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John's Scottish Sing-Along
My Mother

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Lyrics composed by Stewart Ross in 1975
Sung by The Tartan Lads

Many years ago I left my home to seek my fame and fortune,
And I left my dear old mother in her home;
Now the years have rolled along and I am far across the ocean,
But the time has come for me to seek to go.

May the light of love shine out across the dark and stormy ocean;
May the bonds of friendship reach across the sea
To the cottage where that dear old lady sits and waits and wonders;
Yes my dear old mother's waiting there for me.

May the light of love shine out across the dark and stormy ocean;
May the bonds of friendship reach across the sea
To the cottage where that dear old lady sits and waits and wonders;
Yes my dear old mother's waiting there for me.

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