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Mini Biographies of Scots and Scots Descendants (F)
Field-Sloan, Kathleen

Country: USA
Clan Associations: Johnstone

Mary Jane Johnston-Field was my grandmother.  She was born in Northern Ireland in the late 1800's.  I have no record of her birth, so I am not sure of the exact date or location in Northern Ireland.  Because of the many valuable things I learned from her when I was a child, I have great interest in all things Scottish.

Recently I have been given the appointment of Southwest regional commissioner for Clan Johnstone in America (CJA).  I am also a member of the Caledonian Society of Arizona.

Scotland is one of my favorite places in the world and  I have had the good fortune to visit many times.  In the middle of a hot busy day, often in traffic, my mind wanders to the calm of Kintyre and Arran Island which are especially beautiful and peaceful places.

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