In the autumn of 1877,
Professor Newton of Cambridge intimated to me that he desired to have
some account of the increase and extension of range of the Capercaillie
in Scotland Although possessing a fairly accurate conception of its
general distribution, and the lines of its advance outwards from
Taymouth, where it was restored in 1837-8, I found that I was wanting in
the more minute details which it would be necessary for me to possess
before I could furnish a suitable reply. Accordingly, I began inquiries;
at first simply with a view to furnishing Professor Newton with a short
summary for his new edition of Yarrel's “British Birds'9 But information
of such valuable, suggestive, and interesting kind came to hand, that I
soon conceived the project of treating the subject more exhaustively. I
reflected, moreover, that, besides being of general interest to the
naturalist in this country, the subject might be made illustrative of a
great natural law, arid of the causes and process of distribution, and
the increase in population of a species. I found also that while
interesting to the naturalist and sportsman, it might also develop
questions of economic value to Scottish or other landed proprietors, and
be made to contain many local references interesting to individuals who
own Capercaillie-haunted woods and forests.
With this view,
therefore, I caused to be printed a series of queries touching the
points I specially desired statistics and information upon, and by the
beginning of 1878, was engaged in sending out the circulars, receiving
answers, and, as far as possible, arranging the results. The final
results have far exceeded in interest my most sanguine expectations;
though whether I have succeeded in conveying these results successfully
and practically to my readers in the following pages it is for them to
judge, not me. In the treatment of the subject I cannot lay any daim to
originality, nor am I aware that any previously unknown facts are
recorded. The treatment has been forced upon me by the large
accumulation of data kindly put at my disposal by my many correspondents
in this connection. The general remarks are the outcome of the
statistics, and contain, I believe, little or nothing that Is not known
or believed by some of the landed proprietors and sportsmen in the area
of the country inhabited by the species, I have not attempted to give my
authority for every statement, where such a large amount of statistics
came to hand. Errors no doubt must have crept in in such a compilation,
for various reasons, but I believe that I have an authority for every
statistic recorded.
I desire in this place to
thank those who have so liberally assisted me. Had it not been for their
interest in the subject, their never-wearying and hearty co-operation,
and their courteous replies to my inquiries, it is needless to say this
Essay could not have laid claim to the minuteness of detail which I
trust it will be found to possess. Where all have' assisted so liberally
it might seem invidious to particularise; but I cannot neglect to record
my special thanks to a few who have apparently spared no trouble in
assisting to gather materials, often from comparatively large areas,
thus saving me an infinitude of time and labour, and a vast amount of
personal investigation. I am also indebted to many others for assistance
in the searches through old books in tracing the early history of the
species in Scotland, and to several Gaelic scholars for assistance as
regards the origin and etymology of the word “Capercaillie!.
To Sir Robert Menzies,
Bart., I am obliged for some interesting notes of the earlier movements
of the birds at Taymouth, and for other information. Colonel Drummond
.Hay of Seggieden; Sir Thomas Moncrieffe, Bart.; C. T. C. Grant, Esq. of
Kilgraston; Dr. Macintosh of Murthly; Mr. E. Paton of Perth; and Mr. E.
Anderson, Dunkeld, have greatly assisted me in their various districts.
James Haldane, Esq. of Cloanden, A. Bum-Murdoch, Esq., and J. Buchanan
Hamilton, Esq. of Leny, have also collected materials for me between
Perth and Callander. J. J. Dal-gleish, Esq. of West Grange, has assisted
me in the south of Perthshire; James Stirling, Esq. of Garden, and
others, in the south-west; Mr. Dayton of Locheamhead Hotel, and David
Carnegie, Esq. of Stronvar, in the west and in Glen Dochart. My friend,
W. Horn, Esq., has collected statistics from various parts of the Tay
Valley, and also from other counties. Besides the above there are many
others, representing over 150 estates in Perthshire alone, from whom I
have received returned and filled circulars. To all I desire to express
my best thanks.
In Forfarshire I am
indebted to various correspondents. Especially I should mention W.
Scott-Elliott, Esq. of Fother-ingham and Tealing; W. Horn, Esq., for the
Brechin and Stracathro district; and many others too numerous to
mention, representing some 20-30 estates in the county.
In Fifeshire my thanks
are specially due to J. Purvis, Esq. of Kinaldy, Charles Kinnear, Esq.
of Kinloch, William Baillie Skene, Esq. of Fitlour, J. J. Dalgleish,
Esq. of West Grange, J. Home, Esq. of Thomanean, Robert Tullis, Esq.,
and others.
In Kinross-shire I am
obliged to David Syme, Esq., Sheriff of Kinross, and to Messrs. Bethune,
Henderson, and Bums Begg, for very full particulars; also to Harry
Young, Esq, of Cleish.
In Stirlingshire, James
Stirling, Esq. of Garden, T. G. Dundas, Esq. of Torwood, Sir James
Gibson-Maitland, Bart, of Sauchie, T. Bolton, Esq. of Carbrook, and
others, representing all the more important localities in the county,
have assisted me.
In the south of Scotland
I am indebted to several correspondents, amongst whom I may mention the
Rev. James Porteous of Ballantrae.
In Arran I received a
very fall account of the restoration there from Mr. George CrolL
In Argyleshire, amongst
others, I would mention the Eev. Alexander Stewart of Nether Lochaber,
for much interesting matter.
In the north of Scotland
my friend Thomas Mackenzie, Esq., Sheriff of Dornoch, has materially
assisted me in Suther-landshire; and the Eev. George Gordon of Bimie,
and Captain Dunbar Brander of Pitgaveny, in Elgin and Banffi
To the Factors,
Foresters, Gamekeepers, and many others who have sent me returns from
single estates or localities, I desire to express my best thanks. It was
upon these single returns that I depended in great measure for
assistance in tracing out the steps of advance; and from the letters of
my many obliging correspondents I often culled interesting additional
I may mention that I have
distributed more than 450 circulars to parties situated in all parts of
the area at present occupied or visited by the species. By far the
larger portion of these have been returned with the answers filled in,
more or less fully, according to the amount of information my various
correspondents had to impart.
Finally, Robert Warren,
Esq. of Moyview, Sligo, Colonel Edward H. Cooper, of Markree Castle,
Sligo, and A. G. More, Esq., Dublin, have rendered me valuable
assistance, some of the results of which will be found in the Appendix,
as they arrived somewhat too late for insertion in the text: and to my
friend Mr. Robert Currie I am indebted for the careful and beautiful
execution of his subjects, in illustrating the text, with the
frontispiece, vignette, and other pieces.
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