Badge: A crowned lion's head.
Septs: McLaren, MacLaurin,
MacLaurin, MacLauren, McLauren, McLarin, McCLarin, MacLaran, McLaran,
MacLaruan, MacLeran,
MacLaurie, McLaurie, Laurence, Lawrence, Law, Lawson, Low, Lowe, Lawrie, Laurie, Lowery,
Lowry, Faed,
Patterson, Paterson, Peterson, McPater, Patrick, MacPatrick, MacRory, McCrory, McGory,
MacRuari, Wright, MacGrory, Peterkin and
Names associated with the clan: Cririe Fade Faed Faid Fead Feid Fetridge Fied Gilfeather Gilfedder
Giothbrith Godfraid Godfrey Goffraidh Gorey Gorre Gorrie Gorry
Gothbrith Gowrie Guoroor Larrie Laurence Laurie Laurri Laury
Lawrance Lawrence Lawrie Lawry Lowrey Lowrie MacArorie MacArory
MacClaran MacClaren MacClarence MacClarene MacClarens MacClaring
MacClarren MacClarron MacClawrane MacClearen MacCleron MacCorrie
MacCorry MacCory MacCrary MacCreary MacCreerie MacCreery MacCreire
MacCreirie MacCreory MacCrerie MacCrery MacCrire MacCririck
MacCririe MacCriuer MacCrore MacCrorie MacCrory MacFaddrik MacFade
MacFadrick MacFaid MacFait MacFaitt MacFate MacFater MacFather
MacFatridge MacFead MacFeat MacFeate MacFeaters MacFederan
MacFedran MacFeeters MacFetridge MacGilfatrick MacGilfatrik
MacGillefatrik MacGillefedder MacGillepartik MacGillepatrick
MacGillepatrik MacGillephadrick MacGillephadruig MacGillifudricke
MacGilliphatrick MacGillphatrik MacGilparick MacGilphadrick
MacGilpharick MacGorie MacGorre MacGorrie MacGorry MacGory
MacGroary MacGrory MacGrury MacGyllepatric MacHpatrick
MacIlfadrich MacIlfatrik MacIliphadrick MacIllepatrick
MacIllephadrick MacIllephedder MacIllepheder MacIllephudrick
MacIllfatrick MacIlliruaidh MacIlpadrick MacIlpatrick MacIlpedder
MacKilpatrick MacKlarain MacKrory MacLabhrain MacLabhruinn
MacLairen MacLaran MacLaren MacLarin MacLaring MacLauren
MacLaurent MacLaurin MacLaurine MacLawhorn MacLawran MacLawrin
MacLawrine MacLeran MacLern MacLeron MacLorn MacOlphatrick MacPaid
MacPartick MacPatrick MacPeeters MacPhade MacPhadraig MacPhadrick
MacPhadrig MacPhadrik MacPhadruck MacPhadruig MacPhadryk MacPhaid
MacPhaide MacPhait MacPharick MacPhate MacPhater MacPhatrick
MacPhatricke MacPhatryk MacPheadair MacPheadarain MacPheat
MacPhedar MacPheddair MacPheddrin MacPhedearain MacPhederan
MacPhedran MacPhedrein MacPhedron MacPheidearain MacPheidiran
MacPheidran MacPheidron MacPhete MacPhoid MacRaurie MacRearie
MacReary MacReirie MacRerie MacRiridh MacRirie MacRorie MacRory
MacRourie MacRoyre MacRoyree MacRoyri MacRuairidh MacRuaraidh
MacRuary MacRuidhri MacRurie MacRurry MacRury MacRyrie Makcrire
Makerori Makfatrick Maklaurene Makpatrik Makreury Makririe Makrore
Malpatric Meiklefatrick Meiklfatrick Padair Padan Padesone Padison
Padon Padraig Padruig Padson Padyn Padyne Pait Paitt Paruig Patair
Pate Patein Paten Paterson Patersone Patersoun Patersoune Patesone
Patheson Pathruig Patieson Patirsone Patirsoun Patison Patisone
Patisoune Paton Patone Patonson Patonsoun Patoun Patoune Patowne
Patric Patrick Patrickson Patricksone Patricson Patrikson Patrison
Patrisone Patrisoun Patrykson Patten Patterson Pattie Pattinson
Pattison Pattisoune Patton Pattone Pattoun Pattoune Pattounsoun
Pattowsone Paty Patynson Patyrson Pautoun Pawton Pawtonsoun
Pawtoun Pawtoune Peathine Pedair Pedan Pedden Peden Pedin Petensen
Pethein Pethin Petirsoun Phadair Ririe Rorie Rorison Rorrison
Ryrie Vclaurent
[We're always looking for more information
on your clan. Should you have any information we can use or you have a web
site devoted to your clan or know of a clan event then use our "Contact Us" Link (on the top menu above) to get in touch.]