The Rains of Scotland
Where come the rains of Scotland,
They blow from foreign lands.
Bringing back with them waters, tears of foreign wars.
Where brave Scottish Lads sought honor.
Leaving homes alone they battled,
As the Devil tempts their deeds…
While they fought for rights and honor.
Royalty took all to them so dear,
The lands, the Lochs a bounty, taxes, never to be repaid.
Where come the reigns of Scotland?
Whose left then to defend?
Young children, old men and women,
There blood flows to the Seas
Where come the rains of Scotland?
Tears flow from surviving hearts.
Brave men return home to a land of slaughter, humans replaced with Sheep.
Where come the reigns of Scotland?
Men watch with disbelieving eyes…
As Chiefs and Kings betray them,
With heads placed high on wooden stakes.
Blood flows, Red to rivers, from hearts to men's souls.
The rains fall now in Scotland.
Least we all forget…warriors returned from war,
Knowing not of defeat.
To find their families and lands gone.
Memories turned to water or remains as cold as stones.
That is why it rains in Scotland.
Great tears from heavens flow.
And from these self same waters…
Great beauty from lands bounty grows. |