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A Legacy
by M W McDermott

It must be in the spirit for all true Scots,
to not complain when the going gets tough.
I too, remember my dear Grandpop,
Who never never would speak....
Of his years in Scotland,
Or why he left.

He never shared his journey
Across the ocean depths,
We find few traces of histories he left.

He came a shore past Lady Liberty,
Past New York to the Great Plains.
Then up to Canada to find a Scottish bride,
Once married and with Children by their sides,
They again journeyed State Side.

Alexander was a man of great pride.
He was a man who could stop
A child with a look of his eyes!
A gardener was he, we never knew hunger.
And Grandma would cook...
Her work was a wonder!

They have been gone now,
Many a year...
There's not a day I stop...
To think or ponder,
On the times that I spent,
Growing up by their side.
Good God, I hope, they look down with some pride?
At what they created and left behind.

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