 10 lbs. of mixed clovers per acre. A little
more of both varieties is given when the land is meant to lie for several
years under grass.
Green Crops.
Turnips.—The following table shows the area under
turnips at various dates since 1853:—

It will be observed that turnips come next to grass
under rotation in the rate of increase during the past quarter of a
century, and appropriate more than the decrease in both grain crops and
potatoes. It has already been shown that turnips play a very important
part in the economy of Sutherland; and therefore, as much of the arable
land as possible is devoted to them. In some cases their cultivation has
been interfered with by that perplexing disease, "finger and toe," which
is no doubt, to a certain extent, fostered by the five-shift rotation. As
previously stated, Mr Lawson, Clynelish, has commenced grow-mg them after
lea, which has proved as yet a complete preventive of the disease. On new
land, on the farm of Melness, on the north coast, the fungus, or
whatever it is, attacked the roots so persistently that their cultivation
had to be abandoned Turnips, nevertheless, grow exceedingly well in the
county, and
the yield is fully equal to the average in the other
northern counties. Swedes and yellows are the varieties most widely sown.
The quantity of seed allowed to the acre is about 3 lbs. of Swedes and 2½
lbs. of other varieties. Generally speaking, the land intended for turnips
is manured with from sixteen to twenty-five loads of farmyard dung, and
from 3 to 8 cwt. of artificial manure, chiefly dissolved bones and guano.
The greater portion of the turnip crop is consumed on the land by sheep,
and when let for that purpose brings from £6 to £9 per acre. Sutherland
stands twenty-sixth among the Scotch counties in regard to the area under
Potatoes.—The following table indicates the area
under potatoes since 1853:—

Excepting on a very few farms on the south-east coast, this esculent is
grown solely for home consumption, a great proportion of the crop being
grown by the small tenants or crofters, among whom potatoes form a very
important article of food. The average yield over the county is about 15
bolls per acre, and the quality is usually good. During later years a few
farmers on the south-east coast have tried small fields of potatoes, and
the result has been encouraging. Mr Sellar has sometimes a yield of 30
bolls per acre, including all sizes.
Other Green Crops.
Some years a few acres are sown with rape, chiefly new
land. This year there were' 19 acres under that crop, and in 1878, 222
acres. Of vetches there were 46 acres this year, and 39 last year. This
year there was 1 acre under mangold, but the climate is too cold for that
root. It is seldom that much land is allowed to lie in fallow. This year
there were 260 acres, and 75 acres last year.
Live Stock.
Horses.—The number of horses in the county at
various dates is shown by the following table:—

Of the number of horses returned this year, 2105 are
used solely for agricultural purposes, the remaining 524 being kept solely
for either for breeding purposes, or are young unbroken animals. The
number used solely for agricultural purposes has increased by 40. The farm
horses generally throughout Sutherland are not heavy, but are of moderate
size, very active and durable. They go smartly with fair loads, and
are well-suited for cultivation work. On the better farms they are mostly
of the Clydesdale stamp, and throughout the county generally they have
been much improved recently by the introduction from the south of good
draught stallions. The Duke of Sutherland at one time kept entire horses
of the most suitable description, both for road and farm, and many good
horses were reared from these. The Master of Blantyre has introduced two
excellent stallions on his new farms at Lairg, and their progeny will no
doubt effect still further improvement in that neighbourhood. At the local
ploughing matches, where from 40 to 50 pairs of horses turn out
well-groomed and well-harnessed, the display is indeed highly creditable
to the county. The extent of arable land attached to each pair of horses
ranges from 50 to 90 acres. Among the crofters there is a useful
small-sized class of ponies that suit the work on crofts admirably.
Cattle.—The number of cattle was, in

It will thus be seen that the cattle stock of the
county has not changed much in numbers during the past quarter of a
century. These figures also show that the rearing of cattle is not
prosecuted very largely in Sutherland. Indeed, the county stands only
twenty-fourth among the other Scotch counties in regard to the number of
its cattle stock. There is great variety among the cattle of the district.
The ancient black cattle that at one time grazed in the straths in such
large numbers have disappeared, and have been succeeded by a mixture of
West Highland cattle, polled cattle, shorthorns, and crosses. Of the pure
breeds the former predominates greatly, and originally the most of these
hailed from Argyleshire and from Skye. In 1865 the Duke of Sutherland had
the distinguished honour of carrying away the gold medal and £100 prize
for the best fat animal in the Great Smithfield Christmas Show, the only
occasion on which that highly coveted honour has been won by an animal of
the West Highland breed. The crofters, as a rule, have cows of the
Highland breed, and, in most cases, they mate these with Highland bulls,
sent throughout his property by the Duke of Sutherland, for the use of his
tenantry. In this way His Grace sends out, on application through the
factors of the various districts,
more than twenty bulls every spring, and takes them
back to the Home Farm to be wintered. From these bulls the crofters'
cattle (indeed the cattle of the county generally) have been much
improved, and the comfort of the smaller tenants greatly enhanced. On the
south-east coast shorthorn bulls, chiefly from Morayshire, have been in
general use during the last twenty years, and consequently a large
proportion of the cattle stock in these parts consists of crosses from
Highland cows and shorthorn bulls. A few years ago many of the crofters,
finding that cross calves brought a readier sale and higher prices than
Highland calves, became anxious to have their cows mated with shorthorn
bulls. Crosses, however, do not suit the climate and treatment the cattle
of Sutherland crofters have to endure so well as Highlanders, and most of
them have gone back to the use of bulls of the shaggier and hardier breed.
About six years ago Mr Kelly founded a herd of Highland cattle at
Achinduich, and it now numbers about 20 head. The foundation of this
promising young herd was laid from a Dunrobin heifer, and a cow from the
island of Barra, nearly related to the Highland ox from Dunrobin that
achieved the distinguished triumph in 1865. There is very little
cattle-feeding in the county, the large majority of the surplus stock
being sent south in lean condition when a year and a half or two years
old. A few of the larger farmers on the south-east coast,— notably Mr
Sellar, Culmaily; Mr Lawson, Clynelish; and Mr Dudgeon, Crakaig,—feed a
number of two and three-year old crosses every year, and send them to the
southern markets, where they invariably command the top prices. Mr Sellar
feeds from 120 to 200 head, chiefly three-year olds bought in Caithness
and taken to Culmaily when about two and a half years old. They are
commenced in the house there with tares or similar green food, and are
afterwards fed mainly on turnips, cake, and grain. They are generally sent
to the market about the Christmas season. As already stated, Mr Lawson
recently established, at Clynelish, a herd of polled cattle. He acquired
good blood at the outset, having been a large purchaser at the dispersion,
three years ago, of the herd of the late Mr Paterson, Mulben, Boharm. The
animals have thriven remarkably well, and have amply proved the wisdom of
introducing them. Mr Lawson feeds the black steers he breeds himself along
with a number of bought-in crosses, and for both he obtains the highest
current prices, the blacks finding the most favour among the butchers.
There is little doubt that the black polled breed would suit Sutherland
admirably; and it will be surprising if they are not reared in large
numbers in the county before many years have passed. Mr Dudgeon feeds an
excellent lot of crosses, partly bred by himself and partly in Caithness.
Several of the other farmers along the south-east coast feed a smaller
number, mostly crosses of their own breeding. They send them off when
about two years old. Sutherland crosses, at that age, usually weigh from 6
cwt. to 7 cwt. in the carcass. It is worthy of mention that about fifty
years ago Mr Alexander Craig, tenant of the farm of Kirkton in the parish
of Golspie, kept there an excellent herd of polled Galloway cattle. At the
first Show of the Highland and Agricultural Society at Inverness in 1831,
Mr Craig won all the prizes offered for Galloway cattle, except one which
the Duke of Gordon obtained for a bull. In Mr Ramsay's admirable "History
of the Highland and Agricultural Society," there is the following
reference to the creditable position taken at that Show by Mr Craig:—"In
the Galloway breed, prizes were offered for bull, cow, heifer, and ox.
There was a pretty fair muster of the breed, but the exhibitors were not
numerous; in fact, there were only three exhibitors—James Bain, Antfield,
Inverness, who exhibited a bull; the Duke of Gordon, who exhibited a bull
and an ox; the other and chief exhibitor being Alexander Craig, Kirkton,
Sutherland, who exhibited two bulls, and who sent all the animals—five in
number—entered for the cow premium, and the three animals entered for the
heifer premium, together with five animals entered for the ox premium. Mr
Craig's cattle were all bred by himself except one of the cows which was
bred by the Duke of Gordon. The prizes all went to Mr Craig, except that
for the bull, which was won by the Duke of Gordon with an animal bred at
Gordon Castle."
Swine and Poultry.—The number of swine in the
county was, in—

The stock of pigs in the county has been greatly
improved during recent years by the introduction of good sires, but still
they are not as a rule of a high class. A large number of somewhat
inferior pigs are kept among the crofters.
Poultry are not kept extensively in the county, though
there are a few good " stocks " of them on the south-east coast.
Buildings, Fences, and Roads.
Generally speaking, the farms of Sutherland are now
well provided with both dwelling-houses and steadings. The improvement
effected in buildings during the past quarter of a century has been very
great. The Duke of Sutherland has expended a very large sum in that work,
the new houses having in most cases been erected at his cost, the tenant
paying interest or an equivalent increase in rent. On most of the larger
farms the dwelling-houses are very commodious, and the Duke has erected a
number of large and attractive shooting lodges. On most of the larger
sheep-farms there are excellent dwelling-houses, in which the tenants
reside during the greater part of the year. The dwelling-houses of the
smaller tenants and cotters have been greatly improved during the last
twenty-five years, mostly by the Duke of Sutherland. They are now, in
general, comfortable though not large. The arable farms are all provided
with good threshing-mills, driven by water or horses. There are very few
covered courts in the county, but they are now to be found on some of the
larger farms on the south-east coast, one of the best being at Culmaily.
Mr Lawson's steading at Clynelish is worthy of special mention. It was
built by the Duke in 1871, the tenant paying interest. It is neat,
compact, and exceedingly convenient The cattleman, for instance, has not
to go outside in any of his operations, while for the manure there is a
conveniently situated covered pit. The cattle divisions are commodious and
well-ventilated. It is, indeed, one of the most compact farm-steadings in
the north of Scotland. Mr Sellar has also an exceptionally good steading
at Culmaily.
The arable farms are in general well fenced, mostly
with dykes and wire. The dykes are usually built at the cost of the Duke
while the tenants drive the materials.
The roads throughout the county are very good. Their
formation has already been referred to.
The wealth and greatness of Sutherland may be said to
consist in its sheep-farming. To that important and generally lucrative
industry, the arable farming of the county is in a manner made
subservient. From it the Duke of Sutherland and the other proprietors
derive the larger proportion of their rentals. To it the county is mainly
indebted for the prominent part it plays in the agriculture of Scotland.
Carried on very extensively, and with much success, the system is
distinguished by a perfection of management not excelled in any part of
the country The stock of sheep, too, almost entirely of the Cheviot breed
is of a high class, bearing an excellent reputation, and commanding the
top prices in all the leading British markets.
This extensive and improved system of sheep-farming was
founded in Sutherland in 1806. In that year, and in 1807, as if to make
way for a new order of things, scab and rot killed the majority of the
small ill-shaped, ill-managed Kerry sheep that formerly grazed the straths
and mountains along with the black cattle. In that year, also, Messrs
Atkinson and Marshall arrived in the county from Northumberland, and
brought with them an excellent stock of Cheviot sheep. For these gentlemen
a very large grazing farm was formed. It extended from the village of
Lairg to the lower point of Lochnaver in one direction, and in another
from the river Tirry to the sources of the waters which fall into the
Brora and Helmsdale rivers. It consisted of the highest districts of the
Sutherland estate, and included Ben Clebrich and Ben Ormin. Of this
extensive farm a lease of nineteen years was granted to Messrs Atkinson
and Marshall in 1809. A few years thereafter the farm of Achinduich, lower
down the Shin, and Letterbeg in Strathnaver, were added to it for the
purpose of supplying wintering for the sheep. These united holdings
extended in all to about 100,000 acres, so that the pioneer sheep-farmers,
as these two gentlemen may be called, had ample room to develop their
experience. It is stated by Mr Patrick Sellar, in a letter dated 1820, to
Mr Loch, that during the first ten years of their occupancy, Messrs
Atkinson and Marshall " had embarked not less than £20,000 in putting
breeding flocks on the mountains of Sutherland." The success which
attended the undertaking of these gentlemen speedily spread the popularity
of the Cheviots all over the county. It induced those tenants who had
stocked their farms a few years previously with blackfaced sheep to send
away these and adopt the newly imported breed. It also encouraged the
formation of more sheep-farms, and the removal, for that purpose, of those
small tenants who occupied some of the richest straths in the county. In
the course ?£ a few years Cheviot sheep became in a manner the watchwords
of those interested in the development of Sutherland, and every
encouragement was given to sheep-farmers from the south to settle in the
county. The farm of Invershin was let to Messrs Culley and Morton, also
from Northumberland, soon after Messrs Atkinson and Marshall came north.
Along with Invershin, these gentlemen also held extensive sheep-farms from
Sir Charles Boss of Balna-gown, whose predecessor, Sir John Lockhart Ross,
was the first to introduce the modern system of sheep-farming into the
north of Scotland. About the same time a Mr Dunlop, from Ayrshire, leased
a large sheep-walk from Lord Reay in Durness, and stocked it with
Cheviots, which, even at the outset, throve well. Sir John Sinclair had
introduced Cheviot sheep into Caithness about 1790, and, some twenty years
afterwards, Mr Innes, a native of that county, took Sandside, in the
parish of Reay, and stocked it with Cheviots. Most of his sheep were
brought north by Mr John Paterson, whose representatives are now at
Armadale. Some time previous to 1812 a company of Roxburgh gentlemen
entered on a lease of Armadale, and covered it with a fine stock of
Cheviots. Mr Gabriel Reed, from Northumberland, was entrusted with the
management of the affairs of the
company, and so well satisfied was that experienced
gentleman with the suitability of the county to the Cheviots that, in
1812, he was induced to embark with the large farm of Kilcolmkill, on
which he placed a fine stock of about 10,000 head. About the same time Mr
Thomas Houston, Mr Patrick Sellar, Major Clunes, and other gentlemen,
leased sheep-walks in the county, and adopted the popular breed. Every
year swelled the ranks of the Sutherland sheep-farmers, and added
thousands to the thriving stock of Cheviots. So fast, indeed, was the
growth of the new system, that by 1820 it had spread to all corners of the
county, sweeping away all traces of the more ancient order of things that
preceded it. It was estimated that the Cheviot stock in Sutherland in 1820
numbered no less than 118,400.
The pioneers of the industry, however, had many
difficulties to contend with, which the sheep-farmers in the county at the
present clay know little of, except through history and tradition. One of
the most perplexing of these difficulties was the prejudice, even
hostility, of the natives, who made frequent raids on the flocks of the
newly settled farmers. To protect their property from being thus
plundered, eleven of the larger sheep-farmers in Sutherland and Caithness
formed themselves into what was called " The United Association of the
Noblemen and Gentlemen in Sutherland and Caithness for the Protection of
Property." In 1815, these eleven farmers lost, they believed, through
these raids, 1591 sheep, 1596 in 1816-17, while in the next two years the
loss was "beat down" to 853 and 794 respectively. As indicating by whom
the leading sheep-farms in Sutherland were occupied in the early days of
the industry in the county, the list of the members of the association in
1819 will be read with interest. It was as follows:—Messrs Atkinson and
Marshall, Lairg, &c.; Major Clunes, Crakaig; Mr Charles Clarke, Glendow;
Mr John Clarke, Eriboll; Mr John Dunlop, Balnakiel; Major Donald Forbes,
Melness; Major Gilchrist, Ospisdale and Shiness; Mr James Hall,
Sciberscross; Mr Thomas Houston, Ribigill and Knockfin; Mr William Innes,
Sandside; Messrs Morton and Culley, Invercasley, &c.; Captain K. Mackay,
Torboll; Mr A. Mackenzie, Stonechruby; Mr Mac-kay, Keoldale; Messrs Munro
and Reed, Badnabay; Mr John Paterson, Skelpick; Mr Gabriel Reed,
Kilcolmkill; Mr Robson, Kirktown; Mr Pat. Sellar, Morvich, &c.; and
Captain W. Scobie, Ardvare. Before leaving these bygone times, it may be
stated that Mr Patrick Sellar introduced a number of pure bred Merino
sheep, and tried them for a few years on the Sutherland hills. It is
stated that he reared up his flock of Merinos from 200 to 600 head, of as
fine sheep of the kind, and as thriving too, as ever stepped on hill
ground. But he was induced to give them up. He says, that as three-fourths
of the wastes of Sutherland consist of Alpine plants, which the Merino
sheep dislike, "the same quantity of Sutherland ground will keep 300
Cheviots that will maintain 100 Merinos, and that with one-half the care,
and one-third part of the risk in winter."
It has been seen that by 1820 the Cheviot breed had a
powerful hold in Sutherland. They continued gradually to strengthen that
hold until they had, by 1830 or 1835, appropriated to themselves almost
the whole of the grazing regions of the county. The following table shows
the number of sheep in Sutherland in various years since 1808 :—

The number returned last year was 234,586, or 25,173
more than were estimated to be in the county when this year's returns were
collected. Last winter (1878-79) is regarded generally as perhaps the most
disastrous in the present century to Sutherland sheep-farmers. The county
lay bound up in snow for nearly four months, and so thick and close was
the covering all over, that even the stronger sheep could not, except in
some parts, make their way to the heath and grasses. In addition to
entailing an enormous outlay for hand-feeding with hay and other material,
the stormy winter caused unprecedented losses by death among both old
sheep and lambs. If not entirely, there is no doubt that the decrease
since last year must be mainly attributed to deaths caused by the severe
winter. Compared with last year, the Board of Trade Returns show a
deficiency in the crop of lambs of about one-third, or 21,539 head, which
is due almost wholly to the stormy weather in winter and spring. All
private estimates represent the loss among lambs as considerably greater
than one-third; and there is too good reason to believe that it has really
turned out to be so. By competent authorities it is estimated that between
the marking of the lambs in spring and their weaning in July and August,
over 1500 lambs had died in the county; so that the year's crop of lambs
in Sutherland would number only about 38,000. Taking the deficiency caused
in the crop of lambs by the exceptionally severe winter and spring at
21,539, there would thus appear from the Returns to have been a
loss among the older sheep of only 3634. In reality, however, it was at
least four times that number, perhaps not under 15,000.
General Notes on Sheep Grazings. Before indicating the general system
of management pursued, a few hurried notes may be given regarding some of
the larger individual holdings. To save repetition it may be stated here,
in a word, that the sheep stock of the county consists almost exclusively
of Cheviots. Where other breeds are kept, they will be specified. The Duke
of Sutherland is himself an extensive sheep-farmer. As already stated, he
holds the farm of Shiness, which carries an excellent stock of 2000 sheep,
and is assessed on £500. At Whitsunday last he took over from the
representatives of the late Mr Bateson the small farm of Cam-busmore,
which carries about 500 head, and has 95 acres of arable land attached.
From Captain Houston His Grace took over the large farm of Kinbrace,
extending to about 30,000 acres, when the land reclamations commenced. It
is rented at £990, and formerly carried about 5000 head. The Shiness
wethers brought 44s. this year, and the cast ewes 31s. The Hon. the Master
of Blantyre, the Duke of Sutherland's nephew, is now one of the most
extensive sheep-farmers in the north of Scotland. He holds the pastoral
farm of Sciberscross, extending to about 39,000 acres, and the arable
farms of Colaboll and Achnanearain at Lairg, measuring respectively,
exclusive of outrun, 346 and 330 acres. He entered the first-named farm in
1875, and the other two in 1876. Sciberscross carries about 6000 sheep,
and is rented at £1390. The Lairg farms winter about 2200 hoggs, and are
rented at £500. The Master of Blantyre has three "hirsels" of blackfaced
sheep. He has had two years' experience of them, and he finds them hardier
and better able to withstand the winter than the Cheviots. Their advantage
is specially noticeable at lambing time. He finds that the storm that
would kill a Cheviot lamb would hardly affect a blackfaced lamb. He is of
opinion that the Sutherland grazings would carry a third more blackfaced
sheep than Cheviots, and that the greater part of the county will yet be
covered with the former instead of the latter. He says that, owing to the
climate seemingly becoming more severe, the mossing or cotton plant is
fast disappearing; the difficulties to contend with as to heather burning;
the old townships or green patches getting "fogged" and overgrown with
heather, it is impossible to maintain as good a class of Cheviot sheep as
was reared some years ago. He finds the wintering of his hoggs adds fully
a second rent to his grazing land. He winters the ewe hoggs in the south,
and endeavours to keep them on grass till towards the end of February,
when they are placed on yellow turnips for a month or six weeks to make
them "shoot," or grow in the horn. He avoids, as far as possible, giving
turnips especially Swedes, to ewe hoggs, as ewe lambs wintered on turnips
have frequently to be turned into the market with "broken" mouths. In the
first week of April the hoggs are brought home, when the mossing or cotton
plants should be out and should carry them on till the "deer-hair" grass
comes about the second week in May. The mossing having been failing more
and more every successive year, it is impossible to keep the hoggs from
losing condition after returning from the wintering. The wether hoggs are
kept on grass till December, when they are put on to turnips, and taken
home at the same time as the ewe hoggs. The cost of wintering, including
expenses out and back and herding, varies from 8s. to 10s. a-head. The
Master of Blantyre also sends a few of the weaker din-monts and gimmers to
wintering. His stock is what is called a "regular" one, part ewes and part
wethers; and he usually feeds his wethers and cast ewes in Derbyshire,
where he holds a large farm. He has tried the wintering of hoggs at Lairg
on grass and cake; and, while the hoggs thrive well under that treatment,
he found the cost very little dearer than the usual system of wintering.
On Sciberscross the average yield of wool is fully 5 lbs. per head. The
Master of Blantyre smears all his sheep. The smearing mixture consists of
tar and butter in equal proportions. Each tub contains 16 pints, with a
pint of milk and a pint of seal oil added, and smears from 27 to 29 sheep.
He employs in all fourteen shepherds; and his fanks, dipping-houses, and
other similar accessories—all planned by himself—are most complete and
convenient. The Hall family, so creditably connected with the
sheep-farming of Sutherland, held Sciberscross for fifty-seven years prior
to the entry of the Master of Blantyre, and kept one of the best stocks in
the county, realising always the top prices at the Inverness Wool Fair.
In Creich, the first parish entered from the south,
there are some good sheep farms. Mr John Kelly, formerly farm manager at
Dunrobin, holds the farm of Achinduich, and keeps on it a very good and
very old breeding stock. He sells his wether lambs at the Wool Fair, and
delivers them at the usual time— about the first week in August. The ewes
are sent away when four or five years old, the ewe stock being made up
from jus own ewe lambs. On this farm, near the river Shin, there is a good
deal of green land, which yields good crops of hay; while some new land
has been reclaimed higher up the side of railway. The largest holding in
this parish is Invercasley,
on the estate of Sir Charles Ross, Bart. of Balnagown,
and entered eleven years ago, at a rent of £1400, by Messrs William and
James Kennedy, who are also extensive farmers in the counties of Caithness,
Inverness, Dumfries, and Kirkcudbright. Extending to about 35,000 acres,
this farm consists mostly of black land, a good deal of it being
high-lying, and cold and stormy in winter. A good ewe and wether stock is
kept, tups being frequently introduced from Caithness and the south. The
sheep on this farm are generally smeared in October and November with tar
and butter. Clipping takes place about the end of June and beginning of
July, and the ewe fleeces average from 3½ lbs. to 4 lbs.; and those from
wethers, from 4½ lbs. to 5½ lbs. The hoggs are wintered in the south at a
cost of from 8s. to 9s. a head. The cost of wintering has been more than
doubled during the past twenty years. In severe winters such as last,
hand-feeding has to be resorted to among the old sheep at home. The Messrs
Kennedy have expended a considerable sum in repairing shepherds' houses
and erecting fences and sheep folds, as also in surface-draining. Each
shepherd has charge of from 500 to 600 ewes, or 1000 wethers.
The new farms in the parish of Lairg have already been
referred to. The farm of Dalchork, extending to about 25,000 acres, and
including 120 arable acres, has been held by Mr A. S. Macdonald since
1871. Bart of this farm is very good pasture; but, on the other hand,
there is a large stretch of scarcely any value. Most of it is flat and
devoid of shelter. A good ewe and wether stock is kept, a few fresh tups
being introduced from other stocks now and again. The old sheep are
smeared after the 16th October. Four gallons of tar are mixed with 35 lbs.
of butter, and that smears from 30 to 32 sheep at a cost of from 8d. to
10d. per head. The lambs are " dipped" before leaving for wintering in the
south, and again on returning in spring. Clipping commences about the 12th
of June. The hoggs are wintered partly on the arable farms on the
south-east coast of the county and in Ross-shire; the ewe hoggs, when
possible, on grass, and the wether hoggs on turnips. The lean dinmonts and
gimmers are also sent to turnips and grass. The cost of wintering these
averages close on 10s. a head. Each shepherd herds in summer from 600 to
700 sheep, but in winter the "hirsels" are reduced by sale and sending
away to wintering to about 400 each. Six shepherds are employed on
Dalchork. The death-rate ranges from 5 to 10 per cent. per annum. For
every 100 lambs speaned, on an average, from 20 to 25 die before being
sold as cast ewes or wethers. For every 100 ewes tupped, from 83 to 88
lambs are generally speaned. This year only 47 lambs were weaned for every
100 ewes. The Dalchork wethers sold at 43s. this year. The arable land at
Dalchork is rented at £1 per acre, and grows good crops of oats and
turnips,—the former yielding about 5 qrs. per acre in a good year, and
weighing about 42 lbs. per bushel. A few Highland cattle are kept on
Dalchork. Another large and well-stocked farm in the parish of Lairg is
Gruids, leased by Messrs Douglas Dobie and Thomas Martin.
In the neighbouring parish of Rogart is situated the
extensive farm of Blarich, held by Messrs W. and D. Menzies. This fine
farm was long held by Mr Andrew Hall of Calrossie, the representative of
the well-known Hall family, so long located at Sciberscross. Mr Andrew
Hall has perhaps a more intimate acquaintance with the pastoral districts
of Sutherland than any other person, and was a remarkably skilful,
painstaking, and successful sheep-farmer. His stock at Blarich commanded
the admiration of all who saw them, and always fetched the top prices in
the markets. The Blarich wethers this year brought 42s. 6d., and the cast
ewes 33s. 6d. The largest holding in the parish of Clyne is Kilcolmkill,
leased by Colonel Tod Brown, C.B., at a rent of £1171, and stocked with a
superior class of sheep. In the adjoining parish of Loth, Mr John B.
Dudgeon has in many respects one of the most desirable holdings in the
county—the arable and grazing farms of Crakaig and Lothbeg—while he also
leases the pastoral farm of Eldrabol in Kildonan. Mr Dudgeon has long kept
a very fine stock of sheep, and has with much success bestowed a good deal
of attention to the rearing of tups of the very best character. He imports
tups from the best flocks in the south of Scotland; and, mating these
with a few select ewes, rears tups that have few equals in the northern
counties. At the show at Lairg last August, nearly all the higher honours
for Cheviot tups fell to Mr Dudgeon. In the parish of Kildonan there are
several large grazing farms well stocked with Cheviots, the more extensive
being Kinbrace, held by the Duke of Sutherland, as already mentioned;
Dalharn, held by Mr Sangster; Altandown, by Mr Gunn; and Kildonan, by the
trustees of Mr Rutherford.
Crossing the mountains to the north-west coast from
Kildonan, the traveller enters the Sutherland portion of the parish of
Reay. The principal holding in this district is the fine farm of Bighouse,
extending to about 60,000 acres, and rented at £1262 by Mr Robert Paterson
of Birthwood, Biggar, Lanarkshire. Mr Paterson, who, it may be mentioned,
has had the honour of being selected to act on the Royal Commission
recently appointed to inquire into the agricultural depression, also
leases farms of 1500 acres in Caithness, and 3000 acres in Lanarkshire,
including his own property of Birthwood. He entered Bighouse in 1861.
Along the banks of the river and burns there is a good deal of green land;
but the greater portion is black and mossy. A superior ewe and
wether stock is kept on this farm. Owing to the bad seasons lately
experienced, Mr Paterson has had to buy wether lambs and two-year old
wethers to make up his stock. Those purchased are usually descended from
his own stock, and come from Orkney, Lanarkshire, and Caithness. He
generally rears his own tups, introducing one or two now and again to
change the blood, from the best stocks in the south, usually Dumfriesshire.
His sheep in Sutherland are "dipped" about the middle of October with
either Macdougal's dip, or oil hellebore, tobacco, and spirits of tar.
Clipping commences about the first week of June, and is concluded in the
first week of July, The fleeces average 4 lbs. each in a good year.
Three-fourths of the lambs are sent south when speaned at first of August,
and the remainder from the 1st till the 10th of October. The first lot are
away eight months, and entail an outlay in that time of from 10s. to 12s.
a-head. The second lot are away six months, and their wintering costs from
9s. to 9s. 6d. a-head. The weaker animals, in the flocks kept at home, all
get turnips, or are hand-fed. Each shepherd has charge of from 300 to 500
ewes, or from 600 to 800 wethers. The Bighouse stock has been considerably
improved by Mr Paterson. His sheep are hardy, sound, and uniform, and
command high prices. Mr Paterson has surface-drained a good deal of his
farm, and limed some parts of it. He has also erected fences and some
shepherds' houses. In the parish of Parr there are
several large pastoral farms. At the head of these may be placed the fine
farm of Langdale, rented at £1343, 15s. by Mr P. P. Sellar, who also holds
the arable farm of Culmaily in the parish of Golspie, and is besides a
very extensive farmer in the county of Ross. Mr Sellar's stock is one of
the best in the north of Scotland. Lying in Strathnaver, an extensive and
good grazing strath, Langdale embraces a wide extent of good pasture, and
rears heavy, well-conditioned sheep. Another extensive holding in this
strath is Rhifail, which has been occupied for about twenty-one years by
Mr Thomas Purves, who also holds two large farms in Caithness. Rhifail
extends to about 30,000 acres, and is rented at £900. It consists of mixed
hill pasture. On each "hirsel" there is an old township of green land, and
on the sides of the several streams that intersect the farm there is a
considerable extent of green pasture. The breadth of green land, however,
is much too small to enable the tenant to take full advantage of the large
area of high black land. Mr Purves keeps a good ewe and wether stock,
which he maintains in high order by an occasional infusion of fresh blood.
He purchases every year a few good tups from the best stocks in the
county, and now and again introduces two or three from the south. Clipping
commences between the 5th and 20th June, and the yield ranges from 5 to 5½
lbs. of smeared wool. The Rhifail sheep are generally smeared with the
best quality of tar and butter. Mr Purves winters the most of his sheep in
Caithness, the average cost for hoggs being from 9s. to 10s. each, and for
old sheep, 5d. to 6d. per week. The sheep kept on the Sutherland farm all
winter are mostly hand-fed with hay and oats when that is necessary to
sustain life, as it occasionally is. Mr Purves employs ten shepherds, and
each has a "hirsel" of from 500 to 1000 head. The death-rate on this farm
is from 7 to 10 per cent. in an ordinary year, and, with exceptional
winters such as last, as high as from 15 to 25 per cent. Of every 100 ewe
lambs weaned, from 12 to 14 die before the lot has to be sold as cast
ewes. Of every 100 wether lambs weaned, probably about 85 remain to be
sold as three-year old wethers. In an ordinary year every 100 ewes tupped
nurse from 80 to 90 lambs. The death-rate among both old and young sheep
has increased latterly. Mr Purves has reclaimed close on 150 acres of
arable land at Rhifail. Oats and turnips grow well, but grass is
unsatisfactory until the land has been limed. Oats weigh about 42 lbs. per
bushel, and even this year they ripened well, and will yield over 5
quarters per acre. For the first crop of oats the land got a dressing of
3½ cwt. of guano, dissolved bones, and superphosphate. For turnips, the
manure has consisted of a mixture of guano, dissolved bones, and bone
meal, at the rate of 8 cwt. per acre. The average cost of the reclamation
of the land, which has been accomplished in a most thorough manner, has
been £40 per acre—trenching, £18; draining, £10; blasting stones with
dynamite and clearing them off the land, £7 to £10; and building dykes 5½
feet high, £5 per acre. This outlay is borne by the Duke of Sutherland, Mr
Purves paying 2½ per cent. of interest for ten years, and 5 per cent.
during the remainder of the lease. In addition to the £40, the preparing
of the land per acre has cost Mr Purves an average of £12 per acre. The
quantity of stones in the land was great. After drains and dykes had been
supplied, the removing of the remainder cost no less than £7 per acre. Mr
Purves has also, at his own expense, reclaimed and laid down in grass
about 20 acres. Since Mr Purves entered Rhifail, the Duke has built upon
it a handsome dwelling-house at a cost of £1800, four houses for
shepherds, ploughmen, and women servants, at a cost of about £250 each,
and a good farm steading at about £1200. Mr Purves contributed between
£200 and £300 to the cost of the dwelling-house, besides carting the
materials for all the erections, and the slates, lime, and wood having to
be carted over a very bad road. Mr Purves has also formed and fenced with
dykes, 5½ feet high, five sheep parks at different parts of the farm,
averaging in extent about 20 acres each. In addition, he made an excellent
garden, and planted shrubberies around the dwelling-house
at a cost of several hundred pounds. In all, on these improvements, Mr
Purves has himself expended considerably over £2000, including carting
materials for buildings. During his occupancy he has twice surface-drained
his farm at a cost of over £500, built a good many sheep "stells " for
shelter, and sown a great extent of whins. He at one time grazed about 80
Highland cattle. He has none at present, but intends bringing in about 40
stirks to consume the straw and make manure. To make up the deficiency
caused in his stock by the severe winter of 1859-60, Mr Purves tried a few
hundred blackfaced sheep, but they turned out badly. The ground, he says,
is too flat and soft for them, and he had great loss among them from
drowning and other accidents. On some "pining" ground on the farm, six of
the blackfaced sheep were affected for every Cheviot that suffers. Those
that survived grew into very good sheep. The other larger farms in this
parish are Clebrig, occupied by Messrs Marshall and Scott; Skelpick, by Mr
Donald Mackay; and Armadale, by Mr W. J. Patterson. At Skelpick, about 100
acres of land have been reclaimed at a similar cost, and under similar
conditions as the land at Rhifail. The Clebrig wethers brought 39s. this
year (1879), or 4s. below the price obtained last year.
The farm of Ribigill, rented by Mr William Mitchell at
£1465, is the largest holding in the parish of Tongue, and one of the best
managed in the county. Ribigill extends to about 30,000 acres, and along
with it Mr Mitchell holds the farm of Pulrossie, containing 400 acres
arable, and 140 acres of wood pasture. Mr Mitchell has occupied the former
for eighteen years, and the latter for eleven years. The pasture of
Ribigill is fully equal to the average of the north and west of
Sutherland, there being a good deal of green land on it. It is, however,
subject to severe snowstorms in winter and spring. On Pulrossie the soil
is partly good sharp loam and partly poor clay. It grows turnips better
than any other crop. A very fine ewe and wether stock is kept on Ribigill.
Mr Mitchell buys in to keep up his wether stock, and for the last few
years has had to buy ewe lambs and hoggs. These he generally obtains in
the Muir of Ord market. He frequently introduces tups from the best stocks
in the country, such as those of Hindhope, Kirkhill, and Arch-bank. Mating
these with a few select ewes, he rears a class of tups for himself that
produce excellent lambs. His sheep are dipped twice a-year with castor oil
and tobacco, a little arsenic being generally added. Castor oil is only
used once a year. He also uses Martin's dip. The cost of the winter's dip
is about 3d. per head, and that for the summer, 1d. The clipping takes
place between the 10th and 30th of June. Hoggs and lean sheep of all other
ages are wintered on arable land, while a few of the weaker sheep are
generally hand-fed on the grazing farm. The wintering for hoggs cost on an
average 10s. a-head. Each "hirsel" numbers from 400 to 700 head, according
to the character of the land and the class of sheep. Mr Mitchell employs
eight shepherds and three turnip herds. The death-rate is from 7 to 10 per
cent. Every 100 ewes tupped rear about 70 lambs. Of every 100 lambs
weaned, about 80 will be suitable for being kept for stock, the other 20
being dead before marking or weaning time or sold as "shotts." Of every
100 "sorted" lambs, 70 or 75 may live to be sold either as wethers or cast
ewes. Mr Mitchell has expended a great deal of money on improvements on
Pulrossie—on draining, liming, subsoiling, repairing, and erecting fences
and cattle sheds. He has also spent a large sum on surface-draining,
building houses, and erecting fences on Ribigill. At Ribigill the Duke has
recently reclaimed over 150 acres, under similar conditions as those
already indicated. The work was carried out by Mr Crawford, factor on the
Tongue district of the Sutherland estate, and his son, and has been done
in a most efficient manner. Steam power was used in part of the work.
There were 85 acres under oats this year, and 30 under turnips. Both crops
were good. The Duke gives lime to his tenants for the reclaimed land at
interest on the price. Mr Mitchell has also limed part of his sheep farm,
and has observed great improvement.
Melness, the largest farm not only in the county, but,
perhaps, in the kingdom, lies partly in the parish of Tongue and partly in
the parish of Durness. It is supposed to extend to over 70,000 acres. It
has been occupied by Messrs Donald and William Mackay—father and son—for
thirteen years, and is rented at £1257. Mr Donald Mackay, as already
stated, leases the farm of Skelpick in Strathnaver, while, together, the
father and son pay upwards of £3000 of rent for sheep and arable farms in
Caithness. A few years ago, the entire extent of their farms was close on
150,000 acres. It may, perhaps, be said that they are, in regard to
acreage, the most extensive farmers in the United Kingdom. Mr Donald
Mackay was a son of one of the small tenants evicted from part of the farm
of Melness (then the property of Lord Reay) when sheep-farming was
introduced into the county. Beginning life in Caithness at an early age,
Mr Mackay rose, step by step, and has 'achieved his present affluent
position entirely through indomitable perseverence and much tact and
ability. He and his son are, so far as known, the only instance where the
descendants of the evicted tenants have made their way back to the ground
once occupied by their forefathers. Melness is almost all hill pasture,
with but very little green land. This makes it impossible to keep as many
ewes as would maintain a sufficient wether stock, and compels the Messrs
Mackay to go to the market every year for wether lambs and hoggs. The
stock on the farm is descended from that held by the late Mr Paterson, the
former tenant, but has been largely crossed by sheep from other farms held
by the Messrs Mackay, as well as from the other well-bred stocks in
Sutherland. The tups are reared on the farm, fresh blood being introduced
from the south every second or third year. All the old sheep are smeared
with tar and butter, the lambs being dipped with "Wilson's dip. The
smearing costs about 8d. a-head, and dipping 4d. a-head. Clipping
commences with the wethers, about the 6th or 10th of June. The most of the
hoggs are wintered on their farms in Caithness, the remainder being sent
elsewhere and wintered on grass and turnip at a cost of from 8s. to 9s.
each. The shepherds on Melness herd each, on an average, about 450 in
winter and 650 in summer. The death-rate is fully 10 per cent. It is
seldom that more than seventy-five lambs are speaned for every one hundred
ewes tupped. Of every one hundred hoggs sent to the hill in spring, not
more than seventy live to be sold as cast ewes or wethers. The death-rate
is greater than some years ago. There are about 90 acres of arable land on
Melness; but, owing to turnips having ten consecutive years succumbed to
"finger and toe," the most of it has been laid down in grass. Of these
about 50 acres have been recently reclaimed by the Duke, on the usual
conditions, at a cost of about £40 per acre. The weaker sheep are gathered
off the "hirsels" every month in winter, and are hand-fed on the arable
land. Since entering Melness the Messrs Mackay have expended about £1000
in surface-draining and other improvements. When the late tenant's stock
on Melness was sold by public roup, at Whitsunday 1866, the roup-roll
amounted to £18,500. It is stated that when he entered about 1828, the
stock cost him only from £3000 to £4000. Owing to ravages of rinderpest
the prices in 1866 were exceptionally high, and the Messrs Mackay paid
70s. for every ewe and lamb purchased at the sale.
In the parish of Durness there are some very large
holdings. The fine farm of Eriboll, extending to between 30,000 and 40,000
acres, and rated at £1307, has been held by the Clarke family for
sixty-four years. The present tenant is Mr George Granville Clarke,
grandson of the original tenant, whose name has already been mentioned
among the pioneer sheep-farmers of the county. Eriboll consists of mixed
land, much of it moory,. very rocky, and wild, and little of it green
except on the seaside. The winter is often wet and stormy, but the farm is
not subject to long-continued snowstorms. An excellent ewe and wether
stock is kept: no ewes ever being bought in, but 300 wether lambs are
purchased yearly. One or two tups are bought in every year and put to
picked ewes, the tups being selected from the progeny. Mr Clarke generally
buys from the flocks in Sutherlandshire, which he knows to be the purest,
most suitable to his land and climate, and least crossed with south
country blood. He smears part of his stock with tar and butter in October,
and dips the others with Macdougal's dip, along with some tobacco juice
and half a pound of best butter to each sheep. Clipping commences about
the 10th of June and ends about the first week of July—according to the
season, condition of the stock, and the weather. The yield ranges from 3½
lbs. from dipped hoggs to 6 lbs. from smeared wethers. The wether hoggs
are sent away to wintering, which costs from 8s. to 10s. a-head; it has
been even as high as 12s. a-head. Ewe lambs are wintered at home, partly
on the low lying ground kept specially for " hogging " and partly on the
arable farm. The dinmonts and weak sheep of other ages are taken from the
hills and recruited with turnips in winter and beginning of spring. There
are about 150 acres of arable land at Eriboll, worked on the six-shift
rotation. Oats yield from 3 to 5 quarters per acre, and weigh from 40 to
42 lbs. per bushel. Turnips also grow well. The present tenant's
grandfather and father reclaimed about 80 acres, while the Duke recently
reclaimed the other 70 acres by pick and spade, at a cost of about £40 per
acre. Interest is paid here as in the other cases. Mr Clarke has expended
between £500 and £600 in surface-draining on his farm since 1872, this sum
having been expended many times over by his father during his tenancy. He
keeps six or seven cross cows, buys shepherds' calves when fostered, and
then rears from fifteen to twenty stirks, sending them to his farms in the
low country. Mr Clarke is also an extensive farmer in Easter Ross. The
Eriboll wethers brought 40s. this year, and cast ewes 30s. 6d.
Another holding of about equal extent in the parish of
Durness, is the farm of Balnakiel, rented by Mr John Scott at £1385, and
managed in the same manner. Keoldale, rented by Mr John Scobie at £1200,
lies partly in Durness and partly in the parish of Eddrachilles, and
carries a very fine stock. In the latter parish is situated the highly
picturesque and valuable grazing farm of Glendhu, rented at £1395 by Mr
James Gunn. In Assynt there are several large holdings; the most extensive
is Drumswordlan, rented by Mr John Scobie at £1000, and the next largest
is Achumore, occupied by Mr John Elliott at a rent of £893.
The General System of Management on Sheep Farms.
Excepting a few lots of blackfaced sheep kept by the
Master of Blantyre and a few others, the entire fleecy stock of the county
is of the Cheviot breed. It has been so for more than half a century; and,
during all that time, the change in the system of management has been so
slight as scarcely to be worthy of notice. The pastoral farms of the
county carry what are technically known as "ewe and wether" flocks, that
is, mostly self-sustaining flocks, that throw into the market every year a
crop of cast ewes and of three-year old wethers. These ewes and wethers
are delivered to the buyers direct from the hills about the 1st of
September; and, though they usually leave the country in good condition,
they are not prepared for the butcher. On a few of the large arable farms
on the south-east coast, such as Culmaily, Crakaig, Dunrobin Mains, and
Clynelish, a number of ewes and wethers are fed annually on grass,
turnips, and cake. But these are exceptions. Sutherland is a breeding and
rearing, not a feeding, county. Some farmers sell their lambs to be
delivered about the same time as the older sheep, thus keeping few except
breeding animals; but this also is an exception.
Perhaps the best idea of the details of management in
the system of sheep-farming pursued in Sutherland may be conveyed by
taking a typical hypothetical case of a tenant entering a farm at
Whitsunday, the usual term of entry, and by following him throughout his
first twelve months. He would take over from the outgoing tenant, at a
valuation fixed by mutually-chosen arbiters, a ewe and wether stock
corresponding to say 2000 ewes. In an ordinary year from 75 to 85 lambs
are nursed for every 100 ewes tupped, so that, alongside the 2000 ewes,
there would be at least 1500 lambs. The death-rate per annum, in ordinary
seasons, is from 5 to 10 per cent. Taking it at the higher rate, the
supposed incoming tenant would find 1350 one-year old sheep, say 675
gimmers and 675 dinmonts, and, in round numbers, 610 two-year old wethers
and 550 three-year old wethers; he thus commences operations with a grand
total of 6010, - 2000 ewes, 1500 lambs, 675 gimmers, 675 dinmonts, 610
two-year old wethers, and 550 three-year old wethers. Besides two or three
"turnip herds," or shepherds who go with hoggs to the wintering, there are
seven shepherds on the farm, each of four having under his charge 500 ewes
and their lambs. The ewes occupy the lower and the greener land, the
others the higher and blacker. Clipping commences with the "eild " sheep
from the first week of June till the first week of July, according to the
season, weather, and condition of the stock, the smeared sheep having been
washed immediately before. White or dipped fleeces weigh from 3½ to 5½
lbs., smeared fleeces from 4½ to 7 lbs. Perhaps, before the
clipping is finished, the tenant goes to the Inverness Wool Fair, usually
held about the second week of July, and, on the reputation the stock of
the farm may have earned, sells his three-year old wethers, and perhaps
also his
"shott lambs" and "cast ewes," the ewes being four or
five, perhaps a few even six, years old. He may also dispose of his wool
at the fair, or may store it at home, or consign it to a broker, most
likely either in Leith, or Edinburgh, or Glasgow. He may likewise purchase
his smearing and dipping materials. The weaning of the lambs, an important
operation, takes place in the last week of July or first week of August
When taken from their mothers the lambs are "sorted," that is, the worst
are drawn and delivered at once to the purchasers if they have been sold,
or sent for sale to the Muir of Ord or other market. The others of the
year's crop are put on to the greenest of the land, reserved for the
purpose, and, if the pasture is sufficiently good, kept there till the
first week of October, when they are sent for wintering either to an
arable farm on the south-east coast of the county, or to Caithness, Ross,
Moray, or elsewhere. If there is not sufficient green pasture on the farm,
the lambs are sent straight from their mothers to grass in whatever
district they are to be wintered. During the first ten days of September
the sheep sold at the Inverness Wool Fair, in other words, the cast ewes
and three-year old wethers of the year, are delivered to the purchasers,
the sheep being driven to the nearest railway station, and conveyed thence
by rail. If the tenant is not satisfied with the prices offered at the
wool fair, he may accept the alternative of going south with his "cast" to
Falkirk Tryst, and take his chance of the prices there. The " lots " sent
away consist of the 550 three and a half year old wethers, and about 500
ewes drawn according to age and condition of teeth. By the sending away of
this draft, the "hirsels" that remain are reduced to numbers that are more
easily managed in winter. Before being sent to the wintering the lambs are
dipped with oil and tobacco-juice, or some other solution, at a cost of
less than 3d. a-head. That operation over, and the hoggs having left,
attention is at once directed to the preparing of the "hirsels" remaining
at home for the approaching winter. The "hirsels," invariably the wethers,
occupying the higher and colder ground, are smeared with a mixture of tar
and butter in equal proportions, with perhaps a little oil and milk added,
the cost being from 8d. to 10d. a-head. The remainder of the stock is
dipped with a solution similar to that with which the lambs were dressed.
The tups are sent to the ewes about the 22d of November, and taken back
about Christmas, from forty to fifty ewes being allotted to each, a few of
the strongest and hardiest of the gimmers being also tupped. The tenant
requires from forty-four to fifty tups. Most of these he would have among
the stock taken over at valuation, but a few have been bought in from the
best bred and most suitable flocks in Sutherland and in the south of
Scotland. Two or three of the better bred tups are mated with choice lots
of ewes, the intention being to select from the progeny thus raised tups
for future use. During the winter the younger sheep are placed on the best
ground on the farm, and from each "hirsel" weakly animals are drawn
together and kept on green land, or hand-fed with hay and oats if
necessary. If the winter is "open" and the pasture good, none except
specially weak sheep require hand-feeding; but, if the winter is severe,
the younger "hirsels" get a little hay or a slight daily feed of turnips,
if these are raised on the farm. Hand-feeding is a bad custom in the case
of hill sheep, and therefore it is resorted to only in cases of real
necessity; when, for instance, as in last winter (1878-79), the animals
would not survive without it. The ewe and wether hoggs are wintered
separately,—the former on grass as much as possible, getting a month or
more of yellow turnips in spring. The wether hoggs are wintered largely on
turnips. The hoggs are usually away at wintering about six months, and
thereby entail an outlay, including herding and conveyance, of from 8s. to
10s. each, the average being about 9s. The cotton grass, or mossing, is
pretty well forward in ordinary seasons by the end of March; and when the
hoggs return, about the first week of April, they are dipped and sent on
to the cotton grass, which maintains them till the deer hair and other
plants come up early in May. Lambing commences about the 20th of April,
and for more than a month the care of the young stock is a subject of much
anxiety to all on the farm. In May the lambs are branded and tarred with
the farm and "hirsel" marks, each "hirsel" having a different mark or
number; while, at the same time, the male lambs are castrated. The twelve
months are now at an end, and the supposed tenant is left with as near as
might be the same number and classes of stock as when he was supposed to
have entered the farm.
There are some deviations from the system illustrated
by the preceding hypothetical case. There are not many of the Sutherland
farms entirely self-supporting, or that can maintain as many ewes as will
provide them with a sufficient number of wethers to graze their wether
land. Most of the tenants therefore have to buy wether lambs and hoggs,
and these they usually obtain either from other farmers in Sutherland, who
keep only or mainly breeding stocks, or from other counties in the north.
Smearing is not so general as it was at one time, a good many having
abandoned it in consequence of the heavy outlay it entails. Now, nearly
all the sheep, especially ewes, on the lower lying farms are kept white.
Some difference of opinion exists as to the rearing and selection of tups.
Latterly, a good deal of southern blood has been introduced through tups,
and some contend that this has exercised a softening influence on the
Sutherland Cheviots, and that they are, therefore, not so
11 able as formerly to withstand the rigorous climate
of the county. The milder and better way of introducing fresh blood, which
most Sutherland farmers now pursue, is to mate a few of the best bred ewes
in the flock with tups of the finest stamp and breeding from the better
suited stocks wherever situated, and then, from the lambs thus raised,
select the tups to be used in the general stock. Some of the best farmers
in Sutherland never go beyond the northern counties for tups and it is
pretty certain that thereby they have better preserved the hardy character
of their stocks. On some farms that have arable land attached, the ewe
hoggs are wintered at home on the "hogging" part of the grazing farm with
a small supply of turnips and hay, and grain if necessary; a good many
farmers, on the other hand, have latterly found it expedient to send the
weaker of their dinmonts and gimmers to wintering on arable farms,—a step
rendered necessary by the deterioration of the green pastures in
Sutherland. It is estimated by competent authorities that 60 per cent. of
the stock of lambs is wintered out of Sutherland, mostly in the counties
of Caithness, Ross, and Moray; 32 per cent. on arable farms on the
southeast coast of Sutherland, including the arable farms at Lairg; and
the other 8 per cent. on the sheep farms and on the patches of arable land
on the north and west coasts.
Export of Sheep and Wool, and Rent of Land.
Export of Sheep.—There was so great a mortality
among sheep last winter, particularly on the eastern side of the county,
that it is not easy to estimate the number of ewes and wethers sold and
sent out of Sutherland this year. In average years the drafts of each
would number from 20,000 to 25,000; but this year they must have been very
much smaller. One of the largest farmers in the county estimates this
year's sales of wethers at about 15,000, and of ewes 11,000. When
delivered at three and a half years old Sutherland wethers would weigh
from 58 to 65 lbs. dead weight, the average being about 60 lbs. This year
the wethers from the county brought from 40s. to 44s., cast ewes from 26s.
to 38s., and lambs at from 18s. to 23s. Last year the prices for wethers
were higher by from 3s. to 4s. a-head, and for ewes about 1s. a-head.
Wool.—The average number of fleeces of wool clipped
in Sutherland in each of the last ten years would have been about 170,000.
The average weight of the fleeces may be taken at 4 lbs. each, which would
make the total annual yield of wool 680,000 lbs. or about 28,333 stones of
24 lbs. This year the clip is tar short of that, and has been estimated by
a competent authority at 18,392 stones of smeared wool, worth 15s. per
stone, or 2s. 8d. per sheep; and 6500 stones of white wool, worth 22s. per
stone, or 2s. 7d. per sheep. The total yield of wool this year would thus
be 3441 below the average of the preceding ten years. The following is
pretty near the average yield of wool per head in ordinary seasons:—

Rent of Land.—The annual rent of the Sutherland
sheep farms is fixed at so much per head of the number of sheep each is
estimated to carry throughout the winter. Between 1844 and 1846 Mr Andrew
Hall of Calrossie, then himself a large sheep-farmer in the county, went
over the whole pastoral range of Sutherland, rearranging the boundaries of
some of the larger farms, estimating the number of sheep each would carry
throughout the winter, and fixing the rent per head to be asked for each
at the next letting, which began in 1852. Since then rent has been charged
according to that estimate. Previous to 1852 no tenant in the county paid
more than 3s. a-head, Mr Andrew Hall himself being the first to pay 3s.
6d. a-head in that year for Blarich. The rate of rent now ranges from 4s.
to 7s. a-head, the average being perhaps about 5s. 6d. The increase since
1852 is thus equal to close on 100 per cent.
Losses of the Winter 1878-79.
"Every twenty-second year is a bad one for the
sheep-farmer," was the laconic remark of an experienced and observing
Sutherland sheep-farmer to the writer the other day. In regard to the past
hundred years, at any rate, the observation has been almost literally
true; for are not 1772, 1794, 1816, 1838, and 1860 ever to be remembered
as years of great disaster among flocks on the hills of Scotland ?
According to the twenty-two years' rule, the almost unprecedented storm of
last winter (1878-79) came too soon, if it may not indeed be followed by
another severe season a year or two hence—just as the storm of 1814 was
followed by that of 1816. Be this as it may, the last winter was certainly
one of the most disastrous ever experienced by Sutherland sheep-farmers.
It has been stated, on good authority, that on an average in each of these
notable years of disaster, Scotch sheep-farmers—at any rate those in the
northern counties—lost about one-fourth of their invested capital. If a
few farmers on the west coast are excepted, the loss caused by last winter
to the other portion of the county of Sutherland cannot be much under that
amount. The estimates vary from one to three and a half years' rent; the
average, with the exceptions referred to, being perhaps about two and a
half years' rent,—or, say from 14s. to 15s. for every sheep for which rent
is paid. Along the coast, particularly the west coast, the snowfall was
not so great as to prevent sheep from getting at the pasture by their own
exertions; but the whole of the interior of the county lying east of a
line drawn from Loch Eriboll to Loch Shin was enveloped in a deep covering
of snow for nearly four months. On the higher mossy table-lands, 3 feet of
closely-packed frost-bound snow lay for three months. In these regions the
severity of the winter, of course, made the greatest havoc. Mr Purves,
Rhifail, states that three years' rent, or £2700, would not cover the loss
caused to him by the severe winter. He had to remove all his sheep to
railway stations and to Caithness, the shortest distance being over 20
miles, and had to hand-feed them with hay, grain, &c, for ten weeks, at a
cost of over £1000. His loss by death was fully £1200 over that in
ordinary years; while he had about 1000 fewer lambs and one-third less
wool. Other two extensive farmers on the north coast estimate the loss at
three and a half years' rent, the deficiency in the crop of lambs being
estimated at 63 per cent. Not only was the crop of lambs reduced by the
severe winter to one-half the average number, but a much greater
proportion than usual of those that did survive have had to be sold as "shotts."
Indeed, the whole crop is of inferior quality, and can never fully attain
to the standard of their respective flocks. A large number of the lambs
were so weak when weaned this year, that they had to be sent directly from
their mothers to grass on arable land in the county or elsewhere, which
has added about 2s. 6d. a-head to the usual cost of wintering, bringing it
up to fully 11s. a-head. On one farm on the east coast, a flock of 500
ewes reared only 50 lambs; while of the ewes, only 200 survived the winter
and spring. On another farm on the same side of the county, a whole flock
of 500 lambs, with the exception of 40, succumbed to the storm. The amount
of hay, cake, grain, and other food consumed in the county during the
three months of the storm, was extraordinary; special trains having been
run on the Highland Railway every other day conveying hay from Ross and
Inverness. The outlay on hand-feeding alone amounted, in some instances,
to from 12s. to 14s. a-head. Perhaps no stock in the county was so well
carried through the storm as that of the Master of Blantyre. He kept his
sheep going during the first month of the snowstorm by clearing roads by
men and shovels in the rankest heather; and also by clearing, every second
or third day, a sufficient extent of green land to afford foggage, to
enable the lots to mix with the heather a bite of softer grass. No break
having come in the storm, and as the snow became bound with frost,
box-feeding was commenced at the end of the month. The flocks were reduced
to lots of from 200 or 300 head; and each animal got per day ½ lb.
bruised oats and 1/8 lb. bran, with 24 lbs. of hay to the score.
This feeding was continued till May, or for nearly five months. When the
ewes became pretty heavy with lamb, ¼ lb. of linseed cake was
substituted for the ½ lb. of bran. Such heavy feeding necessarily
entailed a heavy outlay, but at weaning time the crop of lambs numbered
about 90 for every 100 ewes. Without the box-feeding, there would have at
least been 40 per cent. fewer lambs; and the cost of the feeding would not
perhaps have done much more than make up the crop to 90 per cent. Then the
advantage of having lambs of his own breeding, and of having his older
sheep brought through the winter in good condition, is of considerable
Profits now and Twenty-five Years ago.
During the first twenty-four years of improved
sheep-farming in Sutherland, or between 1806 and 1830, the tenants had to
face many stubborn difficulties, and met with several serious reverses of
fortune. Some were ruined, and, at one time, none in the Reay district of
the county were able to pay their rents, which in several cases were
reduced, by the Marquis of Stafford, to the extent of 48 per cent. The
revival of trade about 1832, however, made the industry much more
lucrative, and most of the original pioneer tenants became men of means,
while a few may even be said to have amassed moderate fortunes. But such
fortunes are evidently not in store for the present race of occupiers.
Indeed, it would seem that the tide has turned somewhat against them, and
that Sutherland sheep-farming has reached what threatens to be a
turning-point in its history. Perhaps, on the whole, though not nearly so
lucrative as at some former periods, the industry was fairly remunerative
to the present tenants up till 1874. It is generally estimated, indeed, to
have yielded from 5 to 10 per cent. on the capital invested. But, during
the past five years, not only has there been little or no profit even on
the cheapest farms, but on the majority there has been considerable actual
loss. No doubt, the actual loss of later years is due mainly to
excessively bad seasons, which may not again be experienced in such
terrible severity for many years. It is asserted, however, that, leaving
bad seasons out of calculation, Sutherland sheep-farming in its present
condition cannot be expected to yield even moderate interest for the money
invested in it. In support of that statement, it is pointed out that the
pasture on the grazing farms, especially on the green land, has seriously
deteriorated, compelling tenants to send a greater proportion of the stock
off the farms for wintering, and causing a much higher death-rate among
sheep of all ages; that the restrictions put upon heather-burning by
lessees of shootings also lessen the value of hill grazings; that the cost
per head of wintering has doubled during the past twenty-five years : that
there has also been a great increase in the ordinary working expenses of
the farms,—such as shepherds' wages, and expenses of clipping, smearing
and dipping; again, that the prices of both wool and mutton have fallen
latterly; and lastly, that rents are too high,—or
perhaps, rather that, with the deteriorated pastures, the farms will not
now carry the number of sheep allotted to them by Mr Andrew Hall in 1846;
and that, therefore, rent is charged for more sheep than the farms can
really maintain.
The first of these positions—the deterioration of the
green land—is perhaps the most important; indeed, it lies at the root of
the whole matter. The writer has, therefore, made special effort to obtain
in regard to it the experience of the great body of the sheep-farmers in
the county, more particularly those who have had the most lengthened
tenancy. In response there has been but one voice—that there has
been marked deterioration. A few samples of the singular uniformity of the
testimony on this point may be given. One says:—"The old lands cultivated
by the tenants, which constitute most of our green land, are getting
useless with fog and waste, and no wonder, if you consider that for fifty
years all has been taken out of it and nothing whatever put in
(sheep lying on the high ground at night). Our land now won't keep
one-third less sheep so well as twenty-five years ago. Besides, the
sportsmen and gamekeepers prevent us getting the hill-ground burned as it
ought to be. The evil is rapidly increasing." Another:—"Our green pastures
have deteriorated very much. The green land formerly cropped by the small
tenants has gone back. Most of it carries stock from the age of a lamb
till three and a half or five and a half years old, and, as a matter of
course, the bone comes out of the ground, and nothing is done to replace
it. On an estate where each farm is rented at so much per head for a fixed
number of sheep, I think the land-ford ought to put the land into a state
to carry the number for which he gets paid, at the beginning of every
lease, or reduce the number charged to that which the ground will carry."
Another: —The pasture on the green land
has deteriorated greatly. To a great extent it was originally reclaimed
from heather, and has gone back to its wild state. What was reclaimed even
twenty years ago is growing worthless daily, and will require, not only
liming, but, I fear, to be broken up and laid down anew." Another: "Owing
to the climate seemingly becoming more severe, the mossing or cotton plant
fast disappearing, the difficulties we have to contend with in heather
burning, owing to the sporting tenants, the towns or green patches getting
fogged and overgrown with heather, it is impossible to keep as good a
class of Cheviot sheep as was, comparatively, kept a few years back."
Another:—"Green lands have deteriorated undoubtedly. They have become
fogged, and gone back to a state of 'nature.'" Another:—"The pasture on
sheep farms has undoubtedly deteriorated a great deal, owing to the
stringent conditions imposed regarding heather burning, and the green
spots throwing up fog which chokes the grass." Another:- "Pasture in
Sutherland on green land has deteriorated during the past twenty-five
years, principally through the grass being choked with fog or moss."
Another:—"The farms do not nearly carry the number of stock they did
twenty years ago, nor are the sheep stock the same quality. This is easily
accounted for by the state of the grass, and, more especially, the strict
restrictions in burning the heather laid down of late years to suit
sportsmen." Another:—"The grazings are not nearly so rich as they
were twenty years ago. They cannot maintain the same number of stock as
formerly, and, therefore, a large portion of the young stock has to be
wintered away in the neighbouring counties of Caithness and Ross at a very
high expense." Lastly may be given the following striking proof of the
alleged deterioration as told to the writer by a prominent farmer in the
county:—"Twenty-two years ago a friend of mine put a little over 1100
hoggs on to a piece of grazing land in Strath Brora for the winter. At the
usual time in spring 1030 were returned to the hill in good condition,
between 30 and 40 of the weaker ones being retained a little longer.
Eleven years afterwards the same gentleman put 400 hogs on the same piece
of land for wintering, and before the winter was half over he had to take
them to an arable farm and give them turnips. In each of these two years
the land had been specially preserved as hogging land."
These testimonies should sufficiently establish the
truth of the position that the green pastures have deteriorated during the
past quarter of a century. But could they have done otherwise ? Is not the
thing self-evident ? Originally there was little green land in Sutherland.
The natural condition of the greater portion of what has formed the green
land of the grazing farms was not producing green grasses, but heather,
moss, ling, bent, and other coarse plants common to such situations. It
was reclaimed and enriched for the production of the green and finer
grasses by the many hundreds of small tenants who long occupied the
straths in the interior of the county. About sixty years have elapsed
since these tenants gave up their holdings to the fleecy tribe. During all
that period the land thus left in good condition for raising green pasture
has been constantly grazed by a heavy, hungry stock of sheep, that have
browsed upon it all day, and spent the night on the higher and blacker
land, where they have also left the richest of their droppings. The green
lands thus received little or nothing of even the droppings of the animals
that fed upon them. They received no manure, and no artificial nourishing
of any kind. They have had to rely solely on the repairing forces of
unaided nature, and ever active as these are, in this case they have been
unequal to the consuming power. As stated in one of the preceding
evidences, sheep are fed on the green land till from three and a half to
five and a half years old, and yet nothing whatever has been done to
restore to. the soil the great quantity of phosphates withdrawn from it
annually for sixty years, in the shape of the bone of the animals. Can it
be surprising then that at last the soil has become impoverished, so
devoid of the elements essential to the growth of green grasses, that
these are fast disappearing, and coarser plants coming up in their stead ?
It is but the very nature of things that this should be so. Nature will
have its due. Green grasses, being finer varieties, require richer soil
than heather, bent, ling, moss, and other coarse plants common to the
Sutherland hills. Until enriched by cultivation, these green lands in
Sutherland grew little but heather, bent, ling, and moss. Having again
become poor, they throw off the new and finer, and take back the old and
coarser, vegetation.
The cure for this growing evil would not be difficult
to find were it not that the expense would perhaps exceed the advantage
derived. It is indicated by a leading farmer in the county, who says:—"The
only cure is liming the land with from 25 to 30 bolls per acre. But the
carriage is so difficult that no tenant could face it. Lime costs 3s. per
boll on the coast, and carriage from ten to twenty miles would be equally
as much, which would bring the lime to 6s. per boll, and make the cost of
the dressing from £7 to £9. That may be said to be a prohibitive price. I
tried from 7 to 8 cwts. of bones per acre, which had a good effect, making
the pasture sweeter. Sheep were fonder of it, and ate it barer than usual;
but it would need double the allowance to put out the fog and do the work
of a proper liming. I have no doubt if our lands were limed one-third more
sheep could be kept. Our gravelly soil is completely void of lime and wont
grow grass without it, even when cultivated." Another extensive farmer
says that he has used lime on the green land, and has seen much benefit
result from its use. By some the breaking up and sowing out of the land
anew is recommended as the most effective cure. No less an authority than
Mr Andrew Hall of Calrossie thinks the best plan would be to plough the
land, dress it liberally with bones and lime, and sow it with some strong
variety of oats and a mixture of vigorous grasses, the grain to be
consumed by the sheep as it grows. That cure would perhaps be as effective
as any, but would also be expensive. In the settlement of this important
question— and it will sooner or later press itself for settlement—the Duke
of Sutherland and his tenantry have, indeed, a stubborn difficulty to deal
In regard to the other positions of disadvantage taken
up by the sheep-farmers of the county little need be said. There is no
doubt that the restrictions latterly put on heather burning have had a
decided deteriorating tendency on the grazings. It is well proved that the
interests of sheep and game are identical as to heather burning. What is
beneficial for the one is also beneficial for the other; and, therefore,
it is somewhat strange that sportsmen should be so much opposed to heather
burning. It has been shown that a much greater number of young sheep have
now to be wintered out of the county than formerly, and that the cost of
that wintering has doubled during the past quarter of a century, or
advanced to an average of about 9s. a-head. The death-rate has increased
by nearly 50 per cent. since 1852. The causes of this are stated to be
partly bad seasons, largely limitation of heather-burning, and, perhaps,
to some extent, the deterioration of green pasture. Shepherds' wages and
other working expenses have increased fully 30 per cent. during the past
twenty-five years. The decline in the price of wool has been material. The
average top price of Cheviot laid wool at the Inverness Wool Fair during
the past ten years was a little over 25s. per stone of 24 lbs. During the
preceding ten years the average was over 28s. per stone. As has been seen
the prices this year are far below these averages. The colonial wool has
to a large extent taken the place of Scotch Cheviot wool in the making of
tweeds, and there is, therefore, a somewhat bad prospect of Scotch Cheviot
wool attaining to its old position. The value of mutton has also got a
decided check, and it is to be feared the American supply may prevent it
from again reaching the maximum price of recent years. The rate of rent,
as has been shown, has increased 100 per cent. since 1852, or from 3s. to
from 4s. 6d. to 7s. a-head. With the deteriorated condition of the green
land and the numbers charged for on each farm, the present rate of rent is
generally considered from 25 to 30 per cent. too high.
Cottar Farming.
According to the Returns collected by the Highland and
Agricultural Society in 1853, there were at that time in the county of
Sutherland 2680 crofters. Of these there were 557 in the parishes of
Assynt, Eddrachilles, and the western portion of Durness; 704 in Farr,
Tongue, eastern portion of Durness, and the part of Reay in Sutherland;
785 in Dornoch, Creich, Lairg and Rogart; and 634 in Clyne, Golspie,
Kildonan, and Loth. The total extent of hill and arable land held by these
2680 crofters was estimated at 106,864, of which 10,276¾ was riven as
arable. That would represent that on an average each crofter had close on
4 acres of arable land and about 36 acres of outrun each. The outruns,
however, were in reality held as "commonty" by a certain number of
crofters. In that year they had 2359 acres in barley, 3971½ acres in oats,
7 acres in rye, 19¼ in pease, 366 in turnips, 2121 in potatoes, 1143½ in
grasses under rotation, and 264½ acres of improved and enclosed permanent
grass. Their horses numbered 1979, milk cows 5261, other cattle 3471,
their sheep 13,646, and their swine 827. They had thus an average of two
cows and of over five sheep. Since that time there has been little change
in the numbers or possessions of these crofters. They have no leases, and
pay from 15s. to 20s. of rent per arable acre, including hill grazings,
which carry, on an average, 2 cows, 1 stirk, and 10 sheep; or 1 horse, 1
cow, 1 stirk, and 10 sheep. About two-fifths keep a small horse or pony.
As a rule, the crofts are well cultivated, and the crops grown are about
the same as indicated by the returns of 1853. The cattle kept by the
crofters are generally black highlanders, and the sheep mostly crosses
between blackfaces and Cheviots. Generally speaking, crofters' houses are
in fair condition, most of them very comfortable. They have been greatly
improved during the past twenty-five years. In later years a considerable
number of the crofters have themselves built new houses, from 37 to 40
feet long by 13 feet inside the walls. The Duke of Sutherland supplies
them with timber and lime free of charge, and also grants slates to be
paid in certain instalments. The Duke also gives the crofters lime gratis
for repairing their houses. In most of the townships the land has been
reclaimed by the original tenants, and, where they still survive, they
enjoy the land at the nominal rent fixed between thirty and forty years
ago. Every encouragement is given to enterprising and industrious tenants
in improving their land. In some cases portions of the lot or additional
land is drained and trenched at the cost of the proprietor, the tenant
paying interest at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum. Crofters having a
good hill stock and a fair sized lot, or arable extent, maintain
themselves without labouring from home. The greater number, however, after
laying down the crops, seek employment wherever it is to be had; but the
early and late herring fishings, especially the latter, are the great
attraction. They seem to prefer to run the risk of fishing on chance to
steady wages on land. Some seasons they do very well, and in others they
return with light purses, perhaps occasionally a little in debt. In the
townships near the sea, with convenient creeks or landing-place for boats,
the men are engaged less or more in the white and lobster fishing.
Labour and Markets.
Labour.—Ploughmen receive higher wages than in
either Caithness or Ross; and during the past twenty-five years they have
advanced nearly 80 per cent. They are engaged for twelve months, and
receive in money and perquisites from £40 to £45 per annum. Most farms are
provided with good cottages for married men. Single men, forming perhaps
the majority, live either in kitchens or bothies, or with married
servants. There are few bothies, but where they do exist, a respectable
female servant is engaged to cook and keep house for the men. Women
servants get from £8 to £10 a-year with board and lodging. The increase in
their case is even greater than in that of ploughmen's wages. The Duke of
Sutherland's land reclamations raised the wages of day labourers to from
3s. to 3s. 6d., in some cases to even 4s. a-day; but they have now fallen
to from 2s. 6d. to 2s. 8d. per day.
Shepherds are generally married, and live in cottages
near or on their "hirsels." On most farms there are a few single lads or
men who board with the married shepherds. Sutherland shepherds are,
generally speaking, paid higher wages than those in any of the other
northern counties. On some farms, married men receive from £18 to £24
a-year with an enclosed croft of about 2 arable acres, keep for 18 to 24
sheep and 2 cows, and 6½ bolls of oatmeal; and single lads from £20 to £22
with board with married men, and keep for 12 sheep. On other farms married
men get about £28 with small croft,— keep for 2 cows and a pony, and 6½
bolls of oatmeal. On an average, the money value of all they receive may
be estimated at about £55 per annum. The shepherds' wages in the county
have advanced from 15 to 30 per cent. during the past quarter of a
Markets.—Sutherland sheep are generally sold, by
reputation, at the Inverness Wool Fair, held in the second week of July.
Generally, farmers express satisfaction with their experience of that
great fair, but some think that now, when the railway system is so
complete, monthly or other periodical markets at the Muir of Ord or
elsewhere, might advantageously take the place of the wool fair. The
system pursued at the wool fair is certainly very peculiar and scarcely
business-like. It has been well described by the late Mr Patrick Sellar:—"At
this great market farmers assemble from all parts of the Highlands. They
are met by wool-staplers and sheep-buyers from the south of Scotland and
Yorkshire, and transactions to a very great amount take place without show
of stock or sample, resting entirely on the character held in the market
by the owner and his goods." Such a system of selling goods of any kind
can hardly be regarded as the best that could be conceived, though
disputes about transactions made at the market are almost unknown.
Cattle and sheep markets are held at different times
throughout the year, at Kyle of Sutherland, Golspie, Helmsdale, and Farr.
Subordinate Industries.
On the extension of the Highland Railway to Brora the
Duke of Sutherland re-opened the coal-pit at Brora, which had been worked
about seventy years before. The pit has been worked constantly since then,
and, at present, the output is about 5000 tons per annum. The quality of
the coal has been very much improved by a change in the mode of working.
There is a band of stone in the centre of the seam, which necessitates a
careful- method of mining in order that the stones may be removed after
the coals are loosened down on the face. The former method of working was
what is known as the "wall-and-pillar" system, but the "long-wall" has now
been adopted. There is, however, considerable difficulty with the new
system by spontaneous combustion of what is known as the " Gob." The price
of the coal at the pit has been reduced from 12s. 6d. to 8s. The demand is
not half equal to the supply, and is entirely local. The Duke allows no
coals to be used in Dun-robin Castle excepting those from his own pit at
Brora, It contains a considerable quantity of sulphur, and in power is
considered to be a third below the best quality of Scotch coal.
The large brick and tile works, erected at Brora a few
years ago by the Duke of Sutherland, are still worked at full force. They
are under the same management as the coal-pit. The clay is of a kind that
is expensive to reduce, but still a large produce is kept up. The number
of bricks and tiles made last year was 686,278. As formerly indicated, His
Grace has established a large steam carpentry at Brora, where the fittings
for all buildings in connection with the estate improvements are made. At
His Grace's various works at Brora about 90 people are employed. The Duke
has also in contemplation the erection of a woollen factory, for the
purpose of manufacturing the famous Sutherland Cheviot wool into tweeds,
as also with the view of giving work to the increasing population of the
Brora district.
The discovery of gold in the drift of the Kildonan
river some en years ago, created great commotion in the north of Scotland.
The intelligence of the discovery spread at telegraphic speed all over the
country, and thousands of people, from all parts of the kingdom, flocked
to the newly-found gold field. A "city of tents" was erected in the centre
of the auriferous district, "claims" were allotted and "cradles" mounted,
and digging-was commenced with much enthusiasm. At the outset a fair
return was obtained, but it soon began to fail, and having become
unremunerative the Duke of Sutherland closed the "claims" and dispersed
the diggers. The total value of the gold found was about £6000.
Helmsdale is the only herring fishing station in the
county. It sometimes can boast of a pretty large fleet. In 1867 45,302
barrels of herring were cured at it; while 3283 people were employed in
connection with the fishing. In 1877 the number of boats fishing at
Helmsdale was 196; the number of fishermen and boys employed, 704; the
number of fish-curers, 19; the number of coopers, 55; the value of the
boats, £4225; the value of the nets, £12,200; the value of the lines,
£1197;—total value, £17,622. The number of barrels of herring cured, 2047.
The number of cod, ling, or hake taken, 20,312.
Clynelish is the only distillery in the county. It is
not large; but the whisky is widely celebrated. It is kept at work about
twenty-five weeks in the year, and during that time it distils between
1300 and 1400 quarters of barley, or a little over 50 quarters each week. |