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The Melancholy Spy
by William Smith

I travel the world alone,
Admired, feared, and hated.
Unknown and lonely,
Working for Queen and country.

Only those who go to cinema
Are those who admire me.
Those who I meet fear
Or hate me.

I have no one to love me.
I gave up everything to spy.
I have killed to survive,
Or under orders from above.

Those who knew me
In days gone bye
Now shun or ignore me.
My pleas for forgiveness
Fall on deaf ears.

Those whom I have wronged
In the past still haunt my days
And my dreams at night.
Absolution eludes me.

How can I face those people
That I loved and still love
When they now ignore me,
And my call for help?

My life draws closer to the end,
And yet I find no release,
I live on, unhappy, continuing,
And alone. 

Bill's Book of poetry, THE MELANCHOLY SPY and other works, is now available from and at the publisher’s website book store at where it is a wee bit cheaper.

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