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Mini Biographies of Scots and Scots Descendants (J)
Johnston, John

My 3 x gt grandmother, Elizabeth Wilkie, arrived in New Zealand on the "Lady Nugent" 17 March 1841.  Her maiden name was Elizabeth Johnston and her father, John Johnston, was a shipsmaster in Shuttlefield, Perth, SCOTLAND.  He was said to have traded with Spain and to have married a Spanish woman, but no one can verify this.  My gt uncle had a portrait of a Spanish woman hanging in his hall in New Zealand in the early 1900s but I cannot find out any more.

Elizabeth Wilkie was a widow when she emigrated with her daughter, Mary, Mary's husband, John Watterson, and their children.  Elizabeth's son, George, emigrated with his wife, Ann Taylor, from Perth, Scotland, at the same time.  After Ann's death, George went to Newburgh, Fife, SCT, and married Jane Wallace.  They had a daughter, Georgina, who marr. George Cumming from Stirling, SCT.

John Watterson dropped one 'T' from his name when he came to New Zealand.  Does anyone know the name of John Johnston's wife?'

Iris Curson

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