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Scotia’s Cuimnneachan
R.B.M.M. MacIntyre

I am the Breath moving upon the Sea
I am the Land raised up from dark Depths
I am the Craig of majestic Mountains

I am the Roar of endless Waves
I am the Infinite Sand of many Beaches
I am the Forest sprung from Clay

I am the Wail of Winter’s Storm
I am the Cold Blanket of Winter’s first Snow
I am the Gurgle of a Mountain stream

I am the Fog rolling up the mull from the Sea
I am the Mist rising up from the Glen
I am the Morning’s first light across a calm Loch

I am the Driving Cold Rain of Winter
I am the Soft drizzle of Spring
I am the Sunshine and warmth of Summer

I am the Lichen upon cold Hills
I am the Heather raised anew in Spring
I am the Purple Raiment of a new Thistle

I am the Cry of sea birds Wheeling
I am the Boar rooting in the Forest
I am the Hawk hunting in the Glen

I am the King of Fish resting in a pool
I am the Red Deer mighty King of many Glens
I am the Eagle soaring roundabout Cruachan

I am the Farmer reaping ripened oats
I am the Silversmith working a new Broach
I am the Hunter awaiting my prey

I am the Fear of an untested Warrior
I am the Hero of many fearsome Battles
I am the Young warrior returned anew to my Bride

I am the Fire in the loins of Youth
I am the Lust of new Lovers
I am the Knowing Passion of the Years

I am the Mother birthing my Firstborn
I am the Child taking my first Steps
I am the Father watching over my Clan

I am the Great Transition to the Ancestors
I am the Wail and Weeping of Mournful Souls
I am the Lifeless body returned to the Clay

I am Sprung from the Primordial past
I am Ancient by the Counting of Days
I am Scotia who Inspires, not forgotten yet Today

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