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Poems and Stories of M. W. McDermott
Witches Hat a Druids Crown

Witches hat a Druids crown
In China, far away...
Our ancestors found.
Not lost nor forgotten,
The power of the Sun and Moon.
In knots and weaves our knowledge passed on.
Withstanding time and place.
Like Megaliths of  stone.
Witches hat a Druids crown
Our letters make words and sounds.
We pass on the sacred powers and skills,
One generation to the next.
A  meaning to life held in a circle...
The motions of sun moon and star.
In time the need to know...
25 trees will make a healthy forest
Witches hat a Druids Crown
In  Shapes and symbols,
Our knowledge is bound...
Down through the ages.
To make a healthy forest
One beast is key!
The tools to life are diversity.
Clean water, fresh air and ground.
There stands the the Aurochs
Our ancestors and warriors knew the beast well.
Witches hat a Druids crown
Our Shamen held the tools to control
and utilize the great beast.
Men rode them into battle,
And knew not of defeat.
In time they slept the great sleep...
And took refuge in the Highlands as Freemen.
Let  it ever be so...
Witches hat a Druids crown
In shapes and symbols our knowledge is found!

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