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Nessie the Great Big Monster
by Gordon Nicol

Once upon a time, long long ago
When Scotland was all covered with ice and snow.
There lived a big dinosaur way out in the sea.
And she came to be known...... as the monster Nessie.

Then somehow, she got trapped in the loch called Loch Ness
But, just how she got there, we can only guess.
The very first person to see her was back in 565AD,
Saint Columba wrote about seeing a serpent in his ancient diary.

He looked out into the loch one day and what do you think he did see?
A monster with humps rising up and down. Count them one, two three.

But she was very shy, so she mostly stayed beneath the lake
Only coming up every so often, when she needed to have a break.
And that's when the trouble started. People got very scared.
To see a monster rising from the loch, they just weren't prepared.

Wee Angus McDonald was out walking with his mum
On the shores of Loch Ness, and he was acting kind of glum.
He had been told of a monster and he wanted to see it,
But so far there, was nothing .......except seagulls going "Kee ye. Kee ye."

Just when he was about ready to quit and go home.
There was a big splash and a churning of water with foam.
Angus McDonald tugged at his mother's sleeve,
Beceause he could see something in the loch that he just didnae believe.

It was huge. It was ugly. It had a long bumpy tail.
My gosh, my goodness it was bigger than a whale.
Both mother and wee laddie, stood rooted to the spot.
They didn't dare to move an inch, in case Nessie would eat the lot.

Nessie's eyes looked and saw them. She knew they were afraid.
So she gave out a mighty roar and mither and son....... they prayed.
But then the great big monster had a great big change of heart.
She decided to leave them alone and with a friendly roar, she did depart.

She slipped below the surface and headed down deep below.
And when she might come up again nobody will know
So children if you're near Loch Ness, keep both of your eyes open wide
For, if your very patient, you might catch a glimpse of Nessie coming in on the tide.

Scotch Productions, Inc

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