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The Jolly Beggar

A beggar, a beggar come owre the lea,
He was askin for lodgins for charity,
He was askin for lodgins for charity,
'Wad ye loo a beggar-man?
Oh, lassies, wi ma tow row ray."

'A beggar, a beggar I'll never loo again;
I had ae dochter an Jeannie wes her name,
I had ae dochter and Jeannie wes her name,
She's run awa wi the beggar-man,
Oh, ladies, wi ma tow row ray.'

'I'll bend my back an I"ll bou my knee;
I'll pit a black patch owre my ee,
And a beggar, a beggar they'll take me to be,
And awa wi you I'll gang,
Oh, laddie, wi ma tow row ray.'

'Oh lassie, oh lassie, ye're far too young,
And ye hinnae got the cant o the beggin tongue,
Ye hinnae got the cant o the beggin tongue,
And wi me ye winnae gang,
Oh, lassie, wi ma tow row ray.'

She's bent her back and she boued her knee,
And she's put a black patch owre her ee,
And she's kilted her skirts up abuin her knee,
And awa wi him she's gaan,
Oh, laddie, wi ma tow row ray.

'Yer dochter Jean's comin owre the lea;
She's takin hame her bairnies three,
She has yin on her back, aye, anither on her knee
And the ither yin's toddlin hame,
Oh lassies, wi ma tow row ray.'

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