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Poems of Raymond Lee Morehead Esq. FSA Scot.
A Worrier Poet

I Campaign for an Independent Scotland,
And Her Sovereign Right to be Free.

Most Americans think of freedom as their birthright,
Forgetting the many that fought and the many that paid the ultimate price,
In the bloody battles both near and far to make their Freedom a reality.

Forgotten too are the brave and hearty Scotsman of emigrant stock,
That aided in America’s own oppressed plight to independence,
And now won into an international light.

The time of musket, sword and Shield are past,
Gone too is the pike, spear and hammers mighty bloody blow.

Yet for many the fight for true liberty is but still a dream,
And their freedoms still yet to be redeemed.

Yet I see few Americans take up banners to join Scotland’s right,
For Scotland’s independence has yet to be won,
And stands still today… struggling…alone but as one.

Even today her virtues of freedom are still not all won,
The time of bloodied fields of the reckless and bold I pray are long gone.

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