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Mini Biographies of Scots and Scots Descendants (J)
Johnson, Rex M.

Johnson, Rex M. Rex M. Johnson A sons memories. My father was born during WWI. He came from Scots-Irish extraction. The childhood years were spent on the family farm. This helped ease the burden of the depression. When WW2 called dad trained at Kessler Field  in Mississippi and Victorvillle Flying School In California. The trade of airplane mechanic was learned there. The commission was staff sergeant in the 8th army air force. The first point of call was Algeirs. And also Tunis, Rommell and Africa corps were losing steam. Like my father said, the Germans ran out of gas. Next, the allies pushed into Sicily and Italy. Battles such as Sicily, Naples, Romearno, and north Appennines. I have heard some great stories of those days. Also, a respect for Field Marshall Montgomery, the spitfire and P51 mustang.

Following the war, a 30 year civilian service at Mcas Cherry Point , N. C.  Upon retirement, a devotion to my ill mother. I took care of him for years up to his death at age 85. I cherish the years I had with him.

Kent Johnson

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