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Poems of Ian Myres

I got in a communication from Ian...

Having just published two short (~100 page) books listed on Amazon Kindle Books, I seek advice on how best to have them listed on Both are written in Scottish dialect and intended to entertain Scots at home and abroad.

HAGGIS RULES! is a collection of original humorous poems saluting Robert Burns aficionados, yet occasionally teasing/satirising Burns Night windbags. Being a humorous collection of poems I wrote based on personal experiences and people-watching, in particular at Burns Night celebrations and other Scottish festivities. 

MACLEISH! is a macabre narrative poem set in early 18th century Scottish Highlands. Graphically describing the birth and childhood of an anti-Christ, this story is not for the squeamish.

Here are three poems from his book, Haggis Rules...

Guid Auld Days
My Reality
Ex-Pat Numpty!

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