Here's a poem that I wrote
last time we were in Caithness, sitting among the croft rubble on the
seaside of the sheep wall.
Standing on the stones
At Badbea feeling children play
While tied to keep the wind at bay
And stealing family future.
I find my feet, my heart
must speak
While facing ancients wear, weak
And cry out through tears on my cheek
Well done, Da. Well done, Ma.
Our wealth lies not in big
We'ved shed the bitterness of fates
For you, God opened Heavenly gates
And gave me life and grace.
Your strength, your heart
kept pushing on
With courage, hope your soulful song
Tossed off our land amidst the throng
Your honor is alive.
Because I stand on stones
With pounding heart, eyes on the bay
My words to you both sad and gay
We've done well, Ma and Da.
I've sailed here from
across the sea
Kildonan Kirk on bended knee
To offer up my thanks to thee
This circle is unbroken
Tis family that's the
Stanes of Time
Unbroken famlies line by line
I pray you saw survival's sign
And knew this day was coming
My life a gift from you to
Though seed be tossed o'er time and sea
Embraced and held, no longer flee
Feet tread along your footpath.
Praise God for all that
came to pass
For every saved, lost laddie, lass
We've broken down the walls of class
We freemen, whole Bairn Gunni.