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Songs that no-one knew
Ian Roberts

Oh, how they played up to us,
all the heartstrings being pulled, yellow and red, purple and blue,
Our music and poetry, football and culture,
but songs that no-one knew.

Writers, inventors, what a great people we are,
except for when Scotland’s up for grabs, ha, ha, ha.

 When she sang Rabbie’s words and they all joined in
our hearts did too,
It was us, it was Scotland,
I was draped in a flag of St.Andrew’s blue.

We love a song, a singalong,
with comrades together, all equal and free,
We’re able to sing, and we hope to join in,
just to be a part of a new every…thing.

But did anyone catch what was really going on ?

Everyone there picked up a paper and looked at the words.
it made me spew, ‘cause they didn’t have a clue,
But they certainly all new, how to win us anew. 

It was planned…………It was planned,
“oh lets hold a hand”
“we’ll show our Scottishness as a merry old band”.

They played for us…….

Songs that no-one knew

These are the people who work for a foreign government
in our land,
Trying to tell me that having a Scottish parliament
is right and grand. 

Funny isn’t it, that when us Scots are screaming,
“for independence” we’ve been dreaming.
They throw us a teaser,
Oh, give me a breather.
Brought and delivered and after our votes,
that are signed and sealed with those dumb English notes.

Get rid of them.

This is not freedom for the Glen,
This is England keeping us quiet again. 

And again, and again, and again.

                                            Copyright:  Ian Roberts 2003

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