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Oh Scotland
By Dianne Elise

 Oh spirit of my ancestors, come to me at last.
Set your eyes upon mine; renew me to my past.

Come up from all your mighty tombs, set aside the earth.
Harken! I set forth this plea; celebrate my birth.

I was with you in those battles; I felt the breath your horses snort.
I plowed the fields ‘long side you; I built that mighty fort.

Your blood runs ‘long side mine, within my spidery veins.
Within my heart, within my soul, your victory still reigns.

For I have kept your strength of pride-my loyalty to your creed.
A soldier’s story, a warrior’s heart; From flaming arrows it doth bleed.

From my own babes I’ve sown your seed. Thus, always we’ll be more.
My thoughts do stir; my soul doth pray; Lo! I stand upon distant shore.

I walk upon your meadows, on your mountains I do stand; Your ocean spray anoints my face.
I feel your might, rest in your peace. My Lord, the majesty of this place!

Oh let me die in Scotland; bring me to my home.
Let me die in Scotland; Don’t let me die alone.

Diane Elise

Copyright info: My registration number isTXu-1-106-988, Dated: July 18, 2003

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