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Bonnie Wood of Craigie Lea


Thou bonnie wood of Craigie lea,
Thou bonnie wood of Craigie lea,
Near thee I pass'd life's early day
And won my Mary's heart in thee.

The broom, the brier, the birken bush,
Bloom bonnie o'er the flow'ry lea,
And a' the sweets that ane can wish
Frae nature's han' are strew'd on thee
Thou bonnie wood, etc.

Far ben thy dark green plantin's shade,
The cushat croodies am'rouslie;
The mavis down thy buchted glade,
Gars echo ring frae every tree.
Thou bonnie wood, etc.

Awa', ye thoughtless, murd'ring gang,
Wha tear the nestlings ere they flee!
They'll sing you yet a canty sang,
Then, O in pity let them be!
Thou bonnie wood, etc.

When winter blaws in sleety show'rs
Frae aff the Norlan' hills sae hie,
He lightly skiffs thy bonnie bow'rs,
As laith to harm a flow'r in thee.
Thou bonnie wood, etc.

Tho' fate should drag me south the line,
Or o'er the wide Atlantic sa,
The happy hours I'll ever mind,
That I in youth hae spent in thee.
Thou bonnie wood, etc.

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