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Poems from Francis Kerr Young
Concession Haggis

The Morning Show is a daily news programme on a Hamilton broadcasting station called CH Television which serves parts of New York State and the Golden Horseshoe, an area that encompasses most of Southern Ontario.  On Wednesday, 22nd of January, 2003, one of their roving reporters, Lori de Angelis, showed up at Opies Scottish Butcher's shop, on Concession Street, to be enlightened on the mysteries of our national dish.  Danny McLardy, the proprietor makes more than ten tonnes of haggis at this time of year for Robert Burns enthusiasts.  Some of it has found its way into the USA and the Caribbean Islands - and even back to Scotland!  Ms. de Angelis keenly assisted Danny during each stage of the preparation of that epicurean comfort food, even to the handling of the raw heart, liver, and tongue! On completion, Danny orated a poem composted by yours truly:


Lori, if ye hivnae cam' tae nag us,
Ah'll tell ye aboot oor famous haggis,
Auld Scotia's savoury delicht
that's consumed oan Rabbie Burns' nicht.
It consists o' oatmeal, lamb, an' ingin,
a toothsome dish tae get ye singin'
like yon Luciano Pavarotti -
an' this halesome repast isnae fatty
at a'.  In fact, eatin' haggis is healthy.
The Mornin' Show micht mak' ye wealthy
while ye're practicin' yer endeavor,
Ah'll tell ye, haggis is forever!
So my dear Ms. Lori De Angelis
wid ye like tae sample a wee piece?

My wife just told me about an article that I had missed during the week in The Mountain News (a local weekly).  Here is is. 

Opie's Quality Meats
612 Concession St.
Hamilton, Ontario
L8V 1B5
Phone: (905) 383-3422
Fax: (905) 383-1144

Scottish butcher and baker. Serving Concession Street and Hamilton area for over 30 years. They will deliver by refrigerated wagon to other areas.

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