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John's Scottish Sing-Along
The Song Of Inverness

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Sung by Andy Stewart

Come join and sing and celebrate with joy and happiness;
We'll raise a glass and drink a toast to dear old Inverness;
Oh how I love my highland town, the one I love the best;
I've been away, so long away, from home in Inverness.

All through my world when once again I saw the hills and sea
Surrounding my dear Castle Hill whose landmarks yet I see ....
There's Raigmore Wid, the Auld Mill Burn, the Barracks on the hill;
Each one appears to welcome me on en'tring by Cantrill.

I'll climb my son a hoary hop and wander by the brae,
And step me down with memories of happy bygone day;
And once again I'll walk the way that leads to Castle Hill
Where Flora searches for her Prince and keeps her vigil still.

Come let us join and celebrate with joy and happiness;
We'll raise a glass and drink a toast to dear old Inverness;
Oh how I miss my highland town, the one I love the best;
For I've been away, too long away, from home in Inverness.

My home in Inverness !

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