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Poems of Raymond Lee Morehead Esq. FSA Scot.
All Enduring Hope

Hundreds of years has not killed the hope of the Scottish people, for so
long as there is but one who carries the torch of hope in his heart and is
willing to pass it on, hope does and will endure all.

"O. Wilding rose, whom fancy thus endears,
I bid your blossoms in my bonnet wave,
Emblem of hope and love through future years".
Prelude to Canto IV, Lady of the Lake, Sir Walter Scott

The wilding rose of which Scott spoke is the still the symbol of blossoming
hope and love of freedom yet to be won, if only the people would unite to
make it be a reality.

Wallace and Scotland bled for the hope of Scotland's freedom. Their hope did
not die it was but passed on to another and down through countless
generations, yet who is its guardian, standard bearer and voice today? Would
but one speak out and declare it to be.

Gaze in thine own heart first to see,
Tis' there, the flame of hope burning on eternally,

Hope lives on in each of us, we who would but care enough to speak out share
the dream, For where there is hope in the dream that endures it still lives.

Then, now, and always for all to once again see,
Hope endures in those who still seek to be free,
Only a United Scotland can make it become a reality.

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