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Parliamo Scots
The Articles

Parliamo Scots                                                                Soutar Davie

The Articles


    In contemporary written Scots, the indefinite article is (as in English) a before consonants, and an (or ane) before vowels..  In modern spoken dialects, a is sometimes used  before both consonants and vowels.

                                    Ah saw a elephant at the zoo.

    The letter h is normally aspirated in Scots and in Scots-English.

                        We aye hae a historie lesson at the skuil on Mondays.


    This is used:

(a)    Before some words where the indefinite article would be used in English:

It brocht the tear til hir ee.

(b)    Before some words where it would be left out in English:  the kirk, the tea, the  denner, the skuil.

                    We’r aw gaun til the kirk this mornin.

(c)  Before the names of diseases and ailments:  the cauld, the byle, the fever, the strunts.

She’s gey hard-up with the rheumatics..

   (d)   Before the names of days or seasons:  the Monday, the Spring, the Simmer, the Back End, the Wunter.

                        He’s cummin owre ti see us on the Setterday.

(e)     Before the names of occupations or fields of learning:  the jynerie, the readin, the soumin, the rinnin, the Laitin

(f)      Where a possessive adjective would be used in English:

Did the wyfe no tell ye ti keep the heid?

(g)     In a few adverbial combinations where it takes the place of English ‘to’:

       the-day, the-nicht, the morn’s mornin, the forenicht.

                    The meetin is in the Toun Haw the morn’s forenicht.

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