Motto: "Hold fast".
Badge: A bull's head between two flags.
Septs of the Clan: Clan MacLeod of Harris:
Beaton, Bethune, Beton, Beaton, Grimmond, Harold, MacCaig, MacClure, MacCrimmon, MacGuiag,
MacHarold, Macraild, MacWilliam and Norman. Clan MacLeod of Lewis:
Callum, Lewis, MacAskill, MacAulay, MacCallum, MacCAskill, MacCorkindale, MacCorquodale,
MacLewis, MacNicol, Malcolmson, Nicholl, Nicol, Nicoll, Nicholson, Nicolson, Tolmie.
Names associated with the clan:
Bay Beath Beathune Beathy Beaton Beatoun Beattone Beattoun Bethon
Bethune Betoin Beton Betone Betoun Betown Betowne Betton Bettune
Beutan Bey Bittoune Caig Caskey Caskie Casskie Kaskie Leach Leatch
Lech Leche Leech Leeche Leetch Leiche Leitch Leitche Leyche Liche
Liech Lietch Litch MacAig MacAige MacAiskill MacAsgaill MacAsgill
MacAsguill MacAskel MacAskie MacAskill MacAskin MacAskle MacCabe
MacCaibe MacCaig MacCaige MacCasgill MacCasguill MacCaskall
MacCaskel MacCaskell MacCaskie MacCaskil MacCaskill MacCaskin
MacCaskle MacCaskull MacChrummen MacCleod MacCleoyd MacCleud
MacCloaud MacCloid MacCloide MacCloor MacCloud MacClour MacCloyd
MacCluir MacCluire MacClure MacCoag MacCoage MacCoaig MacCrimmon
MacCruimein MacCrumen MacCuaig MacCuiag MacCuthaig MacGaskell
MacGaskill MacGlade MacGrimen MacGrimmon MacGuaig MacHarold
MacHarrold MacIloure MacKaig MacKaige MacKaigh MacKaiscal
MacKaiskill MacKascal MacKaskil MacKaskill MacKaskin MacKcaige
MacKeag MacKeeg MacKegg MacKeig MacKigg MacKleod MacKluire
MacLeoad MacLeod MacLeoid MacLeot MacLeud MacLeur MacLewd MacLode
MacLoed MacLoid MacLoir MacLoor MacLoud MacLoyde MacLude MacLuir
MacLur MacLure MacRaild MacRaill MacRailt MacRalte MacRimmon
Makcloid Makcluir Makeeg Makhaig Makkloud Maklure MacLeod Of Assynt: Assynt MacLeod MacLeod Of Gesto: Gesto MacLeod MacLeod Of Lewis & Raasay:
Aulay Auleth Callam Callum Challum Corquodale Kerkyll MacAla
MacAlay MacAliece MacAllay MacAlley MacAllum MacAuihlay MacAula
MacAulay MacAule MacAuley MacAuliffe MacAulla MacAullay MacAully
MacAwla MacAwlay MacCala MacCalla MacCallay MacCalley MacCallie
MacCallome MacCallow MacCallum MacCally MacCalme MacCaluim
MacCalume MacCaula MacCaulaw MacCaulay MacCauley MacCauly
MacCawley MacCleod MacCleoyd MacCleud MacCloaud MacCloid MacCloide
MacCloud MacCloyd MacColem MacCollom MacCollum MacColum
MacCorcadail MacCorcadale MacCorcadill MacCordadill MacCoren
MacCorkell MacCorker MacCorkil MacCorkill MacCorkindale MacCorkle
MacCorley MacCorqudill MacCorquell MacCorquhedell MacCorquidall
MacCorquidill MacCorquidle MacCorquodale MacCorquodill
MacCorquydill MacCowley MacCullom MacCullum MacGawley MacGilcallum
MacGillechallum MacGillechaluim MacGillichalloum MacIllechallum
MacKalla MacKallay MacKaula MacKauley MacKleod MacKlowis
MacKorkitill MacKorkyll MacKurkull MacLeoad MacLeod MacLeoid
MacLeot MacLeud MacLewd MacLewis MacLode MacLoed MacLoid MacLoud
MacLoyde MacLude MacOrkill MacOrquidill MacOrquodale
MacQuorcadaill MacQuorquhordell MacQuorquodale MacQuorquordill
MacThorcadail MacThorcuill MacThurkill MacTorquedil Makalley
Makallum Makally Makcalla Makcaulay Makcloid Makcocadill
Makcorcadell Makcorquidill Makcorquydill Makkalay Makkloud
Mikcorcadill Molcallum Thorcull Tolmach Tolme Tolmi Tolmie Torquil
[We're always looking for more information
on your clan. Should you have any information we can use or you have a web
site devoted to your clan or know of a clan event then use our "Contact Us" Link (on the top menu above) to get in touch.]