Motto: A Fin - "To the end"
Badge: A naked woman holding a portcullis.
Septs of the Clan: Airlie, Findlater,
Gilchrist, MacGilchrist, Milne, Richardson and Storey.
Names associated with the clan:
Airlie Airly Findlater Finlater Finlator Fothe Fothy Futhie
Fynleter Fynletir Gilchrist Gilcrist Gilcriste Gilcristes Gilcryst
Gillchrist Gillechrist Gillecrist Gillecryst Innerarity Inverarity
Killecrist MacGilchrist MacGilcreist MacGilcrist MacIlchreist
MacIlcrist MacKlechreist MacYllecrist Mill Millan Millen Millin
Milln Mills Miln Milne Milner Milnes Mylen Myln Ogelvie Ogelvy
Ogilbe Ogilbie Ogilby Ogilve Ogilvie Ogilvy Ogilwe Ogilwie Ogilwye
Oglevy Ogylbe Ogyllwe Ogylvi Ogylvy Ogylwe Ogylwye
[We're always looking for more information
on your clan. Should you have any information we can use or you have a web
site devoted to your clan or know of a clan event then use our "Contact Us" Link (on the top menu above) to get in touch.]