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Poems from Francis Kerr Young
Alphabet Soup

When Rachel Carson's Silent Spring
was published many years ago,
her book foretold less birds would sing
for pesticides would make it so.
At last we've learned it was no joke,
pollutants murder lots of folk.

Evil lurks in the air we breathe,
or prowls in waters that we drink.
These poisons tend to make us seethe,
driving us to the very brink,
into the slough of violence
to drown minds with indifference.

Madness - stress - kill - or maim -
jungle law in the Age of Stone.
Traffic outlooks are much the same
when one's ear is glued to a phone
while zipping through stop signs or lights,
immune to pedestrians' rights.

Man must peer deep into this stew
of chemical abbreviations,
mixed where effluvia accrue
to form Enigma Variations.
Will these myriad alterations
harm genes for future generations?

Amphibians are disappearing,
do world biologists know why?
Monarch butterflies are endearing
but seem sporadic this July.
Will scientists quit interfering
with dire genetic engineering?

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