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Edward Gunn


Greetings Alastair,

I hope this note finds you well. Age and medical issues have caught up with me and I have been reducing my activities for quite a while.

My wife Louise remains reasonably well at 82 and does a great deal to help me but I can't do much to help her since my balance is not good.

On April 2nd this year, I celebrated my 90 birthday with a Brunch organized by our son Ken at a Lac Beauport hotel just north of the City. Over 30 family and friends attended and it was great success - see photos below...

In early January, after 20 enjoyable years as a Co-commissioner, with my good wife Louise, of the Eastern Canada Branch (ECB) of the Clan Gunn Society of North America (CGSNA), I made a difficult decision and retired from my leadership post of the ECB.

I remain interested in Clan Gunn but I am unable to participate in any activities other than via my computer. The last time we represented Clan Gunn at an event was in 2019 at the Glengarry Highland Games in Maxville ON - see attached photo.

The Rev. Colin L. Swan of Comber ON, our Deputy Commissioner since 2018, has accepted the post as my replacement and he will be assisted by newly appointed Deputy Commissioner William ¨David¨ Hunsley of Brantford ON, a helpful member at events since July 2019. Rev. Swan has been a member since 2015 and a Deputy Commissioner since 2018. Ian S. Gunn of Riverview NB (near Moncton NB) is a Deputy Commissioner, Maritime Provinces. Ian has been a member since 2008 and a Deputy Commissioner since 2019.

On a change of subject, earlier this year, my email address was changed from to .

In closing, Louise joins me in sending you our Best Wishes & keep up your great work.


Edward (Ted) Gunn
Retired ECB Commissioner of CGSNA

Alan Stairs with his pipes



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