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Poems of Annie McLean
Frank's Grockles

 They're here, they're there;
Damned well everywhere!
In all sizes, in all shapes,
Mulling over the grapes.

They shuffle in aisles
Wobbling with piles,
Peering for bargains best
Putting us to the test.

They are easy to identify:
They shuffle and sigh,
Wear Dannimac anoraks in grey
Straw trilby's on a hot day

Or floral print full frocks
With tan coloured pop-socks
Or his and her matching cardi's
Deciding perennials or hardys

The female of the species
Buys spam for their pieces*
As he tots up the line#
He says "yes, have the wine"

High trolley now full
They look for a stool
Before going to pay
In the old cash way.

At the checkout it gets worse
Seeing the district nurse
Reminds them to say
"you're coming which day?"

By now Frank's frazzled
Thoroughly bambazzled!
The volume of grockles today
Is bad for Thursday!

Frank thinks they congregate
And that they collaborate
To make his trip extended.
Grockle shopping should be ended!

© Annie McLean 18.07.00

* Scottish dialect for sandwiches # Scottish dialect for a shopping list

© Annie McLean 21.08.00

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