Motto: I Beir The Bel
Names associated with the
clan: Bell, Bellis, Behel,
Beale, Bail, Beill, Beils, Bealles, Bails, Biehl, Beals, Bales, Biels,
Beele, Bayle, Bile, Beels, Bill, Beal, Baeill, Beil, Beales, Beall, Baill,
Bel, Bealls, Bale, Biel, Beel, Ball, Behel, Beeles, Bayles, Biles, Belle. [We're always looking for more information
on your clan. Should you have any information we can use or you have a web
site devoted to your clan or know of a clan event then use our "Contact Us" Link (on the top menu above) to get in touch.]