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Mickey Moose
Ruairidh (9) and Celine (6)

My two children Ruairidh(9) and Celine (6) came home from school with this rhyme. It was a refreshing change for them to tell me as it is usually me telling them stories when I visit the school in my plaid and weapons and try to impart some on hands Scottish history.

There are hand movements so I will try and describe them.
All round the hoose lookin fur Mickey Moose
(Place your hand above your eyes as if loooking around)
If yi catch him by the tail hing him up oan a rusty nail
(Move your hand back and forward as if swinging a mouse by the tail)
Send fur the cook tae make a bowl o soup
(Cup your hands around your mouth as if shouting to someone)
Yir soups smelly
(Pinch your nostrils closed to shut out smell)
Yir eyes are skellie
(Make your eyes go crossed)
So yi can keep yir soup..soup..soup
So yi can keep yir soup.
( Move your hand as if pushing a bowl away from you).
I look forward to their next rendition could you mention them by name as they will be totally thrilled. They are bouncing around the livingroom as it is just sending this!

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