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Poems from Kenneth J Shaw
Bonnie Prince Charlie

He ran for his life through the hills and the glens,
With the Duke and his men on his tail,
Prince Charlie's defeat at Culloden,
Disaster,his first major fail,
He made it to just down past Rannoch,
Where he found a perfect hideout,
A cavern made out of pure limestone,
He would stay here and hunt round about,
It took him a year before getting to France,
Where at least he was safe from the Duke,
Culloden a terrible memory,
A battle he greatly mistook,
But just about fourteen years to this day,
A shooting party out on a hill,
They came across the cavern,
Where they entered and got quite a chill,
A tall lean man dressed in Highland wear,
Stood at the other end of the cave,
And said he'd behead everyone of them,
If they wouldn't exit his grave.
Copyright Kenneth J Shaw

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