Lovely Rita
10 minute parking no return, we'll tow your car away,
Get in the line take your turn, you really have no say,
Parking spots for you to rent, we charge an arm and leg
When your money is all spent, it does no good to beg,
Round and round the ramp you go, up into the sky,
Checking spaces row by row, you need a car, but why?
Free parking, what a dream! There was in days of old,
Now the parking lot regime, my parking spot was sold.
I've tried public transit with all the working ants,
I feel that I'm a misfit, with those diseconomants
The cruel meter maid Gestapo, lurking near my car,
Fast draw ex officio, just you take a step too far.
I still remember to this day, that time I won the parking race,
I parked all day and didn't pay, in that perfect parking space.
I tried to put money in the meter, I couldn't believe my luck,
You can't fuck me Lovely Rita, when the meter's stuck. |