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Hugh MacDiarmid
Christopher Murray Grieve

As most of his work is copyright I am a bit limited on what I can tell you about this important Scottish Poet but here is some information I have gleaned...

Hugh MacDIARMID (C.M. Grieve) was born in Langholm and after war service settled in Montrose as a journalist, with his Scottish Chapbook (1922-23) promoting the Scots language. Scotland’s most influential and controversial writer of the 20th century, he urged the regeneration of all aspects of Scottish literature and culture. A Drunk Man Looks at the Thistle (1926), with its synthesis of Braid or Lowland Scots and other sources, is generally cited as the masterwork of modem Scottish poetry. In 1928 he was a founding member of the National Party of Scotland. His Collected Poems and many volumes of prose have been published over the past decade. The Watergaw’, from Sangshaw (1925), uncannily links the rainbow to the expression on the face of a dying friend.

The Golden Treasury of Scottish Poetry
Selected and Edited by Hugh MacDiarmid (1941)

There is a Wiki Entry for him which says...

Christopher Murray Grieve, known by his pen name Hugh MacDiarmid (11 August 1892 – 9 September 1978), was a Scottish poet, journalist, essayist, and political figure.

He was instrumental in creating a Scottish version of modernism and was a leading light in the Scottish Renaissance of the 20th century. Unusually for a first generation modernist, he was a communist. Much of MacDiarmid's political life, however, was spent advancing the cause of Scottish nationalism. He wrote both in English and in what he referred to as "Synthetic Scots": a literary version of the Scots language that is sometimes referred to as Lallans.

More information is available at:

Scottish Eccentrics
By Hugh MacDiarmid (1936)

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