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Poems from Kenneth J Shaw
The Ceilidh

Everyone dressed in their Highland attire,
With the Whisky flowing all night,
I was at the local Ceilidh,
Where it brought me great delight,
There was Archie on the Accordion,
And Duncan on the Drum,
Fiona on the Fiddle,
Accompanied by her mum,
The Pipers drone was awesome,
As the eightsome reel begun,
You could feel the whole place vibrate,
As we circled and we spun,
The place awash with Tartan,
All the colours from many a Clan,
Blues, Reds, Greens and Yellows,
Worn by every woman and man,
We danced so many dances,
Plenty i didn't even know,
But there was always a willing partner,
Step by step they'd show,
We danced away past midnight,
Into the very next day,
This was the Highland Ceilidh,
A memory that will always stay,
We ended off with 'Auld Lang Syne',
From Rabbie the man himself,
Wishing all good fortune,
And every man good health.
Copyright Kenneth J Shaw

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