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Shepherd's in Uruguay

If there is something that is left in our genes is the tradition and pride to belong to memorable Scottish Family. The Sheppard Clan.

For the first time to our knowledge we celebrated a gala dinner in memory of the first John Sheppard Adison that arrived to Montevideo, Uruguay in 1857. He, as well as other Britons as; Mackinnon; Henderson; Hughes; MacEachen; Jackson; Shaw; Sterling; Young provided wealth, honour and progress to the country.

Even that most of our elders have passed away, we, the new generation wanted to preserve all our roots in memory of those that gave us their family name.

The entourage could not be better as it was held at the Golf Club of Montevideo, founded by British of course.

Our family tree was presiding the ball room as well the Blazon of Arms, hand painted by my mother. Also we had the picture of the son of John Sheppard another John, giving solemnity to the banquet. Even we had an hymn made for the occasion. We assembled six generations since 1857, that came even from Europe. The purpose of the event was to pass on the "torch" of our motto " Fide et Virtute " - Faith and Virtue - to our younger generations and to make them feel the values that have been deposited on us.

And not only weddings and funerals had to be the time to get together !

Every member of the family was given a whole portfolio with documents about the Clan that was much appreciated. We hope that next event we will have the opportunity to enlarge our family with the prescience of all of you !

Thank you very much for your time in going through these lines,


Agustin Sheppard Gelsi.

I enclose the photographs of the family party.

Juca Sheppard is a very famous singer here in the area (Uruguay and Argentina) and has a band called "Sexteto Electrónico Moderno" which had a great success during the 60's and 70's. His low voice reminds that of Frank Sinatra, he is a really outstanding singer!

We divided the family in three branches, as John Sheppard had three sons from where we all came: Juan Vicente (Red Branch), Antonio (White Branch) and Eduardo (Blue Branch). The colours represent those of the U.K. flag.

From about 95 living members of the family, around 50 were present at the meeting. Having into account that almost 35 are living abroad (21 in USA), the gathering was very successful with respect to the number of participants.

Thank you again and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

John Sheppard's living great grand children, Juan Eduardo Veltroni Sheppard, Vera Veltroni Sheppard, Chicha Sheppard

Juca Sheppard singing "I did it my way"

The Blue Branch

The Red Branch

The White Branch

Vera and Horacio singing the Sheppard March

Got a note in from Johnny Sheppard...

The first John Sheppard that arrived to Uruguay was a farmer and he bought some land around 6.000 hectares near Montevideo, the capital. As an anecdote, his milk production was so important that they created a train station in his farm in order to pick up the daily production. John Vincent, his son was a business man, and his other son Edward was a Doctor. The heritage for the love for farming and horses is still embedded in all of us, even that we do not farm anymore.



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