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The Vale of Strathmore

[by James Ballantyne]

Dear land of my birth, far from thee I have been,
By streamlets so flow'ry, and valleys so green,
In vain seeking pleasure, for still, as of yore,
The home of my heart is the vale of Strathmore.
The home of my heart is the vale of Strathmore.

'Twas there, when in school days, my Mary and me
First plighted our troth on yon bonnie green lea;
And there our fond parents kind heav'n would implore,
To smile on our love in the vale of Strathmore.
To smile on our love in the vale of Strathmore.

No longer I'll wander, no farther I'll roam,
I'll brave every danger for thee my lov'd home;
When there, the poor rover will part never more
From Mary, from love, and the vale of Strathmore.
From Mary, from love, and the vale of Strathmore.

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