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Poems of M. W. McDermott

Eilean Donan, Reborn

A castle reborn
The world is but a stage and we are but actors in the events of our times.
Reality is but a dream state
Where by, dreams become as concrete,
One stone at a time.

Eilean Donan castle, rebuilt from rubble of the jacobite uprising.
From the Dream of John MacRae
To reality, stone by stone, a castle reborn!

Reality a drift in a sea of Time
A Dream awaiting fruition.
The stones stand strong !
The castle, true testament, to a People,
Their honour and perseverance as a race.

Now spread to the Seas of Time
Like seeds a drift, to be planted elsewhere
We are Highlanders of Clan Macrae!

Our children shall return one day
True testament to a reality.
Born of a dream.
To survive with honour upon the Highlands
Freemen, a People proud to be born Highlander.
Reality, one stone at a time 
Eilean Donan , a castle reborn!

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